Google Pixel Watch receives February 2023 update

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/google_pixel_watch_february_2023_software_update-news-57474.php
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Google Pixel Watch receives February 2023 update


Google has released a new software update for the Pixel Watch devices running Wear OS 3.5. It's rolling out in a phased manner and should reach all the Pixel Watch units in a couple of weeks.

The update comes with the latest security patches but doesn't bring any new features to the Pixel Watch.

Google Pixel Watch receives February 2023 update

If you live in Japan or Taiwan, you'll receive the February 2023 update on your Google Pixel Watch with software version RWD9.220429.075.J1. Elsewhere, the smartwatch will get the update with version RWD9.220429.075.

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