Problem 288 - Langtons Ant

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.codeabbey.com/index/forum_topic/c6bdb9c8c233f6ca03a9aa0e9ad64439
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Problem 288 - Langtons Ant

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sam_bandara     2023-01-11 01:57:48

Hello Experts,

My code takes forever to run even though I used pypy3 :-) The code works quite fast for small numbers (less than 10^8)but not for larger numbers. I submitted a wrong answer to submit the code for you guys to inspect. Can you guys please suggest a different approach?

Cheers, Sam.

zelevin     2023-01-11 05:52:32

Perhaps some sort of an online encyclopedia would be useful in suggesting a way not to iterate for every, um, iteration?

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