Microsoft confirms it has fixed Direct Access connection issues on Windows 11, W...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-confirms-it-has-fixed-direct-access-connection-issues-on-windows-11-windows-10/
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Microsoft confirms it has fixed Direct Access connection issues on Windows 11, Windows 10

Patch Tuesday promo image

Microsoft says that it has resolved the recent Direct Access connectivity issues on Windows 11 22H2, Windows 10 22H2, and other older versions of Windows. The issues began with KB5019509 on Windows 11, and KB5018482 on Windows 10. To mitigate the problems, Microsoft deployed a known issue rollback, and now they have been resolved in this month's Patch Tuesday updates:

The software giant has updated its health dashboard. In the case of Windows 10 22H2, Microsoft writes:

Resolution: This issue was resolved in updates released December 13, 2022 ( KB5021233) and later. We recommend you install the latest security update for your device. It contains important improvements and issue resolutions, including this one. If you install an update released December 13, 2022 ( KB5021233) or later, you do not need to use a Known Issue Rollback (KIR) or a special Group Policy to resolve this issue.

If you are using an update released before December 13, 2022, and have this issue, you can resolve it by installing and configuring the special Group Policy listed below. The special Group Policy can be found in Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> .

For information on deploying and configuring these special Group Policy, please see How to use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback.

Group Policy downloads with Group Policy name:

Important: You will need to install and configure the Group Policy for your version of Windows to resolve this issue.

You can read about the other issues affecting Windows in these articles here.

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