Paul Graham (@paulg) / Twitter

 1 year ago
source link: https://twitter.com/paulg/
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Paul Graham
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My office at this moment. The papers on the desk are notes for a new essay. After dropping 10 yo off at school, I go for a walk and think about what to write next. I bring a piece of paper to scribble down notes that I never read, and probably couldn't.
In stark relief, the price of separate eastern and western interconnections that are unable to flow more than a thimble full of power back and forth. Low and negative prices throughout much of the Great Plains, nearly all over $400/MWh on the other side.
The fact that it's people with college educations getting replaced this time is nothing new. Automation has been moving up the "food chain" the entire time. It started out replacing donkeys.

"Especially when you're driving a steamroller."

— a neighbor when I said some new speed bumps nearby were bad

Competition can be an effective motivator, but don't let it choose the problem for you. Don't let yourself get drawn into chasing something merely because there's a lot of competition for it.
(1/15) “It’s a magic trick, a dupe. Nothing but an illusion. And it starts the moment you walk in the door. Biggest store in the world. Eight full floors of shopping. And Santaland is at the very top. You can take the elevators. Or you can do what I did when I was a kid..."

Here it is! The first ever Comcast bill negotiated 100% with A.I and LLMs.


ChatGPT bot talks to Comcast Chat to save one of our engineers $120 a year on their Internet bill.

Will be publicly available soon and work on online forms, chat and email.

Interesting article. Homelessness is most common in the most prosperous American cities. The reason is that prosperity causes housing shortages, which the cities don't respond to quickly enough (or in San Francisco's case, at all).
For those who haven't experienced one, a snow day is a marvelous thing. Not only are you granted an unexpected holiday from school, you get to spend it enjoying a big, fresh snowfall.

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