GitHub - Infisical/infisical: ♾ Infisical is an open-source, end-to-end encrypte...

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/Infisical/infisical
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Open-source, E2EE, simple tool to manage and sync environment variables across your team and infrastructure.

Slack | Infisical Cloud | Self-Hosting | Docs | Website


Infisical is an open source, E2EE tool to help teams manage and sync environment variables across their development workflow and infrastructure. It's designed to be simple and take minutes to get going.

  • User-Friendly Dashboard to manage your team's environment variables within projects
  • Language-Agnostic CLI that pulls and injects environment variables into your local workflow
  • Complete control over your data - host it yourself on any infrastructure
  • Navigate Multiple Environments per project (e.g. development, staging, production, etc.)
  • Personal/Shared scoping for environment variables
  • Integrations with CI/CD and production infrastructure (Heroku available, more coming soon)
  • soon1-Click Deploy to Digital Ocean and Heroku
  • soonAuthentication/Authorization for projects (read/write controls soon)
  • soonAutomatic Secret Rotation
  • soon2FA
  • soonAccess Logs
  • soonSlack Integration & MS Teams integrations

And more.

rocket Get started

To quickly get started, visit our get started guide.

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fire What's cool about this?

Infisical makes secret management simple and end-to-end encrypted by default. We're on a mission to make it more accessible to all developers, not just security teams.

According to a report in 2019, only 10% of organizations use secret management solutions despite all using digital secrets to some extent.

If you care about efficiency and security, then Infisical is right for you.

We are currently working hard to make Infisical more extensive. Need any integrations or want a new feature? Feel free to create an issue or contribute directly to the repository.

seedling Contributing

Whether it's big or small, we love contributions heart Check out our guide to see how to get started.

Not sure where to get started? You can:

green_heart Community & Support

  • Slack (For live discussion with the community and the Infisical team)
  • GitHub Discussions (For help with building and deeper conversations about features)
  • GitHub Issues (For any bugs and errors you encounter using Infisical)
  • Twitter (Get news fast)

hatched_chick Status

  • Public Alpha: Anyone can sign up over at infisical.com but go easy on us, there are kinks and we're just getting started.
  • Public Beta: Stable enough for most non-enterprise use-cases.
  • Public: Production-ready.

We're currently in Public Alpha.

electric_plug Integrations

We're currently setting the foundation and building integrations so secrets can be synced everywhere. Any help is welcome! :)

Platforms Frameworks
soon Fly.io
soon AWS soon GitHub Actions (#54) soon Railway
soon GCP soon GitLab CI/CD soon CircleCI
soon Jenkins soon Digital Ocean soon Azure
soon TravisCI soon Netlify (#55) soon Railway
soon Bitbucket soon Supabase soon Serverless

houses Open-source vs. paid

This repo is entirely MIT licensed, with the exception of the ee directory which will contain premium enterprise features requiring a Infisical license in the future. We're currently focused on developing non-enterprise offerings first that should suit most use-cases.

shield Security

Looking to report a security vulnerability? Please don't post about it in GitHub issue. Instead, refer to our SECURITY.md file.

rotating_light Stay Up-to-Date

Infisical officially launched as v.1.0 on November 21st, 2022. However, a lot of new features are coming very quickly. Watch releases of this repository to be notified about future updates:


superhero Contributors

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK