Kuo: Apple 5G modem failure causes 2024 iPhone SE 4 cancelation

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/01/06/kuo-apple-5g-modem-failure-causes-2024-iphone-se-4-cancelation/
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Kuo: Apple 5G modem failure causes 2024 iPhone SE 4 cancelation

Friday, January 6, 2023 2:00 pmFriday, January 6, 20237 Comments

According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple has informed suppliers that it has canceled plans to release a fourth-generation iPhone SE in 2024 due to issues with Apple’s first in-house 5G modem.

Apple's 5G iPhone SE 3 is powered by the A15 Bionic chip
Apple’s 5G iPhone SE 3 is powered by the A15 Bionic chip

Ming-Chi Kuo via Medium:

The supply chain has received instructions from Apple indicating that the production and shipment plans for the 2024 iPhone SE 4 have been canceled rather than delayed.

Due to concerns that the performance of the in-house baseband chip may not be up to par with Qualcomm’s, Apple initially planned to launch its baseband chip in 2024 and let the low-end iPhone SE 4 adopt it first, and decide whether to let the iPhone 16 use its baseband chip depending on the development status of iPhone SE 4. However, the cancelation of the iPhone SE 4 has significantly increased the chances of Qualcomm remaining the exclusive supplier of baseband chips for the 2H24 new iPhone 16 series, which is better than the market consensus that Qualcomm will start losing iPhone orders in 2024.

MacDailyNews Take: Tim Cook’s Apple. Firing on all cylinders, as usual.

Maybe some more remote “work,” silly masks, lack of leadership, infantile coddling, and sanctimonious hypocrisy will do the trick?

Apple needs new, energetic, disciplined, focused leadership.

We call ’em like we see ’em. Sorry, not sorry.

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