Question - Help plz: i need to network unlock a samsung s22 | XDA Forums

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/help-plz-i-need-to-network-unlock-a-samsung-s22.4511199/#post-87640747
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Question Help plz: i need to network unlock a samsung s22


New member
Oct 27, 2022
Hello there. I would love if someone can help me with a problem that i have. I bought a samsung s22 in the US and the phone is locked to use only on T-Mobile. Unfortunately as i don't live in the US i can't unlock the phone using the T mobile procedure. Do you know if there's a way to unlock the by using a different firmware or paid service (reliable).


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2010 5,339 1,695 Twin Cities MN
Hello there. I would love if someone can help me with a problem that i have. I bought a samsung s22 in the US and the phone is locked to use only on T-Mobile. Unfortunately as i don't live in the US i can't unlock the phone using the T mobile procedure. Do you know if there's a way to unlock the by using a different firmware or paid service (reliable).

Yes, an experienced professional 3rd party business can do it. It's extremely expensive though - around $200 US

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