Pinterest Pitches Itself as the Ultimate Christmas Gift-Discovery Platform in Ne...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/Pinterest-Launches-Gift-Discovery-Christmas-Campaign/635882/
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Pinterest Pitches Itself as the Ultimate Christmas Gift-Discovery Platform in New Campaign

Published Nov. 7, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Pinterest has launched a new ad campaign in which it’s pitching itself as the ideal complement to your Christmas gift-giving process, with people’s Pin boards, or even the latest trends, providing great inspiration for great Christmas gifts.

As explained by Pinterest:

The holidays are huge on Pinterest, and this year is shaping up to be one of the biggest holiday seasons ever. We know bad gifting is universal, so Pinterest is here to help you find the perfect gift for everyone in your life. Whether it’s peeking at someone’s boards, searching for things they like or browsing on the Today tab for ideas, there are so many ways to find gifts everyone will love on Pinterest.”

Pinterest says that with over 400 million active users (445 million to be exact), it’s well-placed to highlight the top gift trends, based on search activity in the app, while that’s also a lot of people who may well have a Pinterest presence, which outlines the products and trends they’re most interested in.

It could well be the best secret weapon in your arsenal for finding the best gifts, and it’s a good campaign that will no doubt get more people at least checking into the app, and seeing what they can find.

And for brands/marketers, that could also make it the place to be to have your products listed. Worth considering in your process.

In addition to this, Pinterest has also launched a new holiday gift guide, which is based on zodiac signs and the perfect gifts for each

“Whether you’re gifting a lavish Leo, charismatic Scorpio, or a sensitive Cancer, Pinterest has all of the gifting trends and ideas to discover the perfect gift.”

Pinterest Gift Guide 2022

Look I don’t really go for that incense-burning chicanery. But a lot of people do, and it could be a great way to help people find the best gifts, by giving them a little direction in their search process.

I mean, what do you get for that guy from work who you’ve never spoken to, but is now your Kris Kringle?

Maybe, the star sign guide is the best companion you have in finding gifts more aligned with each person – even if they don’t know it themselves.

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