[GSI][13] LineageOS 20 TrebleDroid-based

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/gsi-13-lineageos-20-trebledroid-based.4517345/page-10#post-88070537
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Updated all variants with January security patches and in sync with TD 20230104. [Insert obligatory backup-and-test warning here]

During my CoV downtime, A13 QPR1 happened and TD-based had a lot of changes as well, which accumulated to this month and I had to update more patches than expected (way more than "Light" - lower maintenance is why I made that in the first place). I might've made oopsies along the way, so I don't feel quite confident about this batch, and you should exercise extra caution.

Some users have reported that securize bootloops their device, and the current "integrally securize" approach means they can't boot up even once. This month I've changed it yet again to "securize on-demand", which is similar to how you securize on PHH/TD-based (a toggle in Treble Settings), but reversible and doesn't require SU.
For new users who are unsure about whether securize might bootloop your device, please turn on USB Debugging and Rooted Debugging below it, and if/when you do hit a bootloop on the next boot, you'll have a rooted ADB shell available to you, from where you can toggle off manually:
adb root
adb shell setprop persist.sys.phh.securize false
adb reboot
For users who are already on a gN build, be sure to toggle it on and reboot right after you update!

Properly fixed exfat for Samsung/Sony, tested on the one Sammy I still own.
Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. I have repaired a Huawei P10 from a completely destroyed condition with cheap spare parts. I was a little disappointed at first, because the several system images ran poorly or not at all. At last I had installed Lineage OS 19. This stuttered and there were WLAN aborts. Now I have installed the Lineage OS 20 image and it runs flawlessly. The performance is good and there are no problems. I hope such projects will continue forever to give old devices a second life instead of throwing them away.

Huawei P10 still WIFI Disconnects after 2 Minutes turning screen off. Checked the logs and found this issue reported 3 years ago: Working workaround:
Activate adb debugging as root in dev options and start adb as root on your pc:
$ abd root
$ adb shell
$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/disable_ipv6

Then WIFI stays connected after you turn the screen off.

The workaround i mentioned is just temporary. It works till you reconnect to the WiFi or reboot. Disabling Ipv6 on your router makes it work but then some services might not work for you which rely on IPv6.

Since its TrebleDroid based i tried to install the TrebleDroid Android 13 GSI. In the TrebleDroid GSI the bug is also present. Its not a specific LineageOS problem.
@AnonVendetta I got exfat to mount on the one Sammy I own. Haven't got to taking a look at your non-boot log yet, but one thing at a time...
EDIT: Can you let me know your build number, e.g. T975XXU2DVL1, and ideally CSC/region, e.g. XSA? So that I can dump and inspect its FW if needed without physically having the device.

And to everyone else, I'm back from CoV alright, thanks for your concerns.

I'll let you know my firmware build # after I've upgraded it today. Samsung released a 2nd Android 13 firmware this month for both devices. Also, I can't remember if the log I gave you came from my Note 20 Ultra or Tab S7+. Although neither of the devices booted on the Nov11 TD build, so they likely would have produced similar logs.

any idea about this?

01-06 11:51:09.392 952 1078 W AidlConversion: legacy2aidl_audio_channel_mask_t_AudioChannelLayout: no AudioChannelLayout found for legacy input / voice audio_channel_mask_t value 0x3
01-06 11:51:09.392 952 1078 E AidlConversion: legacy2aidl_audio_channel_mask_t_bits_AudioChannelLayout_layout: legacy input audio_channel_mask_t 0x3 contains unrecognized bits 0x3
01-06 11:51:09.393 1238 1558 W AudioManager: updateAudioPortCache: listAudioPorts failed

audio seems to be fine though, but it is being spammed thousands of times (on aosp gsi as well...)
Huawei P10 still WIFI Disconnects after 2 Minutes turning screen off. Checked the logs and found this issue reported 3 years ago: Working workaround:
Activate adb debugging as root in dev options and start adb as root on your pc:
$ abd root
$ adb shell
$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/disable_ipv6

Then WIFI stays connected after you turn the screen off.

The workaround i mentioned is just temporary. It works till you reconnect to the WiFi or reboot. Disabling Ipv6 on your router makes it work but then some services might not work for you which rely on IPv6.

Since its TrebleDroid based i tried to install the TrebleDroid Android 13 GSI. In the TrebleDroid GSI the bug is also present. Its not a specific LineageOS problem.

Isn't this caused by wifi suspend optimizations?

settings put global wifi_suspend_optimizations_enabled 0, and switch wifi off and on.

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