nginx proxy manager dark theme

 1 year ago
source link: https://gist.github.com/Amoenus/3c7ef321d83afcd046ee28a960b52977
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eriksneff commented Nov 10, 2022


This dark theme looks AMAZING!! I'm using right now with Stylus and loving it.

One suggestion - a change I made on line 267 under .form-control { - setting the opacity to 100%, ie: from border: 1px solid rgba(20, 45, 82, 0.12); to border: 1px solid rgba(20, 45, 82, 1);

This change makes the outline of input fields visible before they're focused. The motivation here is to signal to the user's brain what things are editable versus not. I've done user testing in the past on a few projects and found that cognitively, if there isn't a box around an element, the human brain seems to think it isn't editable at a glance.

Here's a before and after of this change - as you can see, the change is pretty subtle, but it's good enough for my needs!:


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