自动跑测试记录后发送邮件提醒并自动解析数据 - 鉴尘人

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.cnblogs.com/renjc/p/autotest.html
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touch run.sh #创建但不编辑脚本 chmod 777 run.sh #给予脚本执行权限 gedit run.sh #编辑脚本
  1. 脚本中可以创建变量,如直接x='100'r='rm -rf'即可,${x}在执行的时候以字符串形式读取。
    1. 注意变量创建时使用单引号,等于号前后不要有空格,可以是命令,可以使变量,反正都是字符串。
    2. 如何以数字方式解析变量?被以$(())包裹的变量将以数字形式解析,比如在某行中有这个参数:--num=$((${n}*1000000)),这里${n}将被以数字形式解析。
    3. 变量为路径:建议使用绝对路径。如想创建用于接收结果文件receive='/home/renjc/easy-test2.txt'之后touch ${receive},当然变量本质上是以字符串形式读取的,用receive='../xx.txt'当然也行,还更灵活,就是程序容易整错。
  1. 脚本中若想执行命令,直接新一行然后将命令打上去就可以了,不需要额外的东西,脚本本质上还是一行一行执行的
    1. 若命令中想带参数,可以直接用变量替换
  1. 数组,volumn='128 512 1024 2048'即是数组,也可以当做一串字符串来解析。
#遍历数组,循环,遍历文件夹 workloads="./works/workloada.spec ./works/workloadb.spec ./works/workloadf.spec" for file_name in $workloads; do ./ycsbc -db redis -threads 1 -P $file_name done #下面这个是单纯的for循环 for ((tn=1; tn<=8; tn=tn*2)); do doneworkload #下面这个是遍历文件夹workload_dir中所有以workload开头的spec文件 for file_name in $workload_dir/workload*.spec; do done
  1. 函数,函数直接写在执行前就行
#函数作用是记录name,当前时间,以及初步计算value recordstart(){ time=$(date) echo "db_name: ${1}" >> ${receive} echo -n "start_time: ${time} and Value:" >> ${receive} echo "scale=2;${3}*${4}/1024/1000"|bc >> ${receive} #纯shell对除法的支持比较粗糙,如果想要保留两位小数,可以向上面这行一样。 }
    1. $(date)代表当前时间,带年月日时分秒的那种。
    2. shell脚本的函数参数并不需要申明什么的,${1}就代表函数第一个参数,以此类推,其中按照惯例,${0}代表函数名(或者说程序名)。调用函数也很简单,recordstart name ${v}即可调用,函数名后面的都是参数,在函数中使用${1},${2},${3}识别。
    3. echo -n "xx" >> ${receive},只有echo的话,会输出到控制台中,加上>> ${receive}会输出到这个文件里面,加上-n代表这一行不换行,因为echo默认是每次都换行的。



 receive='/home/renjc/spkv/resault/easy-test2.txt' touch ${receive}

ulimit -Sn 16384 ulimit -Hn 32768 #解除堆栈限制,可能需要,先预备

rocksdb_base='rocksdb-base/db_bench' rocksdb_split='rocksdb-split/db_bench' wisckey='WiscKey-master/WiscKey/out-static/db_bench'

# database="${rocksdb_base} ${rocksdb_split} ${wisckey}" rmstore='rm -rf /home/renjc/spkv/db/*'

recordstart(){ #${1} db_name,${2} number of threads,${3} value_size,${4} number of rows time=$(date) echo "db_name: ${1}" >> ${receive} echo "thread_num: ${2}" >> ${receive} echo "value_size: ${3}" >> ${receive} echo "num:${4}" >> ${receive} echo "start_time: ${time}" >> ${receive} echo -n "resault GB is:" >> ${receive} echo "scale=2;${3}*${4}/1024/1000/1000"|bc >> ${receive} }

recordend(){ time=$(date) echo "done_time: ${time},----clean store and sleep 10s-------------------" >> ${receive} ${rmstore} sleep 10s }

#rocksdb 用一个杠两个杠都行,leveldb/wisckey只能用两个,统一采用两个杠杠。 const_arg='--db=/home/renjc/spkv/db --bloom_bits=0 --write_buffer_size=134217728' rocksdb_arg='--compression_type=none' #Wisckey do not support but rocksdb need sperate_arg='--enable_blob_files=true' #rokcsdb的键值分离版本就是原来的版本上加一个参数,所以使用相同路径加一个参数 benchmarks='--benchmarks=fillrandom,stats,readrandom,stats' volumn='128 512 1024 2048' num='5 10' echo "test start" >> ${receive}

for v in ${volumn} do for n in ${num} do recordstart r_sperate 1 ${v} 10000000 ./${rocksdb_base} ${const_arg} ${rocksdb_arg} --num=$((${n}*1000000)) --value_size=${v} ${benchmarks} ${sperate_arg} >> ${receive} recordend recordstart r_split 1 ${v} 10000000 ./${rocksdb_split} ${const_arg} ${rocksdb_arg} --num=$((${n}*1000000)) --value_size=${v} ${benchmarks} >> ${receive} recordend recordstart wisckey 1 ${v} 10000000 ./${wisckey} ${const_arg} --num=$((${n}*1000000)) --value_size=${v} ${benchmarks} >> ${receive} recordend done done

echo "all done" >> ${receive}

echo "run over \n file in attach" | mutt -s "Test run over" [email protected] -a ${receive}



sudo apt-get install mutt安装

echo "Body : run over \n file in attach" | mutt -s "Test run over" [email protected] -a 'path'即可。









 #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip>

#define default_file_path "E:\\Code\\Windows\\FileOperate\\easy-test.txt" #define resault_file_name "E:\\Code\\Windows\\FileOperate\\resault.csv" using namespace std;

struct arguments { arguments(string s,string t):name(s),data(t){} string name; string data; };

void readFile(vector<arguments>& resault,const string& file_path); void trimEmpty(string &s);//用于去除字符串首尾空格 void recordString(const string& type, string& s,vector<arguments>& resault);//用于格式化并记录data void recordInFile(const vector<arguments>& resault);//解析结果记录到文件中,测试用 void recordCSVMode(const vector<arguments>& resault); void printInShell(const vector<arguments>& resault);//打印到控制台,测试用

//按顺序存放需要捕捉的关键词,问题在于只能顺序 //如果该行以该关键词结尾,那么就将所有的东西记录下来 //注意,这个数组并不是最终参数结果,有的一行记了两三个参数 const static vector<string> key_words = {"db_name","thread_num","start_time","Values","Entries","RawSize","FileSize", "fillrandom","Cumulative compaction","Cumulative writes","Cumulative stall", "readrandom","Cumulative compaction","Cumulative writes","Cumulative stall","done_time"}; const static int length = key_words.size();

int main(int arg_count, char *arg_value[]){ string file_path = default_file_path; //默认路径 if(arg_count > 1) file_path = arg_value[1]; //argv[0]为程序名,这点由shell传统决定,argv[1]是程序名的输入

vector<arguments> resault; readFile(resault,file_path);

// printInShell(resault); // recordInFile(resault); recordCSVMode(resault);

// getchar(); return 0; }

void readFile(vector<arguments>& resault,const string& file_path){ int flag = 0; string line;//按行读取 ifstream fp(file_path);

while(getline(fp, line)) { string head = line.substr(0,line.find(":")); trimEmpty(head); if(key_words[flag] == head) { string tail = line.substr(line.find(":")+1); recordString(key_words[flag],tail,resault); // resault.push_back(arguments(key_words[flag],tail)); flag = flag == length - 1 ? 0 : flag + 1; } } }

void trimEmpty(string &s){ //删除字符串的前后空格 if (!s.empty()){ s.erase(0, s.find_first_not_of(" ")); s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" ") + 1); } }

void recordString(const string& type, string& s,vector<arguments>& resault){ //为什么不使用精确的下表标位置 //因为数据的长度不一定,所以必须使用标点符号等来相对定位。 trimEmpty(s); if(type == "fillrandom" || type == "readrandom"){ int start = s.find("op")+3; int len = s.find(";") - start; string kops = s.substr(start,len); resault.push_back(arguments("Kops",kops)); start = s.find(";")+1; len = s.find_last_of("s")+1 - start; s = s.substr(start,len); trimEmpty(s); resault.push_back(arguments("Speed",s)); return; }

if(type == "Cumulative stall") { string stall_time = s.substr(0,s.find(" ")); resault.push_back(arguments("Cumulative stall",stall_time)); s = s.substr(s.find(",") + 2); resault.push_back(arguments("Average stall",s)); return; }

if(type == "start_time" || type == "done_time"){ s = s.substr(s.find_last_of(":")-5,8); }else if(type == "Values"){ s = s.substr(0,s.find(" ")); }else if(type == "RawSize" || type == "FileSize"){ s = s.substr(0,s.find_last_of(" ")); }else if(type == "Cumulative compaction"){ s = s.substr(0,s.find(" ")+3); }else if(type == "Cumulative writes"){ int start = s.find_last_of(":") + 2; int length = s.find_last_of(",") - start; s = s.substr(start,length); } resault.push_back(arguments(type,s)); return; }

void recordInFile(const vector<arguments>& resault){ ofstream record; remove(resault_file_name); record.open(resault_file_name, ios::app); for (size_t i = 0; i < resault.size(); i++) { record << left << setw(25) << setfill(' ') << resault[i].name; record << resault[i].data << endl; } }

void recordCSVMode(const vector<arguments>& resault){ //key_words的长度并不是最终参数的数量 ofstream record; remove(resault_file_name); record.open(resault_file_name, ios::app); size_t point = 0,point_t = 0; string head = resault[0].name; while(resault[point+1].name != head){ record << resault[point++].name << ","; } record << resault[point].name << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < resault.size(); i++) { if(point_t < point) { ++point_t; record << resault[i].data << ","; } else { point_t = 0; record << resault[i].data << endl; } } }

void printInShell(const vector<arguments>& resault){ // 格式化输出,left表示偏左,setw是设置宽度,stefill是设置填充字符 for (size_t i = 0; i < resault.size(); i++) { cout << left << setw(25) << setfill(' ') << resault[i].name; cout << resault[i].data << endl; } }









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