winnow = toml_edit + combine + nom

 1 year ago
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winnow = toml_edit + combine + nom

  • winnow = toml_edit + combine + nom

It is finally time to take the wraps off where I disappeared to over the last 6 months. Besides the family leave, I've mostly been chalking this up to working on toml_edit but one particular building block took up most of that time.

I would like to introduce you to winnow, a fork of the venerable nom parser combinator library. For those that want to skip all the details, you can checkout the documentation and the migration guide and changelog.

I would link to the docs but docs.rs seems to be backed up this morning.

Probably the two most likely questions are:

  • Why was this needed?
  • Why not <insert parsing approach here>?

I think answering these is best done by covering the journey to winnow.


1. toml_edit and combine

When I got involved with toml_edit, it had been using combine for its parser combinator library. While I was more familiar with nom, having used it in my own projects, I adapted.

While working on getting toml_edit into cargo, the biggest problems I had were:

  • Unlike nom, combine commits to a parse result by default and you have to opt-in to backtracking, making it harder to get the logic "just right"
  • Performance and quality of error messages
  • Difficulty to understand and debug what was going on due to the abstract nature of parsers describing how to parse, rather than directly parsing.

Thankfully Marwes was responsive and helped me through these challenges! I was able to improve toml_edit so it could be merged into cargo, unblocking cargo add from being merged into cargo.

I thought things were fine and had moved on until I got a ping from nnethercote:

nnethercote: Looking at https://blog.rust-lang.org/images/2022-04-07-timing.html, toml_edit is a monster

nnethercote: Is it especially large, or use macros to generate a lot of code?

Rust 1.60 was released with a new cargo feature to draw graphs of how long each crate took to compile and toml_edit was front and center in the 1.60 announcement for being cargo's slowest dependency! And I had nnethercote knocking at my door about it! I needed to do something about this, but what?

I started with nnethercote's question: macros. The reason macros came up was he was in the middle of investigating slow compiles due to macros due to a technique called tt-muncher which is quadratic relative to the lengnth of the input. Every single parse function in toml_edit (with some quite large) was wrapped in a toml_edit-specific macro that wrapped a tt-muncher from combine.

I first set out to test my theory that macros were the root cause by throwing together parse-rosetta-rs. This added more evidence to the theory that it was the macros as the combines entry in the shootout didn't use them and compiled in reasonable times. However, it wasn't completely conclusive because (1) something else could be going on in either parse-rosetta-rs or toml_edit and (2) parse-rosetta-rs was using an old version of combine as that was the only json parser I found and I didn't want to update it to the latest version.

2. toml_edit and Hand-written Parsers

In theory, combine parsers can be written without these macros but it looked to be an unwieldy undertaking on the level of switching to a different parser. I have gotten opposing feedback that toml_edit should both use a hand-written parser and it was a positive sign to be using a parsing library.

For myself, I felt hand-written parsers were harder to keep readable, maintainable, and adaptable for bug fixes and new features. If this was a project with a larger contributor base with people specializing on just parsing, I could see this making sense. With this just being 1-2 people occasionally dabbling with edits, this is less tenable.

In the end, if I did something hand-written, it would end up looking much like a parser library. Whether to go this route then gets into the "Build vs Buy" debate. Relying on an existing library is convenient as it distributes the maintenance load, testing, bug finding, and fixing. However, parsing is fundamental to toml_edit and depending on a parsing library ties my project to theirs. For example, if we need an improvement or bug fix, we are beholden to the maintainer of the parsing library for if/when the fix gets merged and released. If we were talking about ancillary functionality, becoming dependent on another project isn't too big of an issue as we can more easily live without improvements or change the dependency if needed. Thankfully, Marwes was great to work with on combine though it was time to move on.

Or in other words, we do not want:

XKCD: Dependency

3. toml_edit and nom

nom is a parsing library that I'm both familiar with and is highly respected, making it feel like a safe choice for replacing combine and its macros. This is ironic because toml_edit originally switched to combine to get rid of nom's former macros.

I didn't get too far into the port before putting it on pause however, not from the amount of work, but because the nom code was harder to read to my eyes which are not inducted into the Lisp cult of parentheses.

XKCD: Lisp

In working on a large, readable parser, I felt switching to nom would be too large of a regression. While I had been happy with nom before, my experience was limited. My parsers had been small and I didn't have the point of comparison of working with combine. combine focused more on trait functions (compare a standalone map vs Iterator::map) and had niceties like implementing the Parser trait for tuples to sequence parsers. I also assumed my difficulties were with my lack of experience writing parsers and not with nom.

I decided to help improve nom as my route to unblock my work. I started with issues and minor contributions to feel out the process and priorities for nom with ideas like:

An astute reader might notice that these predate nnethercote's message. I actually started on the port previously out of idle curiosity.

Responsiveness and Communication

My attempt to contribute to nom spanned over a year:

  • September 2021: I attempted my port to nom out of idle curiosity. I opened issues, got a generally positive reception, and moved forward slowly, with a simple prepartory refactor PR. After a couple of weeks, I got push back and then never heard back again when I asked a clarifying question. As this wasn't a priority, I moved on.
  • April 2022: Rust 1.60 is released and nnethercote reached out to me. As this felt important to resolve and my previous approach floundered, I reached out directly to try to come to an understanding to allow my work on nom to progress. I was told this would align with nom v8 (despite few of my changes needing a breaking release) but that v8 was planned for May 2022 and should take about a week to do the release. May came and went.
  • July 2022: I followed up on v8 which had been planned for May and am told that we can sync up in August 2022, after vacation is over. This never happened.
  • September 2022: My priority for toml_edit's build performance went up as I became the maintainer of toml with the plan to rewrite it in terms of toml_edit and didn't want to negatively impact the ecosystem with the build times. I reached out again and we finally synced up. Then nothing, again.
  • October 2022: As users opened Issues and PRs for toml, I felt the pressure build as I didn't want to touch the existing code because of (1) all of this was throw-away work and would have to be re-implemented once toml used toml_edit and (2) the ramp up time on toml's hand-written parser would take me away from improving things. More desperate, I created nom8, a short-lived fork to experiment with my proposals for nom v8 and to use them immediately, without being blocked on nom.
  • December 2022: After some delay due to family leave, nom8 is finally ready. I received positive reception with the results! This is also the first time there was positive momentum on the nom repo; we were working to merge my PRs.

Regardless of how the merging goes (see below), nom was not living up to the expectations for being a critical dependency. I have had reassurances that this was a fluke and the maintainer will be more responsive going forward but the inherent trust from nom's status has been lost and it is too late to take the time to rebuild that trust; I need to move on. It was too late a while ago but I let myself be strung along with the promises that things would progress "soon".

Ship of Theseus

While planning the merging of my work, things broke down. In large part this was due to different priorities.

The first of these is that merging contributions is considered a low priority for the project. An unspoken (as far as I can find) assumption in nom is that it provides a "core" and people are to build or replace what they need on top, like nom_locate.

This helps explain some of the delay above but is its own problem: how many dependencies do I need to pull in and how much do I need to directly replace to make nom functional? At what point am I still really using nom vs maintaining my own library with hints of nom? At what point is using nom no longer pulling its weight and instead the dependencies and re-implementations become a liability?

Each dependency I pull in needs a strong justification to keep the impact on my users small and to avoid rust users picking apart my dependencies.

Taking this to an extreme, to meet my parsing library ergonomic goals, I would basically be replacing the top layer of nom, only being able to reuse the core types.

Except even the core types might not be enough. When adding span support to toml_edit, I found just increasing the size of my input-type made parsing take 30% longer. For toml_edits use in cargo, these numbers take a barely-acceptably-slow TOML parser over the edge to being too slow (which was mitigated for now due to performance gains from a massive rework of the parser).

When I brought these numbers to nom's maintainer, they were brushed off because they had a bad prior experience with the redesign work needed to fix this (despite it working for combine and other parser library). Without the maintainer onboard, this requires me to throw out the core of nom and now I'm left without anything to reuse.

Now, before it would have come to this, I'm more likely to just move to a different parser or hand write my parser but this illustrates the weakness of foisting responsibilities onto users.

Existing Users vs Future Users

Another priority we conflicted on was which users to prioritze for:

  • Existing parsers that have to be upgraded across breaking changes
  • The parsers yet written

For me, the focus is on new users and the applications not-yet-written as I feel the Rust community is at an inflection point (which matklad also spoke about).

This doesn't mean there is nothing we can do for existing users. While things haven't always gone smoothly on first release, I feel like with clap, we've learned a lot about how to help people through a changing API.

4. A glance at chumsky

During this process, chumksy has matured some and I felt obligated to take a look. The two red flags for me were:

  • They only compare performance with pom and not nom and toml_edit can't take any more performance regressions (they are improving this).
  • They actively advertise the framework mindset that caused me problems with combine

I decided that it was not worth further investigation at this time.

5. toml_edit and winnow

Being unsatisfied with the options, it looks like I'm needing to go the "Build" route. As I said, this doesn't mean I write something bespoke. Overall, I find the approach nom takes to work well for me for writing parsers, so I decided to take my nom8 fork and make that the base for my new parser, winnow.

For those unfamiliar, winnowing is the process for separating chaff from grain by throwing them in the air and letting the breeze blow the chaff away, leaving the grain to fall and be collected. Thanks to compenguy for the name!

My aim is for winnow to be your "do everything" parser, much like people treat regular expressions. To this end, the project's priorities are:

  1. Support writing parser declaratively while not getting in the way of imperative-style parsing when needed, working as an open-ended toolbox rather than a close-ended framework.
  2. Flexible enough to be used for any application, including parsing binary data, strings, or separate lexing and parsing phases
  3. Zero-cost abstractions, making it easy to write high performance parsers
  4. Easy to use, making it trivial for one-off cases

While I dislike going dark for development, I wanted to get winnow far enough along to clarify what my intention is with this project and my commitment. Its easy to have a big idea; its much better to show results.

So what does winnow bring to the table?

See also the migration guide and changelog.

Clearer Usage

nom's documentation is scattered across various loose markdown files and docs.rs, making it hard to find pertintent information. When exploring documentation options in clap, we found:

  • A lot of users want one place to go
  • Github is a poor place to store documentation because people naturally look at main and not the version pertinent to them

Like with clap, I've moved all the documentation to docs.rs and organized it along the four types of documentation. I then integrated nominomicon as the tutorial.

Narrowing in on the documentation, a basic question is buried: how do I integrate this into my application. To answer this, I switched the introductory example from calling the example parser as a building block to integrating it into FromStr:


fn main() {
  assert_eq!(hex_color("#2F14DF"), Ok(("", Color {
    red: 47,
    green: 20,
    blue: 223,


impl std::str::FromStr for Color {
    // The error must be owned
    type Err = winnow::error::Error<String>;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {

While improving documentation is good, we need to head off problems before people look to the documentation (if that even happens).

When dealing with custom error handling and application integration, users had to deal with nom::Err with its Error and Fatal variants. Why this exists and how it works isn't too clear from the names and you have to read and grok the documentation. We've renamed Err to ErrMode with its Backtrack and Cut variants, making it clear that this is adding parser modality information to your error, with one variant used for trying alternative parsers and the other for short-circuiting to the caller.

Looking back at that FromStr example above, can a reviewer tell whether it is safe to discard the remainder ("") from hex_color? I feel like its just as bad if we use the trait method:

fn main() {
  assert_eq!(hex_color.parse("#2F14DF"), Ok(("", Color {
    red: 47,
    green: 20,
    blue: 223,

To draw attention to this, I've renamed Parser::parse to Parser::parse_next, adding nuance to "this parsed" by conveying "this parsed a portion".

fn main() {
  assert_eq!(hex_color.parse_next("#2F14DF"), Ok(("", Color {
    red: 47,
    green: 20,
    blue: 223,

Parser::parse_next will also be more visible as I've shifted some combinators to be directly on the Parser trait and I am considering switching built-in parsers to return impl Parser instead of impl FnMut, each forcing the use of Parser::parse_next over direct function calls.

Consistent language can also prevent incorrect behavior. Consider coming across take_while_m_n (consume m..=n tokens) as a reviewer:

    match input.position(|c| !cond(c)) {
      Some(idx) => {
        if idx >= m {
          if idx <= n {
            let res: IResult<_, _, Error> = if let Ok(index) = input.slice_index(idx) {

And compare it to:

  match input.offset_for(|c| !list.contains_token(c)) {
    Some(offset) => {
      if offset >= m {
        if offset <= n {
          let res: IResult<_, _, Error> = if let Ok(offset) = input.offset_at(offset) {

Without any other context, input.offset_at(offset) is likely to stand out. This would lead a reviewer to double check assumptions, the pertinent one being that byte offsets are not the same as token counts for &str (offset_at converts a token count to a byte offset). Knowing this, another bug stands out: we are comparing byte offsets with token counts in offset >= m and offset <= n. This isn't hypothetical but represents a current bug in nom.

Simpler, Easier API

Looking back over my parsers, I see I'm using a fraction of what nom offered me because

  • Available built-in parsers were lost in the noise
  • Composing the pieces was not obvious

This matches my experience in using and now maintaining clap: the larger an API is, the less people are likely to discover what is available, lowering the value of each part of the API with each new API addition.

The first area I focused on was trying to remove the distinction between "complete" and "streaming" parsers. nom has a lot of parsers behave somewhat differently when the input isn't completely in-memory but is streaming in from a source. Currently, that is handled by having parsers duplicated, like with nom::bytes::complete::take_while vs nom::bytes::streaming::take_while.

The problems I ran into with this were:

  • It is easy to unintentionally choose the wrong kind or mix them together, getting incorrect behavior that only shows with certain inputs
  • The extra nesting makes it harder to browse the API and discover functionality

After some experimentation, I found that we could tag the input type as being Partial and all of the parsers could switch their behavior. The complete case (default) sees no overhead from this switching. A user can implement a Partial tag that shows no overhead but I decided to make the built-in Partial support being able to switch to complete-parsing at runtime (e.g. the Reader reported the true end-of-input). The overhead looks to mostly be from the larger input type which should be reduced with Issue #72: Improving performance for Located.

Inspired by combine, I next looked to using Rust-native types for parsers, like:

  • Tuples for sequencing parsers
  • &str and char literals to act as tags

For example, before:

delimited(char('('), number, char(')'))


delimited('(', number, ')')

We can also extend this to defining character classes with one_of:

  • &str, &[], and ranges (0..=9) as sets of characters
  • Closures as predicates
  • Tuples to compose these together

For example, before:

fn hexdigit(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {


fn hexdigit(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {
    one_of(('0'..='9', 'a'..='f', 'A'..='F'))

This let us consolidate variations of one_of, like satisfy. This also applies to take_while0 and related parsers, simplifying what we offer there as well.

Easier Debugging

I felt the nom-tracable crate was a great idea but never used it myself as I didn't want to pull in a dependency just for debugging and instead made one-off tracing combinators. What if it was built-in and all of the built-in parsers supported it?

This led to the trace combinator which does nothing in normal builds but will dump the parse state when your parser is built with --features winnow/debug.

Debug traces from a string parser

(benchmarks confirm this has no impact on performance when disabled)

The trace can be severely hampered by the debug output of your input when parsing bytes (&[u8] printing a list of numbers isn't too helpful) so I created winnow::Bytes and winnow::BStr newtypes with debug output tailored to different parsing applications.

Located and Stateful

toml required toml_edit to track input spans of the TOML AST. In nom, this is generally done with nom_locate which never sat right with me due to:

On a reddit thread, I came across pori which improves on this:

  • Separate Stateful and Located wrapper types
  • Located only tracks the span, not lines or "columns"

In working with this, I realized that there was still some unnecesaarry overhead from tracking the span as you parse. If you just add Located without capturing any spans, your parser slows down from the bookkeeping to track where the parser was currently at. I was able to rework this so there is no active bookkeeping, making the overhead negligible compared to a Stateful<I, usize>.

For my experimentation with different location tracking styles,

The Future

That said, the work isn't over yet.

I've started laying out short term and long term plans and am particularly excited for:

Some of the work is a bit more nebulous and I would love your input on it!

I also expect people to bring a lot of other ideas to the table and look forward to learning with you in how to further improve winnow.

Discuss on reddit, discourse, mastadon

Thanks to Muscraft for the proof-reading

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