Code Spaces with Chris Noring on Web Rush #219

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.johnpapa.net/code-spaces-with-chris-noring-on-web-rush-219/
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Code Spaces with Chris Noring on Web Rush #219

Chris Noring talks with us about Code Spaces, how Code Spaces works, why you might consider using Code Spaces, pricing of Code Spaces, and uses of Code Spaces you might not have considered.

Direct link to episode.

const podcast = { 
  episode: 219,
  title: 'Code Spaces',
  topics: [ 
    'virtual environment', 'coding', 'remote work'
  guest: 'Chris Noring'
  hosts: [
    'Ward Bell', 'John Papa', 'Dan Wahlin', 'Craig Shoemaker'

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Chris Noring @chris_noring

# Brought to you by

  • AG Grid

  • Narwhal

    Visit nx.dev to get the preeminent open-source toolkit for monorepo development, today.

# Resources:

Create a Dev Container https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/devcontainers/create-dev-container

# Timejumps

  • 00:46 Guest introduction
  • 02:30 What is Code Spaces?
  • 03:21 What problem is Code Spaces solving?
  • 05:14 What's the debugging experience in Code Space?
  • 06:50 Sponsor: Ag Grid
  • 07:51 What about open source contributer and PRs?
  • 14:51 Using Code Spaces with a lower powered computer
  • 16:44 Is there a program for students?
  • 19:28 Sponsor: Narwhal
  • 20:09 What is the cost of Code Spaces?
  • 24:51 How do the dev container files work?
  • 28:45 How does Code Spaces compare to competitors?
  • 32:25 How else is Code Spaces used?
  • 39:12 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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