7 House Items Buyers Almost Always Regret

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7 House Items Buyers Almost Always Regret

Andrew Lisa
Wed, November 9, 2022, 11:00 PM·5 min read

The homebuying process is long, stressful, complicated, frustrating and expensive.

Filling a new house up with stuff is supposed to be the fun part, but from kitchen appliances and home furnishings to backyard amenities and homeware, buyer's remorse can quickly ruin the party.

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In 2014, the Los Angeles Times reported that the average household contains 300,000 things — from children's toys to paper clips to ironing boards — and it's only gotten easier to have more stuff shipped to your door since then.

Most of those 300,000 things go unnoticed in day-to-day life, but a few common items continue to make homeowners wish they could go back in time over and over again.

To help you avoid falling into the same trap with the same ill-advised purchases, GOBankingRates asked the experts to reveal the things they most often see homeowners buy, only to wish they hadn't. If any of these items are on your list, think twice before you click "buy."

Courtney Hale / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Courtney Hale / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Kids Playground Equipment
If you buy a home with a backyard, it's easy to imagine your children playing the day away on a swing set or climbing castle — the envy of all the other neighborhood children. In most cases, the novelty wears off fast, though, and unmaintained playground equipment quickly becomes an eyesore — an expensive eyesore."These can run from $2,000 to $15,000 or more and are often left completely unused by the children after the first week," said Dennis Shirshikov, strategist at Awning, a real estate company for investors. "Homeowners then either try to resell them for a fraction of the cost or hold out hope and let them slowly rot in their backyard."Take Our Poll: Do You Think You Will Be Able To Retire at Age 65?

DragonFly / Getty Images/iStockphoto
DragonFly / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Above-Ground Pools
Like playground equipment, above-ground pools gobble up a huge part of the yard without a lot of ROI. They're hard to care for, typically only used for one season, the kids lose interest quickly and they're ugly if you don't keep them in tip-top shape."Above-ground pools require a large amount of maintenance, must be taken down in the winter, are often very cold, and are mostly left unused after the first week," said Shirshikov.

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