Pedestal - Use periodization to maximize your fitness results | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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Hello Product Hunters!

A couple years ago, I was preparing to climb Matterhorn. Training involved varying his daily workout duration, muscle groups, and heart rate zones, while also ensuring he had adequate time to recover. This type of fitness training is called periodization and involves figuring out the following:

• How long should my workouts be? • What muscle groups should I focus on? • What heart rate zones should I train in? • When should I rest? • How do I adjust my routine if I’m sick or busy?

The periodization process is scientifically proven and has been used by professionals and Olympic athletes since the 1950s. Although effective, I found that planning out his periodization plan was extremely time consuming. Everyday, I would need to calculate the exact number of minutes to exercise, which heart zone to be in, as well as which muscle groups to workout. If I got sick or busy, I would need to recalculate everything. From this experience, the idea for Pedestal was born. Together as a two person team, my wife Sara took on the design, while he tackled the programming.

Pedestal is currently only available for iOS and works with Apple Watch. Here is a 2 months free promo link: https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ct...

Would love to hear what you all think.

Congrats on the launch of Pedestal on Product Hunt! 🎉 That sounds like an amazing app, especially for climbers. Does it also work for bodybuilding gym sessions? 🤔 I'm curious to know if it can help me better plan my workouts. 🤗

Hello Paolo @paolo_degiglio! Yes Pedestal does have weightlifting workouts with a wide variety of equipment option and a large catalogue of exercises including unique exercises. You can configure your workouts to match what equipment you have available. There is also a competitive weightlifting (power lifting) option.

You can create a plan that is specific to getting stronger. The plan will use a looping linear periodization method to vary set ranges and workout duration over months, while mixing up your muscle groups, to get you the best results. Hope you enjoy the app. Let me know if you have any questions.

Hi @peter_bonac1, and congratulations on your launch! Recently I came across periodization and other ways to enhance my athletic performance. I wonder, what data pillars besides bpm and calories do you use for personalization?

Hi Nikita @nikita_abrosimov1! Within the workout, bpm will be used for zone training for cardio workouts. A looping linear periodization is used for changing rep ranges for strength workouts.

For the overall periodization plan, work loads and plan duration are calculated using your base weekly workout hours and your specific goal (better endurance, stronger, or combination [athletic build]). The plan is then generated using the same formulas that professional athletes use.

In case you were wondering about customizable options within the workout, you can choose your instructor, environment, and music category (14 types to choose from). Hope you enjoy the app. Let me know if you have any questions.

Congrats on launch! Looks like very good fitness app with good design. Definitely would check that out!

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