Developer Experience Infrastructure (DXI)

 1 year ago
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Ship It! – Episode #79

Developer Experience Infrastructure (DXI)

with Kenneth Auchenberg, Product Lead, Stripe Apps

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In your company, who designs the end-to-end developer experience? From design to implementation, what is the developer experience that you actually ship? Even though the average developer wastes almost half of their working hours because of bad DX, many of us don’t even know what that means, or how to improve it.

Kenneth Auchenberg is working at Stripe, building economic infrastructure for the internet. Gerhard found his perspective on Developer Experience Infrastructure (DXI) refreshingly simple, as well as very useful.


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Notes & Links

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Developer Experience is the new hot thing, and we now see many existing teams re-labeled as Dev Experience. What does DX really mean, and what is the relationship between developer relations, advocacy, DX, and product teams?
@auchenberg Twitter 🧵


1 00:00


2 00:59

Sponsor: FireHydrant

3 02:28


4 05:52

DXI companies

5 07:35


6 12:58

Why are DX and DXI important?

7 16:46

Components of DX

8 21:18

Being part of Stripe

9 23:27

Sponsor: Sentry

10 24:06

How Stripe shaped your thinking

11 27:20

What is infrastructure to you?

12 31:51

Infrastructure with Stripe

13 35:11

Swyx's blog post

14 37:41

What about Stripe's community?

15 45:24

DX tablestakes

16 48:13

From the DX journey

17 51:03

Experimenting in Stripe

18 52:56

Bringing forward the majority

19 54:47

Obstacles in DX

20 1:01:37

Wrap up

21 1:04:18



⏰ Coming Soon


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