Set up Outline client on Android TV.md

 1 year ago
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Set up Outline client on Android TV.md · GitHub

There's a workaround that might be useful for some people - use the Shadowsocks app for Android TV. Because that app only accepts a JSON configuration file, you need to convert the Outline key to JSON.

  1. Take the following JSON file template:
        "remarks": "Outline Server"
  2. From the Outline key (ss://...), take the server name/IP and port and put them in place of YOUR-SERVER and 12345 (respectively).
  3. Take the base64 part of the Outline key (everything after ss:// and before @) and decode it using a base64 decoder.
  4. The resulting string is the method and password, separated by a colon (e.g. chacha20-ietf-poly1305:56gsef6zr5). Take the password and put it in place of YOUR-PASSWORD in the JSON file. If the method isn't chacha20-ietf-poly1305, update it in the JSON "method" field.
  5. Install the Shadowsocks app for Android TV on your Android TV / Google TV device.
  6. Copy the JSON file to your device. If you don't have a way to do that, there are many file managers available for Android TV. If you already have Kodi installed, it has a built-in file manager in Settings, that can be used to copy from network shares as well.
  7. Open the Shadowsocks app on your device and select "Replace from file".
    • If you get a "No application can handle this action" error, you also need to install a file manager that can handle selecting a file from the file system. Not all file managers can do this. On Chromecast with Google TV, I found that it works after installing this app.
  8. You should now be able to connect to your Outline server from the app.

References: Outline Linux docs, Shadowsocks configuration format.

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