Project ENABLE | The Diné-English Biology Dictionary

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The Diné-English Biology Dictionary

Project ENABLE

Enriching Navajo As a Biology Language for Education


Diné to English Dictionary

áʼádaatʼéhígíí  –  element



Literal translation:matter or substances that make all that exists

Definition: Ha'át'íi da atom t'ááłá'ígo bee ályaaígíí. Atom t'ááłá'i yileehgo doo tanáó'níiłgo ha'át'íi da náádoodleeł da.


Definition: A pure substance that is made of only one type of atom. Elements cannot be broken down into any simpler substance.

"Elements are made up of a group of atoms that are all the same, just like a field of corn is made up of many individual corn plants."

ąąh dahaz'ą́  –  disease


ąąh dahaz'ą́

Literal translation:disease that dibilitates a body or living thing

Definition: Ats'íís haashį́į́ yidzaago doo hazhó'ó naalnish da silį́į'go bee bihodiit'i'


Definition: A change in a living body that prevents it from functioning normally.

"When many think about diseases we first think about cancer or the flu. However, it is important to not forget about mental health diseases like depression or anxiety."

ąąh dahaz'ą́ yiłnih  –  infectious


ąąh dahaz'ą́ yiłnih

Definition: Ats'íís yihodiiłt'hii dóó yąąh dahooł'aahii idahidilnéehgo


Definition: The process of passing on illness or disease.

"One individual corn plant will produce between two and four ears of corn."

ááhoo'níił nayiiłnání  –  abiotic factor


ááhoo'níił nayiiłnání

Literal translation:ááhoo'níił = interacting systems/systems; nayiiłnání=those things which give energy and movement. Systems, those factors, which moves them:

Definition: Ááhoo'nííł éí bee hahodilyaii t'áá ałtso nahasdzáán dóó yádiłhił bii' siláhígíí ahił nidaalnishgo nináháhááhígíí éí nayiił'ná hadoh dóó hak'az ádaat'éii.

"Nanise' nooséełgo binaagóó ha'át'ííshį́į́ doo hináa dago hólónígíí shánídíín, tó, dóó hado dóó hak'az ádaat'éii bik'ehgo noosééł."

abiotic factor

Definition: Any non living factor that impacts an ecosystem. For example, temperature.

"Plant growth can be affected by abiotic factors like sunlight, water, and temperature."

ahíhooneel'ą́  –  equilibrium



Literal translation:things are in balance

Definition: Ha'át'éegi da haz'ą́ągi t'áá ałtsoní hasht'e dadiit'eeh dóó ha'át'íi da doo ba'át'e' hólǫ́ǫ da yileeh. Ha'át'íi da doo ałk'ijį dooldził da, ahíhoneel'ą́ haleeh.


Definition: A state of balance or stable situation where opposite effects cancel each other out and no changes are occuring.

"A see-saw is in equilibrium when both kids are perfectly balanced on it."

’ahóodziil  –  energy



Literal translation:biziil; ’ahóodziil= energy. (you modify the a depending what you're talking about)

Definition: T'áádoole'é biziil yee biinéí dóó bidziilgo yee naalnish, ha'át'íi da łahgo áyooliił, doodago hadoh bits'ą́ą́dóó hólǫ́ (thermal energy). Łą́ ał'ąą át'é.


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Definition: The ability to do work, produce change, or create heat. There are many types of energy. For example, heat energy (also known as thermal energy) is created when molecules move around quickly and randomly within a substance, which releases heat. Chemical energy is what holds atoms of a molecule or molecules of a substance together. When these groups of atoms or molecules are separated during a chemical reaction, chemical energy is released, often as heat. When organisms photosynthesize or digest food, chemical reactions provide chemical energy for their growth and development.

"The sun is a source of heat energy because it warms the earth. Plants convert light from the sun into chemical energy through photosynthesis."

ájoot'įįł t'áá hooshch'į' bee joogáałii  –  instinct


ájoot'įįł t'áá hooshch'į' bee joogáałii

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináanii áát'įįłígíí t'áá bíni' dóó bintsékees át'éego bił yizhchį́, doo t'áá bí yíhooł'ą́ą' da.


Definition: An inherited behavior by animals that is not learned

"Building a nest is an instinct; birds know how to build nests without being taught."

akááz bitoo'  –  hormone


akááz bitoo'

Literal translation:akááz = gland, bitoo' = juice. Meaning,The juice of the gland

Definition: Akááz bitoo' ats'íís yee ákonízinígíí. Ats'íís biyi'di haleeh aadóó ats'íístahgóó hoo'nááł yileeh.


Definition: Chemical substances that act as messenger molecules in the body. After being made in one part of the body, they travel to other parts of the body where they help control how cells and organs do their work

"Type II diabetes is a result of being unable to regulate blood sugar levels because the body doesn't respond to a hormone called insulin correctly."

akágí  –  epidermis; skin



Literal translation:akágí= skin (you modify the a depending what you're talking about)

1. Hináanii bits'íís bitł'óól (cells) bikágí

2. Ats'íís yee hadít'éii, organ, ats'íís bik'ésti'ígíí

"Nihikágí éí nihitsą́ siléii bich'ą́ą́h hólǫ́ áko doo tł'óó'dę́ę́' tó baa shidoogish da, áádóó bee nihits'íís sidooígíí dóó ch'ísheegéesh da, dóó naałniih nihihodidoołt'ihii bich'ą́ą́h hólǫ́. Shá áłahjį' bii' nijigháago hakágí tídít'įįhgo ba'át'e' haleeh."


Definition: The outermost layer of cells of any multicellular organism

"Your skin is your epidermis and it protects the inside of your body from harm."

Definition: An organ that forms the outer protective layer of the body.

"Our skin protects our organs from the environment by blocking moisture, preventing heat loss, and protecting us from pathogens. Repeated sun exposure is a major cause of skin cancer."

akágí biyi'dę́ę́ ak'ah bizhool bik'ésti'  –  plasma membrane


akágí biyi'dę́ę́ ak'ah bizhool bik'ésti'

Definition: Ak'ah bineestiin dóó protein naneesdizgo akágí nilį́įgo t'áádoole'é bikí daasti'

plasma membrane

Definition: A network of lipids and proteins that forms the boundary between the inside of an organelle and the rest of the space within the cell.

"The plasma membrane is like the "skin" of organelles like mitochondria. It separates the inside of the organelle from the surrounding environment."

ak'ah bizhool  –  lipid


ak'ah bizhool

Definition: Hináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' dahólónígíí doo tó bee nídí'eełii ákondi t'áá yił ahedaałt'éhígíí éí yee nídí'eeł. Bee hinááhts'ózí bik'ésti'ígíí nidahaleeh.


Definition: Any organic material that does not dissolve in water but will dissolve in organic materials. They are often used to make cell membranes.

"Butter, lard, and oil are examples of lipids, which make up our cell membranes."

akéédóó héesdá  –  recessive


akéédóó héesdá

Definition: Bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łahgo át'é silį́į́'ígíí, allele, akéédóó naalnishgo bik'ehgo ats'íís haidiił'įįh béé'ályaago naaki hwee hólónígíí.


Definition: The allele that only determines the phenotype when the organism has two copies of it. Compare with dominant.

"You have two copies of each chromosome. Sometimes there is a recessive allele on one chromosome and a dominant allele on the other. The recessive allele is the one that will not influence the phenotype."

ak'eelyéí  –  meiosis; sperm



Literal translation:male substance for reproduction

1. Hinááhts'ózí naakidi ałts'ánízéehgo dį́į́' yileeh. T'áá dį́į'go bik'ehgo náás oochííł bibee haz'áanii t'áá ałní'ídóó dabiyi' yileeh. Díí ak'eelyéí bee i'niitsąąhii haleeh.

2. Hináanii biką'ígíí bik'eelyéí. Dabi'áádígíí ałdó' bik'eelyéí hólǫ́, biyeezhii (egg) deiłní.


Definition: When a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. This is how gametes are made.

"Scientists are concerned that climate change could cause a mass extinction event, similar to the one that occurred after the last Ice Age."


Definition: The male sex cell, or gamete in animals. Compare with egg.

"In many species, males pass on their DNA to their offspring through their sperm cells."

ak'eelyéí ahidiinahgo iilts'ąąh  –  fertilization (reproductive)


ak'eelyéí ahidiinahgo iilts'ąąh

Definition: Hináanii biką' dóó bi'áádígíí bik'eelyéí ahidiina'go bits'ą́ą́dóó biyázhí iilts'ą'ígíí.

fertilization (reproductive)

Definition: The process of combinine the male sperm with the female egg to produce a cell called a zygote.

"Most of the living things you see around you, including all plants and animals, are eukaryotes."

ak'eelyéí bee idí'nóotsąąłii  –  gamete


ak'eelyéí bee idí'nóotsąąłii

Definition: Bi'áadii bik'eelyéí bihinááts'óóz biyi'di iiná bitł'óóól ałk'ídaadeesdizígíí chromosomes t'áá ałní'ígo ánéelt'e' dóó biką'ii bik'eelyéí bihinááhts'óóz biyi'di iiná bitł'óóól ałk'ídaadeesdizígíí chromosomes t'áá ałní'ígo ánéelt'e'ígíí ahidiinahgo bits'ą́ą́dóó biyázhí (zygote) bits'íís bihinááhts'óóz biyi'di iiná bitł'óól ałk'ídadeesdizígíí t'áá át'é bii' dahólǫ́.


Definition: A haploid reproductive cell that joins with another haploid reproductive cell of the opposite sex to form a diploid zygote.

"Sperm and eggs are examples of haploid cells."

akéyah  –  territory



Literal translation:would need to specify "who's land/area". Keya is land

Definition: Haa'í da haz'ą́ągo hináanii choyooł'į́įgo yaa hóchį'gi


Definition: Any area defended by an organism or a group of similar organisms for their own use

"When you boil water, the water molecules will start to move around quickly as they absorb thermal energy from the burner."

ałhee hi'ná  –  symbiosis


ałhee hi'ná

Literal translation:living by means of each other

Definition: Hináanii doo t'ááła' nilį́į da nidi ałch'ishdę́ę́' ahee hidi'ná


Definition: Any longǫterm physical relationship between individuals of two different species, including mutualism and parasitism.

"Scientists who study taxonomy found that whales are more closely related to animals on land (including humans) than they are to fish."

ánaasází  –  ancestor



most common

Literal translation:ánaasází = bygone ancestors; people no longer in existence

Definition: Hak'éí nát'ą́ą́' ahool'áago hamá dóó hazhé'é dabishchíníinii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' hojizhlį́į́'ígíí

"Ninálí hastįįh, nichei, nichó dabichó/dabinálí asdzą́ą́h dóó naakidi nichó/ninálí asdzą́ą́h éí t'áá ałtso nité'ázini ádaat'é."


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Definition: One from whom an individual is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any number of generations.

"Your grandfather, great-grandmother, and great-great grandmother are all your ancestors."

atom  –  atom


Literal translation:T'áá ałtson7=everything; bineestiin/bizhool=its fine mist and particles

Definition: T'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ bee ályaii t'ááłá'í si'ą́ągo, atom wolyé, bijéí hólǫ́, bijéí biyi'di proton biniltł'ish shábik'ehgo bii' silá éí positive deiłní dóó neutron bitsiniltł'ish bąą ádin ákondi yee óchíidii, béésh ná'iiláhá nahalingo bii' hólǫ́. Atom bijéí bii' siléí

"Matter éí t'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ áłníłdáás, áníłtso, áłts'íísídóó nitsaajį', éí atoms ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí dóó níláhgóó dahólónígíí bee ádaalyaa. Hasłą́ą éí bíla'ashdla'ii áłah silį́į'go bichá sizhóód doo ał'ąą ádaníłtso, asdzání dóó hastóí, dóó ániid naagháii dóó náás silį́į'ii da'atah doo."

Definition: The smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons

"All matter is made up of atoms just as a crowd is made up of people. Matter can be composed of different types of atoms, or elements, just like the people in a crowd can be men or women, old or young, and short or tall."

atom bináhaazléí  –  electron


atom bináhaazléí

Literal translation:that which surrounds an atom

Definition: Atoms bee ályaii shádáahjigo bitsiniltł'ish hoo'nááłígíí


Definition: The components of an atom that have a negative charge

"Electrons are the glue that hold atoms together when they combine to form a molecule."

atom bitsiniltł'ish shá bik'ehgo siláii  –  proton


atom bitsiniltł'ish shá bik'ehgo siláii

Literal translation:bitsiniltł'ish = charge of the atom. shá bik'ehgo = path of the sun (meanig clockwise). siláii = laid down. Meaning "atom with a charge laid clockwise"

Definition: Atoms yee hadit'éhígíí biniltł'ish shábik'ehgo, clockwise or consistent with the sun's path, siláhígíí bąąh hólǫ́


Definition: The components of an atom that have a positive charge

"The number of protons an atom has is its atomic number. A nitrogen atom has 7 protons while an oxygen atom has 8 protons."

atom/atom ahii'sinilgo bitsiniltł'ish hólǫ́  –  ion


atom/atom ahii'sinilgo bitsiniltł'ish hólǫ́

Definition: Atom atsiniltł'ish bąąh hólónígíí

Definition: Atom or molecule with an electric charge

"A neutral atom has equal amounts of positive and negative charges, but an atom that becomes more positively or negatively charged is an ion."

ats'íí bitł'óól bik'ésti'í  –  cell membrane


ats'íí bitł'óól bik'ésti'í

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Literal translation:covering for the (body) cells

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól bik'ésti'í éí ak'ah bizhool dóó ch'iyáán ats'íís hasht'ééyooldlíiłii bizhool bee ályaago ats;íís bikésti'

"Hinááhts'ózí/ats'íís bitł'óól bik'ésti'ii, cell membrane, éí bikágí át'é. Éí bee binaagóó bee hodít'éii bits'ąą t'áá sahdii hólǫ́"

cell membrane

Definition: Network of lipids and proteins that forms the boundary between the inside of a cell and the environment that surrounds it.

"The cell membrane is like the "skin" of the cell. It separates the inside of the cell from the surrounding environment."

atsiighąąʼ  –  brain



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Literal translation:ghąąʼ= matter (brain); atsii= heads. So the "matter or brain in your head"

Definition: Ats'íís bii' siléí ats'íís t'áá át'é naalnishgo áyósin, ádahoot'éii t'áá ałtso yaa ákonízin dóó yénálniih, dóó bik'izhdiitáanii baa nitsídzíkees dóó háni' nilíinii yiyoołnaał

"Nitsiighąą' éí bee nitsíníkees, yáníłti', nahí'ná, dóó éénílniih."


Definition: The organ in the body which controls the functions of the body, interprets and stores information, and affects intelligence and emotion.

"Your brain gives you the ability to think, speak, move, and remember."

atsiighąą' íígháán bii'nít'i'  –  spinal cord


atsiighąą' íígháán bii'nít'i'

Literal translation:brain material going through the spine

Definition: Ats'íís yee hadít'éii atsiighąą' bits'ánít'i' dóó bíígháán bii' nít'i'go ats'iighąą' dóó ats'íístahgó áhoot'éii yił ééhósin

spinal cord

Definition: Structure that begins at the the brain and continues down the spine and carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

"Starch is found in corn, potatoes, rice, and pasta. When you eat these foods, the starch is broken down into sugar."

ats'iil choo'ínígíí  –  fossil fuel


ats'iil choo'ínígíí

Definition: Dahináanii daneeznánée dadiłdzid bits'ą́ą́dóó ha'át'íi da nihwiileehígíí biziil (energy) bits'áłdohígíí (heat) bee nida'anish. Nahasdzáán biyi'di dahólǫ́ haashį́į́ danéelt'e'go. Łeejin/tsékǫ', ak'ah łizhiní dóó níłch'i ászólí ááh ha'ní.

fossil fuel

Definition: A material formed from the decomposing organisms that can release energy as heat or be used for work. These fuels are found within the Earth and exist in limited quantities. Examples include coal, oil, and natural gas.

"Oil, gas, and coal are called fossil fuels because they are made from the carbon and hydrogen of living things from millions of years ago. Power plants release carbon dioxide when they burn fossil fuels, which contributes to climate change."

ats'iis  –  vestigial (trait)



Literal translation:body

Definition: Hinááhts'óóz ats'íís biyi'di binaanish t'ááła'ígo hólónígíí, tissues, ats'ą́ siláii ats'íís biyi'di hólǫ́ nidi doo choo'į́į dago yits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' yigáałii bits'íís hólónígíí ła' choyooł'į́ dóó binaanish hólónígíí t'áá yił aheełt'é

"Nihizází biwózhah éí nihiwoo' t'áá háíshį́į́ haalts'idgo da, haat'ą́ągo da bits'ásk'ehgóne' anídoot'ááł. K'ad éí nihiwózhah ałk'idą́ą́' awózhah danilį́į́ nít'ę́ę́'yę́ęh bii' haniilzánígíí ádaat'é."

vestigial (trait)

Definition: Cells, tissues, or organs in a body that have no apparent function and is similar to a functioning organ or structure in an ancestor.

"The wisdom teeth of our ancestors would replace any teeth that fell out or were removed. Now, our wisdom teeth are vestigial traits because we have better mouth hygeine and dental care."

ats'íís ádík'ijį' naalnish  –  autoimmune disease


ats'íís ádík'ijį' naalnish

Literal translation:the body toward its self it directs self defense as disease

Definition: Ats'íís iisiihgo ádík'ijį' naalnish yileehgo ats'íís doo bąąhtééh da yę́ę niyiiłchxǫǫh yileeh

"Łah da hats'íís yee doo bihodééłníinii, immune system, hats'íístahdi hinááhts'óóz/ats'íís bitł'óól yínól'ah, t'áádoole'é ba'át'e' dahólǫ́ǫgo ats'íís yihodiiłt'ihii át'é nízingo yik'ijį' nídiilnish. Ákót'įįhgo hats'íís yąąh dahooł'aah, autoimmune disease deiłní."

autoimmune disease

Definition: Occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake

"Sometimes your body's immune system mistakes your own cells as pathogens, this can cause autoimmune disease."

ats'íís ał'ąą át'é naashch'ąą'  –  Punnett square


ats'íís ał'ąą át'é naashch'ąą'

Definition: Bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii ał'ąą ádaat'éego bee hazhdít'éhígíí naasch'ąą'go ál'įįhígíí. Dik'ą́ągo si'ą́ą łeh.

Punnett square

Definition: A square drawing used to show the different genotypes possible in the offspring when two individuals reproduce

"By drawing a punnet square, doctors can easily show new parents what blood types their children could have."

ats'íís bee doo bihodééłníinii  –  antibody


ats'íís bee doo bihodééłníinii

Literal translation:ats'íís=the body; bee=that by means of it; doo bihodééłníinii=it is protected from harm. That which protects the body; That which shields the body.

Definition: Ats'íís bee doo bihodééłníinii ats'íís hasht'éé yoodlíiłii (protein) áyiił'įįh ats'íís atíidoolíłii yaa ákoniizįįhgo

"Hats'íís bee doo bihodééł'níinii hats'íís ííł'ínígíí yee ách'ą́ą́h naalnish. Naałniih virus, ch'osh doo yit'íinii éí doodago hinááhts'óóz/hats'íís bitł'óól ba'át'e' hazlį́įgo dahdíníisánígíí atíhodoolííłígíí yich'ą́ą́h naalnish."


Definition: A protein produced by the body's immune system when it detects harmful substances. The plural of antibody is antibodies.

"Antibodies are used by your body to defend itself against things like viruses, bacteria, or even cancer cells that may cause you harm."

ats'íís bee haleehii ałch'į' nanideeh  –  base pair


ats'íís bee haleehii ałch'į' nanideeh

Literal translation:that which becomes a body/person that face one another

Definition: Bee iiná hodooleełii nucleotide naakigo ahidii'ash éí ats'íís bitł'óól DNA yileeh

"Iiná bitł'óól, DNA, haaz'éí bee hááda'aldahá nahalingo ałk'ééłgis. T'áádoole'é ahiihe'níiłgo bee na'ach'ąąhí nahalingo bee iiná haleehii, base pairs, bee áhodoonííłígíí iiná bitł'óól bita'góne' ahidadidoolyééłígíí bibeehaz'áanii bik'ehgo ahinidééh."

base pair

Definition: Two nucleotides (also known as bases) that combine and join to make DNA. Base A combines with T and base G combines with C.

"DNA is shaped like a spiral staircase. Like pieces of a puzzle, only certain base pairs can fit together to make the steps of the staircase."

ats'íís bee nihwiileehii bá siléíí  –  amino acid; base


ats'íís bee nihwiileehii bá siléíí

Literal translation:essential substance for creation of the physical body

1. Ats'íís bee haleehii naadiin ał'ąą ánéelt'e' éí ats'íís bitł'óól yee naalnishgo bee ats'íís hodooleeł dóó áadi hasht'éé yoodlííł. Iiná bitł'óól, DNA, bee bóhólnííh éí bik'ehgo náás oochíiiłii táa'go bita'góó daníjaa'.

"Ak'ah bineestiin, amino acid, éí ch'iyáán ats'íís yee nanise' dóó háidoodlííł, protein t'áá ał'ąą ádaat'éego dóó ał'ąą ádaat'éego nidaalnishgo bits'ą́ą́dóó nihwiileeh, kin nidaa'nilígíí nahalin éí bee ádoolnííłígíí t'óó ahayóí ał'ąą át'éego choo'į́įgo bee kin ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí, castle da, ólta' da, doodago hééł bighan da ádaal'į́."

2. Ha'át'íi da náádaa łahdę́ę́' ha'át'íi da bił ahiih yilyéehgo bitsiniltł'ish bilááh éí doodago a'oh yileeh taah ji'áahgo níłch'i hydrogen bitsiniltł'ish náyiilááh

"Awoo' bił yich'iishí ádaalne'go bił é'él'íní, baking soda, íiyisíí binahjį' ádeił'į́ háálá éí hazéé'góne' ch'osh doo yit'íinii neiłtseedgo doo danéesée da."

amino acid

Definition: The building block of protein. There are ą) amino acides, and each is specified by a DNA segment of three nucleotides (bases).

"Different kinds of amino acids create proteins of many shapes and functions, just as different kinds of building materials can be used to make anything from a castle to a school to a shed."

Definition: A substance that becomes more positively or negatively charged during a chemical reaction and accepts hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.

"Many toothpastes include a base like baking soda as an ingredient because it can prevent bacteria from growing in your mouth."

ats’íís bik’ǫ́ǫ́’  –  cell


ats’íís bik’ǫ́ǫ́’

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need a microscope to look at it

Literal translation:ats’íís=body , bi=its, k'ǫ́ǫ́'=seed.

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól éí ats'íís bee ályaaígíí ts'ídá t'ááłá'ígo si'ánígíí náhidínísé, binaagóó yaa ákonízin, dóó ádéé'ál'į́įgo noosééł.

"Nits'íís tádiindi dóó bi'aan tsosts'idi trillion, táa'di dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh hinááhts'ózí/ats'íís bitł'óól yee hadít'é! Ákondi ch'osh doo yit'íinii, bacteria cells, éí neeznádiindi dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh nits'íís biyi'di dóó nąąhgóó dahólǫ́."

[sel]Listen to pronunciation

Definition: The cell is the smallest unit with the basic properties of life, such as growth, sensing the environment, and reproduction.

"Your body is composed of around 37 trillion cells! That is a big number but there are even more bacteria cells that live on and in you: around 100 trillion."

ats'íís bitł'óól  –  cell


ats'íís bitł'óól

Listen to pronunciation

refers to DNA in cell. Often used when talking about cancer

Literal translation:ats’íís= body, bi=it, tats’íís= body, bi=it, tł’óól= strand.

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól éí ats'íís bee ályaaígíí ts'ídá t'ááłá'ígo si'ánígíí náhidínísé, binaagóó yaa ákonízin, dóó ádéé'ál'į́įgo noosééł.

"Nits'íís tádiindi dóó bi'aan tsosts'idi trillion, táa'di dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh hinááhts'ózí/ats'íís bitł'óól yee hadít'é! Ákondi ch'osh doo yit'íinii, bacteria cells, éí neeznádiindi dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh nits'íís biyi'di dóó nąąhgóó dahólǫ́."

[sel]Listen to pronunciation

Definition: The cell is the smallest unit with the basic properties of life, such as growth, sensing the environment, and reproduction.

"Your body is composed of around 37 trillion cells! That is a big number but there are even more bacteria cells that live on and in you: around 100 trillion."

ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'á dahinisé  –  cell division


ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'á dahinisé

Literal translation:(body) cells growing apart

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'á níséehgo bee ats'íís bitł'óól ániidígíí náhoodleeł

"Ch'osh doo yit'íinii, E. Coli gi ádaat'éhígíí, bíla'ashdla'ii dóó hináanii naaldeehii bitsą́ądi dahólónígíí áłts'ą́ dahiniséego yee ahoolchííł, t'ááłá'í si'ánígíí ádéé'iil'įįh áádóó ałts'á' ash."

cell division

Definition: The formation of new cells when an existing cell divides.

"Bacteria like E. coli reproduce by cell division, where one cell copies itself and splits into two cells."

ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'ánísé  –  anaphase


ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'ánísé

Literal translation:chromosomes move to opposite sides (in a cell)

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'á níséego iiná bitł'óól (DNA) bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii biyi'di naaki ałch'į' naazlá, éí t'áá ahedaałt'éego ałts'ákah dóó ahidiníł náádę́ę́' niikah áádóó ałts'á nísééh.

"cancer wolyéhígíí éí hats'íístahdi hinááh ts'óóz/ats'íís bitł'óól tídíl'įįhgo ba'át'e' haleeh dóó dahdíníisééh."


Definition: The stage of cell division in mitosis or meiosis in which the doubled set of chromosomes separates into two identical groups that move to opposite ends of the cell

ats'íís bitł'óól biziil  –  ATP (adenosine triphosphate)


ats'íís bitł'óól biziil

Literal translation:ats'íís bitł'óól = cell, biziil = energy. Meaning, cell's energy

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól biyi'di t'áádoole'é si'ą́ągo ats'íís bitł'óól yee biinéí dooígíí bii' nihwiileeh dóó náásgóó ííł'į́

"Hinááhts'óóz/ats'íís bitł'óól hats'íís yee hadít'éhígíí ch'iyáán jiyánígíí yee hinááhts'óóz/ats'íís bitł'óól yee biziil ííł'ínígíí, adenosine triphosphate, yee biinéígo hats'íís noosééł dóó yee naha'ná."

ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

Definition: Principal molecule for storing and transferring energy in cells.

"Cells use the food you eat to make adenosine triphosphate, which stores chemical energy that can be used to do work like move molecules or grow."

ats'íís hiná silį́į́' naalkaah  –  physiology


ats'íís hiná silį́į́' naalkaah

Definition: Hináanii bits'íís naalnishígíí éí doodago na'alkaahk'ehgo dahináanii bits'íís naalnishígíí bíhoo'aah.


Definition: How an organism's body functions or the scientific study of how organisms function

"You are studying physiology when you study how blood moves through the heart or nutrients move through a plant."

ats'íís silį́į' yit'į́ dóó bí'neel'ąąh bíighah  –  phenotype


ats'íís silį́į' yit'į́ dóó bí'neel'ąąh bíighah

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii hazlį́į'go ánoolnin dóó át'éegi yit'į́įgo dóó bí'neel'ąąh bihónéedzą́ągo.


Definition: A trait of an individual that can be observed or measured

"Your hair color is an example of your phenotype."

ats'íís sizilígíí  –  endotherm


ats'íís sizilígíí

Literal translation:from within the body the means of heat

Definition: Dahinánii dóó naaldeehii bits'íís silzil dóó náhiniik'áásígíí t'áá łáhági silkidgo ádayósinígíí. Binaadę́ę́' nahooniidoh dóó náhoniik'asígíí éí doo binahjį' bits'íís sizil da.


Definition: An organism whose internal temperature can be contantly maintained and does not depend on the temperature of their surrounding environment

"You are an endotherm! Endotherms often have hair or feathers to help keep warm and may sweat or pant to cool down. These adaptations help them maintain a constant temperature."

ats'íís yee hináanii  –  nutrient


ats'íís yee hináanii

Definition: T'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ yidą́ągo bee na'nise', bee anoosééł, dóó binahjį' naanish ła' yit'ínígíí.


Definition: A substance that is needed for healthy growth, development, and function

"Foods like vegetables and meats are high in nutrients and will help you grow. Foods like potato chips and candy provide few nutrients to help sustain your body."

ats'íístahdi ahil naalnishí  –  organ


ats'íístahdi ahil naalnishí

Definition: Atsą́siléí t'áá ał'ąą át'éego binaanish dahólónígíí.


Definition: A group of tissues in the body that has a specific form and function

"Your eyes are organs that help you see, while your heart is an organ that helps circuluate your blood throughout your body."

ats’íísts’in  –  skeleton



Literal translation:ats'íís = living. ts'ïn = bone. "bones of a living thing"

Definition: Ats'íís biyi'di nitł'izgo ats'íís bá naaz'á éí ats'íís yee sizį́ dóó naha'ná

"Nihits'íístsin doo hólǫ́ǫ dago éí doo nahii'náa da doo dóó doo siidzį́į da doo, t'áá nihits'íís t'ááłáhági yanáa'áa doo."


Definition: The internal hard structure that supports the body of a living thing

"Without a skeleton, our body would have no shape and we would be unable to move in a coordinated way. We would look like a pile of organs."

atsiniltł'ish  –  charge



Literal translation:electricity; charge

Definition: T'áá ha'át'íi da protons dóó electrons bináhaazléí wólta'go bitsiniltł'ish ánéelt'e dóó ábóodziilígíí

"Ha'át'íi da t'áá ałtsoní bee ályaii, element, ła' biyi'di bitsíniltł'ish shá bik'ehgo siláhígíí, proton, dóó bikáá'gónaa bitsiniltł'ish shádáahjigo siláhígíí, electrons, ahee néelt'e'go doo háajigo da bitsiniltł'ish na'ałkid da, neutral charge, łeh. Bitsiniltł'ish shá bik'ehgo siláhígíí t'ááłá'í bee atis ánéelt'e'go éí atsinilt'ish, charge, shábik'ehgo na'ałkidígíí, positive, t'ááłá'í bee bilááh doo. Bitsiniltł'ish shádáahjigo siláhígíí t'ááłá'í bee atis ánéelt'e'go éí atsinilt'ish, charge, shádáahjigo na'ałkidígíí, negative, t'ááłá'í bee bilááh doo."


Definition: An object or molecule has a charge if it has an unequal number of protons and electrons.

"An element has a neutral charge if it has an equal number of protons and electrons. It has a +1 positive charge if it has one more proton than electron. It has a -1 negative charge if it has one more electron than proton."

atsiniltł'ish bilááh éí doodago bi'oh ábóodziil  –  acid


atsiniltł'ish bilááh éí doodago bi'oh ábóodziil

Literal translation:atsiniltł'ish = electricity/electrical charge (lightning); bilááh = over/excess; éí doodago = or; bi'oh ábóodziil = less in strength electrical charge excess or less in strength

Definition: Ha'át'íi da bitsiniltł'ish bilááh éí doodago a'oh yileehgo taah ji'áahgo níłch'i hydrogen bitsiniltł'ish hólǫ́ǫgo bits'á shígish.

"T'áádoole'é néídił'eełii acid wolyéhígíí ch'il łitsooí yázhí, lemon, bitoo' éí doodago vinegar ch'iyáán biih nídaa'niłgo nídaalzhoh áko bee halniihí dóó ak'ah da biníshiigéésh."

Definition: A substance that becomes more positively or negatively charged during a chemical reaction and releases hydrogen ions (protons) when dissolved in water.

"An acid - like lemon juice or vinegar - is useful in a marinade because it breaks down the tissue and allows flavor and oil to enter."

atsiniltł'ish yooléełii  –  neuron


atsiniltł'ish yooléełii

Definition: Ats'óóz t'áá łá'í nít'i'ígíí bitsiniltł'ish bąąhgóó hólǫ́. Nerve cell ałdó' deiłní.


Definition: Cells that carry electrical charges through the body and are part of the nervous system. Also known as a nerve cell.

"Neutrons have the same weight as protons but have no charge. Together with protons, they form the nucleus of the atom and determine its weight."

ats'óóz  –  nerve



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Literal translation:nerve

Definition: Ats'óóz t'áá łá'í nít'i'ígíí ats'íístahdi łą́ągo ahidadiit'i'go ats'íís yee ákonízin


Definition: Nerves are a collection of neurons that carry signals throughout the body

"Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the nervous system that occurs when neurons start to die, which affects the body's movement"

ats'óóz bee hahodít'é  –  nervous system


ats'óóz bee hahodít'é

Definition: Atsiighąą', atsiighąą' íígháán bii'nít'i'ígíí dóó ats'óóz t'áá ałtso hináanii bits'íís yee hadít'éhígíí ats'íístahgóó da'ahi'niihgo ats'íís hiná.

nervous system

Definition: The brain, spinal cord, and nerves of an animal that together receive messages from other parts of the body and control how the body functions

"Each of your fingertips has over 3,000 neurons which send signals to your brain about the things you touch or feel."

awéé'  –  zygote



Literal translation:baby

Definition: Amá dóó azhé'é bik'eelyéí bee i'niitsąądgo

"Awéé' iilts'ą́ą́hígíí éí hastįįh bik'eelyéígíí asdzání bik'eelyéí yinígháahgo ats'íís bitł'óól/hinááhts'óóz t'áá łá'í bits'ą́ą́dóó dahdíníisééh. Naakií éí awee' iilts'ą'ígíí naakigo ałts'á'ashgo ał'ąą noosééł yileeh."


Definition: The cell that forms after gametes are joined.

"The zygote forms once the sperm cell enters the egg cell and they become one cell. Identical twins are a result of a zygote splitting into two cells."

ayęęzhii  –  egg



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Literal translation:animal egg

Definition: Asdzání bik'eelyéí

Definition: The female sex cell, or gamete. Compare with sperm.

"In many species, females pass on their DNA to their offspring through their egg cells."

ayoonaał  –  evolution



Literal translation:living things coming into existence

Definition: Ayoonaałgo bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łahgo ánídaa'níiłgo bik'ehgo ahii' háá' ayoochííł.


Definition: Changes in the frequency of alleles over generations

"Over the course of evolution, birds like ostriches lost the ability to fly as they evolved to survive well without flight."

azází  –  ancestor



less commonly used than ánaasází

Literal translation:azází = generations of relatives who preceded you

Definition: Hak'éí nát'ą́ą́' ahool'áago hamá dóó hazhé'é dabishchíníinii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' hojizhlį́į́'ígíí

"Ninálí hastįįh, nichei, nichó dabichó/dabinálí asdzą́ą́h dóó naakidi nichó/ninálí asdzą́ą́h éí t'áá ałtso nité'ázini ádaat'é."


Listen to pronunciation

Definition: One from whom an individual is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any number of generations.

"Your grandfather, great-grandmother, and great-great grandmother are all your ancestors."

azhool ałch'į' siláhígíí  –  molecule


azhool ałch'į' siláhígíí

Definition: Atom naaki éí doodago díkwíi da ahidiilyáago binitsiniltł'ish bináhaazléí (electrons) ahiidiinił


Definition: Two or more atoms that are joined because they share electrons

"Water is a molecule because it is made when two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine together."

aziil  –  thermal energy



Definition: Hado bee ayoonaałgo t'áá ha'át'íi da yee hadít'éii, molecules, ahídaha'náahgo yee niidoh dóó bits'á níłdoii

"Tó yibéezhgo tó bizhool, water molecules, kǫ' bits'áłdohígíí bee niidohgo nidaha'náago yibéézh yileeh."

thermal energy

Definition: This type of energy (also known as heat energy) is created when molecules move around quickly and randomly within a substance, which releases heat.

"When you boil water, the water molecules will start to move around quickly as they absorb thermal energy from the burner."

baa hą́ą́hasin  –  sustainable


baa hą́ą́hasin

Literal translation:careful use of resource

Definition: Nahasdzáán bikáá' honí'ą́ą́góó ha'át'ííshį́į́ chodaa'ínígíí nihwiileehígíí doo bilááhgóó choo'į́į da


Definition: When a resource from the environment is not used faster than it is produced in nature.

"We have a symbiosis with the bacteria that live in our gut. Our stomach and intestines give these bacteria a place to live and food to eat. In turn, the bacteria help us digest our food and protect us from pathogens in our food."

báhádzidii ayánígíí  –  corrosive


báhádzidii ayánígíí

Literal translation:toxic substance that eats away/wears away/deterioates

Definition: Ha'át'íi da bideezla' ayóo atí'áł'į́įgo ats'íís átííł'ínígíí


Definition: A highly reactive substance that causes obvious damage to living tissue

"Many household cleaners like bleach are corrosive because they can start to burn and harm your skin when left on the surface for too long."

bee adiiltłáadii  –  catalyst


bee adiiltłáadii

Literal translation:bee=by means of that, adiiltłáadii=a spark is created. By means of that which a spark is created

Definition: Bee adiiltłáadii t'áadoole'é ahidiilyéego bee bina'anishígíí

"Ha'át'íi da ahizhdiiléego, reaction, doo ádooníił da doo nawólníígóó éí t'áádoole'é bee adiiltłáád, catalyst, choo'į́įgo ahił dinish dóó ahidíníidah. T'óó bee hane'go abe' bitahdi lactase hólǫ́"


Definition: Any substance that increases the rate of a reaction without itself being consumed

"A catalyst makes an unlikely reaction more likely. For example, lactase is an enzyme catalyst that increases the rate that lactose, found in dairy products, is turned into two types of sugar that our bodies can use."

bee ats'íís haleehii alą́ąjį' naalnish  –  dominant


bee ats'íís haleehii alą́ąjį' naalnish

Literal translation:basic substance of life that works ahead of others

Definition: Bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii bee ázhnoolnin dóó ájít'éhígíí áyiił'įįh hamá dóó hazhé'é bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' bik'ehgo náás ooch'íiłii bee hojileehígíí aheełt'éego (homozygote) éí doodago doo aheełt'ée dago (heterozygote)


Definition: The allele that determines the phenotype when present in a homozygote or heterozygote. Compare with recessive.

"An individual with one allele for type-O blood and one allele for type-B blood will have type-B blood because the allele for type-B blood is dominant to the allele for type-O blood."

bee ats'íís haleehii alą́ąjį' naalnish bee ájít'é yileehii  –  dominant trait


bee ats'íís haleehii alą́ąjį' naalnish bee ájít'é yileehii

Literal translation:basic substance of life that works ahead of others that forms one's being

Definition: Ho'dizhchíídóó hojizhlį́į'go ázhnoolnin dóó ájít'éhígíí bee jinooséełii hamá dóó hazhé'é bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii alą́ąjį' (dominant) naalnishígíí bik'ehgo jinoosééł silį́į'go. Recessive éí bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii akéédóó bik'ehgo anoosééł.

dominant trait

Definition: An inherited characteristic that appears in an offspring if it is received from a parent through a dominant allele. Compare with recessive trait.

"A dominant trait is determined by a dominant allele. For example, if you have an allele for light eyes and an allele for dark eyes you will have dark eyes because that allele is dominant over the allele for light eyes."

bee doo ihodééłníinii  –  immune system


bee doo ihodééłníinii

Definition: Hinááhts'ózí dóó akááz éí doodago atsą́ siléí bitoo' t'áádoole'é ba'át'e' dahólóonii yich'ą́ą́h naalnishígíí

immune system

Definition: A collection of cells and organs that help to defend an organism against pathogens.

"Someone who has the flu is infectious for the first couple of days because they can give the flu to others."

bee éédahozinii  –  evidence


bee éédahozinii

Literal translation:by means of which something is valid

Definition: Ha'át'íida t'áá aaníí át'é bee bééhózinígíí nídiilyáago binahjį' baa ha'oodzíí' dóó woodlánígíí t'áá aaníigo baa nitsáhákees.


Definition: The available facts or information that indicate a belief or statement is true or valid

bee ééhóznii yéélta'ii  –  data


bee ééhóznii yéélta'ii

Literal translation:facts/evidence that compiled and counted

Definition: T'áá ha'át'íi da dayéélta', bída'néél'ąądígíí, saad da, haalzíidgo bikáá' ályaii, dóó baa hane'go aha'ádaalyaii

Definition: A collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or descriptions of thing

"When you write notes about something you see, like the number of petals on a flower, you are collecting data."

bee hojileehii akéédóó héesdáii  –  recessive trait


bee hojileehii akéédóó héesdáii

Definition: Hats'íís dóó ájít'éhígíí bił ho'dizhchínígíí hamá dóó hazhé'é bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' nízhdiiláhígíí éí bik'ehgo náás oochíił'ii akéédóó naalnishígíí, recessive, bik'ehgo hojizhlį́į́'.

recessive trait

Definition: An inherited characteristic that appears in an offspring if it is received from a parent through a recessive allele. Compare with dominant trait.

"A recessive trait is determined by a recessive allele. For example, if you have an allele for light eyes and an allele for dark eyes you will have dark eyes because the allele for light eyes is recessive."

bee iináanii ałghaadzį́į́s  –  competition


bee iináanii ałghaadzį́į́s

Literal translation:life resource fighting over it/taking it away from one another

Definition: Dahináanii t'ááłáhági haz'ą́ągo kééhat'į́įgo bee da'iináanii ałghadeidit'áahígíí


Definition: A negative interaction that occurs whenever two or more organisms require the same limited resource

"In the winter when there are few plants, the deer are in competition with one another for who gets to eat them."

bee iináanii nidaalnish  –  biochemical reaction


bee iináanii nidaalnish

Literal translation:by means of life they are in process

Definition: Hináanii bits'íístahdi t'áá ałtso ahił nidaalnishgo yee hiná dóó bits'íís bitł'óól hazhó'ó danéesé

"Ch'iyáán yíníyą́ą'go nits'íís éí yee biinéí dooleełígíí yee íidoolííł. Hináanii bits'íís bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' t'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ ahił nidaalnishgo bee iinánígíí bee iinéí niheleeh, metabolism éí doodago biochemical reaction deiłní ałdó'."

biochemical reaction

Definition: In organisms, chemical reactions that help sustain life and allow cells to grow

"When you eat food, your body converts it into energy through a biochemical reaction called metabolism."

bee iinéí ííł'íní  –  mitochondria


bee iinéí ííł'íní

Definition: Hinááhts'ózí bitsą́ siléí ch'iyáán néidił'eeł dóó yee bidziil dóó biinéí yileehígíí


Definition: An organelle that takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy (ATP) for the cell

"Power plants supply electricity to your home, just like the mitochondria supplies energy to the cell."

bee na'nit'inii  –  camouflage


bee na'nit'inii

Literal translation:by means of that which one is not seen

Definition: Hináago naaldeeh dóó nidaat'a'ii binaagóó áhoot'éhígíí yee hadiit'įįhgo doo yit'į́į da yileeh

"Gahtsoh éí dadiniltso áko łeezh yedaałt'éego bił nidoodiłígíí doo boo'į́į da."


Definition: When organisms disguise their appearance to blend in with their surroundings

"Jackrabbits are brown so that they camouflage with the dirt and avoid being seen by predators."

bich'iiyą' t'áá bí ííł'íinii  –  autotroph


bich'iiyą' t'áá bí ííł'íinii

Literal translation:one that creates its own nutrients

Definition: Hináanii t'áá bí ch'iyáán yidooyį́į́łígíí ííł' į́ t'áá ákǫ́ǫ́h binaagóó hólónígíí adinídíín dóó t'áádoole'é ałtah nihwiileehgo ahił nidaalnishígíí bits'ą́ą́ biziil choyooł'į́įgo

"Nídíshchíí' ch'iyáán yiyą́ągo doo yiiltséeh da. Éidí éí shánídíín, tó, dóó níłch'i carbon dioxide wolyéhígíí choyooł'į́įgo yee biinéí. Kódaat'éhígíí éí autotrophs wolyé."


Definition: An organism capable of making its own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy (compare with heterotroph)

"You've never seen pine trees eat food because they are autotrophs and use light, water, and carbon dioxide to gain energy."

bíígháán ádaadinii  –  invertebrate


bíígháán ádaadinii

Literal translation:those that do not have a spine

Definition: Hináanii bíígháán ádaadinígíí.


Definition: Any animal lacking a spinal cord (also known as a backbone). Compare with vertebrate.

"Worms, bees, and snails are all invertebrates."

bíígháán dahólónígíí  –  vertebrate


bíígháán dahólónígíí

Literal translation:those that have a spine

Definition: Hináanii naaldeehii, animals, bits'íísts'in dóó bitsiighąą' bíígháán bii' danít'i' ígíí

"Bíla'ashdla'ii, łį́į́', dóó tsídii éí bíígháán dahólóonii ádaat'é éí bąą vertebrate wolyé, ákondi táłtł'ááh bigaanłání éí bits'íístsin ádaadingo atsiighąą' íígháán bii' nít'i'í doo dahólǫ́ǫ da. Éí bąą invertebrate wolyé."


Definition: An animal that has a spinal cord and a skeleton. Compare with invetebrate.

"Humans, horses, and birds are vertebrates, but an octopus has no bones or spinal cord and is thus an invertebrate."

biką' dóó bi'áadii t'áá gééd oochííł  –  asexual reproduction


biką' dóó bi'áadii t'áá gééd oochííł

Literal translation:biką'=the male; dóó=and; bi'áadii=the female; t'áá gééd=just without that (their role); oochííł=offsprings are born. The process of creating offsprings without sexual activity of males and females.

Definition: Azhé'é t'áágééd i'niitsąąh dóó ni'iichííh. Amá t'áá sáhá idínóoltsąął dóó adoołchííł.

"Ch'osh doo yit'íinii bihinááhts'óóz'/bits'íís bitł'óól ałts'áníséehgo ádéé'iil'įįh, naaki yiłchííh. Hináanii t'áá sáhá t'áá bí ałchíihgo éí asexual reproduction wolyé."

asexual reproduction

Definition: The process of creating offspring without exchanging genetic information with another organism through sex.

"A bacteria cell can make a copy of itself by splitting into two cells. When something reproduces without a partner, it is called asexual reproduction."

bik'ehgo na'alkaahii  –  theory


bik'ehgo na'alkaahii

Definition: T'áá ha'át'íi da át'éegi dóó naalnishígi át'éego baa hane' dóó nábinázláago binahjį' áhá'nínígíí łą́ bééhózingo


Definition: An explanation for why things work or how things happen that is supported by a large amount of scientific evidence

"Cell theory states that all organisms are made up of cells and that all new cells are produced by existing cells. We know that this is true because we can see cells under a microscope and can trace the origin of new cells back to the cells they came from. There is no evidence to suggest this theory is incorrect."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii ał'ąą át'é  –  allele


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii ał'ąą át'é

Literal translation:gene that has become different or changed

Definition: Bik'ehgo náás oochíił'ii łahgo át'éhígíí.

"Hats'íís biyi'di bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii bee hahodít'é éí biyi'di bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii béé'ályaago naakigo bii' hólǫ́. Béé'ályaaígíí doo aheełt'ée dago éí alleles, bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łahgo ádzaaígíí, naakigo hwee hólǫ́ǫ doo."


Definition: A particular version of a gene.

"You have two copies of each gene in your genome. If the copies are different, you have two alleles of that gene."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łago át'e silį́į́'ígíí t'áá át'é  –  gene


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łago át'e silį́į́'ígíí t'áá át'é

Definition: Iiná bitł'óól bąąhgi bik'ehgo jinooséełgo t'áá jizį́į́ nít'ę́ę́' ájít'é dooleełígíí

Definition: A section of DNA that is the unit of heredity for a trait.

"In cats, fur length is determined by one gene, but body size is influenced by many genes."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łahgo ádzaa  –  mutation


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii łahgo ádzaa

Definition: Iiná bitł'óól łahgo ádzaa.


Definition: A permanent alteration in the DNA sequence

"Mutations are common. Every person has a lot of mutations, but most of them are not harmful."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii naaki aheełt'é  –  homozygote


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii naaki aheełt'é

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii ła' biyik'ehgo náás oołchíiłii łahgo át'é silį́į́'ígíí naakigo bee hólǫ́.


Definition: An individual who has two of the same alleles for a gene. Compare with heterozygote.

"Individuals who have two sickle cell alleles are homozygotes at that locus and will display sickle cell disease."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii naaki ał'ąą át'é  –  heterozygote


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii naaki ał'ąą át'é

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii bi'iiná bitł'óól bąąhgi bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii gene naaki ał'ąą át'éego hólónígíí


Definition: An individual who has two different alleles of a gene. Compare with homozygote.

"Individuals who only have one sickle cell allele are heterozygotes at that locus and will not display sickle cell disease."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii naalkaah  –  genetics


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii naalkaah

Literal translation:bik'ehgo = following, náás oochíiłii = forward birth, naalkaah = study/ research. Meaning, "study the following of reproduction"

Definition: Dahináanii yik'ehgo náás oołchííłígíí dóó yił oołchíiłii nidaalkaahgo t'áá át'é bíhoo'aah


Definition: The study of genes and inheritance in living organisms

"A scientist who studies corn genetics researches how traits and diseases are inherited and affect yield."

bik'ehgo náás oochíiłiii  –  gene pool


bik'ehgo náás oochíiłiii

Definition: T'áá hoolzhishgi dahináanii t'áá sahdii dahyikahgo yik'ehgo náás oołchíiłii łahgo át'é daazlį́į'ígíí t'áá ałtso ááł jiní

gene pool

Definition: All of the alleles of all the genes in a population of a specific species at a given time.

"A species with red and orange flowers has alleles for red and orange flower color in its gene pool."

bił ho'dizhchíinii bee jíłdzilígíí  –  adaptation


bił ho'dizhchíinii bee jíłdzilígíí

Literal translation:bił = with that which; ho'dizhchíinii = one is born; bee = by means of it; jíłdzilígíí = one is stable/withstands. characteristic with which one is born by means of it one is stable and withstands

Definition: Bee ájít'éii bił ho'dizhchínígíí ła' bee hadziilgo jiinánígíí hái da nááná ła' ákót'éhígíí doo bił yizhchínígíí bił ałch'į' naa'nil aheełt'éego haz'ą́ągi haalzííd.

"Gahtsoh bijaa' danineez silį́į́'ígíí éí yee nízaadgóó ayóo adiits'a' dóó deesdoigo yee doo bił niiłdóoh da."


Definition: A heritable trait that increases the fitness of an individual with that trait compared to individuals without that trait in a particular environment.

"The Jackrabbit's large ears are an adaptation that helps them hear better and stay cool in the hot desert."

bił náás oochíił  –  heredity


bił náás oochíił

Literal translation:things in the reproductive process

Definition: Dahináanii yizhchíigo bimá dóó bizhé'é yik'ehgo náás oołchíiłii bee bik'i' aschínígíí yee hadít'é yileeh


Definition: The passing on of traits from parents to offspring through genetic information.

"Scientific discoveries about heredity allow scientists to identify the causes of many genetic disorders."

bił oochíiłii bee hazhdiidzaa  –  inherit


bił oochíiłii bee hazhdiidzaa

Literal translation:bił oochíiłii = birth. hazhdiidzaa = dress up. Describing " how you look as an offspring of your parents"

Definition: Hamá dóó hazhé'é bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii binahjį' yee hadít'éhígíí bił ho'dizhchį́įgo


Definition: To receive a particular characteristic from a parent, usually through genes that are passed from parent to offspring.

"When somone notices that siblings look alike, they are seeing similar traits that the siblings inherited from their parents."

bitsiniltł'ish ádin  –  neutron


bitsiniltł'ish ádin

Literal translation:bitsiniltł'ish = charge. ádin = none. "Meaning, no charge"

Definition: Atom yee hadít'éhígíí atsiniltł'ish bąąhgóó ádin.


Definition: The components of an atom that have no charge

"The nitrogen cycle describes the way nitrogen atoms move around the Earth. Nitrogen atoms move around when organisms decompose, when bacteria absorb and release nitrogen, and when fertilizer used on crops washes into rivers and streams."

biyáázh tsʼǫʼasánígíí  –  amphibian


biyáázh tsʼǫʼasánígíí

Literal translation:Tátłááh= under water; dóó = and; nihookáá = on land; naaldeehii = living and going about In the water and on the ground those that live there

Definition: Dahináanii bíígháán dahólónígíí éí binaagóó áhoot'éhígíí binahjį' bits'íís sidoh dóó sik'azígíí éí (ectotherm wolyé). Yichííhgo táyi' naaleeh áádóó dahdínísééh dóó éí dóó tábąąhdi dóó łeeshtahdi dahiná. Ch'ał ádaat'éii dóó salamanders ááł ha'ní.

"Chał éí táyi' dóó nihookáá' hinánígíí ádaat'é, chałyázhí danilį́įgo éí táyi' dahiná dóó ałtso niniséehgo éí bijáád dahaleehgo nihookáá' naaldeeh."


Definition: A vertebrate animal whose internal temperature depends on the environment (ectotherm). Most live in the water when young and live on land as adults. Examples include frogs, toads, and salamanders.

"Frogs are amphibians that live as tadpoles in the water when they are young, and are able to walk on land as an adult after they grow legs."

ch'ída'iinééh  –  emigration



Literal translation:people moving out

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii dayikah nít'ę́ę́' yits'á dahanééhgo nááná łahjí dahyikahígíí yił yah adahnéehgo.


Definition: The movement of individuals out of a particular population or area to other populations or areas. Compare with immigration.

"You could say that when you leave your classroom and walk out into the hall that you are emigrating from your classroom."

chʼil  –  plant



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Literal translation:plant

Definition: Nanise' ałtsaas'éí dóó ch'il shánídíín yee bidziilgo á'dólzingo hinánígíí.


Definition: An organism capable of photosynthesis

"Plants live in a variety of different environments. For example, pecan trees grow where it's warm, seaweed grow in the ocean, and piñon trees grow in or near the desert."

ch'il dóó naaldloozhii yiyání  –  omnivore


ch'il dóó naaldloozhii yiyání

Definition: Hináanii ch'il dóó hináanii naaldeehígíí bich'iiyą' áyósinígíí.


Definition: An animal that eats both plants and animals

"People are ominvores because we can eat both meat and vegetables."

ch'il dootł'izhí dóó dahinánii shá yee biinéí  –  photosynthesis


ch'il dootł'izhí dóó dahinánii shá yee biinéí

Definition: Ch'il, nanise', dóó dahináanii ła' shánídíín yee bidziil dóó biinéígo áyósinígíí.


Definition: The process by which green plants and certain other organisms turns energy from the sun into chemical energy

"When plants photosynthesize, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen that we can breathe."

ch'iyáán bee ats'íís haleehii  –  protein


ch'iyáán bee ats'íís haleehii

Definition: Ch'iyáán ats'íís bee haleeh dóó hasht'éé yoodlííłígíí, protein, bee haleehígíí, amino acid, da'ahólzha' daaleeh dóó nidaat'ood łeh


Definition: A chain of amino acids that can fold into a specific shape

"Hemoglobin is the protein in a red blood cell that carries oxygen to different parts of your body."

ch'iyáán bee hahodít'é  –  food web


ch'iyáán bee hahodít'é

Definition: Ch'iyáán dahideezláádóó dahiníláajį' bee hahodít'éego nahaz'ą́. Łahgóó ahéédadiit'I'

food web

Definition: Represents multiple pathways through which energy and nutrients flow through an ecosystem. It includes many intersecting food chains. It demonstrates that most organisms eat, and are eaten, by more than one species.

"Eagles eat mice, mice eat grain, and these three species form a food chain."

ch'iyáán hinílá  –  food chain


ch'iyáán hinílá

Definition: Dahináanii ałkéé' bił honí'ą́ągo dahnaazhjaa'go bich'iiyą' nídanidlį́

food chain

Definition: A linear sequence of organisms through which nutrients and energy pass as one organism eats another

"A large, healthy deer that mates often will have higher fitness than a small, unhealthy deer that doesn't mate as often."

chʼiyáán náálkąąd bee jiinánígíí  –  glucose


chʼiyáán náálkąąd bee jiinánígíí

Literal translation:substances from digested food by means of which one has life

Definition: Łikání hadił bitahdi hólǫ́ǫgo íiyisíí bee hadziil dóó hwiinéí áhósinígíí óolyé. Łikání glucose wolyéhígíí hadił bitahdi hólǫ́ éí hats'íís ííł'į́įgo hadił bitahdi niheleeh.


Definition: The simple sugar that is the main source of energy. Glucose is found in the blood and is the main sugar that the body makes.

"Someone with diabetes needs to monitor their glucose levels, which is the amount of sugar that is in their bloodstream."

ch'iyáán náyoołkąąłii  –  digestive system


ch'iyáán náyoołkąąłii

Literal translation:that which breaks down food to watery substance, usually sweet

Definition: Atsą́ níléí ch'iyáán dóó jidlánígíí néedił'eel dóó bitoo' ádaat'éí yee ats'íís bidziil, biinéí, dóó hats'íís háidoodlííł. Ha'át'ííshį́į́ hats'íís doo choyooł'į́į da dooígíí éí hach'íí' bee níláhgóó kót'į́

digestive system

Definition: The organs that take in food and liquids and break them down into substances that the body can use for energy, growth, and tissue repair. Waste products the body cannot use leave the body through bowel movements

"Your digestive system includes your mouth, stomach, and intestines. All of these organs play a role in breaking down food you can absorb nutrients and energy."

ch'iyáán yidiłidí  –  enzyme


ch'iyáán yidiłidí

Literal translation:something that burns food

Definition: Naaldeehii bits'íístahdi ch'iyáán yididiiłił go yee bidziil dóó hináadoogo éí ch'iyáán bits'íístahdi shoogishígíí yee yidiłidígíí hodooleeł éí ch'iyáán yidiiłtláadgo bits'ą́ą́dóó biinéí dóó bidziil.


Definition: A substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process

"People that are lactose intolerant cannot make the enzyme called lactase which prevents them from digesting lactose in milk."

ch'osh  –  insect



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Literal translation:ch'osh = bug

Definition: Hináanii ch'osh bidi'nínígíí éí hastą́ą́ bijáád dóó bits'a' dahólǫ́ǫgo yee bits'íís niłdzil éí exoskeleton wolyé.


Definition: Small animals with six legs and a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton.

"A ladybug is an insect because it has six legs and an outer shell; however, a tick is not an insect because it does not have six legs."

ch'osh doo yit'íinii bee naatseedí  –  antibiotic


ch'osh doo yit'íinii bee naatseedí

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Literal translation:ch'osh=bug, bacteria; doo yit'íinii=not visible; bee naatseedí=substance used to kill them. A substance used to kill bacteria.

Definition: Ch'osh doo yit'íinii bee yigání éí doodago bee ni'óolziní

"Ch'osh doo yit'íinii ba'át'e' hólónígíí bits'ą́ą́dóó hatah doo hats'íi da jileehgo azee'ííł'íní azee' ch'osh doo yit'íinii neiłtseedígíí hąąh áyiił'įįh éí ch'osh doo yit'íinii ííłdįįh."


Definition: A substance that kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria.

"When harmful bacteria make you sick, the doctor may give you antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria."

chʼosh doo yitʼínii  –  bacteria; microorganism


chʼosh doo yitʼínii

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Also includes viruses

Literal translation:bug so small that you can't see them

1. T'áádoole'é bits'íís bitł'óól t'ááłá'ígo yee hiná ch'osh doo yit'íinii dabijiní

"Níla' níníł'į́įgo doo bąąh chiní dashį́į́ nahalin. Tánínánígisgo ch'osh doo yit'íinii doo níla' bee dii chin da."

2. Hináanii doo yit'íinii. Bee adéest'į́į́' dabidziilígíí t'éí bee daat'į́.


Definition: Microscopic single celled organisms.

"Even if your hands look clean it is important that you wash them to remove any harmful bacteria."


Definition: An organism too small to be seen without a microscope

"Sperm and egg cells are created through meiosis."

dahináanii bidziil  –  resistance


dahináanii bidziil

Definition: Hináanii naayéé' doo bidééłníi da á'dólzin


Definition: The ability of an organism to withstand harmful effects

"Animals with thick fur have a resistance to cold temperatures."

dił  –  blood


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Literal translation:blood

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii bits'íístoo' dóó hináago naaldeehii bits'íístoo' bits'íístahgóó dóó bits'íís bitł'óól biyi'góó níłch'i dóó ch'iyáán dóó yee hináanii ayiił'eeł áádóó ats'íís ałtso choyoos'įįdii níláhgóó ats'á yiile

"Nits'íís doo naalnish da doo dił t'óó ahayóí bąąh háágo'go, háálá dił níłch'i bii' hólǫ́ dóó ch'iyáán bibee adziil dóó iináanii nits'íís yee naha'ná éí yinízin."


Definition: Body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports waste away those cells

"Your body will stop functioning if it loses too much blood, because blood contains the oxygen and nutrients your body needs."

dił ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí  –  ABO blood type


dił ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí

Literal translation:dił = blood; ał'ąą = different kinds; ádaat'éhígíí = the way they are blood different kinds the way they are

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii bidił bee bééhózindooígíí ádaalyaa. Hadił łichíí'ígíí bikáá'gónaa áhoot'éhígíí bik'ehgo háidígííshį́į́ hadił A, B, O, doodago AB.

"Naho'dilgizhgo dił łą́ hats'ánah éí bąą hadił nilínígíí hoł bééhózin aláahgo. Dił łą hąąh haanahgo azee' ííł'íní dił háidígííshį́į́ hadił nilínígíí bił aheełt'é A, B, O díí táá' ał'ąą át'é éí bik'ehgo dił yee adahajeehígíí bidił hwiih nákááh."

ABO blood type

Definition: A system used to group human blood into different types, based on the presence or absence of certain characteristics on the surface of red blood cells. The four main blood types are A, B, O, and AB

"If you have surgery, it is important to know your blood type. If you lose a lot of blood, doctors find a match for your ABO blood type so that your body accepts the donated blood."

dil diyilii  –  plasma


dil diyilii

Definition: Dił litsooí


Definition: The non-cellular portion of blood

"Plasma makes up about half of our blood and has important salts, proteins, and antibodies that help fight infection."

dił łichí'í  –  red blood cell


dił łichí'í

Literal translation:dił = red. łichí'í = red.

Definition: Hadił łichí'í níłch'i'

red blood cell

Definition: The blood cells that carry oxygen

"Anemia occurs when someone doesn't have enough red blood cells. It can cause people to feel tired, dizzy, or short of breath."

dił łigaaí  –  white blood cell


dił łigaaí

Literal translation:dił = blood. łigaaî = white. Meaning, "white blood"

Definition: Hinááhts'óóz ats'íís yee bihodééłníi da áyósin éí ii'noot'į́į́', infection, dóó ąąh dahwiidooł'aałii yich'ą́ą́h naalnish

"Dił łigaí éí ats'íís bee doo bihodééłníinii yitah naalnish. Dił łigaí t'óó ahayóí ał'ąą át'é hats'óós biyi'di hadił bitah áádóó t'áá ał'ąą át'éego binaanish dahólǫ́ǫgo ch'osh doo yit'íinii ats'íís yihodiiłt'ééhígíí yik'ijį' nidaalnish."

white blood cell

Definition: Cells that are part of the body's immune system that help the body fight infection and other diseases.

"White blood cells are part of the immune system. There are many different types of white blood cells circulating in your blood and each type has a specific role in fighting infections."

dláád  –  fungi



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Literal translation:mold

Definition: Hináanii bich'iiyą' binaagóó hólónígíí néidił'eełgo bikágí biníkáágóne' biihishigéeshgo yee hiná.


Definition: Living organisms that get their nutrients by absorbing them.

"The green or white patches on old bread are a type of fungi called mold."

doo hináanii  –  inorganic


doo hináanii

Literal translation:doo = no. hináanii = living. Meaning, not living

Definition: Ha'át'íi da doo dahináa dago daholónígíí bee ályaa. Hináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́'go éí organic át'ée doo.


Definition: Made of non-living materials. Compare with organic.

"Inorganic substances like metal and turquoise can be used to make a turquoise bracelet."

doo łahgo áyooliił da  –  negative feedback loop


doo łahgo áyooliił da

Definition: Ha'át'íi da naalnishgo hoolzhish nít'ę́ę́' ni'áániił silį́į́' dóó bits'ą́ą́dóó doo łahgo áhooniił da yileeh éí náasdi hasht'e didooteeł

negative feedback loop

Definition: When the outcome of a process reduces further change and the process becomes stable

"The thermostat functions as a negative feedback loop because it keeps the temperature within a building stable by turning on the air conditioning if the temperature gets too hot or turning it off if it gets too cold."

doo oochííł bá haz'ą́ą da  –  reproductive isolation


doo oochííł bá haz'ą́ą da

Definition: Haa'í da ha'át'íi da dahináanii t'ááłáhági bił haz'ą́ą doo nida'iiłchíigo hodeeshzhiizh

reproductive isolation

Definition: The situation where closely related species are unable to reproduce because of differences in location, mating time, behavior, or changes in anatomy.

"Two populations of squirels on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon experienced reproductive isolation for so long that they are now two different species."

doo yit'íinii bee nél'íní  –  microscope


doo yit'íinii bee nél'íní

Literal translation:something used to look at very small objects that cannot be seen

Definition: Bee adéest'į́į́' ha'át'íi da áłts'íísígo doo yit'į́į da nidi nitsaago daat'į́įgo ádeile'


Definition: A device that makes very small objects or organisms larger so that they can be observed

"You need a microscope to see cells dividing."

haa'í da hahonííchaadgi ałtsé dahiinaadígíí  –  pioneer species


haa'í da hahonííchaadgi ałtsé dahiinaadígíí

Definition: Dahináanii alą́ąjį' dahóóchxǫ'góne' adahanééhígíí.

pioneer species

Definition: The species that appear first in a habitat or after a disturbance.

"After a forest fire, the first species to reappear is a pioneer species."

haalzíí baa ha'oodzíí'  –  hypothesis


haalzíí baa ha'oodzíí'

Definition: T'áádoole'é haalzíidgo haa da yit'ée doogo dóó bídí'nóol'ąął bohónéedzą́ baa ha'oodzíí'ígíí


Definition: A testable statement that explains a set of observations.

"You think bees prefer sunny days over cloudy days because it is unlikely to rain on sunny days. You test your hypothesis by comparing the number of bees visiting flowers on both sunny and cloudy days."

haalzííd  –  observation



Definition: Na'alkaahgo bééhózin silį́į'ii anáá' bee yitį́įgo haalzíídígíí.


Definition: The data measured or seen, often during an experiment

"You are making an observation when you feel a change in the weather, see a cloudy sky, or hear thunder."

ha'át'íi da doo łahgo ánéehii  –  chemical


ha'át'íi da doo łahgo ánéehii

Literal translation:something that does not change

Definition: Ha'át'íi da t'ááłáhági át'éego hadít'é dóó t'ááłáhági át'éego naalnishígíí

"Tó éí ha'át'íi da t'áá ałtsóní bee ályaii, element, díkwíi da ałtah ályaii, chemical, át'é éísh baa ákonínízin? Tó t'ááłá'í hadaałt'éego si'ánígíí, molecule, níłch'ih łikoní ászólí naakigo dóó níłch'ih łigaií, oxygen, t'ááłá'ígo bił ahii'sinilgo da'ahótą' éí bąą Hąó bee wójí dóó naaltsoos bikáá' áł'į́."


Definition: A substance that has a constant composition and characteristic properties.

"Did you know water is a chemical? Each molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that bond together, which is why it is called H20."

ha'át'íi da doonííł nawólní  –  probability


ha'át'íi da doonííł nawólní

Definition: Haa da hoot'éedoo le' hasingo éí doodago na'alkaahgo naalkaahii ádoonííł nawólnínígíí


Definition: The chance that something will happen or of a hypothesis being correct

"When you role a six-sided die, the probability of rolling a three is 1/6, or 16.7%."

habił dóó ts'ísee háni' nilį́  –  circadian rhythm


habił dóó ts'ísee háni' nilį́

Definition: Niyiiłkaah dóó aná'át'áahjį' hats'íís biyi'di ajiłhosh, ninájílnish dóó hasht'ez dít'é bee bíhólníihgo nijigháhígíí

"Circadian rhythm éí hináanii bits'íís yee jį́įgo dóó tł'ée'go ahééh hwiilzhííshígíí yik'ehgo naaldeeh dóó nidanise'ígíí óolyé. Nidíyílii abinígo háá'áago bílátah hózhóón ha'a'aahjigo niiłki' éí shá yíka'ałkidgo át'į́."

circadian rhythm

Definition: A natural, internal process that regulates daily cycles of sleep or inactivity and wakefulness or activity

"The circadian rhythm of sunflowers lets them anticipate the timing and direction of the sunrise each morning so that they can face their flowers towards the sun."

hadaat'e'  –  mineral



Definition: Nahasdzáán biyi'dę́ę́' t'áádoole'é doo dahináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' hólónígíí


Definition: An inorganic substance that occurs naturally

"Precious stones like onyx and turquiose are minerals."

hái da bi allele t'áá ałtso  –  genotype


hái da bi allele t'áá ałtso

Literal translation:someone's allele all of it

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináanii yik'ehgo náás oołchíiłii łahgo át'é daazlį́į́'ígíí t'áá ałtso


Definition: All of the alleles in a given individual's genome

"A sheep's genotype may include alleles for white wool and black wool, but because the black allele is dominant, the sheep's phenotype will be black wool."

haigo iilhoshii  –  hibernate


haigo iilhoshii

Definition: Haigo éí doodago ch'iyáán doo łą́ dahólǫ́ǫ da haleehgo na'at'i'í dóó naaldlooshii bits'íís ni'át'įįh, doo ayóo naha'ná da, doo ayóo sizil da,


Definition: A state in which an animal’s body processes are slower than usual, its body temperature falls, and its activities are limited, usually during winter or when food is scarce.

"Many animals that live in the mountains hibernate because there is little food in the cold winter months."

haniihii  –  specialist



Definition: Dahináanii t'ááła' dahyikahgo ts'ídá bá yá'áhoot'éehgo haz'ą́ągi yee hináanii bá hólǫ́ǫgo t'éí náás yikah


Definition: A species that requires specific environmental conditions or specific types of resources. Compare with generalist.

"Yucca plants are specialists that are only pollinated by specific species of moths. These moths are also specialists because they can only lay their eggs in yucca flowers."

hats'oos  –  circulatory system



Definition: Hats'íístahgóó hadił nidaazlį́įgo bee níłch'i dóó ch'iyáán hats'íís bitah hólǫ́ǫgo áyósin áádóó hats'íís ałtso choyoos'įįdígíí hats'áyiiléego jiinánígíí. Kót'éego binaanishígíí éí hajéídíshjool, hats'oos łichí'í dóó hats'oos dootł'izhí.

"Hadił hódahgo na'ałkidgo hats'íístahgóó hats'óós dóó dił yee hadít'éhígíí doo hazhó'ó naalnish da háálá hajéídíshjool yéego yich'į' naaldzilgo hadił t'áá át'é náásgóó ayiiłt'ood."

circulatory system

Definition: The system that moves blood, oxygen, nutrients, waste, and other materials throughout the body. The circulatory system includes the heart, arteries, and veins

"When you have high blood pressure, your circulatory system doesn't function as well becuase your heart has to work harder to pump the same amount of blood through your body."

hinááhts'óóz  –  cell



Listen to pronunciation

Formal word

Literal translation:hinááh = living unit, ts'óóz=slender, primal. Means "slender primal unit of life"

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól éí ats'íís bee ályaaígíí ts'ídá t'ááłá'ígo si'ánígíí náhidínísé, binaagóó yaa ákonízin, dóó ádéé'ál'į́įgo noosééł.

"Nits'íís tádiindi dóó bi'aan tsosts'idi trillion, táa'di dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh hinááhts'ózí/ats'íís bitł'óól yee hadít'é! Ákondi ch'osh doo yit'íinii, bacteria cells, éí neeznádiindi dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh nits'íís biyi'di dóó nąąhgóó dahólǫ́."

[sel]Listen to pronunciation

Definition: The cell is the smallest unit with the basic properties of life, such as growth, sensing the environment, and reproduction.

"Your body is composed of around 37 trillion cells! That is a big number but there are even more bacteria cells that live on and in you: around 100 trillion."

hinááhts'óóz ahii' silá  –  tissue


hinááhts'óóz ahii' silá

Definition: Hinááhts'ózí t'áá ahedaałt'éego dóó binaanish t'ááłá'ígo

"Awóchii' bąąh dahoo'aahgo hawóchii' dadeeshchii', neezhcháád, dóó dił bąąh łeh. Awóchii' bąąh dahwiidoo'aałígíí bits'ąą t'áá ahą́ą́h hawoo' níjích'ish dóó hawoo' bita' niná'zhníłdisgo doo bąąh dahoo'aah da."


Definition: A group of cells that perform a similar function

"Gum disease causes your gum tissue to become red, swollen, and bleed easily. You can prevent gum disease by frequently brushing and flossing your teeth."

hinááhts'óóz ałts'á nooseeł  –  prophase


hinááhts'óóz ałts'á nooseeł

Definition: Hinááhts'óóz ał'ąą át'éego ałts'á níséego, mitosis éí doodago meiosis, alą́ąjį' bee hahalzhííshígíí


Definition: The first stage of mitosis or meiosis where chromosomes are compressed

hinááhts'óóz naagháii  –  unicellular


hinááhts'óóz naagháii

Literal translation:one cell that lives separately

Definition: Hináanii hinááhts'óóz t'ááłá'ígo bits'íís nilį́. Hináanii náádaała' éí hinááhts'óóz łą́ągo yee bits'íís dahólǫ́.

"Chosh doo yit'íinii bidii'nínígíí éí doo ch'osh át'éeda nidi éí bee yíníijí. Hináago t'áá ałtsogóó hólǫ́, hinááhts'ózí t'ááłá'ígo bitsíís."


Definition: Organisms that consist of one cell. Compare with multicellular.

"Bacteria are unicellular organisms because they are made of one cell."

hinááhts'ózí  –  cell



Listen to pronunciation

Shorthand of the formal word

Literal translation:hinááh = living unit, ts'ózí=small, primal. Means "small primal unit of life"

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól éí ats'íís bee ályaaígíí ts'ídá t'ááłá'ígo si'ánígíí náhidínísé, binaagóó yaa ákonízin, dóó ádéé'ál'į́įgo noosééł.

"Nits'íís tádiindi dóó bi'aan tsosts'idi trillion, táa'di dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh hinááhts'ózí/ats'íís bitł'óól yee hadít'é! Ákondi ch'osh doo yit'íinii, bacteria cells, éí neeznádiindi dimííl ahą́ą́h nániildéeldi dimííltsoh nits'íís biyi'di dóó nąąhgóó dahólǫ́."

[sel]Listen to pronunciation

Definition: The cell is the smallest unit with the basic properties of life, such as growth, sensing the environment, and reproduction.

"Your body is composed of around 37 trillion cells! That is a big number but there are even more bacteria cells that live on and in you: around 100 trillion."

hinááhts'ózí ádéé'iiyaa  –  mitosis


hinááhts'ózí ádéé'iiyaa

Definition: Hinááhts'ózí t'ááłá'í si'ánígíí ałts'á níséehgo naaki yileehígíí


Definition: When a single cell divides into two identical cells

"As we grow, our cells divide through mitosis to create new cells."

hinááhts'ózí ałts'á níséego iiná bitł'óól ałkéé' niikah  –  metaphase


hinááhts'ózí ałts'á níséego iiná bitł'óól ałkéé' niikah

Definition: Hinááhts'ózí t'ááłáhádi éí doodago naakidi ałts'áníséego iiná bitł'óól ałníi'gi hasht'e' niikáahgo hodinaahígíí.


Definition: The time during mitosis or meiosis where copies of chromosomes line up in the center of a cell

hinááhts'ózí bijéí  –  nucleus (cell)


hinááhts'ózí bijéí

Literal translation:hinááhts'ózí = cell. bijéí = heart. "Meaning, heart of the cell"

Definition: Hinááhts'óóz yee naalnishgo biyi'di iiná bitł'óól ak'ah bineestiin, plasma. bik'í da'asti'go daholǫ́.

nucleus (cell)

Definition: The part of the cell that controls the functions of the cell and where DNA is found within a plasma membrane

"Most cells of organisms that are eukaryotes have a nucleus in their cells. In animals, red blood cells do not have a nucleus."

hinááhts'ózí bita'góó  –  intracellular


hinááhts'ózí bita'góó

Literal translation:between cells

Definition: Hinááts'ózí bita'góó


Definition: Located or occurring within a cell or cells. Compare with intercellular.

"If the rooms of your house are cells, the hallways between the rooms are like intercellular space."

hinááhts'ózí bitsą́siléí  –  organelle


hinááhts'ózí bitsą́siléí

Definition: Hinááhts'óóz/ats'íís bitł'óól biyi'di si'ą́ągo bik'ésti'ii hólǫ́ áádóó t'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ binaanish.


Definition: A structure within a cell that is enclosed within its own membrane and has a function

"Organelles in a cell are like organs in a body. Cell organelles include the nucleus and mitochondria."

hinááhts'ózí biyi' di bijéí binaagóó hólónígíí  –  cytoplasm


hinááhts'ózí biyi' di bijéí binaagóó hólónígíí

Literal translation:hinááhts'ózí biyi' di bijéí = nuclues (heart of the cell). binaagóó = surrounding. hólónígíí = exists. Meaning, "the contents of a cell around the nucleus"

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól biyi' hólónígíí t'áá át'é ákondi bijéí nucleus éí doo bił ólta'góó


Definition: All of the contents of a cell excluding the nucleus

"If we think of a cell as a jello salad, the cytoplasm is like the jello because it suspends and holds the contents inside."

hinááhts'ozí iiná bitł'óól naaki bee hólǫ́  –  diploid


hinááhts'ozí iiná bitł'óól naaki bee hólǫ́

Literal translation:(body) cell having two chromosomes

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól éí doodago hináanii bi iiná bitł'óól ałk'í daadeesdizígíí chromosomes naaki níláago bee dahólónígíí


Definition: A cell or organism having two sets of chromosome

"Most cells in our body are diploid and have a copy of each chromosome from both of our parents."

hinááhts'ózi noosééł  –  interphase


hinááhts'ózi noosééł

Literal translation:cell in period of rest

Definition: Hinááhts'óóz dínéesą́ą́dóó biyi'di iiná bitł'óól bééda'alne' silį́į'jį


Definition: The period of time when a cell grows and copies of DNA are made.

"Cells spend most of their time in interphase, before making preparations to divide."

hináan t'áá ła' yikahígíí  –  generation


hináan t'áá ła' yikahígíí

Definition: Hináanii t'áá ałhąąh daazhchí dóó danihinánígíí, Amá dóó ach'é'é éí naakidi azhchínígíí át'é


Definition: All of the organisms born and living at about the same time. In humans, mother and daughters represent two generations

"During elementary school, all the kids in your class are a part of your generation because all of you have similar ages."

hináanii  –  organism



Literal translation:A living thing

Definition: Hináanii


Definition: A living thing

"Animals, fungi, bacteria, and plants are all examples of organisms."

hináanii áát'įįłgi át'éego  –  behavior


hináanii áát'įįłgi át'éego

Literal translation:the way a living thing acts, behaves

Definition: Hináanii áát'įįłígíí

"Na'ashjé'ii na'atł'o, łííchaaí bitsee' kwííł'į́, éí doodago ayáásh bich'ooní yíká ání, kót'éego dahináanii naaldeehígíí dóó ádaat'įįłígíí éí biniyéii dahólǫ́ǫgo ádaat'į́, éí ááh ha'ní behavior."


Definition: How an organism acts

"A spider building a web, a dog wagging its tail, or a bird calling for a mate are all examples of these organism's behavior."

hináanii ach'į' nahwiiłná  –  invasive species


hináanii ach'į' nahwiiłná

Literal translation:living thing that causes problems

Definition: Haa'í da t'áá íídą́ą́' yá'át'éehgo haz'ą́ągo hináanii nááná łahdę́ę́' yikahgo yah ee'nil nít'ę́ę́' ákwe'é dahinánígíí dóó haz'ánígíí yich'į' nidahwiilná silį́įgo

invasive species

Definition: A species that was introduced to an ecosystem that was not there before and that causes hardship to other organisms Haa

"Russian olive trees and buffelgrass are invasive species that outcompete native species and negatively affect of the environment."

hináanii ahił nidaalnish  –  biotic factor


hináanii ahił nidaalnish

Literal translation:organisms that work together or affect one another

Definition: Nahasdzáán bikáá'góó hináanii kéédahat'į́įgo bił nahaz'ánígíí hináanii t'áá át'é yiłdi'ígíí

"Nanise' nooséełgo hináago naaleehii ch'il deiyánígíí, herbivores, dóó bits'ą́ą́dóó naałniih atída'ał'íinii, pathogens, beinít'įįhgo noosééł yę́ę yiníłtł'a doo."

biotic factor

Definition: Any living thing that has an effect on another organism, population, community, or ecosystem

"Plant growth can be affected by biotic factors like herbivores and pathogens."

hináanii ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí  –  biodiversity


hináanii ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí

Literal translation:where different forms of living things exist

Definition: Iiná ał'ąą ádaat'éego bits'ą́ą́dóó ayoonaałígíí éí díí dahináanii t'áá ałtso, bik'ehgo yee oołchíiłii dóó naaldeehgo bá nahaz'áą́góó dóó hózhǫ́ǫgo bá dahoo'a'gi

"Halgai di iiná ałtaas'éí, biodiversity, éí hosh, jaa' abaní, na'ashǫ́'iiłbáhá, dahyiitį́hí, dóó ch'osh ahił naaldeehgo bee hózhǫ́ǫgo nahaz'ą́."


Definition: The variety of life and its processes, including the variety of living organisms, the genetic differences among them, and the communities and ecosystems in which they occur

"The biodiversity in a desert includes the cacti, bats, lizards, hummingbirds, and beetles that live there."

hináanii ał'ąą át'é ahíłká aná'ahinilchééh  –  mutualism


hináanii ał'ąą át'é ahíłká aná'ahinilchééh

Definition: Hináanii doo t'ááła' nilį́į da nidi ahíłká aná'ahinilchxéehgo


Definition: Association between organisms of two different species in which each benefits

"A mutualism occurs between people and the bacteria that live in our intestines. The bacteria gain nutrients while they help us digest food."

hináanii ałtso iildéeh  –  extinction


hináanii ałtso iildéeh

Definition: Dahináanii ła' ha'át'ííshį́į́ biniinaa áádįįł silį́į'go


Definition: The act or process of a species becoming extinct

"There are very few black footed ferrets still alive and they are at risk for extinction."

hináanii át'é nilį́įgi  –  trait


hináanii át'é nilį́įgi

Literal translation:the way a living thing is

Definition: Hináanii bił bidizhchínígíí yit'į́ yileehdi

"Hatsiighá ánoolninígíí, hanáá' ánoolninígíí, dóó háchį́į́h áníłtsooígíí da éí bee haho'dilyaago ho'dizhchínígii hamá dóó hazhé'é yee hadít'éhígíí bił ho'dichííhígíí óolyé."


Definition: A characteristic of an organism that can be observed.

"Hair color, eye color, and nose size are all traits you inherit from your parents."

hináanii bee hahodít'éegi  –  biosphere


hináanii bee hahodít'éegi

Literal translation:a place where it is prepared for living things

Definition: Nahasdzáán bikáá'góó áhoołts'óózígo honít'i'go iiná bináhaazlá

"Iiná bee hahodít'éégóó éí nahasdzáán bikáá'góó hináanii bá nahaz'ą́ą́góó kéédahat'į́."


Definition: The thin zone surrounding Earth where all life exists

"The biosphere includes all of the places on Earth where organisms can live."

hináanii be'iiná bitł'óól t'áá ałtso  –  genome


hináanii be'iiná bitł'óól t'áá ałtso

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináanii bits'íís bitł'óól t'áá ałtso bits'íís bii' hólónígíí


Definition: All of an organism's DNA

"We can compare the genomes of different people to see if we can identify which alleles cause diseases."

hináanii bihinááhts'ózí bijéí dahólónígíí  –  eukaryote; prokaryote


hináanii bihinááhts'ózí bijéí dahólónígíí

Literal translation:living things that have a heart (nucleus) in their cells

1. Hináanii bits'íís bitł'óól biyi'di bijéí dahólónígíí

2. Ha'át'íi da hinááts'óóz t'ááła'í si'ą́ągo bits'íís nilį́įgo biyi'di bijéí, nucleus doo hólǫ́ǫ da


Definition: Organisms whose cells contain a nucleus. Compare with prokaryote.

"Most of the living things you see around you, including all plants and animals, are eukaryotes."


Definition: A unicellular organism that does not have a nucleus and has few organelles. Compare with eukaryote.

"The bacteria in your gut are prokaryotes that help you digest food and defend against pathogens."

hináanii bił haz'ą́  –  ecosystem; habitat


hináanii bił haz'ą́

Literal translation:place where living things live

1. Nahasdzáán bikáa'gi haz'ą́ągo ákwe'é ha'át'ííshį́į́ dahinááshį́į́ dóó doo hináanii bee hahodít'éhígíí t'áá ałtso

2. Dahináanii kééhat'į́įgi áádóó ákwe'é haz'ą́ągi t'áá ałtsoní bee hahodít'éego haz'ą́


Definition: An environment including every living organism and non-living factor that is contained within it

"Deserts, rain forests, and and coral reefs are all ecosystems with distinct climates and species."


Definition: Place where an organism or a community of organisms lives, including all living and nonliving factors or conditions of the environment

"Some animal species can only survive in a specific habitat, like roadrunners that live in the deserts, brushlands, and grasslands of North America."

hináanii bits'a'  –  exoskeleton


hináanii bits'a'

Definition: Hináanii bits'a' dahólónígíí bits'íís bits'a' yee naazį́ dóó naaghá.


Definition: A hard covering on the outside of the body used for support, protection, and muscle attachment. Examples include the shells of snails and the outer covering of beetles.

"Scorpions have an exoskeleton that protects them from predators."

hináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' ályaa  –  organic


hináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' ályaa

Definition: Hináanii bits'ą́ą́dóó hazlį́į́'ígíí.


Definition: Made of or made by living organisms. Compare with inorganic.

"Organic substances like wood and animal hides can be used to make a drum."

hináanii bits'iil  –  fossil


hináanii bits'iil

Definition: Ałk'idą́ą́' dahináá nít'ę́ę́'yę́ę bits'iil


Definition: A fossil forms over a very long time as holes left in sediment by living tissue or bones are replaced with hard minerals.

"Dinosaur bones are fossils and they tell us when and where dinosaurs used to live."

hináanii ch'il dóó naaldlooshii yiyánígíí  –  heterotroph


hináanii ch'il dóó naaldlooshii yiyánígíí

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináanii bidziil dóó yee hináadoo biniyé ch'il/nanise' dóó níláhgóó dahináanii yiyą́


Definition: An organism that eats plants or animals for energy and nutrients (compare with autotroph)

"People, insects, fish, and birds are examples of heterotrophs because they must eat plants and animals to survive."

hináanii ch'iyáán nilį́  –  trophic level


hináanii ch'iyáán nilį́

Literal translation:where a living thing becomes food

Definition: Hináanii ayą́ągo hiná dóó áadi ha'át'ííshį́į́ bich'iiyą' nánídlį́į́góne'

"Nanise' ałtaas'éí ts'ídá alą́ąjį' ch'iyáán nilį́ nahasdzáán bikáa'góó ch'iyáán siláago bee hahodít'éhígíí. Hináanii naaldlooshii ádaat'éii, bįįh da, éí nanise' ałtaas'éí deiyą́ągo bikáá'gónaa bił nááhást'ą́. Dahináanii nidaaldlooshígíí bįįh deiyánígíí, násdóí da, bidéigóne' bił nááhást'ą́."

trophic level

Definition: An organism's position along a food chain

"Plants are at the base of each food chain. Animals that eat plants, like deer, are one trophic level above plants. Animals that eat deer, like mountain lions, are one trophic level above deer."

hináanii da'ahéelchííh  –  species


hináanii da'ahéelchííh

Definition: Dahináanii t'ááłá'í danilį́įgo ałhá nida'iiłchíigo noosééł


Definition: A group of organisms that can reproduce with one another and produce fertile offspring

"All dogs are the same species, but a dog and a cat are different species because they cannot mate and produce offspring together."

hináanii diłdzid  –  decay


hináanii diłdzid

Literal translation:break down/deterioation

Definition: Hináanii ła' daaztsą́ągo ch'osh doo yit'íinii dóó dláád ádaat'éii yaa tįįh yikaigo ałtso dííłdzidgo


Definition: The breakdown of dead organism through the action of bacteria and fungi

"The mold we see on old fruit is a type of fungus that decays the fruit."

hináanii diłdzidgo leezh náádleeł  –  decompose


hináanii diłdzidgo leezh náádleeł

Literal translation:living thing/things breaking down and becoming soil

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináá nít'ę́ę'go ádin silį́į́' dóó bits'íís táánoodééh dóó dííyahgo ła' łeezh nídaasdlį́į́' dóó bits'iilzéí dahólǫ́.


Definition: The process by which dead organic substances are broken down into simpler organic or inorganic material

"The leaves that fall on the ground during autum are important because they decompose and become a part of the soil, which helps other plants grow."

hináanii doo yit'íinii ba'át'e' hólóonii  –  pathogen


hináanii doo yit'íinii ba'át'e' hólóonii

Definition: Naałniih éí doodago ch'osh doo yit'íinii ba'át'e' hólǫ́ǫgo ats'íís biyi'di yihodiiłt'ihii.


Definition: A microorganism that causes, or can cause, disease or harm in the organism it lives in or on (its host)

"The pathogen COVID-19 affects your lungs which can give you a fever and make it hard to breathe."

hináanii éél'íní  –  mimicry


hináanii éél'íní

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináanii nááná ła' hináanii yenoolnin, biinéé' yił aheełt'é, éí doodago yeel'į́įgo naaghá.


Definition: When one organism looks, sounds, or behaves like another species.

"Stick insects use mimicry to trick predators into thinking they are twigs."

hináanii hinááhts'óóz łą́ągo yee hadít'é  –  multicellular


hináanii hinááhts'óóz łą́ągo yee hadít'é

Definition: Hináanii bits'íís hinááhts'ózí łą́ągo yee hadít'éhígíí. Ła'éí hinááhts'ózí t'ááłá'ígo bits'íís nilį́.


Definition: Organisms that consist of more than one cell. Compare with unicellular.

"Horses, mushrooms, and cacti are multicellular organisms because they are made of many cells."

hináanii kéyah choyooł'į́  –  carrying capacity


hináanii kéyah choyooł'į́

Literal translation:hináanii=living things; kéyah=land; choyooł'į́=they use it. Living using their land. (the perspective is that anything needed for life is used which includes places where they are located to be safe and survive, water and medicine that grow there all the time.)

Definition: Naaldlooshii haashį́į́ néelt'e'go íiyisíí kéyah bikáá'go da' ayą́ągo bihonéedzą́

"Bee hane'í nidaajaahígíí yee nidaalnishígíí, cell phone apps, t'óó ahayóí biih jiniłgo doo tsį́įłgo naalnish da, doodago doo naalnish da yileeh. Nahasdzáán biyi' dóó bikáá'góó, environment, t'áá ákót'é. Nahasdzáán choyooł'íinii haashį́į́ néelt'e'go t'éí yíká análwo'go bihonéedzą́."

carrying capacity

Definition: Maximum population size of the species that the environment can sustain, given the food, habitat, water, and other necessities available in the environment

"If you use too many apps on your cell phone at once, it will slow down or stop working. Similarly, the environment has a carrying capacity and can only support a certain number of organisms, otherwise the population size will decrease."

hináanii ła' bił ahóóyá  –  extinct


hináanii ła' bił ahóóyá

Definition: Ha'át'íi da ałtso eeldee' éí doodago bił ahóóyáago doo ła' yidziih da silį́į́'ígíí


Definition: Occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world

"Wooly mammoths died thousands of years ago and this species is now extinct."

hináanii oochííł yaa ninísą́  –  adult


hináanii oochííł yaa ninísą́

Literal translation:hináanii = living things; oochííł = reproductive ability/reproduction; yaa = reaching it; ninísą́ = grew to it. living thing developing the ability to reproduce.

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii oochííł yaa ninísą́ągo yaa hóyánígíí.

"Másítsa'ii éí t'áá biyázhí haleehé másí t'áá hóyáanii yileeh."


Definition: An organism that has reached sexual maturity.

"A cat is an adult once it can have kittens."

hináanii t'áá ałtso yíníłdzilii  –  generalist; natural selection


hináanii t'áá ałtso yíníłdzilii

1. Dahináanii ła' dahyikahgo łahgo ánáhoo'níiłgi kéédahat'į́ éí doodago yee dahináanii ał'ąą ádaat'éego yee kééhát'į́

2. Hoolzhishgo ał'ąą ánáhoo'níiłgo hináanii yídaníłdzilígíí náás yikah dóó oołchíiłgo bits'íís hadidzaaígíí ayóo yit'į́. Łahgo át'éego éí hináanii bił áhoot'éhígíí doo yíníłdzilgóó éí t'óó áádįįł dóó bits'íís doo łahgo áániił da doo.


Definition: A species that can thrive in many different environmental conditions or use different types of resources. Compare with specialist.

"A raccoon is an example of a generalist. It lives in a variety of habitats, from cities to forests, and it eats a lot of different types of food."

natural selection

Definition: The process where organisms with the highest fitness in an environment survive and reproduce and their phenotypes become more common in the next generation. At the same time, organisms with the lowest fitness fail to survive or reproduce less and their phenotypes become less common in the next generation.

"Natural selection will favor desert mice with light fur because they are less likely to be seen by predators."

hinánii ch'iyáán bá siláii  –  producer


hinánii ch'iyáán bá siláii

Definition: Dahináanii shánídíín choyooł'į́įgo yee biinéí dóó bidziil dahólǫ́ éí ts'ídá binahjį' ch'iyáán nihwiileeh


Definition: Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis and are the basis of a food chain. Also called primary producer.

"A common food chain in a field includes grass, which are producers that can be eaten by grasshoppers, which then can be eaten by other animals."

hohónéedzą́  –  fitness



Definition: Hináanii biyázhí yishchínígíí yisdádoogáałgo bidziilgo hináadoo


Definition: The ability of an individual to successfully produce offspring compared to other individuals of the same species.

"In many species, organisms pass on their DNA to their offspring when an egg and sperm cell combine during fertilization."

hóółtséigo dzígai  –  desert


hóółtséigo dzígai

Literal translation:place where nothing grows and dry

Definition: Kéyah bikáá'góó áłch'į́į́dígo ninádahałtį́įhgi


Definition: Barren area of land where little precipitation occurs

"The Sonoran Desert is found in the southwestern United States and the species that live in it can survive long periods of time with little to no rain."

íígąsh  –  sperm



Literal translation:male semen

Definition: Hináanii biką'ígíí bik'eelyéí. Dabi'áádígíí ałdó' bik'eelyéí hólǫ́, biyeezhii (egg) deiłní.


Definition: The male sex cell, or gamete in animals. Compare with egg.

"Car accidents are the leading cause of injuries to the spinal cord. If damaged, the spinal cord cannot repair itself. This is why it is important to wear your seatbelt."

iina bá yá'áhoot'éehgo haz'ą́  –  biome


iina bá yá'áhoot'éehgo haz'ą́

Literal translation:a place where it is good for and life is sustainable

Definition: Nahasdzáán bikáagi haashį́į́ honíłtso haz'ą́ągo nanise' dóó naaldeehii bá yá'áhoot'éehgo bił hoolzhish

"Halgai di haz'ą́ągo éí t'áá sahdii át'éego iiná hólǫ́. Nanise' ałtaas'éí dóó hináanii naaldeehii nizhónígo naaldeeh níłtsą́ t'įįhdígo nidi yee éí doodago t'áágééd nidi."


Definition: A regional or global land area that is characterized by the plants, animals and climate in that area

"A desert is a biome that has plants and animals that live successfully with little or no rainfall."

iiná bitł'óól  –  DNA


iiná bitł'óól

Listen to pronunciation

Literal translation:iiná = life, bitł'óól = strand. Meaning "strand of life"

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól nineezgo hats'íís biyi'di hólónígíí bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii yee hadít'é. Bik'ehgo ch'iyáán ats'íís ánáyoodlíiłii proteins hats'íístahgóó hólónígíí nihwiileeh.

Definition: A long molecule that contains our unique genetic information. It holds the instructions for making all of the proteins in our bodies.

"Construction workers need instructions to know how to build a building. Cells use DNA as instructions to tell them what to do and how to make things."

iiná bitł'óól ádéé'alnééh  –  DNA replication


iiná bitł'óól ádéé'alnééh

Literal translation:iiná bitł'óól = DNA. ádéé'alnééh = copy. Meaning, "a strand of life copying itself"

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól ałts'á hiniséego iiná bitł'óól biyi'di dahólónígíí bééda'alne'

DNA replication

Definition: The process by which DNA is copied during cell division

"In humans, DNA is about 6 billion base pairs long. DNA needs to be copied accurately each time a cell divides. Sometimes there can be an error in the DNA replication process. This is one way mutations can arise."

iiná bitł'óól aheełt'é  –  homologous


iiná bitł'óól aheełt'é

Definition: Iiná bitł'óól, DNA dóó RNA t'áá áłah ałkéé' danéedééhígíí, ats'íís bee haleehii proteins, éí doodago bik'ehgo ázhnoolnin dóó ájít'é yileehígíí ahedaałt'éego


Definition: Similarity of DNA or RNA sequences, proteins, or traits due to shared ancestry

"Bees, ants, and wasps share a homologous trait of three-part bodies (abdomen, thorax, and head) because they have shared ancestry."

iiná bitł'óól bee ályaii  –  nucleotide


iiná bitł'óól bee ályaii

Definition: Iiná bitł'óól, DNA dóó RNA bee haleehígíí (base deiłníigo hináanii bee hodooleełígíí)


Definition: The building blocks of the RNA and DNA, also known as 'bases'. The symbols for the four bases are A, T, G, and C.

"The nucleus of an oxygen atom contains 8 protons and 8 neutrons."

iiná bitł'óól bit'oh  –  chromosome


iiná bitł'óól bit'oh

Literal translation:iiná bitł'óól = DNA. bit'oh = nest. Meaning, Nests of DNA

Definition: Iiná bitł'óól nídahineeshzhee'go ats'íís bitł'óól biyi'di dahólónígíí

"Bíla'ashdla'ii bits'íís biyi'di iiná bitł'óól, DNA, ałk'ídeesdizgo ats'íís bitł'óól bii' siláhígíí, chromosome, naadiintáá' bii' hólǫ́ éí naakidi bééda'alyaago, two copies, hats'íís bii'silá. Hái da díí chromosome béé'ályaaígíí t'ááłá'í bee bilááh bee hólǫ́ǫgo éí doodago iiná bitł'óól ałk'ídeesdizí naadiinła'góne si'ánígíí t'áá bighąądígi bił yizhchį́įgo éí Down Syndrome bee bąąh dahaz'ą́ągo doochííł."


Definition: A structure made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins

"Humans have two copies of 23 chromosomes. People who have an extra copy of one or part of their 21st chromosome are born with a condition called Down Syndrome."

iiná bitł'óól łahgo ádzaii binaałniih  –  genetic disorder


iiná bitł'óól łahgo ádzaii binaałniih

Definition: Bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii ałkéé' sinilyę́ę łahgo ádzaago ba'át'e' hazlį́į'go bits'ą́ą́dóó ąąh dahaz'ą́ bił oochííł yileeh.

genetic disorder

Definition: A disease that is caused by a change (mutation) in an individual's DNA sequence

"A disease like xeroderma pigmentosum makes you sensitive to sunlight and is a genetic disorder because it can be inherited from your parents."

iiná bitł'óól łahgo ályaa  –  genetically engineered


iiná bitł'óól łahgo ályaa

Definition: Ha'át'íi da hináanii bits'íís dóó bíni' da yee hadít'éhígíí t'áá ákólnéehgo be'iiná bitł'óól łahgo ál'įįhígíí

genetically engineered

Definition: The deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by changing its DNA or RNA

"There are types of corn that have had their DNA genetically engineered so that they can resist insect herbivores. Organisms that have had their DNA engineered are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs)."

iiná bitł'óól t'áá łá'í  –  haploid


iiná bitł'óól t'áá łá'í

Literal translation:DNA just one (of a pair)

Definition: Hinááts'ózí éí doodago hináanii bits'íístahdi iiná bitł'óól ałk'ídeesdizígíí chromosomes t'ááłáhájí t'éí biyi'di hólǫ́


Definition: A cell or organism having a single set of chromosomes

"Unlike most cells in our body, egg and sperm cells are haploid and have one copy of each chromosome."

iiná dooleełii  –  sex-linked gene


iiná dooleełii

Definition: Bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii iiná bitł'óól ałk'ídeesdizígíí, chromosome, bee at'ééd éí doodago ashkii jileehígíí bąąhgi hólónígíí

sex-linked gene

Definition: A gene that is located on a sex chromosome

"Humans have two sex chromosomes called X and Y. The genes that cause red-green color blindness are sex-linked genes because are passed down on the X chromosome. Males inherit only one X chromosome, and all alleles on that chromosome act as dominant alleles. This is why red-green color blindness is more common in men."

iiná naalkaah  –  biology


iiná naalkaah

Literal translation:iiná=life, naalkaah= study. means to study life.

Definition: Dahináanii t'áá ałtso baa nahodigį'go naalkaah

"Iiná naalkaah dóó bíhoo'aahgóne', ayoonaał dóó ał'ąą anídaa'nííłgo nídahodilzhish éí bíhoo'aah, hinááhts'óóz danilį́įgo dahináádę́ę́' dóó t'áá át'éé nít'ę́ę́' iiná bee ááhoo'níiłgo hoogááłígíí."


Definition: The scientific study of life and living organisms

"In biology class, you learn how all of life functions and changes over time, from the smallest celled organisms to vast ecosystems."

i’niiyą́ą́  –  pollution



Definition: T'áádoole'é bááhádzidii tł'óó'di nahaz'ą́ą́góó yahiigeehgo. Díí bááhádzidii pollutants wolyé.


Definition: The introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants.

"Car exhaust is a type of pollution that can cause lung damage when animals breathe it in."

kʼééʼdílyééh  –  agriculture



this applies to all types of vegetation. Word will change If start talking about specific planting of something ie "plant corn, kil dilyeeh"

Literal translation:kʼééʼdílyééh= planting/agriculture

Definition: Dá'ák'eh, k'eelyéí, daneest'áanii, dóó iiná naalyé bíhoo'ą́ą́'

"Dá'ák'eh bee iiná bíighahgo ádeeł'ínínígíí éí k'e'dilyé baa dahwiilzhíísh bił béédahózin, łeezh bii' yá'át'éehgo na'nise', dóó tó bee baa áháyą́ bił béédahózin."


Definition: The art, science, or practice of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock

"Successful agriculture depends on farmers knowing the right time of year to plant their seeds, the correct soil, and how much water their plants need to grow."

k'eelyéí  –  egg



Literal translation:seed; seedling

Definition: Asdzání bik'eelyéí

Definition: The female sex cell, or gamete. Compare with sperm.

kéyah bii'iinééh dóó háá'iinééh  –  migration


kéyah bii'iinééh dóó háá'iinééh

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii kéédahat'į́įgi yah ahekááh dóó ch'éédahakááh.


Definition: The movement of individuals in and out of a population or area

"To find food, geese migrate to the north during the summer and migrate back to the south during the winter."

kéyah bikáa'gi haz'ánígi  –  environment


kéyah bikáa'gi haz'ánígi

Literal translation:an area on land

Definition: Dahináanii dóó naaldeehii bá haz'ą́ągi níłch'I, tó, dóó kéyah yee dahinánígíí


Definition: The air, water, and land in or on which all living organisms live

"Cacti can survive in hot and dry environments because they are good at storing and conserving water."

łahgo haz'ą́ bii' anoonééł  –  death rate


łahgo haz'ą́ bii' anoonééł

Literal translation:deaths in a given area

Definition: Haa'í da diné kééhat'į́įgo daashį́į́ néelt'e' ákwe'é kééhát'į́ éí daashį́į́ néelt'e' haashį́į́ nízahjį' nihoolzhiizhgo daneeznánígíí/bikéé' ádahasdįįd yéélta'ígíí ałch'į' sinilgo baa hane'

death rate

Definition: The number of total deaths in comparison to the total population size in a specified community or area over a specified period of time

"If 20 cows die on a farm with 100 total cows, then we could say that 0.2 cows die for every cow on the farm (20 cows / 100 cows = 0.2 cows)."

łikání bich'į' iinéí  –  carbohydrate


łikání bich'į' iinéí

Definition: Ch'iyáán íiyisíí bee ats'íís bidziil dóó biinéí áyósinígíí. Łikání t'éí át'é.

"Nits'íís éí ch'iyáán t'áádoo hodina'í náálkąąłígíí, carboydrates, łees'áán dóó nímasii ádaat'éii choyooł'į́įgo yee bidziil dóó biinéí."


Definition: An important nutrient used as energy by the body and made mostly of sugars

"Your body can use the carbohydrates in foods like bread and potatoes as sources of energy."

łikání nanise' yee hadít'é  –  starch


łikání nanise' yee hadít'é

Literal translation:sweet substance hidden/stored in plants

Definition: Nanise' ałtaas'éí łikání bii' hólónígíí


Definition: The main form of stored carbohydrates in plants.

"Traditional buffalo hunting was once a sustainable hunting method because hunting buffalo did not negatively affect their population."

łizh bá haz'ą́ągi  –  urinary system


łizh bá haz'ą́ągi

Literal translation:the place of urine

Definition: Ats'íís biyi'di siláhígíí ats'íís ałtso choyoos'įįdígíí níláhgóó yits'ą́ąjį' kwííł'ínígíí

"Alizh bił haz'ą́ągi éí hadił yąąh haił'eeł éí hats'íístahdę́ę́' t'áádoole'é ałtso chodaoz'įįdígíí hats'íís yits'á yiilé."

urinary system

Definition: The organs that remove waste from the body.

"The urinary system is the filter of the bloodstream as it captures waste and releases it from the body."

naaldeehii  –  animal



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Literal translation:naaldeehii = living things that move about

Definition: Hináanii bits'íís bitł'óól (cells) daholónígíí biyi'di bijéí (nucleus) iiná bitł'óól dóó bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii nídahineeshzhee'.

"Bíla'ashdla'ii, k'aalógii, łóó' dóó másí éí t'áá ałtso hináanii ayánígíí, yee ákonízinii dóó bits'óóz dahólónígíí, dóó tsxį́įłgo naha'nánígíí ádaat'éego animals bee wójí."


Definition: A large group of multicellular eukaryotic organisms.

"People, butterflies, fish, and cats are all examples of animals."

naaldeehii bił haz'ą́  –  ecology


naaldeehii bił haz'ą́

Literal translation:learning the environment of how living things live together

Definition: Hináanii ał'ąą ádaat'éhígíí bił haz'ą́ągi ahił dahi'ná dóó binaagóó áhoot'éhígíí chodayooł'ínígíí


Definition: The study of how organisms interact with one another and with their environment

"Emissions from coal plants can affect the ecology of an ecosystem by polluting the environment and affecting how organisms survive and interact with each other."

naaldeehii daʼalghałígíí  –  carnivore


naaldeehii daʼalghałígíí

Literal translation:naaldeehii=animals; daʼalghałígíí=eaters or butchers.

Definition: Hináanii naaldeehii naaldeehii deiyánígíí

"Násdóítsoh biwoo' háádahaashxchii'go áyóo dadeení éí yee naaldlooshii bits'į' nidayiiłdlaadgo deiyą́, háálá éí naaldeehii daʼalghałígíí ádaat'é."


Definition: Animals that eat other animals

"Mountain lions have very sharp teeth because they are carnivores and need to tear apart the animals they eat."

naaldeehii naalkaah  –  zoology


naaldeehii naalkaah

Literal translation:naaldeehii = animal. naalkaah = study. MeaningMeaning, "study of animals"

Definition: Hináanii naaldeehii, animals, ał'ąą át'éego dahyikahígíí haalzííd dóó naalkaahgo bíhoo'aah

"Naaldlooshii yee dahinánígíí éí naaldeehii naalkaah bił béédahózingo bee dibé bitsį' daditánígíí da doodago bighaa' daalzhóólígíí yee nideiniłtą'."


Definition: The scientific study of animals

"Ranchers use their zoology knowledge to breed sheep so their offspring have more meat or fluffier wool."

naaldeehii yee sizilí  –  ectotherm


naaldeehii yee sizilí

Literal translation:the means of body heat for living things

Definition: Hináanii naaldeehii binaagóó áhoot'éhígíí bik'ehgo bits'íístahdi sizil dóó náhiniik' áás


Definition: An organism whose internal temperature depends on the temperature of their surrounding environment

"Ectotherms, like lizards, can't control their body temperature and often lay in the sun to warm up."

naaldlooshii  –  animal



Literal translation:naaldlooshii = living things that trot or walk

Definition: Hináanii bits'íís bitł'óól (cells) daholónígíí biyi'di bijéí (nucleus) iiná bitł'óól dóó bik'ehgo náás oochíiłii nídahineeshzhee'.

"Bíla'ashdla'ii, k'aalógii, łóó' dóó másí éí t'áá ałtso hináanii ayánígíí, yee ákonízinii dóó bits'óóz dahólónígíí, dóó tsxį́įłgo naha'nánígíí ádaat'éego animals bee wójí."


Definition: A large group of multicellular eukaryotic organisms.

"People, butterflies, fish, and cats are all examples of animals."

naaldlooshii ch'il yiłchozhígíí  –  herbivore


naaldlooshii ch'il yiłchozhígíí

Literal translation:animals plants they eat those

Definition: Na'at'i'í éí doodago naaldlooshii chil deiłchozhígíí


Definition: Animals that eat plants

"Rabbits are herbivores that only eat leaves, seeds, twigs, and other parts of plants."

naʼałkaah  –  research



Literal translation:naʼałkaah=investigating/research

Definition: Na'alkaah bee éé'deetánígíí náás hideesnilgo íhoo'aah bínááhiniidééh


Definition: The creation of new knowledge or the use of existing knowledge in a new way so as to create new concepts, methods, and understandings

"Decades of scientific research on vaccine ingredients and side effects has shown that vaccines do not cause autism."

na'alkaah bibeehaz'áanii  –  scientific method


na'alkaah bibeehaz'áanii

Definition: Ałkéé' honí'ą́ągo na'alkaah bee doo naaki nilį́į́góó éé'deetį́į́h dóó íhoo'aah. I'diił'áii bééhózingo ál'įįh, át'éedoo dóó nídleeł baa nitáháskéezgo saad ál'įįh, díí baa nitsáháskéézígíí naalkaah,

scientific method

Definition: A way for scientists to study and learn things. In the first step, a problem is identified, then a hypothesis is made from existing information, and then the hypothesis is tested with an experiment.

"Scientists have hypothesized that plants can absorb metal contamination. Following the scientific method, they conducted an experiment to test their hypothesis and observed that metal contaminants can be found in plant tissues."

na'alkaahgóne'  –  laboratory



Definition: Haa'í da haz'ą́ągo ákone' éé'deetįįh biniyé nida'alkaah, nida'nitin, éí doodago azee' dóó t'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ béésh da, tó da, níłch'i da ałtah ádaalne'go bee t'áadoole'é ádaalne'


Definition: A place for science experiments, teaching, or the making of medicine or chemicals

"Any space set aside for performing science experiments is a laboratory. This could even include your own backyard."

naʼałkaahí  –  scientist



Literal translation:Naʼałkaahíí=thing that does the investigating "Reseacher" . naʼałkaah=research, the íí is what makes it describing.

Definition: Na'alkaah yeda'aniihgo éé'deetįįh yinidaalnish dóó t'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ hiná éí doodago naalnishgi át'áo yéé'dítį́į́h. Hada'asííd, ída'neeł'ąąh, dóó bił bééhoozinígíí yaa dahalne'.


Definition: People who discover new things and research how things work. They observe, measure, and communicate results

"Not all scientists work in a lab. Anyone who uses observations and research to answer a question is a scientist. That can even include you!"

naałniih  –  virus



Literal translation:contagion that goes around

Definition: Hináanii doo yit'į́į dago nááná łahdę́ę́' yigáałgo ats'íís bihinááhts'óóz biyi'di hiná silį́į́', dóó áadi hinááhts'óóz yee binahjį' noosééł yileeh áádóó bits'ą́ą́dóó ąąh dahaz'ą́ haleeh

"Na'ats'ǫǫsí binaalniih éí naałniih, virus, hajéí yilzólii doo hats'íí át'éégóó yąąh dahooł'aah. Na'ats'ǫǫsí dóó na'at'i'í bizhéé', bilizh, éí doodago bichaan bits'ą́ą́dóó hodilnah."


Definition: A small parasite that lives within the cells of other organisms, cannot reproduce without the help of the cell it lives inside of, and causes disease.

"Hantavirus is a virus that causes serious lung disease. You can catch hantavirus from the saliva, urine, or droppings of deer mice and other rodents."

naałniih ihodiiłt'i'  –  infection


naałniih ihodiiłt'i'

Definition: Ba'át'e' hólóonii (pathogen) bits'ą́ą́dóó ii'noot'į́į́' doodago łóód haleehgo doo ákójít'ée da jileehígíí: naałniih (virus), ch'osh doo yit'íinii, éí doodago yaa' ádaat'éii.


Definition: An illness caused by a pathogen, such as a virus, bacteria, or parasite.

"Our immune system is made up of white blood cells and tissues like our skin which can protect us from bacterial and viral infections"

naalzheehii  –  predator



Definition: Dahináanii hináanii náánáła' neiłtseed dóó yiyą́ąyee hiná


Definition: An organism that lives mostly by killing and eating other animals

"Mountain lions are predators because they must hunt other animals to survive."

naalzheehii na'ałtseed  –  predation


naalzheehii na'ałtseed

Definition: Hináanii dahináanii nááná ła' neitseed dóó yiyą́ągo.


Definition: The killing and eating of one organism (the prey) by another (the predator)

"Predation occurs when a lizard eats a fly, a cat eats a mouse, or a bear eats a fish."

náás ahoolchíiłii yildił  –  pedigree


náás ahoolchíiłii yildił

Definition: Náás oochííł, bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' oodáał ii naaltsoos bikáá' naashch'ąą'


Definition: A drawing that shows how ancestors and descendents are related

"You can track the pedigree of a horse if you know who the parents and grandparents were. This information lets you keep your horses from interbreeding."

nahasdząąn bikáá'góó honiidóóh  –  global warming


nahasdząąn bikáá'góó honiidóóh

Literal translation:the earth upon it the heat increases

Definition: Nahasdzáán bikáá'góó sidooígíí de'áániił. Níłch'i hado yił hidideełígíí, greenhouse gases, łą́ dahshoogish silį́į́'ígíí biniinaa nahasdzáán ayóo sido silį́į́'.

global warming

Definition: The increase in the Earth's average temperature. Recently, temperatures are rising rapidly due to increases in the levels of greenhouse gases.

"One of the results of burning fossil fuels is global warming, which is causing a rise in the average temperature of the planet."

nahasdzáán iiná ánáyoodlííł  –  biogeochemical cycle


nahasdzáán iiná ánáyoodlííł

Literal translation:earth sustains and regenerates life

Definition: Níłch'i nitrogen, t'eesh carbon dóó t'áádoole'é doo dahináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' dahólónígíí inorganic substances bił ááhoo'níiłgo bił hoogáałígíí hináanii nídanidlį́ dóó nahasdzáán bikáá'góó ał'ąą nídadilzhish

"Tó náhoodleełgo nahasdzáán yee hadít'éii' dóó dahináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' ahił nidaalnishgo nahasdzáán bikáá'góó tó náhoodleełgo ádayósin. K'os dahaleeh, aho'niiłtį́į́h, ch'il nanise tó bitahgóó dahaleeh, tó hót'ááh dahidishegéésh."

biogeochemical cycle

Definition: The cycle in which nitrogen, carbon, and other inorganic elements of the environment are converted into the organic substances of animals or plants and released back into the environment

"The water cycle is a biogeochemical cycle that describes the way water moves around the Earth. It includes clouds forming, rain falling, plants absorbing water from the soil, and water evaporating from rivers and lakes."

nahasdzáán naalkaah  –  geology


nahasdzáán naalkaah

Literal translation:nahasdzáán=earth, naalkaah= study study of earth

Definition: Nahasdzáán ninálkaahgo ha'át'íi da yee hadít'éhígíí, biyi'di dóó bikáá'góó hólónígíí dahazlį́į́'dę́ę́' dóó yee naalnishígíí bíhoo'aah


Definition: The science that deals with the earth's physical structure, the materials it is made of, its history, and the processes that act on it.

"A scientist who studies geology can research how structures like mountains and canyons were formed."

nanise' ałtaas'éí naalkaah  –  botany


nanise' ałtaas'éí naalkaah

Literal translation:all forms of plants studied

Definition: Chil dóó nanise' ał'ąą ádaat'éii naalkaah

"Nanise' ałtaas'éí, botany, bíhojiił'aahgo éí ch'Il dóó nanise' ádaat'éí nidaalnish, nidanise' dóó háádahiniséhígíí bíhojiił'aah."


Definition: The scientific study of plants

"You are studying botany when you learn about how plants function, grow, and reproduce."

nanise' bihinááhts'óóz bikágí  –  cell wall


nanise' bihinááhts'óóz bikágí

Literal translation:skin of plant cells

Definition: Chil nanise', ch'osh doo yit'íinii dóó naaldeehii danilínígíí yee nanise' dóó nanit'ąígíí bikágí.

"Azee' penicillin éí ats'íístahdi ba'at'é dahólóonii, ch'osh doo yit'íinii ádaat'éii, yik'ijį' naalnishgo bikágí doo ádeił'į́į da áko doo dahiinaah da. Éí biniyé azee'ííł'íní há yóki'."

cell wall

Definition: A structural layer surrounding cells of plants, bacteria, and other non-animal cells, found just outside the cell membrane

"Penicillin is an antiobitic that can kill bacteria by stopping them from making cell walls. This is why doctors prescribe it when you have an infection."

nanise' binéí á'dólzin  –  cellular respiration


nanise' binéí á'dólzin

Literal translation:plants makes it energy

Definition: Ats'íís bitł'óól yee biinéí dóó hinánígíí yee ádinaalnishígíí

"Hinááhts'ózí/ats'íís bitł'óól biyi'di níłch'i, oxidation, yee naalnish dóó biziil, energy, ííł'į́įgo si'ą́ éí bee hinááhts'ózí biníłch'i nihwiileehgo ch'iyáán yidiłid. Éí bits'ą́ą́dóó hinááhts'ózí biinéí dóó bidziilgo naalnish."

cellular respiration

Definition: The process through which cells convert sugars into ATP (energy)

"Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria and it produces the energy needed for cells to function properly."

nanise' bitoo' dootł'izhí  –  chlorophyll


nanise' bitoo' dootł'izhí

Literal translation:nanise' = refers to vegatative growth, bitoo' = juice, dootł'izhí = green. "The green juice of the plant"

Definition: Nanise' yee dadootł'izhígíí adinídíín (shánídíín) łahgo áyiił'įįhgo bee bitoo' naalnish yileehgo biinéí

"Nanise' ałtaas'éí plants ał'ąą át'éego bee nidaashch'ąą'ígíí, t'iis bit'ąą'go dootł'izhígíí yee shánídíín yił naalnishgo bits'ą́ą́dóó biziil, energy, ádá ííł'į́, áádóó tł'óó'góó shánídíín náyiilááhígíí, solar panels, biyi'di bik'i' diidíingo atsiniltł'ish yee ííł'į́, éí ákódaat'éhígíí bii'dii yee hadít'éii ahił nidaalnish bits'ą́ą́dóó yee hináá dóó yee bidziilii ádeił'į́."


Definition: Any green molecule that converts light energy into chemical energy during photosynthesis

"Plants use different colored pigments, such as chlorophyll, to absorb light and turn it into chemical energy, just as solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it to electricity."

nanise' biziil ííł'íní  –  chloroplast


nanise' biziil ííł'íní

Literal translation:nanise' = refers to vegatative growth, biziil = strength, ííł'íní = making it. meaning "The growing things streangth is made"

Definition: Nanise' bihiináts'ózí biyi'di si'ą́ągo adinídíín yee binéí áyosinígíí

"Nanise' yee dadootł'izhígíí éí shánídíín náyiiláhí, solar panels, beełt'éego nanise' bii' hólǫ́. Nanise' biyi'di, chloroplasts, yee biziil ádá ííł'ínígíí éí tł'óó'góó shánídíín náyiiláhá t'óó ahayóí sinil nahalingo baa nitsíikees."


Definition: A cell organelle that contains chlorophyll, which produces energy through photosynthesis

"If we think of chlorophyll as the solar panels of the plant cell, then chloroplasts are like a field that contains many solar panels."

nél'į́  –  observation



Literal translation:look at it

Definition: Na'alkaahgo bééhózin silį́į'ii anáá' bee yitį́įgo haalzíídígíí.


Definition: The data measured or seen, often during an experiment

nidaalzheehii bich'iiyą'  –  prey


nidaalzheehii bich'iiyą'

Definition: Dahináanii nááná łahdę́ę́' hináanii nida'ałtseedii chodabooł'ínígíí

Definition: An organism that is hunted or caught for food, usually by a predator.

"Deer are prey for many animals including mountain lions and people."

nida'iichííh yéélta'ígíí  –  birth rate


nida'iichííh yéélta'ígíí

Literal translation:birthing that are counted

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii kééhat'į́įgi t'áá hoolzhishgóne' t'áá át'é yéélta'go dóó éí hoolzhishígíí haashį́į́ néelą́ą́' ániid náádaazhchínígíí yéélta'go ałhąą naa'nil.

"Dá'ák'eh bikáa'gi neeznádiin béégashiits'a'ii béégashiiyáázh naadiin deishchį́. Áko á'nídadii'níi doo, béégashiiyáázh daazhchínígíí béégashiitsa'ii bik'eh nít'į́įgo wólta'go éí t'ááłá'í sizį́ t'áá bich'į'di, ó.ąó bíighahgo deishchį́į doo dá'ákehdi. (Naadiin béégashiiyáázh yizhchínígíí / neeznádiin béégashiitsa'ii bik'eh nítį́įgo éí ó.ąó bíighahgo nidahaazhchį́į doo)"

birth rate

Definition: The number of total live births in comparison to the total population size in a specified community or area over a specified period of time

"If 20 calves are born on a farm with 100 total cows, then we could say that 0.2 calves are born for every cow on the farm (20 calves / 100 cows = 0.2 calves per cow)."

níłch'i ał'ąą ánáá'nííł łahgo áániił  –  climate change


níłch'i ał'ąą ánáá'nííł łahgo áániił

Literal translation:atmospheric conditions that change seasonably to extreme they change

Definition: Nahasdzáán bikáá'góó dóó hót'ááhgóó áhoot'éhígíí hado dóó hak'az, níłtsą́, dóó nídaadzasígíí łahgo áániił. T'áá bí éí łahgo ánáánííł nít'ę́ę́' k'adgo níłch'i carbon dioxide wolyéhígíí bilááh ánéelt'e' silį́į́' ałk'idą́ą́' dahináanii bik'éé dahwiilzhiizhii bits'ą́ą́dóó kǫ' choo'į́įgo biniinaa níłch'i ał'ąą ánáá'nííł łahgo áyiilaa.

"Tł'óógóó níłch'i ał'ąą ánáá'nííłígíí łahgo áániił silį́į́'ígíí bits'ą́ą́'dóó hado, hak'az, níłtsą́ dóó níyol doo deeghánídi bilááhgóó nidaalnish éí bąą ayóo deesdoiígíí bits'ą́ą́dóó díí Kéyah Ahii'sinil shádi'ááh dóó e'e'aahjí nahós'a'góó doo nidahałtin da."

climate change

Definition: The change in global or regional weather patterns over time. This occured naturally over time, but recently increased levels of carbon dioxide due to the use of fossil fuels from the mid to late 20th century onwards has caused climate change to occur faster.

"Climate change is causing weather extremes, such as increasing temperatures and making droughts more common in the southwest United States."

níłchʼi bee iináanii  –  oxygen


níłchʼi bee iináanii

Definition: Níłch'i hót'ááhgóó hólónígíí


Definition: A chemical element that is essential for life on earth

"Oxygen is a part of the air that we breathe and the water that we drink."

níłch'i carbon dioxide náhoodleeł  –  carbon cycle


níłch'i carbon dioxide náhoodleeł

Literal translation:níłch'i=air(gaseous substance); carbon=t'eesh(remains of oxidation or burning of organic material); dioxide=níłch'i ligaii(white air/gas); náhoodleeł=occurring again and again(cycle) \

Definition: Níłch'I carbon dioxide wolyéhígíí hót'ááhgóó dóó níłch'I bitahgóó, dahináanii bitahgóó dóó táyi'góó hoo'nááłgo ahééhwiilzhíísh

"T'eesh náhoodleeł nahasdzáán bikáá'góó éí bee t'eesh atom yee hadít'éhígíí nahasdzáán yináálzhish. Dahináánii naaldeehígíí daninéego bits'íís diłdzid dóó łeezh nináhádleeh, nanise dóó tsin bee dahidínísé, Áłk'idą́ą́' dahiháanii bits'íís ni'bitł'áahdi nídaasdlį́į́'ígíí dadilidgo bee nida'anish, dóó tó niteel hináanii biníłch'i, carbon dioxide, biih dahishigéésh."

carbon cycle

Definition: The movement of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere, living organisms, and land and acquatic ecosystems.

"The carbon cycle describes the way carbon atoms move around the Earth. Carbon atoms move around when animals decompose, plants grow, fossil fuels are burned, and oceans absorb carbon dioxide (CO2)."

níłch'i hado yiłhidideełii  –  greenhouse gas


níłch'i hado yiłhidideełii

Literal translation:air that captures heat

Definition: Níłch'i nahasdzáán bikáá'góó náhoniidohígíí yił hidideeł dóó doo yiidichxíid dago biniinaa doo nahasdzáán bits'ą́ąjį' aheldóoh da.

greenhouse gas

Definition: Any gas that can absorb heat from Earth's surface and keeps it from leaving the atmosphere into space.

"Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around Earth, trapping heat instead of letting it escape from the atmosphere."

níłch'i hwiihíílá dóó hááhiilá  –  respiratory system


níłch'i hwiihíílá dóó hááhiilá

Definition: Atsą́ siléí internal organs ła' ats'íís biyi'di dóó ats'íís binaadę́ę́' níłch'I ałnánáálį́įgo yee biinéí dóó bidziilgo ábósin

respiratory system

Definition: The group of organs involved in the exchange of gas between an organism and the environment to make energy (respiration).

"In vertebrates, the lungs are an important part of respiratory system as they bring oxygen into the body when we breathe in, and release carbon dioxide when we breathe out."

níłch'i nitrogen hinílá  –  nitrogen cycle


níłch'i nitrogen hinílá

Definition: Níłch'i t'óó ahayóijį' t'áádoole'é dabitah nahasdzáán bikáagi, nahasdzáán biyi'góó, hót'áahdi níłch'i biyi'góó, dóó dahinánígíí bitahgóó ahéénílį́.

nitrogen cycle

Definition: The movement of nitrogen through living organisms, the atmosphere, and the ground.

"The order of nucleotides in a strand of DNA and RNA determines the protein produced."

nishigizh  –  diffusion



Literal translation:movement away from heavier to lighter concentration

Definition: T'áá ha'át'íi da bizhool molecules łą́ hólónídóó áłch'į́į́dí hólǫ́ǫjį' ashiigéeshgo


Definition: The movement of molecules from an areas where there are many to where there are fewer

"As you add tea leaves to hot water, the tea will start to spread through the water. This is an example of diffusion."

oochííł  –  sexual reproduction



Literal translation:reproduction

Definition: Bee idí'nóotsąął amá dóó azhé'é bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' ahidii'ashgo bee t'áá sahdii ázhnoolningo dóó ájít'éego hojileehígíí

sexual reproduction

Definition: The combination of different gametes to form unique offspring that are genetically different from their parents.

"When a male and a female lizard mate, they produce offspring by sexual reproduction."

oochííł bá siláii  –  reproductive system


oochííł bá siláii

Literal translation:oochííł = reprodutive. bá siláii = laid down. Meaning "reproductive tract"

Definition: Ats'íís biyi'di bee idínótsąął dóó adoochííł biniyé dahólónígíí

reproductive system

Definition: The group of organs involved in reproduction

"The reason that female animals get pregnant is because their reporductive system has specialized organs for carrying offspring."

ootsą́  –  pregnancy



Literal translation:pregnant

Definition: Ootsą́; I'niitsąąd dóó awéé' hazlį́į'jį'


Definition: The period of time in which an unborn offspring is carried within the body.

"In African elephants, pregnancy can last up to 22 months while pregnancy in cats is about 9 weeks."

shá biziil dahináanii bitah silį́į́'ígíí  –  energy pyramid


shá biziil dahináanii bitah silį́į́'ígíí

Literal translation:Sun's energy contained in a living thing's body

Definition: Shá bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' deesdoiígíí hináanii bił nahaz'ą́ądi dóó biyi'di hasht'e dit'eehígíí.

energy pyramid

Definition: A picture that represents how much energy, initially from the sun, is retained or stored in living organisms at each trophic level in an ecosystem

shánídíín  –  solar energy



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Definition: Shá, jį́honaa'éí, bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' adinídíín, bits'áníłdoii, dóó bits'áshígishii

solar energy

Definition: Light, heat, and other kinds of energy given off by the Sun

"The function of solar panels are to capture solar energy and convert it to a usable electricity."

t'áá łahígi niighááh  –  negative feedback loop


t'áá łahígi niighááh

Definition: Ha'át'íi da naalnishgo hoolzhish nít'ę́ę́' ni'áániił silį́į́' dóó bits'ą́ą́dóó doo łahgo áhooniił da yileeh éí náasdi hasht'e didooteeł

negative feedback loop

Definition: When the outcome of a process reduces further change and the process becomes stable

"When you get near a hot stove, your skin sends signals to your brain through your nerves to warn you to move away."

t'áá łahodít'éhégo  –  individual


t'áá łahodít'éhégo

Definition: Hináanii t'ááła' dahyikahígíí t'ááłá'ígo


Definition: A single, separate organism distinguished from others of the same kind

"Type II diabetes is a result of being unable to regulate blood sugar levels because the body doesn't respond to a hormone called insulin correctly."

t'áádoo hodina'í daneezná  –  mass extinction


t'áádoo hodina'í daneezná

Definition: Hináanii ła' dahyikah nít'ę́ę́' t'áa hodina'í noonééł

mass extinction

Definition: Extinction of a large number of species within a short period of time

"Mammals live in a variety of different environments. For example, horses run on land, whales swim in the ocean, and bats fly through the sky."

t'áádoole'é adinídíín yee biziil ánáyoodlííł  –  chemotroph


t'áádoole'é adinídíín yee biziil ánáyoodlííł

Literal translation:anything that

Definition: Hinááts'ózí cells binaagóó ha'át'íi da doo hináanii bits'ą́ą́dę́ę́' dahólónígíí yee biinéí doo bidziil dooígíí t'áá bí ííł'į́

"Dahináanii binaagóó áhoot'éhígíí bee t'áá bí biziil energy ánayoodlííłígíí doo hats'íí ádahoot'éedi dahiná tó sidoh hadaazlį́įgi éí doodago tó niteel bitł'áahdi nahasdzáán biyi'dę́ę́' hadahonigahgóó dahiná."


Definition: Cells that create their own energy and biological materials from inorganic chemicals

"Most chemotrophs live in harsh environments like hot spring pools or near thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean."

t'áádoole'é át'éegi nidanees'ą́ągi naalkaah  –  analyze


t'áádoole'é át'éegi nidanees'ą́ągi naalkaah

Literal translation:Things the way they are and to the extent they exist they are studied

Definition: T'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ baa ajółta' éí doodago jinéł'į́įgo nijiłkaah t'áá nináníłtsojį' éí bee béézhdi'dootį́į́ł biniyé.

"Ha'át'íi da baa nitsíníkeesgo da níníł'į́įgo da t'áá nił naaki nilį́įgo, nił haa dago da naalnishígi át'éego shił bééhodoozįįł nínízingo éí hazhó'ó baa nitsíníkees dóó naniłkaahgo hazhó'ó bik'i' di'díítį́į́ł."


Definition: To study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it

"When you are confused about an object or idea and you want to know how it works, you will analyze it to better understand it."

t'áádoole'é biziil  –  chemical energy


t'áádoole'é biziil

Literal translation:anything its energy

Definition: T'áádoole'é yee bidziilii yee ałch'į' bótá'ii. Díí ałtsá'niłgo yee bidziilii áyóó' át'éego sidogo bits'áshígish

"Nichi'dí éí doodago bee hane'í nani'áhígíí bijéí biyi'di bitoo' dóó bee ályaii ahił nidaalnishgo bits'ą́ą́dóó biziil náhoodleełgo bee hane'í naalnish."

chemical energy

Definition: This type of energy is what holds atoms of a molecule or molecules of a substance together. When these groups of atoms or molecules are separated during a chemical reaction, chemical energy is released, often as heat. When organisms photosynthesize or digest food, chemical reactions provide chemical energy for their growth and development.

"The battery in your car or phone uses checmical energy from the battery to function."

t'áádoole'é hooleełgo łahgo áhooliił  –  positive feedback loop


t'áádoole'é hooleełgo łahgo áhooliił

Definition: Ha'átíi da álnéehgo bil hoolzhishgo álnééhígíí náás áániił éí doodago ni'áániił silį́į́'

positive feedback loop

Definition: When the outcome of a process causes further change and the process increases or decreases

"Climate change is accelerating because of a positive feedback loop. Increased carbon dioxide concentrations cause global temperatures to rise. As oceans warm, they can't absorb as much carbon dioxide, which further warms the climate."

t'áádoole'é łahgo áániił  –  chemical reaction


t'áádoole'é łahgo áániił

Literal translation:anything differently it becomes

Definition: Ha'át'íi da t'ááła' bizhi'go t'áá náó'nííłgo bits'ą́ą́dóó t'áá ha'át'ííshį́į́ náádleeł doo áko bee ályaii yee da'áhótą'ígíí ałts'á há'nííł éí doodago łahgo át'éego ádaalne'

"Ootseed álnéehgo choo'ínígíí éí béésh nitł'izí nickel dóó béésh łigaii silver bee látsíní da ádaalne' áko bééshígíí níłch'i łigaií oxygen bił ałtah yileeh éí bąą nikágí t'iis bit'ąą' nahalingo dootł'izh doo."

chemical reaction

Definition: Any process in which substances combine or are broken down into other substances when chemical bonds between atoms are formed or broken

"Jewlery that is made of nickel and silver can produce a chemical reaction with oxygen that will turn your skin green."

t'áádoole'é nabíhonitaah  –  experiment


t'áádoole'é nabíhonitaah

Definition: Ha'át'íi da t'áá aaníí át'é dóó ó'ooł'įįłgi nabíhonitaahgo naalkaah.


Definition: A test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true.

"If you have dipped your toe into water to see if it was warm enough for you to swim, then you have conducted an experiment!"

t'ááłáhági áhoot'é  –  homeostasis


t'ááłáhági áhoot'é

Definition: Níláhgóó ał'ąą ánáhoo'níił nidi ats'íístah di doodago hinááhts'óóz/ats'íís bitł'óól biyi'di t'ááłáhági áhoot'é.


Definition: The ability of the body or a cell to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions.

"You sweat when it is hot and shiver when it is cold because of homeostasis. This is your body's way of staying at a constant temperature."

t'ááłáhági haz'ą́ągi anoosééł  –  population


t'ááłáhági haz'ą́ągi anoosééł

Definition: T'ááłáhági haz'ą́ągi bíla'ashdla'ii éí doodago dahináanii t'áá ahedaałt'éhígíí kééhat'į́ dóó da'ahéelchííh


Definition: A group of individuals of the same species living and reproducing within a given area

"The people in your town, the pine trees in a forest, and the trout in a lake are examples of populations."

t'ááłáhági haz'ą́ągi noot'į́į́ł  –  population density


t'ááłáhági haz'ą́ągi noot'į́į́ł

Definition: Dahináanii kééhat'į́įgi haadahoníłtsogo hahoodzogo bii' haashį́į́ néelt'e' naaldeehígíí.

population density

Definition: The number of individuals of the same species living within a given area

"Albuquerque has a higher population density than Window Rock. About 3,000 people live in each square mile within Albuquerque while Window Rock has 589 people per square mile."

t'ááłáhági kéédahat'į́  –  community


t'ááłáhági kéédahat'į́

Literal translation:living in one place together

Definition: T'áá łáhági haz'ą́ągi ha'át'ííshį́į́ dahinááshį́į́ ahił nidaalnish dahinánígíí


Definition: Interacting group of various species in a common location

"Hummingbirds and fields of flowers are in the same community because the hummingbirds need the flowers for nectar and the flowers need hummingbirds to spread their pollen."

tátłʼid  –  algae



Literal translation:tłʼid=murky appearance; tá= under or within water. under water murky substance.

Definition: Tátł'id éí táyi' éí doodago hoditłéé'góó dahólǫ́ bits'íís bitł'óól t'áá łá'í éí doodago łą́ áádóó dootł'izh łeh éí doodago t'áá łahgo ánoolnin łeh.

"Tátł'id bihiináhts'óóz t'ááłá'ígo nidi danéesé éí doodago łą́ągo dahnaaztłée' yileeh dóó táłkáá' dahnidaa'eeł, łą́ danéeséego tó bikáá'go bik'íiltih. T'áá chil nanise' yił aheełt'é háálá shá yee naalnishgo bich'iiyą' ííł'į́."


Definition: Unicellular or multicellular organisms occurring in fresh or salt water or moist ground, that have chlorophyll and other pigments but lack true stems, roots, and leaves

"Algae can grow as single cells or large green clumps and sometimes appear to cover the entire water surface if enough of them grow. They are similar to plants because they also use the sun to make their own food."

tó binahat'a'  –  water cycle


tó binahat'a'

Literal translation:regeneration of water

Definition: Tó nahasdzáán bikáá'góó dóó biyi' hólǫ́ dóó hót'ááhgóó dahólǫ́ éí hoo'nááł dóó danílínígíí bił ahééhwiizhíísh

"Tó bits'íís nineez nahazdzáán bináhaazlá neestiin dóó tózhool bee binahat'a' hideesláago bits'ą́ą́dóó níłtsą́ yee naalnishgo tooh danílį́ nízaadgóó, áádóó ááh náádleełgo dahtoo' bee hodiyin dóó tó niteel nahasdzáán bináhaazyį́."

water cycle

Definition: The movement of water on, above, or below the surface of our planet.

"The water cycle describes how water moves around the earth. Water moves around when it rains, when rivers transport it long distances, when it evaporates from the surface of leaves, or when ocean currents move it around the globe."

tó bitah yileehii  –  hydrophillic


tó bitah yileehii

Definition: Ha'át'íi da bizhool, molecules, éí doodago bikáá'góó tó bił ałtah yileehígíí


Definition: Molecules and surfaces that do interact with water

"Salt is hydrophilic; it is easily dissolved when it is mixed with water."

tó doo bitah yileehii  –  hydrophobic


tó doo bitah yileehii

Definition: Ha'át'íi da bizhool, molecules, éí doodago bikáá'góó tó doo bił ałtah yileehígíí


Definition: Molecules and surfaces that do no interact with water

"Oil is hydrophobic; it will not dissolve when mixed with water."

yaa'  –  parasite


Literal translation:lice (refering to their parasitic nature)

Definition: T'áádoole'é hináago nááná łahjį' hináanii choyooł'į́įgo yee hinánígíí.


Definition: An organism that lives on or in another organism (its host).

"You could get a parasite like a tapeworm in your gut when you eat undercooked meat from infected animals."

yaa'k'ehgo hiná  –  parasitism


yaa'k'ehgo hiná

Definition: Hináanii nááná ła' choo'į́įgo bee jiináago.


Definition: The practice of living as a parasite in or on another organism

"After they hatch from eggs, ticks survive through parasitsm where they eat blood from mammals."

yah i'iinééh  –  immigration


yah i'iinééh

Definition: Bíla'ashdla'ii tádínéehgo bíla'ashdla'ii bił haz'ą́ągo yitah yinééh éí doodago nááná łahgi haz'ą́ągi niinééhgo


Definition: The movement of individuals into a particular population or area from other populations or areas. Compare with emigration.

"When you get a cut it is important to wash it with soap and water so you do not get an infection."

yízhí dóó óolyéhígíí  –  taxonomy


yízhí dóó óolyéhígíí

Literal translation:giving names to things

Definition: Na'alkaahk'ehgo t'áá ałtsoní bízhi' dóó íiyisíí át'éhígíí baa hane'


Definition: The science of naming and describing organisms.

"A wolf pack has a large territory of up to 1000 square miles that it defends from other wolves. If let outside, a house cat will defend a small territory of less than 10 square miles and will kill both pests and beneficial wildlife."

Project ENABLE (Enriching Navajo as a Biology Language for Education) content, teaching materials, audio, and illustrations © 2022 by Sterling Martin, Joanna Bundus, Susana Wadgymar, and Frank Morgan is licensed under

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