My review of the C standard library in practice

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My review of the C standard library in practice

February 11, 2023

This article was discussed on Hacker News.

In general, when working in C I avoid the standard library, libc, as much as possible. If possible I won’t even link it. For people not used to working and thinking this way, the typical response is confusion. Isn’t that like re-inventing the wheel? For me, libc is a wheel barely worth using — too many deficiencies in both interface and implementation. Fortunately, it’s easy to build a better, simpler wheel when you know the terrain ahead of time. In this article I’ll review the functions and function-like macros of the C standard library and discuss practical issues I’ve faced with them.

Fortunately the flexibility of C-in-practice makes up for the standard library. I already have all the tools at hand to do what I need — not beholden to any runtime.

How does one write portable software while relying little on libc? Implement the bulk of the program as platform-agnostic, libc-free code then write platform-specific code per target — a platform layer — each in its own source file. The platform code is small in comparison: mostly unportable code, perhaps raw system calls, graphics functions, or even assembly. It’s where you get access to all the coolest toys. On some platforms it will still link libc anyway because it’s got useful platform-specific features, or because it’s mandatory.

The discussion below is specifically about standard C. Some platforms provide special workarounds for their standard function shortcomings, but that’s irrelevant. If I need to use a non-standard function then I’m already writing platform-specific code and I might as well take full advantage of that fact, bypassing the original issue entirely by calling directly into the platform.

The rest of this article is goes through the standard library listing in the C18 draft mostly in order.

assert and abort

I wrote about the assert macro last year. While C assertions are better than the same in any other language I know — a trap without first unwinding the stack — the typical implementation doesn’t have the courtesy to trap in the macro itself, creating friction. Or worse, it doesn’t trap at at all and instead exits the process normally with a non-zero status. It’s not optimized for debuggers.

My non-trivial programs quickly pick up this definition instead, adjusted later as needed:

#define ASSERT(c) if (!(c)) __builtin_trap()

There’s no diagnostic, but I usually don’t want that anyway. The vast majority of the time these are caught in a debugger, and I don’t need or want a diagnostic.

I have no objections to static_assert, but it’s also not part of the runtime.

Math functions

By this I mean all the stuff in math.h, complex.h, etc. It’s good that these are, in practice, pseudo-intrinsics. They’re also one of the more challenging parts of libc to replace. It prioritizes precision more than I usually need, but that’s a reasonable default.

Character classification and mapping

Includes isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit, tolower, and toupper. The interface is misleading, almost maliciously so, and these functions are misused in every case I’ve seen in the wild. If you see #include <ctype.h> in a source file then it’s probably defective. I’ve been guilty of it myself. When it’s up to me, these functions are banned without exception.

Their prototypes are all shaped like so:

int isXXXXX(int);

However, the domain of the input is unsigned char plus EOF. Negative arguments, aside from EOF, are undefined behavior, despite the obvious use case being strings. So this is incorrect:

char *s = ...;
if (isdigit(s[0])) {   // WRONG!

If char is signed, as it is on x86, then it’s undefined for arbitrary strings, s. Some implementations even crash on such inputs.

If the argument was unsigned char, then it would at least truncate into range, usually leading to the desired result. (Though not so if passing Unicode code points, which is an odd mistake to make.) Except that it has to accommodate EOF. Why that? These functions are defined for use with fgetc, not strings!

You could patch over it with truncation by masking:

if (isdigit(s[0] & 255)) {

However, you’re still left with locales. This is a bit of global state that changes how a number of libc functions behave, including character classification. While locales have some niche uses, most of the time the behavior is surprising and undesirable. It’s also bad for performance. I’ve developed a habit of using LC_ALL=C before some GNU programs so that they behave themselves. If you’re parsing a fixed format that doesn’t adapt to locale — virtually everything — you definitely do not want locale-based character classification of input.

Since the interface and behavior both unsuited for most uses, you’re better off making your own range checks or lookup tables for your use case. When you name it, probably avoid starting the function with is since it’s reserved.

_Bool xisdigit(char c)
    return c>='0' && c<='9';

I used char, but this still works fine for naive UTF-8 parsing.


Without libc you don’t have to use this global, hopefully thread-local, pseudo-variable. Good riddance. Return your errors, and use a struct if necessary.


As discussed, locales have some niche uses — formatting dates comes to mind — but what little use they have is trapped behind global state set by setlocale, making it sometimes impossible to use correctly.

On Windows I’ve instead used GetLocaleInfoW to get information like, “What is the local name of the current month?”

setjmp and longjmp

Sometimes tricky to use correctly, particularly with regard to qualifying local variables as volatile. It can compose with region-based allocation to automatically and instantly free all objects created between set and jump. These macros are fine, but don’t overdo it.

variable arguments

Variadic functions are occasionally useful, and the va_start/va_end macros make them possible. These are, unfortunately, notoriously complex because calling conventions do not go out of their way to make them any simpler. They require compiler assistance, and in practice they’re implemented as part of the compiler rather than libc. They’re okay, but I can live without it.


While important on unix-like systems, signals as defined in the C standard library are essentially useless. If you’re dealing with signals, or even something like signals, it will be in platform-specific code that goes beyond the C standard library.


I’ve used the _Atomic qualifier in examples since it helps with conciseness, but I hardly use it in practice. In part because it has the inconvenient effect of bleeding into APIs and ABIs. As with volatile, C is using the type system to indirectly achieve a goal. Types are not atomic, loads and stores are atomic. Predating standardization, C implementations have been expressing these loads and stores using intrinsics, functions, or macros rather than through types.

However, I don’t think the atomic functions require _Atomic-qualified arguments (right?), so it would seem to let me have my cake and eat it, too. Except one major implementation (MSVC) still doesn’t support them. Anywhere I care about using C atomics, I can already use the richer set of GCC built-ins, which Clang also supports. If I’m writing code intended for Windows, I’ll use the interlocked macros, which work across all the compilers for that platform.


Standard input and output, stdio, is perhaps the primary driving factor for my own routing around libc. Nearly every program does some kind of input or output, but going through stdio makes things harder.

To read or write a file, one must first open it, e.g. fopen. However, all the implementations for one platform in particular does not allow fopen to access most of the file system, so using libc immediately limits the program’s capabilities on that platform.

The standard library distinguishes between “text” and “binary” streams. It makes no difference on unix-like platforms, but it does on others, where input and output are translated. Besides destroying your data, text streams have terrible performance. Opening everything in binary mode is a simple enough work around, but standard input, output, and error are opened as text streams, and there is no standard function for changing them to binary streams.

When using fread, some implementations use the entire buffer as a temporary work space, even if the returns a length less than the entire buffer. So the following won’t work reliably:

char buf[N] = {0};
fread(buf, N-1, 1, f);

It may print junk after the expected output because fread overwrote the zeroes beyond it.

Streams are buffered, and there’s no reliable access to unbuffered input and output, such as when an application is already buffering, perhaps as a natural consequence of how it works. There’s setvbuf and _IONBF (“unbuffered”), but in at least one case this really just means “one byte at a time.” It’s common for my libc-using programs to end up with double buffering since I can’t reliably turn off stdio buffering.

Typical implementations assume streams will be used by multiple threads, and so every access goes through a mutex. This causes terrible performance for small reads and writes — exactly the case buffering is supposed to most help. Not only is this unusual, such programs are probably broken anyway — oblivious to the still-present race conditions — and so stdio is optimized for the unusual, broken case at the cost of the most needed typical case.

There is no reliable way to interactively input and display Unicode text. The C standard makes vague concessions for dealing with “wide characters” but it’s useless in practice. I’ve tried! The most common need for me is printing a path to standard error such that it displays properly to the user.

Seek offsets are limited to long. Some real implementations can’t even open files large than 2GiB.

Rather than deal with all this, I add a couple of unbuffered I/O functions to the platform layer, then put a small buffered stream implementation in the application which flushes to the platform layer. UTF-8 for text input and output, and if the platform layer detects it’s connected to a terminal or console, it does the appropriate translation. It doesn’t take much to get something more reliable than stdio. The details are probably the topic for a future article, especially since you might be wondering about formatted output.

As for formatted input, don’t ever bother with scanf.

Numeric conversion

Float conversion is generally a difficult problem, especially if you care about round trips. It’s one of the better and most useful parts of libc. Though even with libc it’s still difficult to get the simplest or shortest round-trip representation. Also, this is an area where changing locales can be disastrous!

The question is then: How much does this matter in your application’s context? There’s a good chance you only need to display a rounded, low-precision representation of a float to users — perhaps displaying a player’s position in a debug window, etc. Or you only need to parse medium-precision non-integral inputs following a relatively simple format. These are not so difficult.

The parsing functions (atoi, strtol, strtod, etc.) require null-terminated strings, which is generally inconvenient. These integers likely came from something not null-terminated like a file, and so I need to first append a null terminator. I can’t just feed it a token from a memory-mapped file. Even when using libc, I often write my own integer parser anyway since the libc parsers lack an appropriate interface.

Formatting integers is easy. Parsing integers within in narrow range (e.g. up to a million) is easy. Parsing integers to the very limits of the numeric type is tricky because every operation must guard against overflow regardless of signed or unsigned. Fortunately the first two are common and the last is rarely necessary!

Random numbers

We have rand, srand, and RAND_MAX. As a PRNG enthusiast, I could never recommend using this under any circumstances. It’s a PRNG with mediocre output, poor performance, and global state. RAND_MAX being unknown ahead of time makes it even more difficult to make effective use of rand. You can do better on all dimensions with just a few lines of code.

To make matters worse, typical implementations expect it to be accessed concurrently from multiple threads, so they wrap it in a mutex. Again, it optimizes for the unusual, broken case — threads fighting each other over non-deterministic racy results from a deterministic PRNG — at the cost of the typical, sensible case. Programs relying on that mutex are already broken.

Memory allocation

Includes malloc, calloc, realloc, free, etc. Okay, but in practice used too granularly and too much such that many C programs are tangles of lifetimes. Sometimes I wish there was a standard region allocator so that independently-written libraries could speak a common, sensible, caller-controlled allocation interface.

A major standardization failure here has been not moving size computations into the allocators themselves. calloc is a start: You say how big and how many, and it works out the total allocation, checking for overflow. There should be more of this, even if just to discourage individual allocations and encourage group allocations.

There are some edge cases around zero sizes, like malloc(0), and the standard leaves the behavior a bit too open ended. However, if your program is so poorly structured such that it may possibly pass zero to malloc then you have bigger problems anyway.

Communication with the environment

getenv is straightforward, though I’d prefer to just access the environment block directly, a la the non-standard third argument to main.

exit is fine, but atexit is jank.

system is essentially useless in practice.

Sorting and searching

qsort is fine, though quality varies. Not difficult to implement from scratch if necessary. I rarely need to sort.

Similar story for bsearch. Though if I need a binary search over an array, bsearch probably isn’t sufficient because I usually want to find lower and upper bounds of a range.

Multi-byte encodings and wide characters

mblen, mbtowc, mbtowc, wctomb, mbstowcs, and wcstombs are connected to the locale system and don’t necessarily operate on any particular encodings like UTF-8, which makes them unreliable. This is the case for all the other wide character functionality, which is quite a few functions. Fortunately I only ever need wide characters on one platform in particular, not in portable code.

More recently are mbrtoc16, c16rtomb, mbrtoc32, and c32rtomb where the “wide” side is specified (UTF-16, UTF-32) but not the multi-byte side. Limited support in implementations and not particularly useful.


Like ctype.h, string.h is another case where everything is terrible, and some functions are virtually always misused.

memcpy, memmove, memset, and memcmp are fine except for one issue: it is undefined behavior to pass a null pointer to these functions, even with a zero size. That’s ridiculous. A null pointer legitimately and usefully points to a zero-sized object. As mentioned, even malloc(0) is permitted to behave this way. These functions would be fine if not for this one defect.

strcpy, strncpy, strcat, and strncat have no legitimate uses and their use indicates confusion. As such, any code calling them is suspect and should receive extra scrutiny. In fact, I have yet to see a single correct use of strncpy in a real program. (Usage hint: the length argument should refer to the destination, not the source.) When it’s up to me, these functions are banned without exception. This applies equally to non-standard versions of these functions like strlcpy.

strlen has legitimate uses, but is used too often. It should only appear at system boundaries when receiving strings of unknown size (e.g. argv, getenv), and should never be applied to a static string. (Hint: you can use sizeof on those.)

When I see strchr, strcmp or strncmp I wonder why you don’t know the lengths of your strings. On the other hand, strcspn, strpbrk, strrchr, strspn, and strstr do not have mem equivalents, though the null termination requirement hurts their usefulness.

strcoll and strxfrm depend on locale and so are at best niche. Otherwise unpredictable. Avoid.

memchr is fine except for the aforementioned null pointer restriction, though it comes up less often here.

strtok has hidden global state. Besides that, how long is the returned token? It knew the length before it returned. You mean I have to call strlen to find out? Banned.

strerror has an obvious, simple, robust solution: return a pointer to a static string in a lookup table corresponding to the error number. No global state, thread-safe, re-entrant, and the returned string is good until the program exits. Some implementations do this, but unfortunately it’s not true for at least one real world implementation, which instead writes to a shared, global buffer. Hopefully you were avoiding errno anyway.


Introduced in C11, but never gained significant traction. Anywhere you can use C threads you can use pthreads, which are better anyway.

Besides, thread creation probably belongs in the platform layer anyway.

Time functions

Fairly niche, and I can’t remember using any of these except for time and clock for seeding.


I hand-waved away a long list of vestigial wide character functions, but the above is pretty much all there is to the C standard library. The only things I miss when avoiding it altogether are the math functions, and occasionally setjmp/longjmp. Everything else I can do better myself, with little difficulty, starting from the platform layer.

All of the C implementations I had in mind above are very old. They will rarely, if ever, change, just accrue. There isn’t a lot of innovation happening in this space, which is fine since I like stable targets. If you would like to see interesting innovation, check out what Cosmopolitan Libc is up to. It’s what I imagine C could be if it continued evolving along practical dimensions.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK