SAP S/4HANA - BADI (read-only Fields Properties) not found in service header

 1 year ago
source link: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13745666/sap-s4hana-badi-read-only-fields-properties-not-fo.html
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3 hours ago

SAP S/4HANA - BADI (read-only Fields Properties) not found in service header

17 Views Last edit 2 hours ago 2 rev

I would like to set the custom addon field as read-only by creating custom logic(using of existing implementation) in service header. And BADI should be (read-only Fields Properties) in service header but there is no with that title. If I want that read-only field properties, what can I do?

***My requirement is to set read-only if we create data manually in service.

But if we create data via another api(SOAP, REST,...), it should be possible to update custom addon field.***


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