Single day tickets for TechBash 2022 are now available!

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.techbash.com/blog/2022/10/10/single-day-tickets%C2%A0for-techbash-2022-are%C2%A0now-available
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Single day tickets for TechBash 2022 are now available!

Can't get away from work for 3 or 4 days? We've got you covered. TechBash now has a limited number of single day tickets* available for purchase for only $299. Check out the full schedule**, decide which day(s) have the best content for you, and register today!

The meals and activities provided to attendees on any given day are also available to single-day ticket holders on the day they attend (breakfast and lunch are provided daily).

  • Buy a 1-day ticket for Thursday and come out for game night after dinner!
  • Buy a 1-day ticket for Friday and take advantage of our Family Day sessions for kids (schedule and details coming soon)!
  • Our sponsors will be available to attendees all day Wednesday and Thursday!
  • We have great keynotes lined up for Wed/Thu mornings too!

You can still stay overnight at the Kalahari and get full access to the water park. Reservation details here.

*Single day tickets are available for Wednesday (11/9), Thursday (11/10), and Friday (11/11) only.
**Schedule subject to change at the discretion of conference organizers.


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