Tactiq with GPT-3

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/tactiq-with-gpt-3
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The makers of Tactiq with GPT-3
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Hey Product Hunt — I’m Ksenia one of the founders of Tactiq.

Did you know that an hour-long meeting can have 8,000 to 15,000 words on the transcript? It will take you approximately 20 minutes to read 8000 words! That’s a lot of time!

That’s why we’re so excited to share with you a new feature on Tactiq that will transform your post-meeting workflow. Now you can utilizes the power of GPT-3 to streamline your meetings and boost productivity for your team.

With Tactiq, you can: * Easily summarize long meetings, * Extract important tasks and follow-ups * Get the agenda for your next meeting.

You can generate all of these in one click and a few seconds!

And this is only the beginning. There are more exciting GPT3-related features coming in the future. We’re excited for you to try Tactiq on Chrome and looking forward to your feedback, so we can keep improving and adding features that will save you time on meetings.

@ksenia_svechnikova amazing stuff! I'm sure, I'll give it a try! Congratulations to your team on the launch!!
Hey, everyone! We’re so excited to share what we’ve been working on since ChatGPT became an almost overnight sensation. With a GPT3-enabled Tactiq, our real-time transcription tool further transforms your remote team meetings. You can now: - Summarize a long meeting into a few sentences. - Turn action items with assigned names. - Prepare the specific bullet points for the next meeting. Say goodbye to the tedious tasks of manually going over a transcript and writing action items from scratch. You can also best be prepared for your next meeting with all of the agenda already prepared for you! We hope to get feedback, so we can keep adding new features that can save you time. That way, you can focus on taking action instead of getting stuck writing action items!
For a long time, I've wanted to say goodbye to the tedious tasks of manually going over a transcript. And now Tactiq comes with a product to enable me say goodbye. Congrats on the launch of a product to erase the pain of tediously going over a transcript👍
This is brilliant, AI summaries will save me hours. Well done

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