YouTube Adds New Option to Locate Comment Responses, Updates for Comments in Sho...

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YouTube Adds New Option to Locate Comment Responses, Updates for Comments in Shorts

Published Feb. 8, 2023

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

YouTube has added some new engagement options, including a new filter to find comments that have received replies, and more ways to interact with Shorts creators.

First off, YouTube’s added a new comment reply filter option that will make it easier to find active discussions.

YouTube comment filter

As per YouTube:

“This filter will allow creators to find comments that they have previously responded to that have since received new responses. The goal is to help creators more easily continue conversations with our audience and build community through use of this filter.”

It could be a good way to keep conversations going, and to acknowledge passionate fans seeking to connect.

The new filter will be available under ‘Response status’ in the comments section in YouTube Studio, and will begin rolling out to all creators over the coming weeks.

YouTube’s also adding a new ‘stacked bar chart’ display for the ‘How Viewers Find You’ metric in YouTube Studio, which aims to make it easier to give you quick insight into this element.

YouTube chart display

So now, you’ll have distinct color coding, which will make it much easier to quickly understand how people are coming to your content.

YouTube says that it will look to add a similar display to other metrics in future.

Finally, on YouTube Shorts, iOS Shorts creators will now have more functionality for interacting via questions posted to their Shorts.

As outlined in the clip, with this new update, commenters will receive a notification when a creator replies to their comment with a Short, while the comment sticker is also now tappable, ‘so viewers can watch the original Short or long-form video that someone commented on’.

It could be a good way to encourage more engagement within Shorts clips. YouTube says that the new process is rolling out today on iOS, with Android coming soon.

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