Reddit Provides Insights into Halloween Engagement Trends [Infographic]

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/reddit-provides-insights-into-halloween-engagement-trends-infographic/634727/
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Reddit Provides Insights into Halloween Engagement Trends [Infographic]

Published Oct. 21, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Spooky season is here, and with Halloween coming up in just over a week’s time, there are big opportunities for themed tie-ins and posts to help boost your social media engagement and branding efforts.

And one platform you may not have considered in this respect is Reddit, which sees a heap of Halloween-related discussions and posts, increasing every year.

As you can see in these stats, Reddit users are more likely to be horror fans than those using other social apps, while Reddit also reaches 121 million entertainment fans every month, with a huge interest in Halloween content.

That could make it a good supplementary channel for your promotions – you can check out Reddit’s full Halloween engagement overview below.

Halloween on Reddit

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