foone🏳️‍⚧️ on Twitter: "so a fun thing about f*ctorio's space exploration m...

 1 year ago
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and then on the launch end, you just change the inserter condition so that it's "if [SIGNAL] > 0"

so why does this make a difference?

because of what happens when the transmitter fails.

now the logic is "transmit this signal ([ICE]) if you need cargo, and don't if you don't"
meaning that if the cargo-receiving end fails for any reason, it sends nothing, and the launching end... launches nothing.

instead of launching on failure, which is completely unsafe, it fails-safe. it fails to "launch nothing"

which is a much better problem to have!

"whoops how come the base on Planet X has no ice?" is a low priority problem that you can fix at your leisure.

"hey how come the base on Planet X FUCKING EXPLODED?!" is a high-priority problem that you better fix right the fuck now

anyway this story comes to you after I carefully rebuilt my whole interplanetary logistics infrastructure to be smart about this but I missed one, singular, delivery cannon, launching ice to a waterless planet.
and I woke up the next day to "hey planet X needs a lot of repair robots and is missing all these items" and I check the interplanetary viewer thing and OH BOY THAT'S A BIG FIELD OF ICE WHERE MY BASE USED TO BE

planet X is not running out of ice anytime soon.

especially because it's not using it very fast anymore, now that the base exploded.

and this is a problem that I have run into so many times in computers. never trust a system that seems to be working.
the newbie says "aww, why isn't it working?" the intermediate says "yay, it's working!" the expert goes "hmm, why is it working?"
a working system will ALL TOO OFTEN not be working the way you think it's working.
and you think you know the parameters of how it's working. you know what could break it, how much overhead it has, what side effects it has.
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i thought you were talking about jojo part 5 for a second. twitter censorship is whack
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This is amazing, thanks for reminding me about that book. What a plot.
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innocent question: why censor the game's name?
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