Paint gets a redesigned properties window in the latest Dev update

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/paint-gets-a-redesigned-properties-window-in-the-latest-dev-update/
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Paint gets a redesigned properties window in the latest Dev update

Microsoft Paint logo full color on dark grey background

Microsoft has a new update for Paint in Windows Insiders' Dev Channel. Although there is still no promised dark mode support, Windows Insiders will be glad to know that the app now has a redesigned Image Properties dialog box that looks on par with the rest of Windows 11's UI.

The Image Properties dialog lets you check out file attributes, such as "last saved," "size on disk," and the image resolution. You can also change units (inches, centimeters, and pixels), color mode, and image size. With the latest update, the Image Properties UI features Windows 11-like radio buttons, input boxes, better fonts, and an overall nicer-look aesthetic. The screenshot below lets you compare the old variant to its modernized successor:

A screenshot comparing the old and new properties UIs in Paint

You can download the latest Paint update from the Microsoft Store. Note that the redesigned Image Properties UI is only available to Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel.

If you want to equip Windows 11's Paint with dark mode support, check out the recently published Windhawk mod. It enables dark theme in Paint with a single click, making drawing doodles and stickmen more comfortable during the nighttime.

Besides dark mode support, what do you want Microsoft to improve in Paint next? Let us know in the comments.

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