Affiliates, by Swapstack

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/affiliates-by-swapstack
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Affiliates, by Swapstack

Extend your affiliate program to 1000 indie newsletters.

Free Options

Grow your affiliate program with Swapstack

Extend your affiliate program to 40M email newsletter readers and drive more conversions.

🔌 Connect your affiliate program 👨🏻‍🎨 Write a compelling ad 💌 Publishers feature you 2 mo free, code SwapHunt!

The 4.02% APY cash account for businesses.
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Hey PH fam 🎉

Stoked to share this latest launch from the Swapstack team.

Leveraging newsletter sponsorships to grow your business is a superpower. Optimizing an affiliate program to the max is another superpower.

Now Swapstack allows you to do both. If you have an existing affiliate program, you can extend your brands reach to Swapstack entire publisher network using their Affiliates product. Check it out and drop any comments/questions for the team below 👇🏼

Hey Product Hunt! 👋 👋


If you're a marketer and run an affiliate program, you need to use Swapstack. Affiliates, by Swapstack, enables all marketers to extend their existing affiliate program to our network of 1000 publishers.

If you're a newsletter writer, make $ with pre-approved affiliate deals you can run whenever you want.

What is Affiliates, by Swapstack?

💰 Affiliates enables advertisers to grow by extending their affiliate program to our network of publishers.

🤝 We're fully integrated into Impact and Partnerstack, so if you run an affiliate program - - you can extend it to Swapstack!

🆓 List your deal for free for two months with code SwapHunt

🚉 How it works!

For advertisers: - Log in at app.swapstack.co - Go to the Affiliates tab - Follow the application flow - Get approved and go live!

For newsletters: - Log in at app.swapstack.co - Go to the Affiliates tab - Find an ad that feels right - Include the ad in your newsletter and make $!

❤️ Thank you!

We'd love any feedback from this community, and are very open to collaboration for anyone interested in connecting. Thank you so much for your attention...we hope to work with you soon!

Shout out to legendary @thisiskp_ for hunting us!

Thank you all!

Team Swapstack

Congratulations on the launch of your new product! It looks like a great way to extend your affiliate program and reach more potential customers.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK