Become a Paid expert for PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES – Ask an Expert Peer

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/11/07/become-a-paid-expert-for-platform-technologies-ask-an-expert-peer/
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Become a Paid expert for PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES – Ask an Expert Peer

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In January 2018, SAP launched a large-scale pilot of the Ask an Expert Peer support channel for SuccessFactors solutions to test the on-demand expert workforce approach.  The feedback received from customers during the pilot was very positive and in this blog I would like to share the exciting news that we are expanding the offering with additional products and invite you to participate. Almost exactly a year ago I announced an expansion by SAP ERP & Finance related products. Now it is time to move forward with Platform Technologies!


What is Ask an Expert Peer?

Ask an Expert Peer lets customers chat on their technical, product-related questions through one-on-one interactions with qualified and approved experts outside of SAP.  Ask an Expert Peer is best to deliver fast issue resolution for basic inquiries such as how-to-questions, and all low to medium priority cases.

Ask an Expert Peer is now an official and permanent channel of the Real-Time Support approach. To learn more, visit our FAQ.

Benefits of the Ask an Expert Peer channel

For customers, Ask an Expert Peer is a great way to deliver fast issue resolution for basic inquiries, such as usability or how-to questions.  This on-demand expert network comes with many advantages to the business, enhancing customer experience, reducing response times, and improving business continuity. To learn more, watch the Webinar.

Why You Should Apply

If you are a product expert, Ask an Expert Peer offers significant benefits. Being part of this support channel experience is a great way to connect with your peers and share your knowledge. In addition to the opportunity to build reputation as an expert outside of your own organization, receive compensation for your accepted answers.

Your active participation and contribution on SAP Community is great value to SAP and is highly appreciated. As an active community member, you have the skills and knowledge needed to deliver excellent customer service. The participation in the Ask an Expert Peer program might be another way in supporting customers and sharing your great knowledge.  Does it sound interesting to you?

Become an Expert of the Program

The application process is simple:

  • You as a potential expert candidate for a specific product area or areas, must take a brief assessment examination provided by our partner Movate (formerly known as CSS Corp/Directly Inc.).
  • You can become an expert in multiple product areas and we encourage potential experts to apply for multiple product areas if you are experienced in those areas.  The more product areas you are approved to be an expert in, the more opportunity for you to accumulate rewards.
  • Once onboarded to the program, you choose which questions you’d like to claim.
  • You can earn rewards and points for every question you answer correctly.


Available Products*

You can apply to be an expert in one or more of the product areas below:

  • ABAP Dictionary
  • ABAP Frontend
  • ABAP Programming
  • ABAP Security
  • SAP Business Application Studio
  • SAP Cloud Application Programming
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Business Technology Platform
  • SAP Cloud Platform Integration
  • SAP Cloud Portal
  • Client Server Technology – Internet Communication Manager & SAP Web Dispatcher
  • Client Server Technology – Memory Management & RFC Gateway
  • Change & Transportation System
  • Data Services
  • EIM HANA SAP Landscape Transformation Replication
  • Installation
  • Master Data Governance – Business Partner
  • Master Data Governance – Financials
  • Master Data Governance – Materials
  • Oracle Database
  • SAP Enable NOW
  • Upgrade

* You can also apply for existing products of

  • SuccessFactors
  • SAP ERP and Finance

** This blog is about expert recruitment; Each channel of above listed products becomes active as soon as we have enough experts. Start applying now !

About Movate

SAP has partnered with Movate (formerly known as CSSCorp/Directly Inc) to support customers with cutting-edge AI and on-demand customer service.  The on-demand customer service relies on specialists with special product expertise, who are non-SAP employees, that are interested in engaging more broadly and deeply with SAP customers. Learn more at this site.


More Questions?

For additional questions about the channel and the application process please post in the comments section below. We look forward to expanding this channel with more participation from the many experts in SAP Community.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK