Dime 2.0

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/dime-2-0
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Modern, intuitive expense tracking and budgeting

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Hey Product Hunt!

I am Rafael, solo-developer of Dime. Back in September 2022, I launched Dime 1.0 as a project to kickstart my programming journey, and was taken aback by the response. I am immensely grateful for all the comments, reviews, and feedback I have gotten ever since.

5 months on, I have built on many of the suggestions and feature requests and I'm proud to present to y'all Dime 2.0.

💥 What's New in V2.0!

- The MOST requested feature thus far - income tracking, which involved a complete overhaul and migration of the existing data models - Redesigned input interface that minimises excessive swiping if you have many categories - Redesigned category list with category suggestions and the ability to reorder categories - Rebuilt the Insights page to minimise lag and crashes - Lock screen widgets for iOS 16 - Overall category-less budgets! - Added interactive line graph to the Home page (turned off by default, can be accessed via Feature Lab in Settings) - Insight filtering configuration now persists between sessions i.e. if you configure your Insights page to show monthly statistics, it will stay that way from then on (and not revert to the default, which is weekly insights) - Added triangular indicators to the budget bar graphs which show the optimal spending percentage - Option to have a more compact Budgets page by swapping the grid for rows - Custom time frames (e.g. 3 days, 5 weeks, 7 months) for recurring transactions - Swipe to delete transactions

🥰 Why You’ll Love Dime

- 100% free forever, with no paywall or ads. - Beautifully iOS-centric design, with simplicity at its core. - Insightful expenditure breakdowns over various time periods. - Create budgets based on expense categories and stick to them. - Create recurring expenses with custom time frames. - Sync your expenses, categories and budgets with other devices via iCloud. - Custom reminders to input your expenses. - Biometric authentication to protect your data. - Home screen quick actions make capturing new expenses a breeze. - A gorgeous night theme for dark mode fanatics. - Informative home and lock screen widgets keep you updated at a glance.

Dime was built by a solo student developer, a valiant attempt at escaping the insidious "tutorial cycle" and putting my recently picked-up SwiftUI knowledge into practice. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, so feel free to get in touch via the comments section or through Twitter @rarfell.

Start monitoring your expenditure and take ownership of your finances with Dime.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK