Dead Simple Sprite-Sheet Animations

 1 year ago
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Dead Simple Sprite-Sheet Animations

Dead Simple Sprite-Sheet Animations

December 8th 2022 New Story
3 min
by @tauseefk

Tauseef Khan


Engineer: video games and web

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I’ve been using Bevy for a personal project and it’s been delightful. As the project has grown, I’ve turned into a level designer, animator, illustrator, along with the usual programmer.

Sometimes I hit walls, and rabbit holes around those walls are just too compelling to pass up. One such rabbit hole was figuring out sprite animation loops from a single sprite sheet. The only reason for using a single sprite-sheet is that being the dev and the illustrator is very time consuming and I wanted my workflow to remain as simple as possible.

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Tauseef Khan

Engineer: video games and web

I’ve been using Bevy for a personal project and it’s been delightful. As the project has grown, I’ve turned into a level designer, animator, illustrator, along with the usual programmer.

Sometimes I hit walls, and rabbit holes around those walls are just too compelling to pass up. One such rabbit hole was figuring out sprite animation loops from a single sprite sheet. The only reason for using a single sprite-sheet is that being the dev and the illustrator is very time consuming and I wanted my workflow to remain as simple as possible.

Sprite sheet


Creating Animation Pages

An animation page is a group of frames that form a looping animation. In the following example the animation pages are represented by an enum.

Defining animation loop in an array


Defining animation variants in an enum

I refer to the animation sections as variants, and the offset/size tuple as a page

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum PlayerAnimationVariant {

Creating an AnimationLoop trait The trait is straightforward, defines a function that would return the offset and size of the animation page.

pub trait AnimationLoop {
	fn page(&self) -> (usize, usize);

Implementing the AnimationLoop trait for the enum The trait is straightforward, defines a function that would return the offset and size of the animation page.

impl AnimationLoop for PlayerAnimationVariant {
    fn page(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
        match self {
            // return values (idx_offset, loop_size) describe the animation loop
            PlayerAnimationVariant::Idle => (0, 3),
            PlayerAnimationVariant::Rising => (2, 2),
            PlayerAnimationVariant::Falling => (4, 4),

Frame and Page transitions



Implementing an animation state manager

The struct stores the animation variant to play, and the current index of the frame.

pub struct PlayerAnimationState {
    pub variant: PlayerAnimationVariant,
    pub idx: usize,

Implementing transition functions

wrapping_next_idx increments the idx and wraps around at the page boundary

impl PlayerAnimationState {
    fn wrapping_next_idx(&mut self) -> usize {
        let current_idx = self.idx;
        let (offset, size) = self.variant.page();

        self.idx = offset + (current_idx + 1) % size;


transition_variant updates the animation state manager to play the variant passed as an argument

impl PlayerAnimationState {

    fn transition_variant(&mut self, to: PlayerAnimationVariant) {
        let (offset, _) = to.page();
        self.variant = to;
        self.idx = offset;

This can be somewhat tedious, so I created a Rust crate that simplifies the process by providing:

  • the traits AnimationLoop and AnimationTransition<T: AnimationLoop>
  • a handy macro AnimationTransitionMacro that implements the necessary index manipulation functions for the animation state manager

Check out the final product here! And here's the repository.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK