Becoming A Changemaker - Alex Budak | Nextbigwhat

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/ideas/becoming-a-changemaker-alex-budak/
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Becoming a Changemaker is a book written by Alex Budak, a UC Berkeley faculty member, speaker, and changemaker educator. The book provides an in-depth look at how to become an effective changemaker and covers topics such as understanding the power of storytelling and leadership, developing a network of support, and creating a vision and plan of action. The book also provides practical advice on how to develop a mindset of resilience and courage and how to communicate effectively with stakeholders. 

Throughout the book, Alex draws on his own experiences as a changemaker and provides inspiring stories of how others have gone about creating change. Ultimately, Becoming a Changemaker is a practical and inspiring guide to creating meaningful and lasting change in the world.

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