16 favorite Chrome extension in 2022

 1 year ago
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16 favorite Chrome extension in 2022

They help you be more productive and efficient every day.


Source: unsplash.com

In this post, I’ve compiled 16 of the best extensions you can quickly find in Google Chrome. They will be helpful for UX designers and everyone who works with significant data streams, communicates with customers and partners and generates valuable content daily.

1. Bardeen.ai


Source: bardeen.ai

Bardeen.ai helps you optimize repetitive tasks right in your browser. For instance, you can use it to simplify copying data from Notion to Google Sheets. And you don’t need to write any code.

2. Wordtune

WordTune puts your thoughts into words. It’s a free extension for posts, emails, and blog posts. You can get a quality text from a draft in seconds.

3. Summari


Source: summari.com

Summari — helps you get the gist out of any text in seconds. It saves a lot of time for reading and makes the process much more efficient.

4. Bitwarden

Bitwarden is a convenient password manager. With it, I don’t have to worry about the confidentiality of information and data.

5. Heyday


Source: heyday.xyz

Heyday is an AI-powered research assistant that resurfaces content you forgot about with enhanced search results, article overlays, and a knowledge base that fills itself.

This extension is suitable for those with 50+ open tabs in the browser and those drowning in notes and needing help remembering where they read something important — anyone who wants to manage personal knowledge and continually grow professionally.

6. Teal

Teal is a personal career growth platform that gives you the tools, skills, and advice you need to accelerate your career. Since I’m not looking for a new job, I use it more as a personal and professional growth tool. But if you’re looking for your dream job, try the job tracker.

7. Swash


Source: swashapp

Swash is a tokenized ecosystem that allows you to make money from your data.

8. Toby

Toby is better than bookmarks. An extension that helps you organize all your browser tabs and access them quickly from anywhere.

9. Momentum


Source: instagram.com

Momentum — helps you focus on tasks and goals. This extension makes it easy to turn your homepage into a spot of focus and inspiration with motivating quotes, inspiring photos or to-do lists.

10. Grammarly


Grammarly — helps you express your thoughts clearly, intelligently and accessibly. The app not only gives tips on grammar and spelling but also on the tone of communication and writing style.

11. GoFullPage


Source: using-gofullpage-with-figma

GoFullPage is a helpful extension if you often have to take screenshots of pages. You can also edit images to add comments, objects, annotations or reactions when you subscribe.

12. nuTab


Source: nutab.co

nuTab is for saving notes, drafts, to-do lists and useful links.

13. Disbug


Source: disbug.io

Disbug is an excellent tool for automatically generating and publishing Jira/Trello/Slack bug reports. It saves a lot of time on Zoom error discussion calls.

14. Wappalyzer

Wappalyzer is an excellent assistant. It helps you learn the technology stack of any website. You can create lists of websites using specific technologies, with company information and contact details. Useful if you want to analyze the market and research your competitors.

15. Save to Notion

Save to Notion helps you save content from social networks (Twitter, Telegram, Reddit) to your Notion account.

16. Jasper

Jasperis an AI content generator that helps you overcome creative obstacles and create original content (video scripts, captions, statuses, blog posts) 10 times faster.

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