Apple donating to relief and recovery efforts from earthquakes in Turkey and Syr...

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/02/07/apple-donating-to-relief-and-recovery-efforts-from-earthquakes-in-turkey-and-syria/
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Apple donating to relief and recovery efforts from earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 2:03 pmTuesday, February 7, 20233 Comments

Apple will be donating to relief and recovery efforts to “Turkey, Syria, and anyone affected by the devastating earthquakes,” Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted Monday. The company will be aiding tens of thousands of people in Turkey and Syria impacted by the earthquake on February 6thwhile rescuers attempt to find survivors as the death toll rises to over 6,250 people.

Apple donating to relief and recovery efforts from earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
Rescuers raced Tuesday to find survivors in the rubble of thousands of buildings brought down by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and multiple aftershocks that struck eastern Turkey and neighboring Syria.

Tim Cook via Twitter:

Sending our thoughts and condolences to the people of Turkey, Syria, and anyone affected by the devastating earthquakes. Apple will be donating to relief and recovery efforts.

Ellen Chang for TheStreet:

Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company would also participate in sending supplies to help out the impacted areas as cold temperatures remain a large factor, but did not provide details.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request on whether the iPhone and Macbook manufacturer had any employees in the region or what donations would be sent or when.

MacDailyNews Take: We expect Apple will further detail their efforts in the coming days and/or add a way for customers to donate via Apple.com as the company has done during past crises.

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