Digital asset bank Custodia raises $7 million

 1 year ago
source link: https://fintechranking.com/2022/10/31/digital-asset-bank-custodia-raises-7-million/
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Digital asset bank Custodia raises $7 million

State-chartered digital asset bank Custodia, formerly known as Avanti, has raised $7 million, according to a filing submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

The startup, which was founded in 2020 by Wall Street veteran Caitlin Longraised a $37 million Series A round in March of last year. Its backers include Binance.US, Coinbase Ventures and Lemniscap. 

The startup’s total funding now amounts to $51 million. 

Read more: The Block


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Vaultbank, the cryptocurrency exchange platform for buying, selling, and trading asset-backed tokens, today announced it has raised over $3 million in funding, reaching the soft cap for its VB token sale. VB tokens are currently being distributed to Vaultbank token sale backers. The company also announced the launch of the…

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In "Banks"

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