Kraken to end on-chain staking services for U.S. clients

 1 year ago
source link: https://blog.kraken.com/post/17619/settlement/
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Kraken to end on-chain staking services for U.S. clients

Today, two Kraken subsidiaries announced a settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) concerning Kraken’s on-chain staking program. Because of this settlement, Kraken has agreed to end its on-chain staking services for U.S. clients.

Starting today, Kraken will automatically unstake all U.S. client assets enrolled in the on-chain staking program. These assets will no longer earn staking rewards. This applies to all staked assets except for staked ether (ETH), which will be unstaked after the Shanghai upgrade. U.S. clients will not be able to stake any additional assets, including ETH.

Kraken will continue to offer staking services for non-U.S. clients through a separate Kraken subsidiary.

What does this mean for existing staking clients in the U.S.?

  • U.S. clients will not be able to stake new assets.
  • Previously staked non-ETH assets will be automatically unstaked. These assets will be returned to the client’s spot wallet and will no longer earn rewards.
  • Kraken will prorate final rewards through February 9. These rewards will not become staked. Kraken will instead pay rewards out in their non-staked form.
  • All staked ETH will become unstaked after the Shanghai upgrade and will continue to earn rewards until then. There are no changes to the payout structure until after the Shanghai upgrade, when ETH will be unstaked.

Staking services for non-U.S. clients will continue uninterrupted. Non-U.S. clients can continue to stake and unstake assets, as well as automatically earn and stake rewards, as usual. 

For more information, please review our updated terms of service or contact Kraken Support.

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