Google Chrome picture-in-picture mode

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gizchina.com/2023/02/03/google-chrome-picture-in-picture-mode-to-get-reaction-buttons-such-as-like/
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Google Chrome picture-in-picture mode to get reaction buttons such as “Like”


Currently, the Google Chrome picture-in-picture mode only supports play/pause, return to the tab, and close options. According to rumours, Google wants to improve the picture-in-picture feature by adding many other custom buttons like “previous track” and “next track”.  Developers are allowed to fill the picture-in-picture window with HTML content. This info is from a recent  Document on the Picture-in-Picture API development. The picture-in-picture window can now be customized by website developers. They can add their own new features like “like/unlike”, captions, timeline controls, and more. We can be sure that developers are already working on these features.

Google Chrome

Google notes that the API makes it simple to split several video streams into unique picture-in-picture windows and do things like send a text message, mute a user’s voice, or raise a hand in the context of the video calling app. The design of a Pomodoro program with a more refined PiP function is yet another unique example (as shown by Tomodoro below). According to reports, Chrome 111 devs are trying complex picture-in-picture cases.

Gizchina News of the week

Google Chrome

The company is doing a lot to improve the features of the Chrome browser. A recent survey reveals that the Chrome browser has the highest market share globally. Its acceptance around the world is really high.

Google Chrome Adds Lock Incognito Tabs for iOS

The ability to lock incognito tabs has been added by Google to the Chrome browser for iOS. This feature will also hit Android in the future. In fact, some select Android devices already have this feature. However, there is no widespread rollout for now.  When active, users will need their fingerprints in order to resume a previous private browsing session. With the help of this feature, the user’s surfing will be secured and no one will be able to accidentally access their private browsing session.

Despite the fact that this feature is now available on some iOS and Android devices, it is still deactivated by default. Google’s site lists five ways that Chrome enhances privacy. Chrome already has features like privacy restrictions, security checks, browsing history erasing, and Google Password Manager. However, the incognito tab lock is a brand-new function. To activate this feature, go to Chrome Settings > Privacy & Security > and turn on “Lock incognito tabs when Chrome is closed”.

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