ZoZo App - Keyboard shortcuts for the content you share the most | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/zozo-app-3
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Ranked #14 for today

ZoZo App

Keyboard shortcuts for the content you share the most

Always looking for or sharing the same photos, links or files to share?ZoZo allows you to create Keyboard Shortcuts for the photos, links & files you want to share at any time. Save your content to a shortcut in ZoZo, share it at anytime right from keyboard.
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Hey Everyone!

My name is AJ, founder of ZoZo, it's nice to e-meet everyone! I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate you checking out ZoZo!

I started this app because when my son was born earlier this year I found myself having to constantly share my favorite photos of him. It was very annoying going through my photos to end the exact one I wanted to share.

Now I upload my photos to ZoZo and have them ready to share right from my Keyboard.

Once you use use your first ZoZo Shortcut you will start thinking of other Shortcuts to create.

Looking forward too hearing what you all think! Again, can't thank you enough for giving it shot!

Don't forget to redeem your free account upgrade to ZoZo Pro!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK