macOS 13.2 Breaks Compatibility With Pioneer's CD/DVD Drives

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.macrumors.com/2023/02/03/macos-13-2-breaks-pioneer-cd-dvd-drives/
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macOS 13.2 Breaks Compatibility With Pioneer's CD/DVD Drives

Friday February 3, 2023 7:37 am PST by Joe Rossignol

The latest version of macOS Ventura breaks compatibility with Pioneer's lineup of USB-connected CD/DVD/Blu-ray drives for the Mac.

Ventura Macs Feature Yellow
Apple released macOS 13.2 in late January with support for a new Security Keys for Apple ID feature and various bug fixes. Unfortunately, users who have installed the update have said that their Pioneer disc drives are no longer recognized by their Mac, with complaints about the issue found across the MacRumors Forums, Reddit, Twitter, Apple Support Community, and elsewhere online over the past two weeks.

The root cause of the issue is unclear at this time, but Pioneer has acknowledged the matter on its website and says it is investigating.

"We have confirmed that our optical drives are not recognized by macOS Ventura 13.2 released by Apple on January 23, 2023," reads a notice on Pioneer's optical drive product listings. "We are currently investigating this symptom. We would like to ask our customers who are using our optical drives to refrain from updating to macOS Ventura 13.2."

We have reached out to Apple for comment and will update this story if we receive a response.

Related Roundup: macOS Ventura
Related Forum: macOS Ventura

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Top Rated Comments

11 hours ago at 07:45 am
people still use CDs and DVDs on new machines? Lol
Optical media is still useful at times. macOS aside, UHD Blu-rays look and sound significantly better than streaming.
Score: 45 Votes (Like | Disagree)
11 hours ago at 07:38 am
As long as there's still floppy drive support, I'm good.
Score: 38 Votes (Like | Disagree)
11 hours ago at 07:44 am
So no one at Pioneer can afford a developer account and a 599 Mac Mini?
Why would a macOS point release update break compatibility with something basic, like a USB optical drive?
Score: 34 Votes (Like | Disagree)
11 hours ago at 07:40 am
Comes at no surprise, after all Apple was the pioneer in ditching DVDs.
I'll excuse myself to the door.
Score: 27 Votes (Like | Disagree)
11 hours ago at 07:47 am
Optical media is still useful at times. macOS aside, UHD Blu-rays look and sound significantly better than streaming.
Yes especially when one has hundreds of DVDs and cant afford or they are not all available on iTunes.
Score: 23 Votes (Like | Disagree)
10 hours ago at 08:41 am
You can own content digitally. CDs & DVDs are dead
Setting your dismissive snark aside, people do have legitimate reasons to use physical media.

For one, there are still movies and albums that never made it to streaming and are only available as DVDs or CDs. If you want to migrate them to formats you can play on your digital devices, you need to ingest them somehow. But maybe if your tastes are severely limited, you've never wanted to watch or listen to something you couldn't readily stream.

Also, you don't own much of anything when you "buy" streaming digital media. You are licensed to play it, but try transferring that to someone else. Try lending it out like you would a book. Try selling it on a secondary market when you're done with it, as you could with a record or blu-ray or a disc-based video game. And good luck to you if some copyright dispute somewhere pulls if offline.
Score: 22 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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