Adding a DR node to ASE Always-on for a Custom Application (Part 2)

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/12/09/adding-a-dr-node-to-ase-always-on-for-a-custom-application-part-2/
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(…continuing from Part 1)

Adding a database to the HADR cluster

Existing databases can be added to the HADR cluster for replication in one of 2 ways:

  • Using the setuphadr response file to create the devices and database.
  • Using the RMA command ‘sap_update_replication’ and ‘sap_materialize’ commands.

The first method has already been demonstrated in Part 1 using the response file to add the <SID> database to the HADR cluster and DR node.

The steps to follow when adding a database are as follows:

  1. a database first must be created or exist on the primary (active) node.
  2. the database must be created on the standby (and DR nodes) and should be the same size as the primary.
  3. as the master database is already being replicated, any addition of a new SUID for dbo will be replicated, but the changes to the dbo for the database must be run on each target database instance as well.
  4. DR_maint (already an SUID in master) must also be added as an alias for the database’s dbo per target instance.  This is not done by .sap_update_replication’ (below).
  5. any changes to a database’s options must also be run per target instance.
  6. the database is added to the standby and dr nodes by running the ‘sap_update_replication’ RMA command.
  7. the database must be materialized to the target instances by issuing separate ‘sap_materialize’ RMA commands per target instance.

For example:

For step 1) and 2) above, the following commands are run on each instance – PRIMARY_ASE, COMPANION_ASE, DR_ASE – using isql:

disk init name="tpccdata",physname="/data/ASE/data/tpccdata.dat",size="2048M"
disk init name="tpcclog",physname="/data/ASE/data/tpcclog.dat",size="2048M"
create database tpcc on tpccdata = "2048M" log on tpcclog = "2048M"
sp_dboption tpcc, 'trunc. log on chkpt.', true

with example output:


CREATE DATABASE: allocating 131072 logical pages (2048.0 megabytes) on disk 'tpccdata' (131072 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 131072 logical pages (2048.0 megabytes) on disk 'tpcclog' (131072 logical pages requested).
Processed 103 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 143104). 10% completed.
Processed 205 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 156160). 20% completed.
Processed 308 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 169216). 30% completed.
Processed 410 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 182272). 40% completed.
Processed 512 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 66560). 50% completed.
Processed 615 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 208384). 60% completed.
Processed 717 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 92928). 70% completed.
Processed 820 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 234240). 80% completed.
Processed 922 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 247296). 90% completed.
Processed 1024 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 261888). 100% completed.
Database 'tpcc' is now online.
Database option 'trunc. log on chkpt.' turned ON for database 'tpcc'.
Running CHECKPOINT on database 'tpcc' for option 'trunc. log on chkpt.' to take effect.
(return status = 0)


CREATE DATABASE: allocating 131072 logical pages (2048.0 megabytes) on disk 'tpccdata' (131072 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 131072 logical pages (2048.0 megabytes) on disk 'tpcclog' (131072 logical pages requested).
Processed 103 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 143104). 10% completed.
Processed 205 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 156160). 20% completed.
Processed 308 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 40192). 30% completed.
Processed 410 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 53248). 40% completed.
Processed 512 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 66304). 50% completed.
Processed 615 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 208640). 60% completed.
Processed 717 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 221696). 70% completed.
Processed 820 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 105728). 80% completed.
Processed 922 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 118784). 90% completed.
Processed 1024 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 261888). 100% completed.
Database 'tpcc' is now online.
Database option 'trunc. log on chkpt.' turned ON for database 'tpcc'.
Running CHECKPOINT on database 'tpcc' for option 'trunc. log on chkpt.' to take effect.
(return status = 0)


CREATE DATABASE: allocating 131072 logical pages (2048.0 megabytes) on disk 'tpccdata' (131072 logical pages requested).
CREATE DATABASE: allocating 131072 logical pages (2048.0 megabytes) on disk 'tpcclog' (131072 logical pages requested).
Processed 103 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 13824). 10% completed.
Processed 205 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 26880). 20% completed.
Processed 308 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 169472). 30% completed.
Processed 410 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 182528). 40% completed.
Processed 512 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 195584). 50% completed.
Processed 615 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 79360). 60% completed.
Processed 717 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 92416). 70% completed.
Processed 820 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 235008). 80% completed.
Processed 922 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 248064). 90% completed.
Processed 1024 allocation unit(s) out of 1024 units (allocation page 261888). 100% completed.
Database 'tpcc' is now online.
Database option 'trunc. log on chkpt.' turned ON for database 'tpcc'.
Running CHECKPOINT on database 'tpcc' for option 'trunc. log on chkpt.' to take effect.
(return status = 0)

The initial creation of the HADR cluster (primary and companion) also created the DR_admin and DR_maint ASE logins.  Adding the DR node also creates those logins.  All have the same SUID and it is for this reason that the companion and DR ASE instances should be freshly created.

We will now add a user that will eventually own the database by adding it to the primary (active) node only:

create login tpcc with password "<password>" default database tpcc

Since the master database is replicated to the other nodes, this will be replicated as well, however, specific db_options, ownership changes and alias commands must be issued on each node.  The following commands will therefore be issued on the ASE instance for each node (primary, companion and DR):

use tpcc
sp_changedbowner tpcc, true
sp_addalias DR_maint, dbo

Successful execution of the commands can be checked by running

use tpcc
sp_helpuser dbo

 Users_name ID_in_db Group_name Login_name 
 ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- 
 dbo               1 public     tpcc       

(1 row affected)
Users aliased to user.
(return status = 0)

The database is now present on all 3 nodes, but not replicating and is empty on the companion and DR node (and the primary in this case).

Now the database is added to the HADR environment by issuing commands to the Primary RMA (not the ASE).

Add database to HADR environment for replication:

isql -UDR_admin -P<password> -Sprimarynode:7001 -w999

1> sap_update_replication add_db, tpcc
2> go
 TASKNAME                               TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                             
 -------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Update Replication                     Start Time            Thu Dec 01 19:32:39 UTC 2022                                                                      
 Update Replication                     Elapsed Time          00:00:02                                                                                          
 DRExecutorImpl                         Task Name             Update Replication                                                                                
 DRExecutorImpl                         Task State            Running                                                                                           
 DRExecutorImpl                         Short Description     Update configuration for a currently replicating site.                                            
 DRExecutorImpl                         Long Description      Started task 'Update Replication' asynchronously.                                                 
 DRExecutorImpl                         Additional Info       Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Update Replication' is complete. 
 UpdateReplication                      Task Name             Update Replication                                                                                
 UpdateReplication                      Task State            Running                                                                                           
 UpdateReplication                      Short Description     Update configuration for a currently replicating site.                                            
 UpdateReplication                      Long Description      Add database 'tpcc' into Replication Servers.                                                     
 UpdateReplication                      Current Task Number   1                                                                                                 
 UpdateReplication                      Total Number of Tasks 4                                                                                                 
 UpdateReplication                      Task Start            Thu Dec 01 19:32:39 UTC 2022                                                                      
 UpdateReplication                      Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                           
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Task Name             Add Database to Replication                                                                       
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Task State            Running                                                                                           
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Short Description     Add an ASE database to the Replication System for Disaster Recovery support.                      
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Long Description      Adding database 'tpcc' to the replication server on host 'primarynode'.                           
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Current Task Number   0                                                                                                 
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Total Number of Tasks 20                                                                                                
 AddASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery      Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                           
 AddLocalASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery Task Name             Add Local Database to Replication                                                                 
 AddLocalASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery Task State            Running                                                                                           
 AddLocalASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery Short Description     Add an ASE database to the local Replication System for Disaster Recovery support.                
 AddLocalASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery Long Description      Adding database 'tpcc' to the replication server on host 'primarynode'.                           
 AddLocalASEDatabaseForDisasterRecovery Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                           
 ResumeDSI                              Task Name             Resume DSI Connection                                                                             
 ResumeDSI                              Task State            Running                                                                                           
 ResumeDSI                              Short Description     Resume the Replication Server connection to a database.                                           
 ResumeDSI                              Long Description      Waiting 1 seconds: Waiting 10 seconds before checking if the command executed successfully.       
 ResumeDSI                              Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                           

(32 rows affected)

As some commands can run asynchronously, use ‘sap_status task’ to check that all tasks are complete before continuing:

1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME          TYPE                  VALUE                                                                     
 ----------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status            Start Time            Thu Dec 01 19:32:39 UTC 2022                                              
 Status            Elapsed Time          00:01:38                                                                  
 UpdateReplication Task Name             Update Replication                                                        
 UpdateReplication Task State            Completed                                                                 
 UpdateReplication Short Description     Update configuration for a currently replicating site.                    
 UpdateReplication Long Description      Update replication request to add database 'tpcc' completed successfully. 
 UpdateReplication Current Task Number   4                                                                         
 UpdateReplication Total Number of Tasks 4                                                                         
 UpdateReplication Task Start            Thu Dec 01 19:32:39 UTC 2022                                              
 UpdateReplication Task End              Thu Dec 01 19:34:17 UTC 2022                                              
 UpdateReplication Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                   

(11 rows affected)

‘sap_status path’ now shows replication paths active from the primary (Toronto) to the secondary (London) and the DR (Offsite):

1> sap_status path
2> go
 PATH                   NAME                      VALUE                   INFO                                                                                 
 ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
                        Start Time                2022-12-01 19:38:21.842 Time command started executing.                                                      
                        Elapsed Time              00:00:01                Command execution time.                                                              
 Offsite                Hostname                  drnode                  Logical host name.                                                                   
 Offsite                HADR Status               DR Standby : Inactive   Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 Offsite                Synchronization Mode      Asynchronous            The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 Offsite                Synchronization State     Inactive                Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 Offsite                Distribution Mode         Local                   Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 Offsite                Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 London                 Hostname                  companionnode           Logical host name.                                                                   
 London                 HADR Status               Standby : Inactive      Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 London                 Synchronization Mode      Synchronous             The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 London                 Synchronization State     Inactive                Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 London                 Distribution Mode         Remote                  Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 London                 Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 Toronto                Hostname                  primarynode             Logical host name.                                                                   
 Toronto                HADR Status               Primary : Active        Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 Toronto                Synchronization Mode      Synchronous             The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 Toronto                Synchronization State     Synchronous             Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 Toronto                Distribution Mode         Remote                  Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 Toronto                Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                          
 London.Offsite.DEM     Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Offsite.master  State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.master  Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Offsite.master  Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Offsite.master  Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                       
 London.Offsite.master  Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.master  Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Offsite.tpcc    State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.DEM     State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Toronto.DEM     Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                          
 London.Toronto.DEM     Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.DEM     Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.master  State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.master  Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                       
 London.Toronto.master  Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.master  Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.tpcc    State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.DEM     State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:16:08.560 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency                   404                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.DEM     Commit Time               2022-11-25 16:16:08.560 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.DEM     Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.DEM     Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.master  State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.master  Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:15:01.666 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.master  Latency                   573                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.master  Commit Time               2022-12-01 16:00:22.840 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.master  Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.master  Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.tpcc    State                     Defined                 Path is defined and ready for materialization.                                       
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:16:08.892 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency                   570                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Commit Time               2022-11-25 16:16:08.892 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.master State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:15:01.926 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency                   703                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Commit Time               2022-12-01 16:00:22.980 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.master Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.master Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   State                     Defined                 Path is defined and ready for materialization.                                       
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.  

Note that although the ‘State’ from the active (Toronto) to the DR (Offsite) shows as ‘Active’ it has not been materialized.  The state from the active to the standby is also only ‘Defined’ and must also be materialized.

As there are separate paths to the companion and DR, materialization is performed for each.

Materialize database to Companion:

1> sap_materialize auto, Toronto, London, tpcc
2> go
 TASKNAME         TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                      
 ---------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 Materialize      Start Time            Thu Dec 01 19:44:04 UTC 2022                                                               
 Materialize      Elapsed Time          00:00:02                                                                                   
 DRExecutorImpl   Task Name             Materialize                                                                                
 DRExecutorImpl   Task State            Running                                                                                    
 DRExecutorImpl   Short Description     Materialize database                                                                       
 DRExecutorImpl   Long Description      Started task 'Materialize' asynchronously.                                                 
 DRExecutorImpl   Additional Info       Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Materialize' is complete. 
 Materialize      Task Name             Materialize                                                                                
 Materialize      Task State            Running                                                                                    
 Materialize      Short Description     Materialize database                                                                       
 Materialize      Long Description      Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'tpcc'.                                      
 Materialize      Task Start            Thu Dec 01 19:44:04 UTC 2022                                                               
 Materialize      Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                    
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Task Name             Ase Dump and Load                                                                          
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Task State            Running                                                                                    
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Short Description     Dump and Load an Adaptive Server Enterprise database                                       
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Long Description      Dumping Adaptive Server Enterprise database 'tpcc'.                                        
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Current Task Number   1                                                                                          
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Total Number of Tasks 2                                                                                          
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                    

(20 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME    TYPE              VALUE                                                                                         
 ----------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status      Start Time        Thu Dec 01 19:44:04 UTC 2022                                                                  
 Status      Elapsed Time      00:00:51                                                                                      
 Materialize Task Name         Materialize                                                                                   
 Materialize Task State        Running                                                                                       
 Materialize Short Description Materialize database                                                                          
 Materialize Long Description  Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'DEM_London.tpcc' is suspended. 
 Materialize Task Start        Thu Dec 01 19:44:04 UTC 2022                                                                  
 Materialize Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                       

(8 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME    TYPE              VALUE                                                                                            
 ----------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 Status      Start Time        Thu Dec 01 19:44:04 UTC 2022                                                                     
 Status      Elapsed Time      00:01:12                                                                                         
 Materialize Task Name         Materialize                                                                                      
 Materialize Task State        Completed                                                                                        
 Materialize Short Description Materialize database                                                                             
 Materialize Long Description  Completed automatic materialization of database 'tpcc' from source 'Toronto' to target 'London'. 
 Materialize Task Start        Thu Dec 01 19:44:04 UTC 2022                                                                     
 Materialize Task End          Thu Dec 01 19:45:16 UTC 2022                                                                     
 Materialize Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                          

(9 rows affected)

Materialize database to DR:

1> sap_materialize auto, Toronto, Offsite, tpcc
2> go
 TASKNAME                       TYPE              VALUE                                                                                                  
 ------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 Materialize                    Start Time        Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                                                                           
 Materialize                    Elapsed Time      00:00:02                                                                                               
 DRExecutorImpl                 Task Name         Materialize                                                                                            
 DRExecutorImpl                 Task State        Running                                                                                                
 DRExecutorImpl                 Short Description Materialize database                                                                                   
 DRExecutorImpl                 Long Description  Started task 'Materialize' asynchronously.                                                             
 DRExecutorImpl                 Additional Info   Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Materialize' is complete.             
 Materialize                    Task Name         Materialize                                                                                            
 Materialize                    Task State        Running                                                                                                
 Materialize                    Short Description Materialize database                                                                                   
 Materialize                    Long Description  A preventive measure to help validate the success of materialization succeeded on the database 'tpcc'. 
 Materialize                    Task Start        Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                                                                           
 Materialize                    Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                
 ConfigureInactiveSubscriptions Task Name         ConfigureInactiveSubscriptions                                                                         
 ConfigureInactiveSubscriptions Task State        Running                                                                                                
 ConfigureInactiveSubscriptions Short Description Configure inactive subscriptions.                                                                      
 ConfigureInactiveSubscriptions Long Description  Creating inactive subscriptions for database 'tpcc' from source 'Toronto' to target 'Offsite'.         
 ConfigureInactiveSubscriptions Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                
 ResumeDSI                      Task Name         Resume DSI Connection                                                                                  
 ResumeDSI                      Task State        Running                                                                                                
 ResumeDSI                      Short Description Resume the Replication Server connection to a database.                                                
 ResumeDSI                      Long Description  Waiting 1 seconds: Waiting 10 seconds before checking if the command executed successfully.            
 ResumeDSI                      Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                

(23 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME          TYPE                  VALUE                                                 
 ----------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 
 Status            Start Time            Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                          
 Status            Elapsed Time          00:00:12                                              
 Materialize       Task Name             Materialize                                           
 Materialize       Task State            Running                                               
 Materialize       Short Description     Materialize database                                  
 Materialize       Long Description      Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'tpcc'. 
 Materialize       Task Start            Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                          
 Materialize       Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap               
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Task Name             Ase Dump and Load                                     
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Task State            Running                                               
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Short Description     Dump and Load an Adaptive Server Enterprise database  
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Long Description      Loading Adaptive Server Enterprise database 'tpcc'.   
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Current Task Number   2                                                     
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Total Number of Tasks 2                                                     
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad  Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap               
 ASESingleUserMode Task Name             Change single user database option.                   
 ASESingleUserMode Task State            Running                                               
 ASESingleUserMode Short Description     Change the database option single user.               
 ASESingleUserMode Long Description      Waiting 10 seconds: Killing spid in progress.         
 ASESingleUserMode Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap               

(20 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME         TYPE                  VALUE                                                 
 ---------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 
 Status           Start Time            Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                          
 Status           Elapsed Time          00:00:27                                              
 Materialize      Task Name             Materialize                                           
 Materialize      Task State            Running                                               
 Materialize      Short Description     Materialize database                                  
 Materialize      Long Description      Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'tpcc'. 
 Materialize      Task Start            Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                          
 Materialize      Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap               
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Task Name             Ase Dump and Load                                     
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Task State            Running                                               
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Short Description     Dump and Load an Adaptive Server Enterprise database  
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Long Description      Loading Adaptive Server Enterprise database 'tpcc'.   
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Current Task Number   2                                                     
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Total Number of Tasks 2                                                     
 ASEDBDumpAndLoad Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap               

(15 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME    TYPE              VALUE                                                                                          
 ----------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status      Start Time        Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                                                                   
 Status      Elapsed Time      00:01:00                                                                                       
 Materialize Task Name         Materialize                                                                                    
 Materialize Task State        Running                                                                                        
 Materialize Short Description Materialize database                                                                           
 Materialize Long Description  Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'DEM_Offsite.tpcc' is suspended. 
 Materialize Task Start        Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                                                                   
 Materialize Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                        

(8 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME    TYPE              VALUE                                                                                             
 ----------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status      Start Time        Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                                                                      
 Status      Elapsed Time      00:01:14                                                                                          
 Materialize Task Name         Materialize                                                                                       
 Materialize Task State        Completed                                                                                         
 Materialize Short Description Materialize database                                                                              
 Materialize Long Description  Completed automatic materialization of database 'tpcc' from source 'Toronto' to target 'Offsite'. 
 Materialize Task Start        Thu Dec 01 19:47:23 UTC 2022                                                                      
 Materialize Task End          Thu Dec 01 19:48:37 UTC 2022                                                                      
 Materialize Hostname          primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                           

(9 rows affected)

‘sap_status_path’ now shows:

1> sap_status path
2> go
 PATH                   NAME                      VALUE                   INFO                                                                                 
 ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
                        Start Time                2022-12-01 19:51:20.352 Time command started executing.                                                      
                        Elapsed Time              00:00:01                Command execution time.                                                              
 Offsite                Hostname                  drnode                  Logical host name.                                                                   
 Offsite                HADR Status               DR Standby : Inactive   Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 Offsite                Synchronization Mode      Asynchronous            The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 Offsite                Synchronization State     Inactive                Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 Offsite                Distribution Mode         Local                   Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 Offsite                Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 London                 Hostname                  companionnode           Logical host name.                                                                   
 London                 HADR Status               Standby : Inactive      Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 London                 Synchronization Mode      Synchronous             The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 London                 Synchronization State     Inactive                Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 London                 Distribution Mode         Remote                  Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 London                 Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 Toronto                Hostname                  primarynode             Logical host name.                                                                   
 Toronto                HADR Status               Primary : Active        Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 Toronto                Synchronization Mode      Synchronous             The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 Toronto                Synchronization State     Synchronous             Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 Toronto                Distribution Mode         Remote                  Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 Toronto                Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                          
 London.Offsite.DEM     Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Offsite.master  State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.master  Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Offsite.master  Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Offsite.master  Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                       
 London.Offsite.master  Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.master  Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Offsite.tpcc    State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.DEM     State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Toronto.DEM     Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                          
 London.Toronto.DEM     Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.DEM     Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.master  State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.master  Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                       
 London.Toronto.master  Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.master  Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.tpcc    State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.DEM     State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:16:08.552 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency                   400                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.DEM     Commit Time               2022-11-25 16:16:08.552 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.DEM     Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.DEM     Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.master  State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.master  Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:15:01.666 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.master  Latency                   573                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.master  Commit Time               2022-12-01 16:00:22.840 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.master  Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.master  Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.tpcc    State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency Time              2022-12-01 19:48:38.272 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency                   300                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Commit Time               2022-12-01 19:48:38.272 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:16:08.884 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency                   566                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Commit Time               2022-11-25 16:16:08.884 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.master State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency Time              2022-11-25 16:15:01.918 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency                   699                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Commit Time               2022-12-01 16:00:22.972 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.master Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.master Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency Time              2022-12-01 19:48:38.618 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency                   473                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Commit Time               2022-12-01 19:48:38.624 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             

(92 rows affected)

All paths from active to standby and DR are now in ‘Active’ status.

Testing HADR

SQL DML and DDL statements are now being replicated, this can be done by connecting an application to the primary (active) database and performing operations.  The application used here is beyond the scope of this blog, but any application can be used.

In this case, a Java JDBC application using SAP jConnect 16.0 is used and the application is not HA-aware.  No additional connection properties are added to the base URL: “jdbc:sybase:Tds:primarynode.watpm.c.na-ca-1.cloud.sap:5000”

All DDL statements executed by the application to create tables, indexes, etc, are replicated to both the standby and the DR.  This can be demonstrated simply by running a command such as the following on each ASE instance (PRIMARY_ASE, COMPANION_ASE, DR_ASE):

use tpcc
select name from sysobjects where type = 'U'

1> use tpcc
2> go
1> select name from sysobjects where type='U'
2> go

(16 rows affected)

Similarly, for DML, after loading data using batch inserts (java.sql.PreparedStatement.addBatch(), java.sql.PreparedStatement.executeBatch()) and then running the application to perform data changes (java.sql.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()), the row counts for each table should match in each instance.  e.g.

1> use tpcc
2> go
1> select count(*) from ORDER_LINE
2> go

Planned Failover

To perform a planned failover, 4 steps must take place with commands issued to the primary or companion RMA:

  1. sap_failover <primary>, <companion>, <timeout>
  2. sap_failover_drain_to_dr <timeout>
  3. sap_host_available <dr site>
  4. sap_host_available <primary>

‘sap_status path’ should be issued between each command to ensure all tasks have been completed before proceeding to the next step.

1. Start the failover:

1> sap_failover Toronto, London, 120
2> go
 TASKNAME       TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                   
 -------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Failover       Start Time            Tue Dec 06 16:13:35 UTC 2022                                                                            
 Failover       Elapsed Time          00:00:02                                                                                                
 DRExecutorImpl Task Name             Failover                                                                                                
 DRExecutorImpl Task State            Running                                                                                                 
 DRExecutorImpl Short Description     Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.                                           
 DRExecutorImpl Long Description      Started task 'Failover' asynchronously.                                                                 
 DRExecutorImpl Additional Info       Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Failover' is complete.                 
 Failover       Task Name             Failover                                                                                                
 Failover       Task State            Running                                                                                                 
 Failover       Short Description     Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.                                           
 Failover       Long Description      Issuing commands to verify the DSI thread in the replication server at host 'London' is up and running. 
 Failover       Current Task Number   3                                                                                                       
 Failover       Total Number of Tasks 18                                                                                                      
 Failover       Task Start            Tue Dec 06 16:13:35 UTC 2022                                                                            
 Failover       Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                 

(15 rows affected)
> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME   TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                                   
 ---------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status     Start Time            Tue Dec 06 16:13:35 UTC 2022                                                                                            
 Status     Elapsed Time          00:00:10                                                                                                                
 Failover   Task Name             Failover                                                                                                                
 Failover   Task State            Completed                                                                                                               
 Failover   Short Description     Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.                                                           
 Failover   Long Description      Failover from source 'Toronto' to target 'London' is complete.  The target may be unquiesced.                           
 Failover   Additional Info       Please run command 'sap_failover_drain_to_dr <number_of_seconds_before_timout>' to complete the failover for all hosts. 
 Failover   Current Task Number   15                                                                                                                      
 Failover   Total Number of Tasks 15                                                                                                                      
 Failover   Task Start            Tue Dec 06 16:13:35 UTC 2022                                                                                            
 Failover   Task End              Tue Dec 06 16:13:45 UTC 2022                                                                                            
 Failover   Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap  

2. Drain any remaining transactions to DR:

1> sap_failover_drain_to_dr 120
2> go
 TASKNAME              TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                 
 --------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Failover drain to DR. Start Time            Tue Dec 06 16:16:16 UTC 2022                                                                          
 Failover drain to DR. Elapsed Time          00:00:02                                                                                              
 DRExecutorImpl        Task Name             Failover drain to DR.                                                                                 
 DRExecutorImpl        Task State            Running                                                                                               
 DRExecutorImpl        Short Description     Failover drain to DR deactivate old replication path and activate new replication path for all hosts. 
 DRExecutorImpl        Long Description      Started task 'Failover drain to DR.' asynchronously.                                                  
 DRExecutorImpl        Additional Info       Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Failover drain to DR.' is complete.  
 FailoverRemaining     Task Name             Failover drain to DR.                                                                                 
 FailoverRemaining     Task State            Running                                                                                               
 FailoverRemaining     Short Description     Failover drain to DR deactivate old replication path and activate new replication path for all hosts. 
 FailoverRemaining     Long Description      Issuing command to resume the DIST.                                                                   
 FailoverRemaining     Current Task Number   5                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining     Total Number of Tasks 7                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining     Task Start            Tue Dec 06 16:16:16 UTC 2022                                                                          
 FailoverRemaining     Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                               

(15 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME          TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                 
 ----------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status            Start Time            Tue Dec 06 16:16:16 UTC 2022                                                                          
 Status            Elapsed Time          00:00:05                                                                                              
 FailoverRemaining Task Name             Failover drain to DR.                                                                                 
 FailoverRemaining Task State            Completed                                                                                             
 FailoverRemaining Short Description     Failover drain to DR deactivate old replication path and activate new replication path for all hosts. 
 FailoverRemaining Long Description      Marking old replication path finished.                                                                
 FailoverRemaining Additional Info       Please run command 'sap_host_available' to complete the failover operation.                           
 FailoverRemaining Current Task Number   7                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining Total Number of Tasks 7                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining Task Start            Tue Dec 06 16:16:16 UTC 2022                                                                          
 FailoverRemaining Task End              Tue Dec 06 16:16:21 UTC 2022                                                                          
 FailoverRemaining Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                               

(12 rows affected)

Replication from the now active (companion) node back to the stanby (primary) and to the DR shows as suspended:

1> sap_status path
2> go
 PATH                   NAME                          VALUE                         INFO                                                                                                                                                                           
 ---------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
                        Start Time                    2022-12-06 16:17:51.325       Time command started executing.                                                                                                                                                
                        Elapsed Time                  00:00:01                      Command execution time.                                                                                                                                                        
 Offsite                Hostname                      drnode                        Logical host name.                                                                                                                                                             
 Offsite                HADR Status                   DR Standby : Inactive         Identify the primary and standby sites.                                                                                                                                        
 Offsite                Synchronization Mode          Asynchronous                  The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                                                                                                                     
 Offsite                Synchronization State         Inactive                      Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                                                                                                              
 Offsite                Distribution Mode             Local                         Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.                                                                                                         
 Offsite                Replication Server Status     Active                        The status of Replication Server.                                                                                                                                              
 London                 Hostname                      companionnode                 Logical host name.                                                                                                                                                             
 London                 HADR Status                   Primary : Active              Identify the primary and standby sites.                                                                                                                                        
 London                 Synchronization Mode          Synchronous                   The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                                                                                                                     
 London                 Synchronization State         Unknown                       Replication Synchronization Mode is currently operating as 'Unknown' instead of the configured value 'Synchronous'.  Please refer to Replication Server logs for more details. 
 London                 Distribution Mode             Remote                        Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.                                                                                                         
 London                 Replication Server Status     Active                        The status of Replication Server.                                                                                                                                              
 Toronto                Hostname                      primarynode                   Logical host name.                                                                                                                                                             
 Toronto                HADR Status                   Standby : Inactive            Identify the primary and standby sites.                                                                                                                                        
 Toronto                Synchronization Mode          Synchronous                   The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                                                                                                                     
 Toronto                Synchronization State         Inactive                      Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                                                                                                              
 Toronto                Distribution Mode             Remote                        Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.                                                                                                         
 Toronto                Replication Server Status     Active                        The status of Replication Server.                                                                                                                                              
 London.Offsite.DEM     State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Additional Info               Additional Info               The REPLICATION AGENT connection in the Replication Server on the primarynode host to 'DEM_London_R1.DEM' is suspended.                                                        
 London.Offsite.DEM     Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Offsite host to 'DEM_Offsite.DEM' is suspended.                                                                            
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency Time                  2022-12-06 16:17:52.326       Time latency last calculated                                                                                                                                                   
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency                       246257                        Latency (ms)                                                                                                                                                                   
 London.Offsite.DEM     Commit Time                   2022-11-25 16:15:36.420       Time last commit replicated                                                                                                                                                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     Distribution Path             Toronto                       The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 London.Offsite.DEM     Drain Status                  Unknown                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 London.Offsite.master  State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                           
 London.Offsite.master  Additional Info               Additional Info               The REPLICATION AGENT connection in the Replication Server on the primarynode host to 'DEM_London_R1.master' is suspended.                                                     
 London.Offsite.master  Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Offsite host to 'DEM_Offsite.master' is suspended.                                                                         
 London.Offsite.master  Latency Time                  2022-12-06 16:17:52.512       Time latency last calculated                                                                                                                                                   
 London.Offsite.master  Latency                       246350                        Latency (ms)                                                                                                                                                                   
 London.Offsite.master  Commit Time                   2022-11-25 16:14:36.426       Time last commit replicated                                                                                                                                                    
 London.Offsite.master  Distribution Path             Toronto                       The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 London.Offsite.master  Drain Status                  Unknown                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 London.Offsite.tpcc    State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                           
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Additional Info               Additional Info               The REPLICATION AGENT connection in the Replication Server on the primarynode host to 'DEM_London_R1.tpcc' is suspended.                                                       
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Offsite host to 'DEM_Offsite.tpcc' is suspended.                                                                           
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency Time                  2022-12-06 16:17:52.712       Time latency last calculated                                                                                                                                                   
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency                       246450                        Latency (ms)                                                                                                                                                                   
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Commit Time                   2022-12-01 19:48:05.546       Time last commit replicated                                                                                                                                                    
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Distribution Path             Toronto                       The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Drain Status                  Unknown                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 London.Toronto.DEM     State                         Incomplete                    Failover is incomplete.                                                                                                                                                        
 London.Toronto.DEM     Additional Info               Additional Info               Path has been activated by failover.  Replication cannot occur until the standby host 'Toronto' is made available.                                                             
 London.Toronto.DEM     Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Toronto host to 'DEM_Toronto.DEM' is suspended.                                                                            
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                     
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                     
 London.Toronto.DEM     Commit Time                   2022-11-15 20:50:41.794       Time last commit replicated                                                                                                                                                    
 London.Toronto.DEM     Distribution Path             Toronto                       The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 London.Toronto.DEM     Drain Status                  Unknown                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 London.Toronto.master  State                         Incomplete                    Failover is incomplete.                                                                                                                                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Additional Info               Additional Info               Path has been activated by failover.  Replication cannot occur until the standby host 'Toronto' is made available.                                                             
 London.Toronto.master  Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Toronto host to 'DEM_Toronto.master' is suspended.                                                                         
 London.Toronto.master  Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'master'.                                                                                                                                  
 London.Toronto.master  Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'master'.                                                                                                                                  
 London.Toronto.master  Commit Time                   2022-11-15 20:49:07.954       Time last commit replicated                                                                                                                                                    
 London.Toronto.master  Distribution Path             Toronto                       The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 London.Toronto.master  Drain Status                  Unknown                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 London.Toronto.tpcc    State                         Incomplete                    Failover is incomplete.                                                                                                                                                        
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Additional Info               Additional Info               Path has been activated by failover.  Replication cannot occur until the standby host 'Toronto' is made available.                                                             
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Toronto host to 'DEM_Toronto.tpcc' is suspended.                                                                           
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                    
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                    
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Commit Time                   2022-12-01 19:34:05.980       Time last commit replicated                                                                                                                                                    
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Distribution Path             Toronto                       The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Drain Status                  Unknown                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 Toronto.London.DEM     State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (DSI). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                                                
 Toronto.London.DEM     Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the London host to 'DEM_London.DEM' is suspended.                                                                              
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                     
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                     
 Toronto.London.DEM     Commit Time                   Unknown                       No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                    
 Toronto.London.DEM     Distribution Path             London                        The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 Toronto.London.DEM     Drain Status                  Drained                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 Toronto.London.master  State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (DSI). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                                                
 Toronto.London.master  Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the London host to 'DEM_London.master' is suspended.                                                                           
 Toronto.London.master  Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'master'.                                                                                                                                  
 Toronto.London.master  Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'master'.                                                                                                                                  
 Toronto.London.master  Commit Time                   Unknown                       No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                                                                                                                 
 Toronto.London.master  Distribution Path             London                        The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 Toronto.London.master  Drain Status                  Drained                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 Toronto.London.tpcc    State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (DSI). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                                                
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the London host to 'DEM_London.tpcc' is suspended.                                                                             
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                    
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                    
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Commit Time                   Unknown                       No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                   
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Distribution Path             London                        The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Drain Status                  Drained                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (DSI). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                                                
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Offsite host to 'DEM_Offsite.DEM' is suspended.                                                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                     
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                     
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Commit Time                   Unknown                       No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                                                                                                                    
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Distribution Path             London                        The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Drain Status                  Drained                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 Toronto.Offsite.master State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (DSI). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                                                
 Toronto.Offsite.master Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Offsite host to 'DEM_Offsite.master' is suspended.                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'master'.                                                                                                                                  
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'master'.                                                                                                                                  
 Toronto.Offsite.master Commit Time                   Unknown                       No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                                                                                                                 
 Toronto.Offsite.master Distribution Path             London                        The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 Toronto.Offsite.master Drain Status                  Drained                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   State                         Suspended                     Path is suspended (DSI). Transactions are not being replicated.                                                                                                                
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DSI connection in the Replication Server on the Offsite host to 'DEM_Offsite.tpcc' is suspended.                                                                           
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency Time                  Unknown                       No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                    
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency                       Unknown                       No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                    
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Commit Time                   Unknown                       No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                                                                                                                   
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Distribution Path             London                        The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                                                                                                              
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Drain Status                  Drained                       The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.                                                                                                       

(110 rows affected)

Two more commands are issued to mark those hosts available to receive changes from the now active (companion) node:

3/4. Make nodes available to accept transactions:

1> sap_host_available Offsite
2> go
 TASKNAME      TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                   
 ------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 HostAvailable Start Time            Tue Dec 06 16:21:33 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Elapsed Time          00:00:56                                                                                                
 HostAvailable Task Name             HostAvailable                                                                                           
 HostAvailable Task State            Completed                                                                                               
 HostAvailable Short Description     Resets the original source logical host when it is available after failover.                            
 HostAvailable Long Description      Completed the reset process of logical host 'Offsite' receiving replication from logical host 'London'. 
 HostAvailable Current Task Number   14                                                                                                      
 HostAvailable Total Number of Tasks 14                                                                                                      
 HostAvailable Task Start            Tue Dec 06 16:21:33 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Task End              Tue Dec 06 16:22:29 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                 

(11 rows affected)
1> sap_host_available Toronto
2> go
 TASKNAME      TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                   
 ------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 HostAvailable Start Time            Tue Dec 06 16:23:09 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Elapsed Time          00:01:07                                                                                                
 HostAvailable Task Name             HostAvailable                                                                                           
 HostAvailable Task State            Completed                                                                                               
 HostAvailable Short Description     Resets the original source logical host when it is available after failover.                            
 HostAvailable Long Description      Completed the reset process of logical host 'Toronto' receiving replication from logical host 'London'. 
 HostAvailable Current Task Number   13                                                                                                      
 HostAvailable Total Number of Tasks 13                                                                                                      
 HostAvailable Task Start            Tue Dec 06 16:23:09 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Task End              Tue Dec 06 16:24:16 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                 

(11 rows affected)

As the standby node (primary) is available for network connections, any attempt to login with a non-sa_role will be redirected to the active (companion) node.  Running the previous application with no changes redirects the login to the active (companion) node automatically.  Again, this can be confirmed by running comparison queries on each node to check the data.  A simple example:

1> select count(*) from ORDER_LINE
2> go

(1 row affected)

Planned Failback

Similar to planned failover, performing a planned failback also takes 4 steps using commands issued to the primary or companion RMA:

  1. sap_failover <companion>, <primary>, <timeout>
  2. sap_failover_drain_to_dr <timeout>
  3. sap_host_available <dr site>
  4. sap_host_available <companion>

Again, ‘sap_status task’ should be issued between each command to ensure all tasks have been completed before proceeding to the next step.

1. Start the failback:

1> sap_failover London, Toronto, 120
2> go
 TASKNAME       TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                               
 -------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Failover       Start Time            Tue Dec 06 18:37:42 UTC 2022                                                                        
 Failover       Elapsed Time          00:00:02                                                                                            
 DRExecutorImpl Task Name             Failover                                                                                            
 DRExecutorImpl Task State            Running                                                                                             
 DRExecutorImpl Short Description     Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.                                       
 DRExecutorImpl Long Description      Started task 'Failover' asynchronously.                                                             
 DRExecutorImpl Additional Info       Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Failover' is complete.             
 Failover       Task Name             Failover                                                                                            
 Failover       Task State            Running                                                                                             
 Failover       Short Description     Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.                                       
 Failover       Long Description      Sending end of data markers to participating databases in the source ASE for logical host 'London'. 
 Failover       Current Task Number   5                                                                                                   
 Failover       Total Number of Tasks 18                                                                                                  
 Failover       Task Start            Tue Dec 06 18:37:42 UTC 2022                                                                        
 Failover       Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                             

(15 rows a1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME   TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                                   
 ---------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status     Start Time            Tue Dec 06 18:37:42 UTC 2022                                                                                            
 Status     Elapsed Time          00:00:09                                                                                                                
 Failover   Task Name             Failover                                                                                                                
 Failover   Task State            Completed                                                                                                               
 Failover   Short Description     Failover makes the current standby ASE as the primary server.                                                           
 Failover   Long Description      Failover from source 'London' to target 'Toronto' is complete.  The target may be unquiesced.                           
 Failover   Additional Info       Please run command 'sap_failover_drain_to_dr <number_of_seconds_before_timout>' to complete the failover for all hosts. 
 Failover   Current Task Number   15                                                                                                                      
 Failover   Total Number of Tasks 15                                                                                                                      
 Failover   Task Start            Tue Dec 06 18:37:42 UTC 2022                                                                                            
 Failover   Task End              Tue Dec 06 18:37:51 UTC 2022                                                                                            
 Failover   Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                                 

(12 rows affected)

2. Drain any remaining transactions to DR:

1> sap_failover_drain_to_dr 120
2> go
 TASKNAME              TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                 
 --------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Failover drain to DR. Start Time            Tue Dec 06 18:39:52 UTC 2022                                                                          
 Failover drain to DR. Elapsed Time          00:00:02                                                                                              
 DRExecutorImpl        Task Name             Failover drain to DR.                                                                                 
 DRExecutorImpl        Task State            Running                                                                                               
 DRExecutorImpl        Short Description     Failover drain to DR deactivate old replication path and activate new replication path for all hosts. 
 DRExecutorImpl        Long Description      Started task 'Failover drain to DR.' asynchronously.                                                  
 DRExecutorImpl        Additional Info       Please execute command 'sap_status task' to determine when task 'Failover drain to DR.' is complete.  
 FailoverRemaining     Task Name             Failover drain to DR.                                                                                 
 FailoverRemaining     Task State            Running                                                                                               
 FailoverRemaining     Short Description     Failover drain to DR deactivate old replication path and activate new replication path for all hosts. 
 FailoverRemaining     Long Description      Issuing command to resume the DIST.                                                                   
 FailoverRemaining     Current Task Number   5                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining     Total Number of Tasks 7                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining     Task Start            Tue Dec 06 18:39:52 UTC 2022                                                                          
 FailoverRemaining     Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                               

(15 rows affected)
1> sap_status task
2> go
 TASKNAME          TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                 
 ----------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Status            Start Time            Tue Dec 06 18:39:52 UTC 2022                                                                          
 Status            Elapsed Time          00:00:04                                                                                              
 FailoverRemaining Task Name             Failover drain to DR.                                                                                 
 FailoverRemaining Task State            Completed                                                                                             
 FailoverRemaining Short Description     Failover drain to DR deactivate old replication path and activate new replication path for all hosts. 
 FailoverRemaining Long Description      Marking old replication path finished.                                                                
 FailoverRemaining Additional Info       Please run command 'sap_host_available' to complete the failover operation.                           
 FailoverRemaining Current Task Number   7                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining Total Number of Tasks 7                                                                                                     
 FailoverRemaining Task Start            Tue Dec 06 18:39:52 UTC 2022                                                                          
 FailoverRemaining Task End              Tue Dec 06 18:39:56 UTC 2022                                                                          
 FailoverRemaining Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                               

(12 rows affected)

3/4. Make nodes available to accept transactions:

1> sap_host_available Offsite
2> go
 TASKNAME      TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                    
 ------------- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 HostAvailable Start Time            Tue Dec 06 18:44:18 UTC 2022                                                                             
 HostAvailable Elapsed Time          00:00:55                                                                                                 
 HostAvailable Task Name             HostAvailable                                                                                            
 HostAvailable Task State            Completed                                                                                                
 HostAvailable Short Description     Resets the original source logical host when it is available after failover.                             
 HostAvailable Long Description      Completed the reset process of logical host 'Offsite' receiving replication from logical host 'Toronto'. 
 HostAvailable Current Task Number   14                                                                                                       
 HostAvailable Total Number of Tasks 14                                                                                                       
 HostAvailable Task Start            Tue Dec 06 18:44:18 UTC 2022                                                                             
 HostAvailable Task End              Tue Dec 06 18:45:13 UTC 2022                                                                             
 HostAvailable Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                  

(11 rows affected)
1> sap_host_available London
2> go
 TASKNAME      TYPE                  VALUE                                                                                                   
 ------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 HostAvailable Start Time            Tue Dec 06 18:46:23 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Elapsed Time          00:01:07                                                                                                
 HostAvailable Task Name             HostAvailable                                                                                           
 HostAvailable Task State            Completed                                                                                               
 HostAvailable Short Description     Resets the original source logical host when it is available after failover.                            
 HostAvailable Long Description      Completed the reset process of logical host 'London' receiving replication from logical host 'Toronto'. 
 HostAvailable Current Task Number   13                                                                                                      
 HostAvailable Total Number of Tasks 13                                                                                                      
 HostAvailable Task Start            Tue Dec 06 18:46:23 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Task End              Tue Dec 06 18:47:30 UTC 2022                                                                            
 HostAvailable Hostname              primarynode.openstack.na-ca-1.cloud.sap                                                                 

(11 rows affected)

Running the application again with no changes (i.e. against the now-active primary node) yields the same row counts:

1> use tpcc
2> go
1> select count(*) from ORDER_LINE
2> go

Connecting to an RMA instance on any node shows that the active instance is now, again, the ASE instance on the primary node:

1> sap_status path
2> go
 PATH                   NAME                      VALUE                   INFO                                                                                 
 ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
                        Start Time                2022-12-06 21:03:57.040 Time command started executing.                                                      
                        Elapsed Time              00:00:01                Command execution time.                                                              
 Offsite                Hostname                  drnode                  Logical host name.                                                                   
 Offsite                HADR Status               DR Standby : Inactive   Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 Offsite                Synchronization Mode      Asynchronous            The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 Offsite                Synchronization State     Inactive                Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 Offsite                Distribution Mode         Local                   Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 Offsite                Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 London                 Hostname                  companionnode           Logical host name.                                                                   
 London                 HADR Status               Standby : Inactive      Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 London                 Synchronization Mode      Synchronous             The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 London                 Synchronization State     Inactive                Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 London                 Distribution Mode         Remote                  Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 London                 Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 Toronto                Hostname                  primarynode             Logical host name.                                                                   
 Toronto                HADR Status               Primary : Active        Identify the primary and standby sites.                                              
 Toronto                Synchronization Mode      Synchronous             The configured Synchronization Mode value.                                           
 Toronto                Synchronization State     Synchronous             Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.                    
 Toronto                Distribution Mode         Remote                  Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.               
 Toronto                Replication Server Status Active                  The status of Replication Server.                                                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Offsite.DEM     Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                          
 London.Offsite.DEM     Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.DEM     Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Offsite.master  State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.master  Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Offsite.master  Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Offsite.master  Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                       
 London.Offsite.master  Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.master  Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Offsite.tpcc    State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Offsite.tpcc    Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.DEM     State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Toronto.DEM     Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'DEM'.                                           
 London.Toronto.DEM     Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'DEM'.                                          
 London.Toronto.DEM     Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.DEM     Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.master  State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.master  Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'master'.                                        
 London.Toronto.master  Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'master'.                                       
 London.Toronto.master  Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.master  Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 London.Toronto.tpcc    State                     Suspended               Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated. 
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency Time              Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Latency                   Unknown                 No latency information for database 'tpcc'.                                          
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Commit Time               Unknown                 No last commit time for the database 'tpcc'.                                         
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Distribution Path         Toronto                 The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 London.Toronto.tpcc    Drain Status              Unknown                 The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.DEM     State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency Time              2022-12-06 18:47:31.286 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.DEM     Latency                   383                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.DEM     Commit Time               2022-12-06 18:47:31.292 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.DEM     Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.DEM     Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.master  State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.master  Latency Time              2022-12-06 18:47:31.292 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.master  Latency                   386                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.master  Commit Time               2022-12-06 18:47:31.292 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.master  Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.master  Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.London.tpcc    State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency Time              2022-12-06 18:47:31.292 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Latency                   386                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Commit Time               2022-12-06 19:33:53.852 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.London.tpcc    Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency Time              2022-12-06 18:47:31.472 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Latency                   476                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Commit Time               2022-12-06 18:47:31.472 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.DEM    Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.master State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency Time              2022-12-06 18:47:31.466 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Latency                   473                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.master Commit Time               2022-12-06 18:47:31.466 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.master Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.master Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   State                     Active                  Path is active and replication can occur.                                            
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency Time              2022-12-06 18:47:31.472 Time latency last calculated                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Latency                   476                     Latency (ms)                                                                         
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Commit Time               2022-12-06 19:33:53.160 Time last commit replicated                                                          
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Distribution Path         London                  The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.                    
 Toronto.Offsite.tpcc   Drain Status              Not Applicable          The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.             

(92 rows affected)

(continued in Part 3…)

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