Trump's NFT Collection Pushes Closest Sycophants to Limits

 1 year ago
source link: https://gizmodo.com/tump-nfts-trading-cards-2024-1849905755/slides/10
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'I Can’t Do This Anymore,' Trump's NFT Collection Pushes Even His Closest Sycophants to Their Limits

Supporters expecting Trump to reveal his running mate were instead Rick Rolled with a poorly photoshopped NFT collection. They're not happy.

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Former President turned Florida man Donald Trump has made a name for himself as possibly the world’s most successful online troll. While the bulk of his shitposting repertoire has mostly been reserved for observers on the political left, Trump shook things up this week and went after his own supporters.

When the 2024 presidential hopeful cryptically said a “major announcement ,” was imminent this week, his followers quickly took to the internet to see if their preferred candidate would formally announce his running mate or some other major policy agenda. Instead, Trump revealed an incredibly lame NFT collection seemingly based on poorly photoshopped stock images.

Each of Trump’s 45,000 “digital trading cards,” sold for $99 a pop, with one of the purchasers guaranteed a chance to bask in the former president’s presence during some future in-person event. The Trump NFTs are a lazy grift but, because it’s Trump, they all reportedly sold out in less than a day. While Trump was indeed able to make a quick buck off the NFT’s he simultaneously managed to piss off a wide swath of his Republican supporters who saw the announcement as evidence he either wasn’t taking his 2024 election bid seriously or was simply interested in putting together a comprehensive campaign.

As the events of the past seven years have borne out, it takes a herculean amount of bullshit to get Trump loyalists to criticize their holy leader, which makes the recent NFT pushback all the more interesting. Though the NFTs were likely the straw that broke the camel’s back, Republicans in general have begun growing uneasy with Trump in light of his flailing early poll numbers. 61% of Republicans surveyed in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll said they would prefer another Republican nominee over Trump. Two thirds of GOP leaning voters in that poll said they wanted to see Florida Governor Ron DeSantis run for the presidency. We’re not even in 2023 yet.

Keep reading through to see some of the biggest conservative voices caught off guard by Trump’s NFT collection


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