PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) Interview Experience

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/pricewaterhousecoopers-pwc-interview-experience/?utm_campaign=newhomepage
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PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) Interview Experience

In PWC there were three Round:

First Technical Round then HR then Partner Round but in my case due to a two-day entire day interview on the third day instead of PR i.e. Partner Round they did Group discussion.

In Technical Round: The interviewer introduced himself. While introducing myself I addressed him as Sir; he at that moment paused me and asked me to call his name as in PWC everyone stands on an equal pedestal.

  • Then Asked me to speak about something which wasn’t on my cv.
  • Then one of my projects as I participated in Sap Semicolon Hackathon 5.0 with that project so He asked me to tell him something about any of my projects so I choose this one when I was explaining, I asked him if you let me, I can present my screen and show you my project’s flowchart workflow; So, he said Ya go for it and then I presented him and explained the project.
  • Then 2ndly I added 1 more project to my cv so he asked about another project Again I presented my project and explained line by line. 
  • After that he said I Am really impressed by your project.
  • Ask me anything.Thank you

HR Round: 

  • The interviewer asked me about my Intro
  • About PWC
  • Are you willing to Relocate
  • Any questions
  • As my interview was combined with my three other classmates as they were too present in the meet interviewer asked one by one.
  • And after that explained what we had to do in the company and all.

GD Round: The previous day’s Partner round was taken from some of my classmates. where HR and TR were present and asked questions one by one. So, we all were prepared for the PR round but suddenly when we joined, they asked us if there would be a GD round and each group would get a topic to give their opinion on.
The Group was formed. Each group was formed of 5 people. But in my time only 7 were left so a 7 people group was formed. A topic was provided to all of us, 10 minutes before joining the meet.

  • Our topic was “empowerment should be internal or external.”

After we joined the interviewer asked whomever he says; before giving his opinion give half minute short intro of yourself and then give your opinion. and then he called each person one by one. And at last, he said OK wish you all, the best of luck

Thank you

After 2 days I got a mail from my TPO where my name was too on the list. 

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