Artemis - The modern infrastructure for data science teams | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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Ranked #8 for today


The modern infrastructure for data science teams

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Artemis is the modern data science infrastructure. We're changing the way teams document, manage and share their scripts.
Save time, by optimising your information diet

Hello Product Hunt!

I'm Austin, together with my cofounders Manvir and Kyle we've built Artemis to improve the way data science teams document, manage and share their scripts. We're super excited to show you how it works!

💡 The idea for Artemis struck in a lab where there wasn't a good infrastructure to track and share our scripts. While we could send each other GitHub links, recipients of these links often lacked the requisite dependencies and databases to run the program. This is not to mention that documentation practices were ad hoc at best, meaning it wasn't even clear what the code in question was supposed to do in many cases.

✅ We built a new data science infrastructure that takes a two-pronged attack to this problem.

1) We offer data scientists an easy way to build interactive documentation that explains their code and showcases its artifacts (see video above).

2) We offer a dashboard that displays each of your scripts' interactive documentation bundled together with metadata on the project's resources like databases and dependencies.

📈 We've already helped teams at Mayo Clinic and the VA significantly increase the standardization, organization and traceability of their data science workflows.

These are the benefits we strive to bring to data science teams:

- Improved code collaboration: Streamline code sharing, enable your team to instantly download, set up and run each other's work.

- Increased work efficiency: Reduce code redundancy, empower your engineers to more effectively find and reuse old code.

- Dramatically reduced code and data loss: Track and organize your codebases and dependencies to prevent resources from getting lost.

- Enforced code hygiene standards: Maintain and standardize documentation, organization, and storage practices.

- Better code tracing: Trace how your team's projects relate to each other and outside resources.

- Easier to showcase results: Each member of your team can share what their code does with ease.

☀️ We're thrilled to launch on Product Hunt and hear what you have to say! We value community input so much that Artemis is FREE to individual users so you can try it out and tell us what you think.

- Austin

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Joyk means Joy of geeK