Apple is working on a foldable iPad, could launch before foldable iPhone

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/apple-is-working-on-a-foldable-ipad-could-launch-before-foldable-iphone/
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Apple is working on a foldable iPad, could launch before foldable iPhone

Foldable iPhone

Foldable smartphones are no longer merely just a concept. It now looks like Apple might also step into the foldable device territory, not with an iPhone however, but with a foldable iPad. Analysts at CCS Insight believe that Apple may launch an iPad with a folding screen as soon as in 2024.

Speaking to CNBC, Ben Wood, chief of research at CCS Insight, said:

“Right now it doesn’t make sense for Apple to make a foldable iPhone. We think they will shun that trend and probably dip a toe in the water with a foldable iPad

A folding iPhone will be super high risk for Apple. Firstly, it would have to be incredibly expensive in order to not cannibalize the existing iPhones."

Samsung follows a similar price model where its foldable smartphones are priced much higher than its flagship smartphone with flat displays. However, with its Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Flip series, Samsung has continued to refine the foldable technology. Currently, the South Korean company dominates both the technology and the consumer market of foldables.

If Apple went ahead and made a foldable iPhone, it will likely be priced at around $2,500, said the analyst. The priciest iPhone 14 Max Pro with 1TB storage currently costs $1,599.

Wood added that Apple will get a chance to implement and scale foldable screen technology and also "breathe new life" to its iPad series.

Earlier, a report from Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) suggested that Apple will likely enter the foldable smartphone market in 2025. The report said that Apple doesn't seem to be in a hurry to enter the foldable market, and the company is quite optimistic about the foldable technology as well.

Apple could also be working on a foldable notebook, which could become a new category of products itself.

Renowned Apple Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also claimed that Apple is testing Electronic Display Paper (EPD) for future foldable device's cover screens and tablets. He predicted that the EPD could potentially become a mainstream solution for foldable devices thanks to its excellent power efficiency.

Source: CNBC

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