Top tips on Linux, Rust, Kafka, and more

 1 year ago
source link: https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/10/10/top-tips-linux-rust-kafka-and-more
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September was another fantastic month of content at Red Hat Developer. Check out some of the articles that our developers have created specifically for you! We've got 101-level learning articles, some articles that dive into technical matters, and we'll round out the month with tips and tricks for your current Linux environment.

Three places to begin your 101 learning

Three places to begin your 101 learning

  • Bob Reselman introduces regular expressions with grep, and shows you how to use them to match patterns in text. His guide covers the basics of how to write a regular expression and gives many examples. Regular expressions are a way to search for patterns of characters within a larger body of text. They can be used to find all instances of the word bat, for instance, or all instances of a word that begins with b and ends with t.
  • Join Don Schenck to learn what containers are and how to use them. Schenck describes how to build containers that run on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. Building a container on your PC requires a local development environment that gives you the complete experience of coding, building, debugging, and running—and then pushing all pieces of the container to a host or cloud service. The container development model lets you decide which operating system and runtimes run your application, as well as which libraries to include. A software container holds the application, libraries, runtimes, operating system, and more.
  • Want to get started with Linux? We've got you covered. These are some of our favorite and most popular articles, cheat sheets, and lessons to help you get the most out of Linux, along with underlying tools like GCC and Linux-based platforms like Docker.

Challenge yourself with a more difficult lesson

Challenge yourself with a more difficult lesson

  • In his follow-up article on grep, Reselman focuses on more advanced syntax: quantifiers, pattern collections, groups, and word boundaries. Follow along to keep learning.
  • Learn about Tim Ellison's recommendation for updating OpenJDK images since Docker Hub's deprecation announcement. Your containers' Java runtime environment could stop receiving updates within the coming months. It's time to take action. Ellison explains the decisions that led to this issue and proposes a solution.
  • Siddhesh Poyarekar describes a new level of fortification supported in GCC. This new level detects more buffer overflows and runtime bugs, which helps applications run more securely. Poyarekar further discusses two significant improvements to security mitigation and the resulting impact on applications.

Get the most out of your current environment

Get the most out of your current environment

  • Rust is a great choice for writing a Linux system library due to memory and thread safety guarantees, a revolutionary approach to memory ownership, and a polished Foreign Function Interface. Even though the learning curve is slightly steep, you'll grow to love the language and especially its compiler. This article is the first in a series focusing on Rust for Linux.
  • Security automation encompasses a range of products, services, and strategies designed to prevent loss or damage to data, applications, IT systems, and networks. Join Jamie Beck and Himanshu Yadav as they explain five common use cases for security systems using Ansible.
  • Check out the Kafka Monthly Digest for August 2022. This digest is a community effort that contains a list of notable topics in these areas: releases, Kafka improvement proposals, community releases, and blogs.

September 2022 on Red Hat Developer

September 2022 on Red Hat Developer

Here's the full lineup of articles published on Red Hat Developer this month:

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