Monse - Privacy-friendly personal finance application | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/monse-2
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"Thank you for checking out Monse, we truly want to make this app the place where you can manage all your money. What did you think? Do you miss something?"

The makers of Monse
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🎉 Congrats on the launch of Monse PH! 🎉 I'm sure this will be a huge help to those of us who want to manage our money more effectively. Now we can all be more organized and worry less about our finances. 🤑 Hopefully this will help us save a little more money so we can do all the fun things we want to do! 😁

I use it all the time!

Monse puts all my bank accounts together so I can see a global position of my finances, way better than my banks apps

It's privacy friendly focus is also the most convenient: My banks and other sources of income authorize the login and the data flow, way better than giving users and passwords like some other apps do

Pretty cool! I hope you have a successful launch

Hi PH 👋,

we created Monse because we could not find any application to manage my money that wouldn't commercialize my data or try to sell me a credit card or loan.

The idea is simple, to see at a glance how I spend my money, how much I earn, how much I save, and also how I invest it. This way I can make better decisions, live more relaxed, and have fewer worries in the future.

In addition, we want to make this in the most automatic way possible, so as not to have to always categorize each expense, for example.

Thanks, Víctor

¡I use Monse as my daily finance tracker! Love the UI and the analysis of the spending. It does it really well and makes for finances easier to be analysed.

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