MAXMA - Ready-to-use loyalty software for retail | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/maxma
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Ready-to-use loyalty software for retail

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MAXMA is a cloud-based customer-loyalty software which is best suited for retail and e-commerce businesses. System is loaded with various marketing and communications automation features. API-centered fast integration with PoS systems!
Put SOC 2 compliance on autopilot

Hello everyone!

My name is Artem and I am happy to introduce to you my team's product MAXMA!

MAXMA is a cloud-based customer-loyalty software which is best suited for retail and e-commerce businesses. System is loaded with various marketing and communications automation features. API-centered fast integration with PoS systems allows you to start growing rapidly in key performance indicators such as LTV, retention rate and revenue.

1. Ready-to-use loyalty software that tracks and burns customer bonuses connected with your store PoS system 2. Flexible customer segmentation with various combinations of filters 3. All-in-one marketing communication platform (sms/push/e-mail/calls) 4. Built-in mechanism that empowers auto-funnels based on customer behavior with communication instruments 5. Referral system that allows your loyal customers to become brand advocates 6. Manage all your promotional discounts, coupons and events from one platform with various sets of filters and rules 7. Combine your retail channel with e-com to achieve outstanding results with omni-channel effect 8. Make a print, press or indoor/outdoor advertising work effectively with a unique lead-capture feature in the form of QR-code that can be placed on any surface.

Contact us to learn more or to request a demo!

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