a daily run

 1 year ago
source link: https://sive.rs/run
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  1. Kevin W. (2022-09-27) #

    Thought provoking as always. I read it twice and both times it had different meanings. I take from it that the right way to run is the way you decide is right for you. No book can tell you that, only you can.

  2. Joe (2022-09-27) #

    The real question is why are all in such a hurry to go nowhere?

  3. Devan (2022-09-27) #

    A very apt parable. I've actually stopped reading books or watching videos on building a business nowadays. Been running my own startups for over 3 and a half decades now, and these days I just do what feels natural to me.

    The business 'gurus' online are fine and all, but I've tried so many things but nothing sticks, because in the end, I guess it is just 'me' and I have to do things that make sense and are comfortable for me alone.

    And I've never been happier in my working career.

  4. Roxana (2022-09-27) #

    For some people pretending there is a tiger behind may help them complete the task or start. However how effective is this long term? On a regular basis? What about the stress caused by being chased by a tiger? I didn’t think having that level of stress on a regular basis is healthy. Most of the productivity and motivation studies assume a linear function with steps to complete in a straight line from A to Z. However not everybody operates this way, especially adhd people who can’t do what they want to do (executive function disabilities). There is an increase in adults being diagnosed with adhd. And some people are too rational thinking that they can’t fool themselves into an imaginary situation such as being chased by a tiger. I think the strategy is not effective for some of not most people. But if someone does find it helpful, then awesome! Maybe r he y can alternate the animal that’s chasing them depending on the day or task. Thanks for asking for our thoughts and many thanks for the amazing books and content you share with your readers.

  5. Mary (2022-09-27) #

    Sadly many people are addicted to fear. They run from it, they run to it, they run with it, and are unaware how much it is controlling their lives.

  6. Gary Pickus (2022-09-27) #

    If I'm running, I like running towards...not from.
    Tiger is OK to add urgency, but I sense the urgency anyway.
    And I like something more specific and personally enriching to run toward than a pot of gold...it could be anything I desire, or it could be to reach the elusive peace that carries the paradoxical message that 'you don't have to run...' Why is that?
    Because, as the Tao says: "Heaven is RIght Where You Are Standing."

  7. Diane (2022-09-27) #

    1 Corinthians 9:24
    24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

  8. Richard (2022-09-27) #

    All these techniques are for people who get no joy from running. I spent 28 years dying -- literally -- in the ER 4-5 times every month, doctors saying, sorry, Rich, it will be soon. Getting across the room was a major effort. 15 steps and grab my knees and gasp. After 28 years finally new drug and lung capacity goes from less than 30% which they all said was not even possible (FEV1) to 78% in 7 days -- finally sleep in a bet without O2 tank.

    Almost NOTHING feels as good as running. And if the tiger were chasing me, I'd bring him up to run with me or use Mata Leao to choke the MF out then keep doing it until he learned to behave and love running and was trained. Or stay on the choke and make a rug.

    Remember, even Goggins sometimes does not want to run. David Goggins, ultra marathoner, says sometimes he stares at his shoes for 30 minutes. But then he does go. There are quads at the VA in wheelchairs who would give ANY T H I N G to do HALF your next run, just ONE TIME in the rest OF THEIR. L I F E!!!! ONE! There are over a billion people who would KILL to be where you are with the time and capacity and ability to RUN. Find some joy and MOVE!!!

  9. Michel Griffin (2022-09-27) #

    My personal reaction was to wonder:

    1. Why the speed of the run was important;
    2. Why other people's views on how you should run should matter.

    The real winner of the rat-race is the rat who refuses to run.

  10. David (2022-09-27) #

    How fun to use visuals and thoughts to enhance the running experience. I run about once a week on the trails and sometimes in the late afternoons actually think that there might be mountain lions in the forest so I will go with the tiger technique and also try the other visualizations. Lovely, succinct and meaningful post!

  11. Chris (2022-09-27) #

    Generally feel I'd prefer to motivate myself to aim towards a goal, rather than trying to run away from something.

  12. Steve Kusaba (2022-09-27) #

    The story is quite interesting but where it lands is like a most violent plot twist that changes where your focus was, quite radically.

    Usually a question is more important than the answer in regards to clarity.

    The question at the end of this story is one where I couldn't in anyway begin thinking about what an answer would be. The key to understanding the question would be to have the narrator first define the word "True" in regards to the story. Without the word "True" being defined, anything said by me would just be personal rambling which would tell things about me but nothing about the story.

    With the open ended nature of the question I could create contexts where any of the possible reference points were true, IE: I could say that 87% of people preferred Pot of gold. I could say that 84% of the time Tiger runners delivered the best times.

    I'd be making it all up since the story doesn't have any data along with the lack of definitions.

    But lets NOT be a coward and fail to answer the question!!

    The ONE true way to run, is while listening to Centrifugal Satz Clock music!

  13. Tom (2022-09-27) #

    Derek, why do you ask "So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?"

    The question doesn't make sense to me. Maybe, what do you mean by "true"? Are you asking if one of those scenarios is what works for the reader (makes the reader run faster)?

  14. Blake (2022-09-27) #

    Good article, Derek. It brings focus to something I've often pondered over the years. Information, skills, knowledge, etc. are not absolute. Context is crucial, and things like personality, culture, and circumstance can all have a massive influence on how effective a particular method of doing something might be. One must always cross-reference the information they have with their current knowledge base and take it in context based on their current situation. Two sets of seemingly contradictory advice can both have their benefits, depending on who is applying the advice, and when, where, and how they apply it. The tiger approach might work better for someone who has a powerful fear response. It may not work as well for someone who isn't affected as deeply by fear (a professional base jumper, for instance). A tiger may not seem that scary to some, and thus, may not motivate. You can apply a similar logic to the pot of gold approach and a person's response to reward. There do seem to be some overarching truths in the world, but things get hazier when it comes to the human psyche, and how people's minds work.

  15. Linda (2022-09-27) #

    I am reading this piece as an allegory for me personally on how to meditate. But it just as easily be read as the best way to write, or the perfect method of painting. In any case I think it’s like a little fable that says there is no right or wrong way to do something… You can try and make it better for yourself, even make it better for others, and there will be people to tell you that there’s a scientifically best way to do it. But the only way, the perfect way, is that which works best for you.

  16. Greg Dember (2022-09-27) #

    Assuming that the Tiger method is perhaps best only for the majority of people, not all, and even for the majority, best most of the time not all of the time...
    then the results of the scientific study are only useful for runners who do not have their own intuition, or capacity for self observing what's best for them. So, in that case, they can follow the guidance of the study and hope that they are part of that majority group.

    Somehow this reminds me of when I overhear people asking a server "which is better the chocolate cake or the apple pie?" I always want to interrupt and say "IT DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU LIKE BETTER!" I do not understand why people think a restaurant would have some things on its menu that it doesn't think are as good as the other things on its menu. I would assume that it's all meant to be equally good, and any variation in how good different items are is a matter of personal taste.

  17. John (2022-09-27) #

    Often been said..."the world is one big beautiful puzzle, and of the pieces fit." So it may be with achieving one's goal...no one particular order of success. Just do it!

  18. Tim DeTellis (2022-09-27) #

    Ego can sure mess with our path. And marketing’s #1 job is to make us discontent with what we already have, so beware of shiny signs ahead.

  19. Trade Martin Music, Inc. (2022-09-27) #

    Derek..., your work is always distinctive & interesting. But right now, I'm extremely disturbed about what's going on in America and around the world, so it's difficult for me to focus on anything else besides my musical recordings.


    Regards, T.M..

  20. Michael Tomlinson (2022-09-27) #

    Okay, there may be some truthy things in there but I just didn't feel any great Truth to this one. But that you keep trying to run different ways? I think that might make for a healthier runner with more well rounded muscles and stronger body. The tiger didn't ring true because who can sprint at top end for more than a minute or two?

    I do love the part about making the trail better and I've brought shears and cut back canes of black berry bushes for that very reason.

    Running while thinking of gold? Maybe, but picturing anything but when you are during a trail run might get you hurt. I've always felt that trail running, with rocks and roots and holes and varied ground, requires NOT thinking. Floating in between everything so you're trusting your body to see and sense what it needs to keep you from placing a wrong step or falling.

  21. Matthew (2022-09-27) #

    In America today it’s cooler to see yourself as a predator instead of as prey. If this little human hack works, it works. I’m really not looking to introduce more fear into my life. Does this increase or decrease suffering? I’m still going to eat less meat than yesterday…

  22. Derek (2022-09-28) #

    This is an interesting piece of philosophy. It occurs to me that perhaps the best way to run is reinforced by the person who improves the path. In doing this service, all running methods are made better by the smoother path, no matter which is psychology of running is practiced by each individual.

  23. TJay (2022-09-28) #

    I’ve always ran as a kid and those runs that were “mandatory” were the hardest. None of these mental tricks were apparent to me, I just always thought about how much discomfort I had.

    I have asthma and flat feet, so even though running is exercise I like, it hurt as a kid. Today, I have insoles and an inhaler. Perhaps if I think of a tiger I can get into again. My favorite was the hot coals, I’d probably want to play with the tiger.

  24. Zip (2022-09-28) #


    I have followed life ever since you helped to promote our CD back in the Woodstock days.
    I used to run every day or so but slowly got away from it. Recently my Wife/Band Member of thirty plus years has passed and I feel the music has died in me.
    Maybe I will start to run again, but not from the tiger but from the pain of losing the love of my life.

    God Bless You my Friend.

  25. Mike (2022-09-28) #

    I think it depends on what is motivating/driving you in the moment you decide to run. Do you want to outpace something or someone or do you want a reward? Hmm interesting 🤔

  26. Mukul (2022-09-28) #

    Pretending a tiger is behind you, makes you SPRINT.
    Imagining there's gold pot at the end makes you LONG DISTANCE RUNNER.

    PS- My english is not good. Can you guys suggest a grammar book?

  27. Thomas Ince (2022-09-28) #

    Run with your hands like an airplane...do it your way

  28. Michael Mish (2022-09-28) #

    The question is really: Do you prefer running to - or running from.

    Running to, floods us with hope and expectation
    Running from, releases endorphins and excites the fight or flight response.

    the question, then emerges as: which message do you want to send to your mind and body?


  29. Chris Hodges (2022-09-28) #

    I don’t want to chase anything or want to be chased (envy, fear are both „wrong“ motivations). If I want to run, I want to run. I do think that altruism along the path (making the world a better place) while you do something is very much desirable.

    As for being „true“: Being true to yourself regarding your motivation defines whether you make sense in life or you keep getting pseudo-sense from other external sources instead.

    Inside joke: The only true way is to load it all into ram and just run the demo.

  30. David (2022-09-28) #

    Hmmm, interesting. The tiger approach = get more stuff done but enjoy it all less. On the other hand, the pot of gold approach = also miss the journey because you're so focused on the goal. And finally, solely focusing on enjoying the path = get nowhere. I think for me the answer is the pot of gold approach, but holding it gently not being attached to actually making it there (though giving it my best without losing focus on the present), while enjoying the journey.

  31. Rick Kerpsack (2022-09-28) #

    One day per week I run sprints and I imagine a tiger is chasing me. One day per week I run long slow distance and I imagine there is a prize at the end. It depends on my objective for the run...they may all be true.

  32. Paulette (2022-09-28) #

    Kudos to the one who smooths the path, so others can more easily run! That is what 'service' is about. Many are called, but few choose it. But I like that moral in the story.

    Do you mean 'true' as in the only way to run, the correct way, the authentic or the right way? Who defines 'true"?
    Does it matter if it's 'true' as long as the end result is achieved?
    And wouldn't there be as many ways to run as there are individuals?

    Your question sounds philosophical, but ideologies are created when one posits that their way is 'the' way.

    I have many more questions than I have answers. What about the studies that prove that when we imagine we're running, that it has the same physiological effect on the body as if we had actually physically run?

    Well, the only running I'm doing is a run-on sentence, so I think I'll run along now!

    Love the photo and story!!

  33. Donna (2022-09-28) #

    The contrast between the peaceful photo and the maddening pace of the writing struck me first. I'm not a runner, but I love to walk and explore, especially along a forest trail as pictured. And yet, in life, I feel like I'm always running, not walking at a leisurely pace. Perhaps I should think more about my motivation, but my drive to keep going forward seems internal and hard to deny. It is not so much a case of competition for me, but rather a fear of being left behind, missing out on something, or getting lost in the shuffle. Generally, I'm pretty happy with that pursuit, but when I sense I am merely running in place, no matter with how much energy, I get terribly frustrated. Life is short.

  34. Inga (2022-09-28) #

    Living (enjoying, savouring...) every breath (step, second...) like it's the only one I've got -- for me right now that is the way. It doesn't make me faster, but it makes me wiser.

  35. Sherrill (2022-09-28) #

    No, but we could say that we “believe” one of those ways to be true.

  36. Jürg (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting thoughts but it doesn't apply to me or is of any interest of me.

  37. BARBARA SILBERG (2022-09-28) #

    They are all true, because they were all given in good faith; so they are true thoughts. But are they, in fact truth? That depends on more than I an offer here.

  38. Jason (2022-09-28) #

    I think this parallels How To Live. There's no one single correct way to live, just as there's no one single true way to run. We can listen to others, ponder their ideas and even try them for ourselves. But in the end, we can only figure out what's right for us personally. And even then, our beliefs may change with time.

  39. John J (2022-09-28) #

    It's all anecdotes. Those experts may have just found the right thing for a statistical average person. But oddly enough, if you look at statistics of humans, the average person isn't so common.

    Being a "tigerist" may work great for average people however but that realistically is 68% of the population (best case scenario given how these 'experts' typically work).

    People need to be better at imputing information and case studies as "interesting methods and paths" but stop taking it in as "facts".

  40. Mubaraknn (2022-09-28) #

    Yes I can that, because it’s true doesn’t make it the The TRUTH.

  41. Ash (2022-09-28) #

    ...From a certain point of view...

  42. Greg S (2022-09-28) #

    To me, the running is a form of practice. The right way to practice is to be in the moment, not to imagine anything but to see and hear everything and just be. But practice is boring, so we humans need motivation, and our mind is right there to help by distraction. If our objective is to go faster, then we can use either the carrot or the stick, whatever works, and we will go faster... it would be great to just be.

  43. Darren (2022-09-28) #

    So many are concerned how to run, the question is where am I running towards, or maybe better yet, as I run who am I becoming as the journey changes me?

  44. Andrew Cox (2022-09-28) #

    I heard about the concept of visualizing failure as a scientifically valid way of mitigating failure through Huberman earlier this year. I have not dug into the study myself, but I can imagine scenarios where this does not hold up as well, such as stoic approaches to bolster one’s self prior to battle - wouldn’t want to necessary meditate on possible ways to fail there unless maybe you are the general and are thinking highly strategically.

    Now I think I have an insight, thinking of risk is more useful for cerebral tasks as it prevents lazy thinking by kicking the mind into gear. Curiosity could do the same thing. For physical tasks, I believe it’s best to have a clear mind to perform optimally.

  45. Mark (2022-09-28) #

    I’d say, the only **true** way to run is to run while being absorbed by it.

    All the others mentioned above are just motivations to make one run. This absolutely fine, but not true to the act of running itself.

    If you are looking for true running. Just run.
    If you need extra motivation to run, find out what’s lying behind that need to run. There might be a better way to achieve that goal.

  46. Beth (2022-09-28) #

    To me, none of these ways to run is "true." Gold, coals, tigers--are all stories and thoughts. What if there's just the forest, the ground, the energy of running and the moment. Perhaps there never was or will be anything we are running to or from, but only the present moment and thoughts we do or do not choose to believe.

  47. Jan Buckingham (2022-09-28) #

    I just fell on my hip today and the pain is keeping me from relating to any kind if running… but I can’t wait til I can just walk again!!! I think the tiger idea would motivate me the most. 😊🎶

  48. Glynn (2022-09-28) #

    This post reminds me that I need to run more.

    I would also do well to remember to bring a shovel more often.

    There are as many true ways to run as there are runners.

  49. Stephen H (2022-09-28) #

    Each possible truth?

    1. Instinct and imagination
    2. Expert advice
    3. Improvisation and fun
    4. Charity. Serving others
    5. Hope. Or maybe visualization/positive thinking?
    6. Community. Leading research.

    To each their own. If one is more true for you, then it is. But they all have truth unto their own.

  50. tobin (2022-09-28) #

    For curious people like me, It's probably natural to be drawn to and consume massive amounts of advice and data on better ways to live. Maybe it's less common to stop, run experiments for myself and check in on what *I* feel is the best path forward.

  51. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    The story to me is a metaphor for all the various religions who state that they provide the one true path. I don't have the same spiritual beliefs that my friends and family do but I'm happy that their beliefs give them the strength to get through the difficult times in their lives. In other words, it is a useful belief, so why would I challenge it?

  52. Steve (2022-09-28) #

    Running like a lion is behind me WAS true for me. It was absolutely my #1. There was no #2. Nowadays I run in super-chill Zone 2. No visualizations.

  53. David S. (2022-09-28) #

    No one told me when to run,
    I missed the starting gun.

    Pink Floyd references aside, I’ve been running metaphorically at my work my whole life. It feels like I’m running from tigers (to stay safe, with money and health benefits). So, it’s not about speed, it’s more of a marathon. But always the tigers. But is this the way to success? My marriage is shaky, I’m on antidepressants, and have very little energy at the end of the day for personal pursuits. Is there one right way? Of course not. But I wish I’d figured out an alternate years ago (I’m 62 now). I read a lot of books, but I only ended up feeling worse that I couldn’t or wouldn’t follow the advice.

  54. Thea (2022-09-28) #

    Not one of any way to run is true. Yet any one of them could be ...any time that we say so, and perhaps for just a while or through a particular stage.

    "Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own." -Bruce Lee. Of course, this includes Bruce's quote. :)

    Josephine's photo is beautiful. Thank you for posting it here as well.

  55. Chris Craker (2022-09-28) #

    I love this post... and, coincidentally, used to adopt a not dissimilar technique when preparing for the London 10k which I completes over a decade ago. I sometimes mentally envisaged being chased by an angry dog (there were no tigers in Kent) and sometimes flipped the story and envisaged being greeted by a beautiful woman! Needless to say, the techniques worked and it helped me both before and during the exercise... highly recommended!

  56. Michael Lopez (2022-09-28) #

    PS 19:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
    2CH 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
    PS 18:29 For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.
    PS 119:32 I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.
    ISA 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    EC 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
    1CO 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
    HEB 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

  57. Arthur Gould (2022-09-28) #

    I have achilles tendonitis for which I'm in PT. I couldn't run if needed; I have significant pain with every single step. I can only walk now, so I wouldn't be much of a challenge to the tiger. The prospect of a pot of gold is not analgesic unless it can buy the right medical care.

    We are all on our own paths powered by motivation from unique, personal sources. What way is best is up to the individual. Yea, maybe the clipboard tigerist scientists found a consensus, so give it a try. How about a bison? They're pretty ominous. Be a bisonist. But pain alters perception.

    I walk now, daily, and ice afterwards. I can only focus on deliberate steps, rolling my foot the right way to minimize pain. The only push-pull motivation I employ to move me along the path is achieving health.

    It's nice to imagine I could ask the tiger for a ride if it hurts too much.

  58. Fermín (2022-09-28) #

    In my opinion, sure, any of those are true. There are so many ways to run. No one has the one answer. Living is exploring.

  59. Don Brown (2022-09-28) #

    Maybe...Running for the fear that something might catch you seems to work.
    Zombie run is pretty popular. So I guess its what your afraid of that you can imagine is going to get you.

    Every run is different for me. I love trail running because every step is different compared to a flat road.
    Some days I run for fun and exercise.
    Then some days I run to run away from stress and problems
    When I race I run to win so instead of running from something I run after something.
    Thanks for sharing. I really like your work.

  60. Ross (2022-09-28) #

    Makes me think of how much more I could have learned in life if I could have started thinking in this way earlier. In fitness, in eating, and in study habits, I lost so much creativity looking for the right way and then stopping the flexible search for other ways. Recently, Ive been noticing that I also applied this to my career, thinking that I can only have one occupation. Flexibility and creativity are a lot more fun. Thanks as always Derek.

  61. Travis (2022-09-28) #

    “Never stop improving” (the art of Kaizen) is the key. Making a lifestyle of continuous improvement, is what leads you to higher levels of success. Tigerists get the quick level up, by striving for more then their status quo. They could easily become “pot of goldists” instead of (or next after plateauing with) Tigerists.

  62. Mike Brennan (2022-09-28) #

    Great thoughts.

    I think contextualization is key. Everyone has a different scenario so it has to be applied, not in a one-size-fits-all.

    I was talking with someone the other day about how there are so many people claiming to have THE answer & map, but when you try to apply it like google maps step by step, it often fails. It’s been my experience to try things, and be open handed enough to pivot when it’s not working. I think methods change, but missions are more the central driving force.

  63. Joel F (2022-09-28) #

    I guess I am a Pot of Goldist. While there is always a tendency to run from something I find it far more inspiring to be running towards a goal or an amazing destination. Running from something forces a goal of just running fast in any direction…even a more dangerous one. Running to something will allow speed, sustainability and moving in the right direction. Thank you for the tree falling in the woods zen moment, Derek!

  64. Tim (2022-09-28) #

    I found myself reading this on multiple levels at the same time. On each level, the words have different meanings for me. There is a literal level about running, but I felt it to be simply a tool to give the reader a mechanism to grasp wow conveying how much deeper meaning which leads to a second metaphorical level, about being pushed into your future from the pain of your past, and then a final ‘second’ metaphorical level, about being pulled into your future by your dreams of what tomorrow may bring. I look forward to reading more in the days ahead.

  65. Laura (2022-09-28) #

    To me it speaks to the many ways I’ve lived life. Sometimes I’ve been focused on obtaining wealth, sometimes motivated by fear and avoiding pain. Sometimes I’ve been vulnerable and removed excess barriers (bare foot running). Sometimes I’ve jumped blindly into changes quitting a job and moving into a van (running with eyes closed). And sometimes in life I’ve lived in moments without thought, enjoying the sensations of the air on my arms and the breeze dancing in my hair (airplane run?). Then I dedicated my life to supporting others in running with presence and awareness. While there’s no right answers, and different situations may call for different techniques, I don’t see myself changing my life’s work anytime soon. And when the Tigerists tire, I’ll be there to support them on their inward journey.

  66. Anil (2022-09-28) #

    Lovely little story, Derek. I suspect that imagining a tiger in pursuit is a good anecdote for procrastination and a host of other ills as well.

  67. Mark (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks so much. I enjoyed that and I am reminded what I need to do to keep myself going.

  68. Blair (2022-09-28) #

    I don't know about this. I'm a runner. When I used to race I did picture a sort of tiger chasing me and I won races by running away from the other runners, in a way. But reading this I started to think, Oh, wait, he's not a runner. He's not even talking about running. I don't understand your question at the end. This didn't feel deep. I think this is some trick you are setting up?

  69. Vlad Mkrtumyan (2022-09-28) #

    Sorry Derek..I love your writing, but this one has me scratching my head a little. I don't like the concept of chasing anything...sounds cool philosophically speaking I guess...this ones above my pay grade.

  70. Leesa Sklover (2022-09-28) #

    I think imagining the tiger would help me run better. I prefer running toward good things though. . Maybe that is why I prefer rollerblading or paddleboarding. Less chance of wanting to quit and get eaten by the tiger.
    [email protected]

  71. BW (2022-09-28) #


  72. Alex M (2022-09-28) #

    I like this parable. All about things that motivate you at that time. None are perfect for always, all have a season.
    Good to make one think about motivations and where they come from and listening to oneself and what suits oneself at the time.
    Thank you Derek.

  73. David Sterry (2022-09-28) #

    Running yields a lot of time to think. So I think we all figure out what drives the act. For me, it's for health, solitude, thinking, enjoying music and podcasts. I don't wish to stop as long as I live.

  74. Mildred Achoch (2022-09-28) #

    Good read! Plus, it's okay to walk too. And if things get difficult, even crawling is acceptable. The main thing is to keep on moving...at your pace. :-)

  75. Ioan (2022-09-28) #

    I don’t like to run…I think I do everything better without running. Sometimes running make you rushing also. It is not a good idea !
    Nobody gets there earlier, running. It is just an delusion !

  76. Nicole (2022-09-28) #

    All of these ways are true for us. Which truth works for you? We can’t know, only you.

  77. Ariel Joseph (2022-09-28) #

    Nothing is right for every one;
    But -Everything is free to all

  78. J.J. (2022-09-28) #

    I’d like to know more about the book’s criteria for the “best” way to run.

    Was this based on who ran faster? Who ran more consistently? Who had smoother breathing? Who achieved more dopamine release?

    Saying there’s a “best” way to run is absurd to me, because there are so many reasons to run. You can do it for exercise, for meditation, for fresh air, to clear the mind, or even to cure boredom.

    So, to answer your question…. No, we cannot say one of these ways to run is true. :)

  79. Mark Grimes (2022-09-28) #

    Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?
    Mitch: No. What?
    Curly: This. [He holds up one finger.]
    Mitch: Your finger?
    Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and everything else don’t mean sh*t.
    Mitch: That’s great, but what’s the “one thing”?
    Curly: That’s what you’ve got to figure out.

    Love you man (btw, love is a pretty good one thing)

  80. Ahmed (2022-09-28) #

    All the ways can be true for you.

    Depending on your internal weather, you decide to pick a way to keep your motivation.

    Easier said than done. The challenges?

    Seeing correctly your internal weather.

    Making sure that the way you pick to keep your motivation, is healthy for you. Both short and long term.

  81. Tom (2022-09-28) #

    The answer as always...

    It depends

  82. Andrrw (2022-09-28) #

    Seems like a metaphor for Anything You Want.

    The twists and turns of an entrepreneur. Solving a problem for yourself and then making it easier for others to do the same or enjoy the fruits of your labor..

    But here come the Big Bad Business books with their stark positioning to try to throw you off balance.

    Lovely as always, Derek

  83. Gary (2022-09-28) #

    Carrot or the stick? Funny topic and I can say fear is always a better short term motivator for me, but not in the long run. I think positive reinforcement in the long run is better. I can also promise you I would run faster if the tiger was chasing me. Or maybe I would freeze? Perhaps we should test?

  84. Alan (2022-09-28) #

    It’s been noted by others but ‘true’ misses the point. Truth is an absolute concept that, in a relativistic and probabilistic social ‘world’ is rarely attainable. Many problems stem from the replacement of truth with belief as though they were one and the same.

    I’m not sure that method is that important but methods may be -variety is the most efficient way to refine and validate your internal models of how the ‘world’ you find yourself dealing with works. It’s not really possible to be prescriptive about methods as everything – vision, memory, reasoning etc – is personal. Suggestions are fine but prescriptions miss the mark.

    Perhaps variety of methods is just a correlate of persistence. Continuing to ‘run’ until things make more (but not total) sense to you is the best way to proceed. This does require an embrace of uncertainty and risk, not as motivators or retardants, but simply as companions.

  85. Ed Gutentag (2022-09-28) #

    Love it!
    I used to run quite bit.
    I once did the NYC Marathon in 1983.
    I trained religiously for 6 months.
    I ran at night late. I ran the morning after a rough bachelor party.
    When I swim I pretend there is a shark in my lane chasing me.
    Thanks for keeping me on your list.
    I have been threatening myself to start running again.
    Its great medicine for ADD

  86. Becky (2022-09-28) #

    I guess they are all true, depending on what the runner needs. I hope the runner doesn't feel frustrated and confused when he or she notices the differences. "I run faster when I'm imagining a pot of gold? Boy, did I waste my time imagining a tiger. I wish I'd gone back to the pot of gold idea sooner." That is how I feel when I change things up and find that something works better, for now. I have to consciously remind myself that the other methods weren't a waste of time, but rather, were the right methods for THAT time.

  87. Manav (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek

    I like to think that if I don’t reach an X point before Y happens, I’ve lost the game

  88. Damien (2022-09-28) #

    There’s no right way. Just different seasons of your life where each force is more meaningful or impactful. It would turn me off running if there was always a tiger behind me, being a path builder is what motivates me right now.

  89. Dan Wingard (2022-09-28) #

    Yes. …we can create whatever story we want, including that one of these is true. Great life analogy and example of how our made up stories can provide different perspectives. I appreciate what you share and bring to life Derek.

  90. Nate Donnis (2022-09-28) #

    None of them are true and all of them are true. Belief and motivation are personal /subjective and can change over time. My personal truth/belief cannot ever exactly be someone else’s. Studies with a large enough sample size and high significance level can point at causal relationship for all, but it does not mean true, just a possible/probable cause/effect relationship at that time. So each running scenario is true for him in that time and mindset. Someone else may have a different perspective experience and that is their personal truth. True for them and not true to you. Basically the word “true” has a lot of weight. Applying “True” to subjective/personal matters is where things get mucky. If your goal is to run fast through the forest, you do what works for you. In that case, only results matter, and other people’s opinions are distractions if you already have a solution that works.

  91. suemori (2022-09-28) #

    excellent comment!

  92. Hauson (2022-09-28) #

    Love this story. I'd like to learn about the tigers and the pot of gold. Try them on for hats and see how I like it. Ultimately discovering new loves like climbing trees while running from tigers and looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow seems like an ideal outcome.

  93. SARABPREET SINGH (2022-09-28) #

    Everyone has to find their own way of doing things , it’s not necessary what is described in the book or what’s the current trend is right. Reminds me of a paragraph from Rolf dobeli’s book the art of thinking clearly

    “ Members of a close knit group cultivate team spirit by unconsciously building illusions. one of the fantasies is the belief in invincibility . – Rolf Dobelli”

    Second thing that I find very relative is while you are treding the path always try to make it better for others who are following you directly or indirectly by sharing knowledge etc because it will at the end will help you in some way or the other.

  94. Steve N (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for this, Derek. For me, this brought to mind two things. One is being clear about objectives and intentions. I personally love to run and run often. Sometimes I run for enjoyment, other times I’m training for a shorter race and speed is my goal. Sometimes I’m training for a marathon and endurance is my goal. My second thought is about our relationship to external inputs. Anecdotes, testimonials, scientific studies, expert opinions…all of these have their place, and ultimately I’m the one who had the agency to choose my method. Be open minded, learn from others, try new things, and adopt what works while leaving the rest for someone else.

  95. Pat (2022-09-28) #

    So many interesting ways to “run”.
    It’s good to have options.
    All “true but partial”.

  96. bad D (2022-09-28) #

    stick and carrot theory.

  97. Sumina (2022-09-28) #

    It was easy for me apply this analogy to religions.
    You can compare religions to flavors... some like chocolate, others like vanilla or strawberry. The reason for variety in life is to keep us from getting bored.
    As Forest Gump said, Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

  98. Neale (2022-09-28) #

    Will you run faster/slower if the tiger is trying to get to the gold and not you?
    Most of us have run before. Do we need to be a better runner or just a runner? No doubt there is always a better way/technique to run, but who cares? Run! or Jog! or Walk!

  99. J M (2022-09-28) #

    A timely reminder, much like your book "How to live".

    There are many different paths, and many different destinations.

    It's nice to have certainty in some aspects of life, but that certainty can also blind you reality. Like a racist who is certain their race is superior, it makes them feel good, but it's not reality.

    Absolutism is absolutely wrong, mostly.

  100. martin (2022-09-28) #

    For me, Memento Mori (remember you must die) is my tiger. It reminds me that tomorrow is not guaranteed and that maybe it’s the love of running in the forest that is more important than the pot of gold at the end.

  101. Tessa (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you for sharing this :). My thought: I guess all of them are true and none of them are true. If the story you tell yourself works, it works. I would say trying them all makes the running more interesting and helps decide what works for you. I love how the story provokes the stories in others when reading the comments

  102. Darren (2022-09-28) #

    TL;DR - take advice, examine best practices and then do what works for you. Maybe vary it a bit to keep things fresh.

  103. Wes Tidwell (2022-09-28) #

    @Diane, funny the difference between Paul and Peter in the New Testament. When you heard Derek's story it reminded you of the Paul's metaphor of a race, He goes on to say that not only does he run with aim, but also he does not box to just to beat the air. Interesting he would speak of a single prize while being the one charged on the road to Damascus to bring the internal prize of salvation to all people's, or to allude to being a fighter given his previous profession. Although Paul, always the keen author, remained astutely aware of his audience, and the Geeks did love runners and fighters.... Perhaps an additional layer of wisdom from another letter to a less refined audience in Philippi, encouraging them to just get to running, keeping their eye on the prize, not worrying about what lies behind but pressing on towards the goal. Of course he was probably just having a go at Peter, as he was inclined to do, since Peter warns us to beware the enemy who prowls around like a lion, seeking to devour us... That would make it hard to focus on the pot of gold, as one runs through the woods, bring ever concerned the tiger was not giving chase, but rather prowling around the next corner preparing to pounce. But in the end, Paul says all things work together, Peter was given visions to help him break free of the Law that bound his salvation but still influenced his teachings, and even Jesus said "render unto Cesar" and took a Jewish tax collector into his inner circle yet still fashioned a whip to beat the money changers who would take advantage and distort what was already corrupted. In the end, I think they all gave advice, shared wisdom and arrived at conclusions, based on their own environment, experience and the advice they had been given. The reformed mercenary lived a life of civil disobedience preaching about the thorn in his side, knowing what is right but still doing wrong and spending most of his reformed life in prison possibly serving out a self imposed sentence. The converted Jew was the rock on which the most rules based religion in human history was built. And a kind man was crucified for daring to proclaim access to the truth and being the one true path to the light. In the end, we all run, or try and tell others how they should run based on what we believe The fear behind you may be real and motivate a steady pace until the end, or may be imagined and distracting you from the prize that waits for you there. It's Schrodinger's tiger, and has to be observed to be known, other wise it remains in superposition to your goal, and your goal in a field of uncertainty.

  104. Mike Gormley (2022-09-28) #

    Tigers for some, always crocodiles or alligators for me. Ever since I was a kid.
    They haven't caught me yet.

  105. Shalini (2022-09-28) #

    Well--When we are running away from something--our fear circuit is at work. And sure we can run very very fast--for a bit. At the end we will also feel drained and need time to recover. Both emotionally and physically.

    On the other hand, if we are running towards something--the imagined pot of gold, or better health or a faster run time, we can go for longer and longer--even every day. And finish the run physically tired, but emotionally happy.

    So I would definitely recommend running 'towards' something as the default. And running 'away' from something--only when circumstances really need you to :)

  106. Stef (2022-09-28) #

    No, not one of these ways is true.
    PS. And yes they all are depending on which way you look at them.

  107. Mike (2022-09-28) #

    Funny how Derek seems to have just the thing I need to hear. So many ways to do things. Which way is “right”? The one that works for you at the time you need it.

  108. V Narayanan (2022-09-28) #

    Dear Sir
    I enjoy nature, however prefer to walk around it
    Walking with Music on around trees and village area is a great feeling
    I have enjoyed the same when I was a teenager. Now I am craving for it, unable to break my monotonous routines.

  109. Randy (2022-09-28) #

    All of the above. None of the above. Great post, Derek!

  110. Shosho (2022-09-28) #

    For me it means using fear as a motivation to keep going. I'm skeptical of this approach because fear also has other negative emotions attached like high blood pressure, anxiety attacks and hypertension. I believe more in doggedness. To just keep going on the track you embark on.

  111. Anudeep (2022-09-28) #

    Different ways work for different people. In the end all of these are lies people say to themselves.

  112. Bob Beverley (2022-09-28) #

    I think that the beautiful picture at the end distracts from whatever it is you are trying to say or not say. It is stunning in its beauty and, for me at least, beckons no ambiguity or puzzlement. Having it there does provoke a "what? Say what?" about the whole piece.

    Now having gone back and read the blog again...again I found myself more drawn to the picture. But is that just my competitive or insecure self backing up the above paragraph?

    So let's try again.

    I think it is a fine parable up until the last paragraph. I think it would be better to let the parable hang without that question because your question points to what I think is your view.

    All the above is IMHO.

    Here's a parable:

    Derek is smarter than Bob

    Bob is humble

    Isn't it acceuate that Jesus never ended any of his parables with a question?

  113. J.P. van den Wittenboer (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    once in the week sunday i run in the forest (near the tv-tower in Mierlo)...

    best regard,

  114. K (2022-09-28) #

    Has anyone wondered - ‘why run’?

  115. Sean Saulsbury (2022-09-28) #

    You get caught up in all the different ways and the “right way” — but you never asked a fundamental question: why are you running through the forest?

  116. Wendy T. (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for this thought-provoking story. Undoubtedly money and fear (fear of dying, fear of losing a job/performing bad) serve as a lot of people's motivation to run, yet I believe we all need to question ourselves what we run for and how fast we feel comfortable at running.

  117. Tim Ikels (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, great work! =)

    "The variety is fun."

    The variety also keeps entire billion dollar industries alive, every day...

    ... And is a big, fat distraction from the core of 'running'.

    Thanks again, keep up the great work.


  118. Pau Oliver (2022-09-28) #

    Honestly, I'm not sure I fully understand the message/s.

  119. Nini (2022-09-28) #

    Of course not. It would be like asking which opinion is correct: tigerism or hot-coalism. Once you know the big picture, a bunch of opinions can seem equally silly and fanciful.

    It's a common misconception that things are true or false.

    Take away: Tigerism or hot-coalism should not claim to be true, or even useful for you. It is just one approach. There are many paths to reach the top of the mountain.

    Variety is the spice of life.

  120. Don (2022-09-28) #

    Derek - thanks for the story and for seeking our thoughts.
    These are my thoughts from the perspective that I am running:
    #I am happy that I have the (fantastic) habit to move my body every day.
    #It is great that I want to improve this aspect of my life (running)
    #I am eager to experiment with new ways of doing this run.
    #This path is not just for me, I am making it better for others to enjoy too. This brings me joy.
    #I can create positive stories to help me feel and experience the positive emotion in the situation (money issues at home)
    #The book tells me what I have already experienced - I take pride in the fact that I tried it way before it became a 'thing'
    #Can we say that one of these ways to run is true? Yes, they were all true on the day/s that we used that technique and the supporting story.
    And one final thought - how lucky are we that (a)we can move our body in nature (b) we live near this path (c) we 'get' to do this every day!!
    Happy Days - thanks for the question : )

  121. Downtown Condo Guy 😎 (2022-09-28) #

    💙 the ☝🏼 you’re with 🥰.

  122. Patrick (2022-09-28) #

    Every comment contains a philosophy of the world. :)

  123. Robert (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, I feel good about being able to answer one of your emails first.
    I always seem to be too busy at other times.

    Anyway, I feel like I'd agree with the "experts" on this one.

    I think distracting the mind for what can be monotonous and exhausting helps such imagining hot coals and a pot of gold.
    Similarly running with arms out, eyes closed etc can also serve similar functions so that we forget for a moment the activity we're involved in.
    But the realness of a pot of gold has no bearing on running so to speak, especially that would really convince my mind. Likewise the others.

    However, running in a forest and adding the idea of being chased by a tiger.
    Putting together images of that possibly happening and maybe even hearing a rustle or two in the forest...
    That could possibly do the trick.

  124. Wes Tidwell (2022-09-28) #

    P.S. Derek, nice top domain, Tesla was Serbian.... Then again so is Abramović... I can hear the Q-Chan Stans cooking up operation Hell-Yea-Gate now. The cult of the First Follower. Derek the Devil.....I'll always love you buddy. Gotta run, this guy is on the youtubes talking this crazy conspiracy shit about how the streets in Japan are lined up to brain wash people into being nice. Thanks allot Obama.

  125. Carol Roman (2022-09-28) #

    We can say that all of them are true depending on one’s mood, or motivation, or energy level, etc. So it is not a universal truth. It is subjective and ever-changing.

  126. Manfred (2022-09-28) #

    I run every day, both physically and in a metaphorical sense, that’s I’m chipping away on my business projects. After doing this now for about 7 years I indeed found that there are many ways to run (things). The most important question To ask myself is „why am I doing this?“ (thanks Dave Goggins and Cam Hanes). When I found a good answer for the why the how really fell in place. Running backwards, on imaginary coals and chased by a Cassowarie is maybe the best way to run.

    Thought provoking and interesting take on life, Derek.

  127. ΛLΛΠ (2022-09-28) #

    The answer to your question is yes in the relative sense and no in the absolute sense.

    That's the difference between little 't' truth and big 'T' Truth.

    It's your lived reality vs the ultimate reality which would have to be universal for all.

  128. Manu (2022-09-28) #

    The best way to run probably depends a lot on what your way through the forest looks like. On a flat and wide path the arms out approach may be best, and on a narrow and winded path the tigerist's approach may work best.

    This reminds me a lot of your “weird” conlusion in “How to live” :)

    PS: You have the best comment section I’ve seen so far on my travels through the internet!

  129. Tanya (2022-09-28) #

    Sure, true for someone. Not me.

  130. David Bergan (2022-09-28) #

    Good post.

    Can we say that one of these ways to run is true? No. None of them are "true" because they are simply different methods of doing something, not statements of fact.

    All methods have tradeoffs. The tiger method may make you finish faster, but enjoy it less. The shovel method helps others, but is more work for you, etc.

    When fictional/mythical things are considered true, it isn't because they state historical facts, but rather they illuminate an idea (philosophical, ethical, spiritual, political). e.g., The Good Samaritan was a true example about how to love one's neighbor. But I don't think that applies here either.

    Kind regards,

  131. Herwig (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    I don't know if running from something, or fear, is a good motivator. My best experience is when I imagine myself as a greek runner who has to deliver a message like the first marathon runner. He runs and feels good, he has a target but knows that running to fast is not the best solution. So he runs smooth, keeps on running, enjoying his breath and the harmony with his surroundings. Whatever, visualisation is the strongest way for me to change my mindset.

    Anyway, that's what goes through my mind when I read this. I suppose that, as always, you have put different layers in your text :-)

    Thanks you so much for being there and writing,

  132. Joy (2022-09-28) #

    If that experiment is accurate, The real question is : what enables you to mentally create that tiger that will run after you?

  133. Jesse Brannon (2022-09-28) #


    There just something about your writing that is so beautifully thought provoking.

    Love it!

  134. Billy Ethridge (2022-09-28) #

    Begin with the end in mind.

  135. Mike (2022-09-28) #

    This reminds me of the Ship of Theseus question. The answer is yes, and no. In some instances any of those ways are true, and in other instances they are not. Plus, there will be other ways to run that will show up that can be true in that moment, and not true in another.

    The important thing is to run. Whatever “run“ means for you.

  136. JC (2022-09-28) #

    A very illustrative example of human nature. Most people don’t like to be told what to do but most want to believe there is a magic trick to resolve our problems. These books you refer to are fairy tales for adults. Most claim to resolve your problems through magic. And as with fairy tales, there is some learning to get from those books…. But there is not magic.

  137. Davis (2022-09-28) #

    I enjoyed the duality of this post and how each person could take meaning from it depending on what's going on in their life - whatever their "running" is defined as.

  138. Joe Polish (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, these words stuck out to me:

    Pot of gold
    Hot coals

    These are all metaphors for things to help encourage you, help you put forth the effort when you don’t feel like it and make the decision to keep going while you’re on the path.

    I like things that are ELF versus HALF.

    Meaning people, projects and activities that are Easy, Lucrative and Fun vs. Hard, Annoying Lame and Frustrating.

    The pot of gold is the goal or aspiration. The tiger can encourage you or motivate you or you can actually jump on the tiger and ride it. The hot coals and the shovel are just other ways to help you get to where you want to go, even if it’s just for exercise and entertainment or to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

    The shovel is to help others along the way by creating value and making their lives more ELF.

    Those are my thoughts for now :)

  139. Justin (2022-09-28) #

    There's a few things that come to mind...

    (1) why do we have to form super opinionated tribes

    (2) maybe a one size fits all doesn't fit all. Some may be intrinsically motivated by reward and others by fear. So is the better book the one that helps you understand yourself so you can figure out if chasing gold or being chased by tigers is better?

    Also I thought San serifs were better for web reading ?

    Twas a good thought provoker! Thanks Derek!

  140. Kevin (2022-09-28) #

    I see both the "agony" of the search for "the best" or "THE way" and the joys of experimentation.

    On one end you can always search for "better" ways – better as defined by experts or stories you make up. This *can* be fun or constantly future focused, never satisfied.

    On the other end why are you searching in the first place? What do you hope to find? What hole do are you attempting to fill?

    Loved the story :)

  141. Rico (2022-09-28) #

    That depends on what you're running for.

    To get from A to B? To practice getting from A to B? To run faster? Because you enjoy it...

  142. Brian (2022-09-28) #

    I really love where you are going with this.

    Like others, I’m confused by the question and not just the use of the word “true”

    It seems like all of these ways to run are true and that running from The Idea of a Tiger is most effective for speed.

    When applied to work/life it gets more complex. I’m interested to see if that’s where you’re going with this

  143. kt (2022-09-28) #

    I think the fun we got from variety is true. And the path is better than before, which is also true. I am not so sure about the rest.

  144. Danny Schleicher (2022-09-28) #

    The shovel is sharing about your experiences.

  145. Luca (2022-09-28) #

    I think that real truth exists indeed, if you look for the single best way to run fastest, or with more fun, or with the most wellbeing or stamina.
    (Of course we can replace “run” with “live”.)

    Now, truth for the best “way” to live lives altogether, is not unique and is up to us since it belongs to personal expression. Therefore all are best ways to run as long as we are honest with ourselves, and respect our body and brothers on earth.
    Some ways are more proven and preferred, like the Christian gospel for example, and are a good way to guide us, although not necessarily the best.

  146. Adrien Joly (2022-09-28) #

    I ran everyday for 1-2 years. What kept me running the most was the eager to discover all areas and paths of the woods I was running in. My « pot of gold » was all the surprises I found on the way. Sometimes it was a lake. Sometimes a beautiful building. Sometimes an exotic animal I did not expect to meet in an urban area. The problem with that motivation is that I finally ran out of surprises to be found, so I ended up not running anymore. And exploring other areas farther from home was not appealing to me, given the time it would have taken to go that area. As always, thanks for the food for thoughts, Derek!

  147. Tanvi (2022-09-28) #

    Why does one need fear as the fuel to run? Shouldn't the fuel be motivation or love towards what you do. If not, try to find something that makes the run feel like a stroll in a garden.

  148. Martin Jeffery (2022-09-28) #

    There is an old adage.

    “ If you point your fingers to the sky, most of them will focus on the fingers and miss the sky.”

    This is exactly what happened in this story.

    When we give a method to run faster, people will focus on the method and miss the point . :)

  149. Marc (2022-09-28) #

    I will run for the gold, and when I am bored with gold, I will remember the tiger.

    Thanks for the article :-)

  150. Shaz Jones (2022-09-28) #

    Community is everywhere in this story of a solitary runner.
    The shovel is testament to it. As is the expert, the new book, and the tigerists.
    Even the truth question is about we - like it's only true for you if it's true for me.

  151. Shane (2022-09-28) #

    Hey Derek,

    Echo with what others are saying in that, why run if external validation or motivation is forming the biggest piece of it.

    With that said, sometimes things just need to be done and it’s useful to know how to make, create, or summon the energy for that!

  152. JULIO (2022-09-28) #

    For a sprint perhaps a tiger behind works.

    Not for long runs

  153. Suyog (2022-09-28) #

    Maybe there are different levels of analysis or ways to think of the tradeoffs:

    Level 1 --- Immediate action is what is important ---> These are all multiple paths to the same goal of (i) motivating oneself, (ii) acting on the motivation. As long as there is motivation and action, it's all okay. Short-term benefits trumps longer-term costs. Just pick some external strategy as long as it will help. Stick to something that works.

    Level 2 --- Sustainability is what is important ---> Some methods (arguably) have longer-term costs. There are hedonic treadmills, and the chronic-stress treadmills. Can we instead run from a place of bodhisattva chill and inner motivation? Running for the joy of running? The cost here is that it can be expensive to both learn to like running, and to reach a particular place of inner peace and harmony.

    Level 3 recognizes the costs and benefits of either strategies. It may want to reach level 2, but in the meanwhile use other strategies If I treat these ways to run as a hack, just to get oneself to run. Knowing I'm just roleplaying in level-1 allows one to not to become a slave to the method.

    So I'd say level 2 is the best way, but level 3 is the practical way. But level 1 is better than being a couch potato.

  154. Meghan (2022-09-28) #

    On the landscape of morality there are many peaks and you have to find what works for you

  155. Michael (2022-09-28) #

    To run is to live.

    Running for gold is living for money - "when you are filled with money frustration, running for money makes you run faster. " True. When you need cash, you try harder to make money.

    Running to get rid of the tiger is living to get rid of fear. People don't truly live if the purpose of life is just to get rid of fear...

    Running on the hot coals means living just to survive. A bad relationship, for example. Running faster on hot coals...yes, why enjoying the burning red rocks?

    Running can be challenging, just like life sometimes tough. People who smooth out bumps and fill in holes may find joy from the feeling of sacrifice, with little expectation of who may thank them later. Unless they genuinely enjoy THE running, it will be living for a purpose other than life itself.

    ...It's a tricky article.

  156. GIADA (2022-09-28) #

    Well, it looks like I can transform every little or big challenge in life I encounter with a pinch of imagination and make it a bit more fun.
    I can relate this article to the book I am reading at the moment
    Here's a tiny extract: " I could not persuade her that a place does not merely exist, that it has to be invented in one's imagination "

    The shadow lines
    Amitav Ghosh

  157. Tanu (2022-09-28) #

    A tiger make sense to me, though i Don't Run. We humans run to be able to escape tigers. I guess I wonder how we can switch from a negative-bias species to a positive one. id' like to head for rainbows, or just move for the sensation of moving.

  158. Akash (2022-09-28) #

    I assume running here is a metaphor and in some sense literal too. The way I understood was that people get too hung up on the ideal way to do something based on ideal scientific method in ideal circumstances. But the reality is messy. Reality has almost infinite unknown variables. So you should do things that makes sense for **you** right now in the **present context**. But more importantly, listen for the feedback and iterate based on that.

  159. Phil Shapiro (2022-09-28) #

    The wisest teachers teach using allegory. Truth is almost never simple. True is nuanced and contains many components. The naive mind seeks to find a simpler truth, but a simpler truth is an illusion - no matter how many people believe it.

    The wisdom seeker embraces truth in its simpler form, but always ask, "And what other components of this truth are there? What am I missing? Truth is never one thing. Truth is many things. Truth is a multisplendid wonder."
    Wisdom seekers are particularly skeptical of simple slogans that purport to represent truth. Too often, simple slogans smother truth. Simple slogans originate from simple minds. Simple minds despise wisdom.
    Truth needs more allies in our schools, such that even young children reject slogans that purport to represent truth. Maybe we need a song to represent this thought -- a song with a catchy chorus that goes around and around in people's heads, banishing all truth masqueraders.
    And if this song had a good rhythm, people could clap their hands. Clap their hands for truth. Together, clap their hands for truth. This is worth doing not one day a week, but every day each week.

  160. Fiona (2022-09-28) #

    Ha! Yes! Perhaps your body is tricked into survival mode and the adrenaline kicks in? I tried something similar, imagining I was escaping from enemy soldiers- I ran really fast but the experience was so unpleasant I never tried it again! Shame that one is motivated more by negative than positive stimuli!!! F:-)

  161. ben (2022-09-28) #

    We all need fantasies to get things done; however, those fantasies never quite work out the way we fantasied. Fantasies are a way of getting started and getting things done.

    A Tiger is classic fantasy here, and, on reflection, a long long time ago, may have been the only reason to run. So, besides the fantasy of Tiger, why do you run?

  162. jaeden (2022-09-28) #

    At my ripe age of 23, I’ve found that my favorite method of running is to befriend the tiger and run alongside him.

    It took years of practice as we were both a bit temperamental and adversarial at first. Now, Some days I take the lead; some days he does. But at the end of every day, we both stop and share a drink from the same pool and rest together, knowing that we will share the trail for the rest of our time here.

    I love running alongside the tiger and I would not have it any other way. He is my oldest friend and my greatest companion.

  163. Martin (2022-09-28) #

    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man."

  164. Marwan (2022-09-28) #

    There is an unlimited number of roads leading to success. Curiosity, passion, and determination will lead to experience and experiment down many paths. The fact is what really works after you try everyone else's path is plowing your own path and making your own mark in the forest using things that you've learned from other people along with other things you figured out and developed on your own. Knowledge is there to serve us and to fuel our creativity. It challenges us to assimilate it and adapt it to our own interests, our own skills, and our perspective. On the path of creating oneself, it's imperative to follow the teachings and paths of many as sampling each will trigger something within that either this is useful or not. One might take only one single aspect of this or that person's experience and abandon all the rest. A leader will be restless on the search for what works for them to help them achieve their goals. A leader is not interested in following a guru blindly, following a hype, or becoming a groupie of sorts, even if it appears that they're doing just that for a certain period of time. Plenty of joy comes from within the pain and struggles of the search. Then one day every piece of knowledge, every experience, every skill, they all compound and create a plow and and engine that you can use to blaze a path with your name on it, something finally your own.

  165. Jernej (2022-09-28) #

    I read the post a number of times.

    I recently restarted my daily runs and I noticed that for me the activity, the motion is the main challenge. No hot coals or tigers are necessary. I run because it makes me feel very much alive and it clears my head.

    If you take running literally, the above explanation might cover many people but taking a broad view and using running as a metaphor for life, is when things get really interesting. The tigerists could be those that chase money, fame, whatever, those walking on hot coals are the ones opting for all sorts of challenges. Perhaps.

    But then again, one could easily miss the forrest for the trees - your are running, you are living and feeling alive and that's the what is sorely missing. Run and live. If this means running on hot coals, imagining a pot of gold ahead of you with/without a tiger behind you or something else, by all means go ahead.

    There are many paths to the same goal, which is happiness and what is defined by happiness depends on every one of us.

    tl;dr: Craft your own way and don't be afraid to fall or fail.

  166. Ciprian (2022-09-28) #

    One should learn to run form others or books to avoid most common mistakes but he should also let his/her creativity run so he can learn from himself.

  167. steven macagne (2022-09-28) #

    whether you are a tigerist or hot coalist or pot of goldist depends on what you are trying to accomplish with the run . only you know your motivation and the method has to be yours alone to intuit. they are all true and more... if that one works for you. glad to see you are working the big electrochemical computer in your skull. peace 2u Derek. from Steve

  168. Chintha Geeganage (2022-09-28) #

    I actually don't understand pretending or imagining things like pots of gold or tigers to help you run better. I'd focus on the "why". If you run everyday through a forest there might be a good reason for that. It motivates you to run. No books no gurus are really important. Your experience is your best teacher. I like the section of the story that the runner making the road smooth for others that follow. Is this a story about life, about our daily work?

  169. Paul (2022-09-28) #

    The great way is simple for those that have no preferences

  170. Patrick (2022-09-28) #

    coming from video making, its the same thing:
    1st use tripods
    2nd use gimbals
    3rd no, go handheld for that energetic look
    4th you know what, the most important thing is a tripod

    The thing is, if it continuously gets you out of your comfort zone and into a new motivational or creative position, I think thats fine. But there is no truth to be found.

  171. Melissa (2022-09-28) #

    Go ahead and try it all.
    I am picturing the forest, witnessing all of these running shenanigans, quietly chuckling.

  172. Zach (2022-09-28) #

    I do believe this is true. Particularly for those who are prone to act, and act quickly, decisively, and effectively, with substantial pressure. Unfortunately, it’s an evolutionary truism that fear motivates one. Hacking one’s own fears for real results might work! To each his own. I prefer the long-term, relentless struggle to discover and revisit my intrinsic motivation, my push, my reason for existence. That, in my opinion, includes the tiger because I’m always afraid of what could happen if I don’t pursue what I love, but most importantly, it triggers the sense of wonder and relief that I get to pursue a dream—my own vision—rather than running out of sight from a predator. Life is so short—the tiger might work intermittently, but in the long-run, I choose vision and deeply held goals.

  173. Wendy (2022-09-28) #

    If content is king then CONTEXT is the kingdom. The answer depends on the PERSON. There are many roads up the mountain. Who you are will decide which way is best because there is not one best way for everyone .

  174. Gerard Byrne (2022-09-28) #

    I’d stop running. To alleviate the stresses of unfulfilled desire and imaginary fears or pains.

    Some endeavours are the reward in themselves. The doing is the satisfaction. Not the motivational “gotta improve” bullshit.

    I’m often guilty of underthinking. I take immense pleasure it it.

  175. Glyn Lewis (2022-09-28) #

    To me it’s just saying there are many different ways of approaching things. Different approaches work for different personality types. We are all afflicted by procrastination at different times.
    I think has business owners/entrepreneurs we have to be careful not to get sucked into this whole self improvement industry. If you’re not careful you end up reading more books and podcasts about “how to be successful “ than actually working.
    Over the years I must have read hundreds. Out of these I can count on one hand that I still go back to Brian Tracey,Robert Greene,Nassim Taleb then you get people like Tim Ferris,Ryan Holiday (his latest books he phoned it in) Derek Sivers.
    This whole thing is an industry in itself and in my humble opinion we have to be careful to not fall for this think positive and it will all be ok vibe.
    I’m 54 and it’s took me to this age to figure this out.
    Life,work and business is lots of ups and downs no matter what books you have read or seminars you have attended.

  176. Paldo (2022-09-28) #

    Great story. The gold is in the community, comments, and question.

    It reminds me of a study on paint color & motivation. A company changed the Color of their office walls from white to yellow & productivity increased. After a while, they changed the wall color to orange & productively again increased. And so on, until they changed the color to white & again saw another increase. Hmmm…

  177. Adam (2022-09-28) #

    Great article, and I like the idea that's what true for one person may not be true to another, so we just run in whatever way works for us! So all these ways to run may be true, but also none of them may be true.

  178. SolarFred (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for this, Derek. I think the answer, like many answers, is that it depends on who you are right now, what you value right now, and whether fear, altruism, or achieving goals (wealth, being one of them) is a motivator, a harmless distraction, or an inhibitor.

    Over the years, I've tried all of these methods, but these days I think it's a combination of having goals and wanting to help people. The tiger/fear (of loss, of failure, of death without ego achievement) is more of a distraction to me right now. But as long as I know it's a paper tiger and I only use it as a motivation tool, then that fear of whatever can be useful to get sh#t done--for me. I just have to remember when to use it and when to let to of it. Thanks for this post. It's actually very relevant to a creative project that I'm launching tomorrow morning (9/28/22). Good timing. :)

  179. Rex Williams (2022-09-28) #

    I think you wrote this so we would read the comments :)

    That is where I am learning the most.

    Thanks for the provocative thoughts.

  180. Ujjesha Sethi (2022-09-28) #

    I think its human nature to carve for adventure and when we don't happen to get one in our life's we tend to make them in our mind to keep going.

    Like in this;
    every time he needs a new type of challenge ; a new type of motivation to go for the same run more faster -- he could have done it even without thinking about any tiger or coal as he has the time and track to run but just because it get's boring and we tend to cave for some spice some challenge to make us a better version of ourselves.

    & and the last part where he shovel the ground for future runners -- I am 100% sure future runners will thank him but a the same time after sometime they will also lose motivation even though they have more better paths then he had. & they will need a new reason to run on the path everyday more faster with a new challenge in there mind.

  181. Shiv Sinha (2022-09-28) #

    Doesn't matter as long as you are enjoying it.

  182. Paul Mudge (2022-09-28) #

    Run your own way I say.

  183. Jimmy (2022-09-28) #

    I like the shovel approach. I'm part of a volunteer group who check a couple of predator/pest traplines in my area (protecting native New Zealand flora and fauna from pest animals like rats and possums) and I take a compact shovel to dig steps in steep sections and selectively clear undergrowth/vines where they're a trip hazard. Some of the volunteers are retired and, while they wouldn't admit it, might not bounce back quickly from a fall. And, more selfishly, it means eventally it will be clear enough for me to be able to run the line. And maybe I'll dig a trap for that pesky tiger one day :P

  184. Armintha Williams (2022-09-28) #

    Derek silver I've known you for some years now and it always seems like you always come up with some pretty good ideas. I can say keep up the good work.

  185. Brandon Mitchell (2022-09-28) #

    Great metaphor for so many things in life

  186. Sam (2022-09-28) #

    Both are true. I think fear is a great driving force and it’s primal too, right? It predates our conscious, language based mind. I think the Zen notion within culture would have us believe that pursuing something ahead of us as powerful, and if you love it, it sure is. However, I think it’s best to use all the emotions at our disposal as humans.

    For an idea of how powerful fear is, look at how well the media functions and has functioned for so long with only one simple product: fear.

    I think this story lends itself to a principle that can often be forgotten in our intellectualised and quasi-rational notions of humans being rational thought based creatures; where we’re sentient beings.

  187. Andy R (2022-09-28) #

    I can only speak for myself - I have found I am at my best when I am making progress towards a meaningful goal my heart genuinely desires, while smelling the roses along the way.

    I do this by setting a longer term goal (pot of gold). It needs to be ambitious enough for me to push myself (tiger behind me) but not too far in the future, say 2 years out (hot coals). I've found in any 2 year time period I can change my entire life. Therefore I like to think of my life in 2 year increments.

    I find it very empowering. In 10 years that could be 5 different lives. It makes me feel I have a lot more time to work with while also keeping me focused and pushing towards my 2 year goals. It doesn't lead to procrastination, it really motivates me.

    Then I set process goals for each day - These are micro goals that I will complete each day. I set the bar very low, as I am mostly aiming to build momentum and adjust my daily habits. I find that once I am in motion with a task, I will over achieve the original process goal. For example - Daily process goal: Read 5 pages of a book, Complete half of a training video, Learn 1 thing about video game development, etc. I purposely set the bar very low on my daily goals. Some progress is better than no progress.

    These process goals then become daily habits, and eventually I do them on autopilot. As my skill builds, I get more done in less time too. Before long I find myself upping the bar on my original process goals. Not too long after that I find myself far exceeding my 2 year goal and doing it in shorter time. Although this is not an expectation.

    I don't allow myself to only work on my longer term goal. Each day I have time blocks dedicated towards my long term goal, relationship time, personal health and free time. These work similar to process goals as well. This is how I smell the roses along the way, while making progress each day towards my longer term goal. Relationship, personal health and free time recharge and refresh me. They keep my mind clear, my soul nourished and give fresh perspectives.

    I enjoy helping others and it does energize me. It is not my priority or my main focus at this time. However, when people ask me, I take the time to help how I can. I also will just help if I think I have something useful to share.

  188. Laiki (2022-09-28) #

    “Truth” is an attribute that most humans tend to assign, subjectively, to their personal beliefs. This tendency often leads to conflict between humans. Perhaps we should try a less exclusionary descriptor: “value.”

  189. Łukasz (2022-09-28) #

    What really matters is why you run.

    Away from something?
    To something?
    For something?

    All the rest is nothing but technicality.

  190. Roberto (2022-09-28) #

    They are all true. Whatever motivates you to lace up and go, or to take the high road instead of the downhill, or to keep going when you are out. Finding the right one every day is a fun exercise.
    The best runs for me are always those which I initially resisted the most.
    One trick that helped me a lot during lockdown times was to listen to one of your podcasts every day I hit the road, so thanks for that.

  191. Ronel (2022-09-28) #

    Running daily is the true answer. Everything you put your heart in and do consistently will bear fruits. And sometimes there's a need to try new techniques to spice things up or kill the boredom.
    In the end we find the best way to do it for ourselves if we keep doing the thing long enough.

  192. Advait (2022-09-28) #

    Just run, everyday. Just run, no matter the motivation. Running faster today or slower tomorrow won't have as much of an effect as consistently running everyday.

  193. Mad (2022-09-28) #

    All these methods are valid,

    You are in a forest so it's worth to learn to run like you are being chased by a tiger. Because one day it might actually happen. Your running practice will help.

    Secondly, Imagining a 'pot of gold', that's worth to learn because you want to be able to motivate yourself in running and in life.

    The third version to run with a technique 'running on coal' or technicics by a guru is useful because the wisdom of others can help you run efficiently. With less wear and tear off the joints , muscles etc.

    As a side effect if you need the path better it's terrific news, but if you've time especially when you are chasing a pot of gold or walking on coal. Try to make the path better for everyone.

  194. Ric (2022-09-28) #
  195. Priyanka (2022-09-28) #

    What a thought provoking article !!! Really made me wonder to think more on it & to start implementing in my life.

  196. Petra (2022-09-28) #

    What a wonderful metaphor. For me it is about the motivation automatism that we learned as children and keep on doing because they are the adrenalin engine for us. Basically what the psychologists call "fight flight freeze or fawn". Some of us only get going when we can enable others (while neglecting ourselves), some of us only get going when we feel our life in danger (and not sooner, missing out on many chances in life), some of us only get going with the promise of the next treat (hello ADHD, never being able to really plan something).

    Speaking of choosing the "truest" way to motivate: I think if you would post this on substack, medium or LinkedIn (ideally in an adapted version on all three), instead of here, where you have no traction, you could really harvest the deserved reward for this work. Don't say that that would not be the best kind of motivation :) Not with fear, not with a promise of a treat, not with selflessness, but through real connection with your readers. Just my 5 cents on the "true motivation" issue.

  197. Siphiwe (2022-09-28) #

    This story really resonated with me. I loved how it highlighted the different motivators for the runner and how those motivators produce different results. The runner makes the assumption that smoothing things out will make things easier for beginners or those who come afterwards, while this may be true, it can have unintended consequences. For example, it can stop new comers from exploring what works for them or what would make them better. Depending on where you are in life, you can see a different angle to this story. What I take from it is that there is no one right way and that we should leave room for adventure and exploration. I loved this Derek. Thank you for sharing.

  198. Raman Sehgal (2022-09-28) #

    Such perfect timing for my run this morning! I came across something recently that talked about enjoying the process of running (the literally journey) as opposed to the reward at the end as a way of releasing those endorphins earlier - pretty cool idea... although not the easiest to master when running up a hill!

  199. Venki (2022-09-28) #

    As every beautiful idea from Derek.
    We can be driven by fear (tiger) or be driven by motivation(gold).

    This captures this famous quote:
    "Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running."

    And as we take either path, we can leave this world a little better for those to come in future (next generations).

  200. Christian (2022-09-28) #

    It depends what means „true“ to you/oneself…
    Some are motivated intrinsically, some extrinsic. Some act stronger on fear, some on reward. For some (mostly younger) people, rewards last longer… But long enough for your run…?
    I run best if I forget time, effort and everything around me whilst in exciting thoughts or any kind of flow moment.

  201. Jon (2022-09-28) #

    Beliefs are critical.
    Fear I am educated to believe is the greatest motivator so I believe in the Tiger to motivate.
    To change my beliefs I would need serious scientific evidence but I would read that evidence to find floors. If I could not find floors I would believe it.

  202. Ernst Erlanson (2022-09-28) #

    Nice post.

    I don't think the question is quite right in the end. How I would see this is that the different ways of running either solve some problem or not. So if one wants to make running more fun by running faster, and imagining a tiger achieves this, that solves the problem. But it all depends on what the runner's problem-situation is like.

    So the "scientific" approach in the last paragraph can't be true (though there are a lot of those kind of books), because the answer to how one should run depends on why a certain individual is running in the first place.

  203. Joey Chang (2022-09-28) #

    Then a guy writes a book about the benefits of skipping and hopping and everyone "jumps" on that bandwagon.



  204. John McConnell (2022-09-28) #

    Ive always just ran because I wanted to. Ive imagined it to be me running toward my future and running away from my past. Not because running away from the past makes it better or that i can ignore the past but simply running away from it to get a little distance between it and myself. I used to run listening to music and even singing to myself when i had none. Now i run to audiobooks. workout with audiobooks in the gym as well. Some days are harder than others yes, but its more about building a habit for me than anything else. Running is a good form of meditation. it lets you detatch from the world and gives you soace to think and process.

  205. Rhealyn (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting view. What about exhaustion? What about stress? After all, we are humans and not tigers.

  206. Ian (2022-09-28) #

    Run, waddle, limp or skip. Do Whatever makes you move!

  207. Khalil (2022-09-28) #

    All the methods above are helpful but for me, I learn early in life that
    to achieve anything including fitness thru running, I will need to visualize
    my future self. Who do I want to become in One month, three months, six months,
    one year and five years from now. Can I see that person (me) running daily and developing an amazing physique. Can I see and hear the opposite sex admiring the level of body symmetry I have developed through consistency. How do I feel today knowing I have done what it takes to move forward. What will my friends say about my new body. How will that make me feel. Running or achievement of anything in life
    is an emotional game, knowing how to play it will lead to an amazing life.

  208. Bartek (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you Derek!

    I see that this is about adequacy and spontaneity. In this way all of the ways are right for the right moment and for the right person.
    Sometimes it is great to be chased by tiger and sometimes it is cool to gather another golden pot (although got some of them already).

    Whatever works because variety is fun :).

  209. Mitja (2022-09-28) #

    Some people "need" a TIGER to make them run. Some people "need" a POT OF GOLD. Some people feel best when they help others run better.
    1,000 people, 1,000 stories, and lots of time people who did succeed think they found a perfect formula which they wish to share with the world, as it worked so well for them. It is good to know about all these possibilities and ideas of other people. But in the end, you might need a tiger carrying a golden pot as your assistant, while you patch the road to others, to succeed :-)The goal is to learn about different paths, so you can find the one that suits you best. I think :-)

  210. Jesse O (2022-09-28) #

    Good read!
    It speaks to me of how motivation is actually internal and all about our response to the external stimuli.
    And if on one day a chasing tiger gives you what you need to get up and move but the next day it’s the pot of gold then so be it.

  211. Laura Creamer (2022-09-28) #

    Maybe they are all true. Running can be fun but it can also be difficult; it takes a lot of motivation to be consistent. But the tiger could represent fear, the hot coals pain and the pot of gold greed or some other money hang up. Would knowing that it’s good for you and that you’ll feel better afterward be too boring?

  212. ramiro (2022-09-28) #

    yes of course we can.

    run towards a pot of gold is true.



  213. Ravi (2022-09-28) #

    It's all a process. Works different for each person. The aim should be to explore, discover something new to help expand the craft in some way.

  214. Christopher (2022-09-28) #

    Every day, running. No goal, no purpose but to run. The forest, ever steadfast, unmoving, a constant. Walk, slow, stop, sit. Forget words and guidance of everyone and everything, Listen, the trees and winds whisper to you. Feel the ground connect with the earth. Be the pot of gold, the tiger. Not just another ant running across the forest, who misses everything along the way.

  215. Colin (2022-09-28) #

    I've run most of my life.
    Sometimes I run to stay fit.
    Sometimes I run to train for a race.
    Sometimes I run to clear my head.
    Sometimes I run fast, sometimes slow.
    Sometimes I do hiit training.
    Sometimes I just walk.
    All of these ways are true for me.
    I get joy from running.
    I've never needed imaginary pots of gold or tigers.

  216. Tudor Sirbu (2022-09-28) #

    I run often and I do it for health reasons. I set a distance and I go, trying my best during the last hundred meters. I like your post, running towards something we want is good but running from something we don't want, works even better.

  217. Joash Chee (2022-09-28) #

    long run - journey

    pot of gold - motivation, future gratification

    tiger - motivation, present fuel, immediate result = immediate change of pace = faster

    running expert / hot coals - innovation, immediate application = immediate improvement

    variety - experimentation, application = fun

    improve path for others - improvement, external with global (not local) effect, generous spirit (seed) begets gratefulness (fruit)

    frustrations - motivation, future gratification solving an actual need = more driven producing greater results

    new book with single conclusion - resolution, satisfies people looking for an answer but may not even be runners or people that apply knowledge

    Can we say that one of these ways to run is true?

    Observation : There is no need to single out just one way. Each way comes from a different place which allowed a synergy that you tested for yourself, with corresponding results.

    A man who is constantly learning and discovering new ways to do old things will always stand a chance to surpass one that stays on a single conclusion.

  218. Fabio (2022-09-28) #


    The question at the end of your article doesn't make a lot of sense to me. What do you mean by "true"? Universal? Real? Correct? Accurate?

    That said, I have the feeling the answer is this:

    "Is this a duck or a bunny? No. This is a duck and a bunny".
    "This is an orchestra. You are the composer and conductor".

  219. Anth (2022-09-28) #

    My night bicycle rides are literally like this. I thought I heard a horseman behind me the other night. It made me fast and careful. Suspicion and properly engaged fear make the mind, body and senses sharper.

  220. Rodger (2022-09-28) #

    Spent my whole life running from my problems. When you mentioned tigerism I thought of Mr Woods! A genius with a golf club and a disaster with his first wife.
    I somehow Envy those who have the energy and discipline to run every day! I like to believe slow and steady wins the race, as I pass the resting hare in my tortoise shell.

  221. Jordan (2022-09-28) #

    In this "rat race of life", we are all chasing this elusive "pot of gold" at the end of a rainbow that of course is always out of our reach.

    In order to reach it, we try multiple ways to try to attain this pot of gold from mental tricks to try to motivate us to try to get their faster (ex. lifehacks/productivity books/etc), listening to experts gurus and other sources, and sometimes we try to add diversity and variety to make the journey fun.

    For those wise enough or who have the awareness of the always elusive path, they can try to share their wisdom and help others with the difficult journey of the path using our own methods. In the end, we are all searching for the way to live life that balances enjoying the present moment and achieving our full potential and contributions as humans.

  222. Stephen Jay (2022-09-28) #

    I’d rather run like the wind.

  223. ramiro (2022-09-28) #

    yes. the one true way to run is,

    towards gold
    eyes closed
    arms out like an airplane
    away from the tiger



    ps. i have found arms out like airplane to be less efficient, but also most fun. feels like flying. sometimes, instead of airplane, i flap ‘em like a bird. when i do both, i become a birdplane.

  224. Mark harries (2022-09-28) #

    I have 3 short 15 minute runs built into the school run. I find listening to the same 3 songs makes it pleasurable.

    I also have slowed right down to a plod, and have found I’ve let so if any need to ‘win’ at running. Inspired by your piece of writing in fact on riding your bike. The slower I run, the more songs I can listen to so it’s all about the music.

    What do you run to Derek? If you do at all? As forest runs have a soundtrack of their own.

    I will give the tiger trick a go. Although I might run quicker. And that means less songs…

    Good health,

  225. Markus Nylund (2022-09-28) #

    There are many ways on the path,
    and many ways to walk it.

  226. Khanan (2022-09-28) #

    Depends on your goal, doesn’t it? Speed, stamina, cardiovascular health, runners high, fun?

  227. richard murphy (2022-09-28) #

    Sometimes it's the stick, sometimes it's the carrot. The real achievement comes when it's neither.

  228. Richard (2022-09-28) #

    Your work should be about how you feel, the rest is noise.
    Aim to have fun and help smooth things for others.

  229. Emenike (2022-09-28) #

    In as much as we would like to listen to expert ideas, we should stick to what is right for us. We must trust our gut feeling.
    If does feel right for us it's probably not right for us.
    We must also be open to new ideas but if we are comfortable with our present method why change. If ain't broke, don't fix it.

  230. Shrutin Shetty (2022-09-28) #

    Thought-provoking and an enjoyable read as always, Derek. Variety seems key, though many folk might imagine one kind of driver more frequently than others (like genres of music). Maybe the tiger just sounds cooler, but like someone rightly mentioned in the comments, where is everyone going to in such a hurry.

    More than anything, the fluctuations of push (tiger) and pull (pot of gold) and sometimes just a stroll (the absence of both), perhaps make for a more meaningful journey.
    Thanks for writing this.

  231. Steven (2022-09-28) #

    There’s not a 100% correct way. But, we can learn from different people/books and try it out for ourselves.

    It may be better. It may be worse. It may do nothing.

    Quite thought provoking. Pity I don’t run 😂

  232. Randy J (2022-09-28) #

    This idea probably wasn't meant to be taken literally, but I go running every day. It's usually the most relaxing part of my day. I don't think about whats at the end or whether someone is catching up behind me. I enjoy any dangers that I encounter because its not common. I've run into rattlesnakes quite a few times, that always gets the blood flowing. Being stared down by a mountain lion is a great experience, I simply stop and wait to see why this animal is staring at me instead of leaving. Usually it's because they have a cub nearby. For me, running is best when I'm not thinking about anything at all. It's exactly the same with music.

  233. Mike (2022-09-28) #

    As someone who actually runs everyday through the forest, It’s not likely that I’ll convince myself that there’s a tiger behind me, however, at certain times of the year, mosquitos are fairly motivating to keep up the pace. Receiving what you wrote as a parable, instead of an analysis of technique for people who engage in trail running, I can see that we can fantasize about our approach to motivating ourself toward a certain task, so that leaves me with no other conclusions than:
    Be the pot of gold +
    R i d e T h e T i g e r

    cheers, Mike C.
    ( Magnetic West Music )

  234. Sabine Schippers (2022-09-28) #

    Will others learn as much if you smooth things out for them or explain any best practice?

  235. Slavko Desik (2022-09-28) #

    Hey Derek,

    Loved the post! Great message and very timely for me.

    I was struggling with anxiety and panic for a while, and it was very hard to acknowledge that prior techniques for making progress (such as meditation or journaling) didn't work.

    Went to a therapist for the first time, and she suggested that sometimes we need other tools. The things that worked before might work again in the future, but changing it up is no crime.

    So I experimented with a few different approaches and discovered CBT. It helped me make tremendous progress.

    Now, after a couple of months, I find meditation to be helpful again.

    There is not only one way forward. Many of them are valid. It's why I love your book "How to live".

    Have a great day,

  236. Wolfgang (2022-09-28) #

    I take a completely different approach.
    Optimization is not my goal. Nor do I need a carrot dancing in front of my nose.
    I love to walk through the forest and observe.
    I want to get out of my ego. I want to perceive, to simply feel, to see the forest not as a source, but as a habitat that gives me more than I can ever receive.
    When I listen to Anton Bruckner's music, I hear it not only in notes, not in its structure, but like a child. I soak it up. Just like the music of Jimi Hendrix.

    I want to get out of this world of optimization.
    I want to learn without a goal.
    I want to experience the complex from many small experienced processes.
    I want to build my future not from a master plan, but from chaos.
    "The way is the goal," says a Far Eastern philosophy. I love detours, I love distraction, I indulge in the unstructured accumulation of knowledge, I open myself to unimportant things.
    The pot of gold is a lie, a carrot that keeps us optimizing ourselves for the profit of a few.
    We are cheated of billions every day. There is no pot of gold.

    And the tiger has no more room to run after me. No longer has any living space in the world of the pots of gold.

    We have been living in an age of stimulants like cocaine, ketamine or crystal meth for 40 years. And everything is destroyed. Bottled water, plastic everywhere, poison in all organisms, ... Victims of profit maximization.

    I want something better than this stupid pot of gold.

    Love Wolfgang


    Ich gehe einen ganz anderen Weg.
    Optimierung ist nicht mein Ziel. Ich brauche auch keine Möhre, die vor meiner Nase tanzt.
    Ich liebe es durch den Wald zu gehen und zu beobachten.
    Ich will raus meinem Ego. Ich will wahrnehmen, einfach nur empfinden, den Wald nicht als Source sehen, sondern als Lebensraum, der mir mehr gibt, als ich je empfangen kann.
    Wenn ich Anton Bruckners Musik höre, dann höre ich sie nicht bloß in Noten, nicht in ihrer Struktur, sondern wie ein Kind. Ich sauge sie auf. Genauso wie die Musik von Jimi Hendrix.

    Ich will raus aus dieser Welt der Optimierung.
    Ich will ohne Ziel lernen.
    Ich will das Komplexe aus vielen kleinen erlebten Prozessen erfahren.
    Ich will meine Zukunft nicht nach einem Masterplan, sondern aus dem Chaos bauen.
    "Der Weg ist das Ziel", sagt eine fernöstliche Philosophie. Ich liebe Umwege, ich liebe die Ablenkung, ich fröhne der ungegliederten Wissenvermehrung, ich öffne mich den unwichtigen Dingen.
    Der Goldtopf ist eine Lüge, eine Möhre die uns anhält uns zu optimieren zum Gewinn einiger weniger.
    Wir werden täglich um Milliarden betrogen. Es gibt keinen Goldtopf.

    Und der Tiger hat gar keinen Platz mehr, um hinter mir herzulaufen. Hat in der Welt der Goldtöpfe keinen Lebensraum mehr.

    Wir leben seit 40 Jahren in einem Zeitalter der Aufputschmittel wie Cokain, Ketamin oder Crystal Meth. Und alles ist zerstört. Wasser in Flaschen, Plastik überall, Gift in allen Organismen, ... Opfer der Gewinnmaximierung.

    Ich will etwas besseres als diesen blöden Goldtopf.

    Love Wolfgang

  237. Akshay (2022-09-28) #

    Thoughtful post. Nothing is permanent by nature. You need to keep moving by adjusting and doing what feels right at that time.

  238. Dan (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting analogy, but the story feels unfinished. Would like to see it fleshed-out a bit more

  239. Oana P (2022-09-28) #

    I think the idea of danger is the most motivating of all.

  240. Sarb (2022-09-28) #

    I bet all these approaches also need to consider the end goal of the run. is it to lose weight? or is it to relax and get away from anything that is additional to that forest (work/life/ambition) and that run?
    As a regular runner myself, Thinking of being chased by a Tiger would not work for me. It will create an urgency/anxiety which will not allow me to enjoy my run and the surroundings.

  241. Garth (2022-09-28) #

    My take:

    There is no right or wrong way to do something. Refine your own approach by experimenting - keeping what works and discarding the rest. Don’t pledge allegiance to one way.

    I was thinking about my business as I read it.

  242. Steffe (2022-09-28) #

    I think its exhausting to run every day like there is something exceptional at stake, especially a Tiger. Maybe running for the joy of knowing you're going in the right direction would be better in the long term?

  243. Julia (2022-09-28) #

    I read this just as I came home from the gym. Speaking literally....I've had an up and down relationship with running. Sometimes my life allows it, sometimes it doesn't. One thing I remember reading in a book written by a marathon runner was, sometimes running is easy and sometimes running is hard and often you can't work out why. I guess what this story reminded me of was sometimes you need to picture a pot of gold to get to the end and other days you need to think of that tiger behind you.

  244. Matteo (2022-09-28) #

    Hello Derek.
    Maybe it is me being unusually negative today, but this story did not carry a positive note in the end like your blog post entries usually make me feel.

    Which is interesting, because that motivated me enough to write a reply, while I usually don't.

    While I usually feel your metaphors attractive, deep and poignant... today fell flat.

    The last words "So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?", with a bold "true", were kind of upsetting.
    I believe that varying how you live your live will help you shift perspectives. And I believe that shifting perspectives is necessary to lead a better life.

    I felt that the closing line seemed to point instead to a "change the way you do things, so that you find the one that the world agrees with you, so that your life is validated" kind of conclusion. Like if "validation" had been the goal all along.
    Instead of one of "understanding better, understanding more, because that's an amazing feeling", which is how I believe I thought about your point of view up until now.

    That said, I re-read the words you wrote, then the words I did, and now I feel that it just might be a more negative than usual day for me leading me astray. I don't know =/

  245. Melissa (2022-09-28) #

    They are all true ways to run. The running itself is true. Im curious about how “best” is defined. The fastest way would be easier to measure, but what is best?

    I’m also stuck on the part when the path is improved. And how that isn’t mentioned as equally important to the impetus for running.

    Mostly it is sad that some people will be Tigerists and stop exploring what might work best for them personally. Best could mean fun, fast, efficient, far, meditative, etc or switch every day.

  246. Rachel Barnes (2022-09-28) #

    Surely, some will be 'pot of goldists' and some will be 'tigerists'? I believe we all have very different motivations for what we do. Although millions of 'tigerists' is a pretty big sample.

    I definitely want to run faster though, so going to try the tiger theory on my run this morning :). I'll let you know!

  247. lyes (2022-09-28) #

    Great article. I think that all these ways could be true.

    One moment, one feeling, one way.

    It works in duets feeling-way of running.

    Wanting to escape from something - tiger
    Wanting to get something - pot of gold
    Wanting to pass through a pain - hot coals
    Wanting to give - Shovel

    Running is living.

  248. Simon (2022-09-28) #

    Love this , very much reminds me of my Tai Chi Chuan trainings.

    I found myself thinking about how we stop being present and drive ourselves by fear or hopes and desires of the future.

    Judging ourselves as we try and Iive.

    Beautifully written thought provoking piece .


  249. Brent (2022-09-28) #

    Very interesting post. Thank you! It reminds me of How to Live.

  250. Michael Bell (2022-09-28) #

    I believe running for anything has to start from within. Having the Desire to run or to accomplish something in life is just a good starting point, but to impliment that desire and then Run with it comes from the 'Will of a Made Up Mind.' Just my opinion.

  251. EvilKiru (2022-09-28) #

    The only thing running does for me is hurt my knees, make me out of breath, and increase my chances of having a heart attack.

  252. Mohammad (2022-09-28) #

    A good point is made here, made me wonder about the motivation to run everyday though.

    While tigerism may push you to run as fast as you can for a day, is it sustainable? Or you’ll burn yourself out?

    What would change if your bag of gold would only appear after running that path 1000 times?

  253. Matthew (2022-09-28) #

    All ways to run seem to be equally true to the one running. Suggesting there is one true way to run is silly - according to who, and based on what criteria? Ludicrous! I cannot stand running personally but acknowledge it’s fun for others.

  254. Amit Suri (2022-09-28) #

    A good Run, like all other good things in creation, comes in multiple flavors.
    A good run is also from the one who loaned you money, and you can't pay it back. Trust me, this makes us run faster than being trailed by a tiger. ;)

  255. Steph (2022-09-28) #

    Why do we have to run?

  256. Tony (2022-09-28) #

    Tread your own path!!

  257. David Andrew Wiebe (2022-09-28) #

    I like to engage in a daily walk myself, and when I get bored, I just find another trail. That said, I like the idea of approaching the same path in a different way as well.

    While I don't know whether the's one true way to run, what I can say is that running from something might be the most human of responses, given our natural instincts to want to survive.

  258. Brent (2022-09-28) #

    Some ways to run are more empowering than others.

  259. Brian Austin (2022-09-28) #

    Your interesting new story, 'A Daily Run', sort of illustrates a core fault of the human condition. It's that, unless we 'guard ourselves', we never seem to be satisfied. For example: running, you just put one foot in front of the other, move forward, and keep repeating, for as long as our current session lasts.

    People have different reasons for running. Some want to work off frustrations in their daily lives. Others may want to just get fitter, or lose some weight. Some might simply love the feeling of heightened adrenaline pumping through their veins. And so on.

    It seems, if we lose core focus, we may get bored easily. It's like diets. We think a 'new' diet (book) has a method that every other person in the history of the world has missed! Yet, we know there are only 3 ways to lose weight: eat less, eat differently, exercise more. No new diet will change those realities.

    So we fall for some nonsense that a different way to run is 'the answer'. When the answer is to just run if you want to run, understand why you're running, then stop trying to get the next big fix, to find the next 'new' way to run.

    Perhaps some us 'run' (pun intended) toward the next big thing in attempt to lessen the noise of the world that bounces back and forth between our ears. We are chatty chimps running to nowhere, yet we try again tomorrow, and the next day ...

    To me, it seems, tigers, hot coals, running barefoot, eyes closed, ... are symptoms of 'impossible-to-please' humans always looking for that next 'big thing'. After all, let's get real for a moment: for the tiger at least, if there is one of those beauties trailing us, the chances of us outrunning it are probably low. To believe anything is else might help explain our modern 'love of delusion'.

    No, just run, enjoy your session, then get back to living.

  260. Amara (2022-09-28) #

    Running is good only for pleasure or out of saving one's life. Otherwise why run? So many things get missed in the process.

  261. Erik (2022-09-28) #

    The photograph accompanying this post is of an old Swedish pine forest. When I was a kid I used to run through such forests and perform impressive karate kicks against the tree trunks while my grandmother applauded. She says I kicked bark off the tree trunks higher than her own head - just like in the photo.
    That's how to run through a forest.

  262. Robin (2022-09-28) #

    Don't tell me what you think; tell me what you know.

    As Dr. Tim Spector's work on twins seems to infer. Biologically there is no identical. No one size fits all.

    Your situation, your experience, trust in yourself and your insight are what is 'true'.

    Others might disagree, but they don't live your life. Ignore the consensus unless it conforms to your experience.

  263. Adler (2022-09-28) #

    There isn’t ONE truth. But many evolving truths that are valid in each moment when aligned with “how you feel”.

    I love this story’s ingredients: keep trying, add variety and new knowledge but pay maximum attention to how one feels. Like someone mentions in the comments - why are we running? - perhaps onetime one feels like walking, or going by bicycle. Or trying different running techniques.

    Feeling one’s feelings is underrated.

  264. Stefan Redtenbacher (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek, thank you for sharing as always.

    Running towards something feels more positive than running away from something.

    Eiter way, isn’t the goal the experience of running itself and not the goal you are trying to achieve the end?

    If you only gets pleasure from the end result you’ll get a massive short lived hit of dopamine followed by a crash, leaving you wanting more.

    Instead finding pleasure in the process provides a steady, drip-feed of dopamine that gives lasting pleasure and balances your brain chemistry.

    This is also means that you enjoy the process, you are not longing it to end for that hit.

    Consequently, not a big pleasure bang and crash which drives addiction or you will not bother because it feels too hard.

    All the best, Stefan

  265. Jesse Lambert (2022-09-28) #

    The true way is not what happens, it's a way to alter what happens. By trying to reserve a certain outcome in advance of the journey, we forfeit both the potential rewards and risks of a thousand wrong ways.

    As Edison said about his invention discovery process, he found a thousand ways that don't work.

    When desperate, I believe I seek the true way as a means of creating security for myself. A wonder drug when sick.

    When exploring, the true way looks like just another way.

  266. Alec W. (2022-09-28) #

    True is a digital word, it has no ambiguity, no subtlety, little context and is overused. In the world or even the universe there is very little indeed that can be said to be true, rather it's just our best guess. When we treat something as true, like an opinion about running, then we tend to stop questioning it, rather just accept it. We would then likely never try something else (even though trying something else seemed to be the biggest factor in all our history of running improvements in the story). A belief can be defined as "something we hold to be true", and there the danger often lies. As humans our facts (truths) have allowed us to predict the future with ever increasing accuracy, which is great in many respects as it could be argued that is the root of all technology and a large amount of advancement of the human race. However, strongly held beliefs so often lead to conflict, on every scale from personal relationships to nations at war. Better to say "it's the best solution/theory we have so far and will probably work for you, but prehaps you'll be the one to find an even better way, after all you did come up with the tiger by yourself before the book was written". I say, and it's just my somewhat strongly held belief that I'm willing to change, that we'd all be so much better off if we stopped with the divisive true/false limited thinking and moved to the wonderfully rich, collaborative thinking of how can we expand our ideas! What do you think?

  267. Dennis (2022-09-28) #

    One takeaway I got was that the right method is a function of who and where you are at a this point in time.

    Another takeaway was that you'll never know if you don't try it out yourself, despite or because of scientific (or otherwise) evidence.

    Nice post. :)

  268. Federico (2022-09-28) #

    I would say that whatever makes you "get out and run" (or start a business, study, change job, ...) and enables you to stick to it in the long term, is the right way for you.
    Trends may occasionally give you a new point of view or additional (temporary) motivation, but in the end your interest in "running" itself is what will enable you to keep going.

  269. Matt (2022-09-28) #

    Your thoughts provoked me to read through the comments to see other's analysis which then made me want to upvote comments further down that resonated with me. What resonated with me is that there is no one universal truth - each person has to decide what works for them. We seek guidance from others, but perhaps we should be listening to inner thoughts more - journaling and contemplation may be better avenues for self-discovery.

  270. Tanay (2022-09-28) #

    That's an interesting pov to consider.

  271. Derek (2022-09-28) #

    I think we all have different needs and motivations at different times and stages of our lives.

    Ultimately I want to run 'towards' with a good intention. The 'tiger behind me' is more of a gym thing!

  272. Carolyn (2022-09-28) #

    They’re all true at any given time. So much suffering is wrought because we believe there is only one true path. So many arguments, so much strife. Perhaps if we all just let outselves find the truth for ourselves in each moment, not expecting it to be the same as yesterday’s truth, or as someone else’s truth, we’d be much happier beings…? No more Truth with a capital T, please.

  273. Kevin (2022-09-28) #

    I walk mainly, life is fast enough

  274. Chris Opperman (2022-09-28) #

    We can’t because while this story presumes that imagining a tiger is behind you is the best way to run for most people according to science, it doesn’t speak to individual “truth” or experience. It is ultimately an opinion (albeit an informed one) about running. This story offers several alternate methods that could work. The best way to run is probably with a method that inspires one to run every day, even if it isn’t the most efficient method.

  275. Adrian Fisher (2022-09-28) #

    From my spiritual investigations , that entity some people call God or Source or Higher Self wants us to receive the pot of gold. Since we are an individuation of Source, we have the same ability to manifest anything we want as quickly as we want, providing we have the faith that we are receiving it, and the positivity that we deserve it. Worry is the only block to this manifestation so, running with a tiger chasing us would cause worry and stress, actually blocking the path to the gold.

  276. Vladislav Railes (2022-09-28) #

    This is such a great metaphor! It can be applied to every sphere in which we try to achieve success.

    I'm convinced that there is no true way of running because it depends on every person's individual qualities. No experiments can validate what is better, because taste matters.
    But I personally would combine all these ways in need.
    In my opinion, startups should run as if they are followed by a tiger. Just even because it's the truth - FAANG is a big, big, strong tiger.
    However, you need a right motivation to continue your efforts even if everything is on fire. Your own pot of golden coins.
    I think it's important to experiment and change approaches in management, development and other things.
    And, indeed, you should care about others.

    Mix and run wisely!

  277. Steven (2022-09-28) #

    Short but great. What is true is what works for you. PS: Amazing how you convey so much in such few words. I appreciate it.

  278. Lili (2022-09-28) #

    I run because I need the gold at the end of the path to invest in research for my sister's immune disease.
    Or I run because I didn't have the guts to tell "I love you" to someone and I realize I want to do it before being eaten by a tiger.
    Or because every cell in my body loves to be running in the forest and I don't need to go fast, just enjoy the sensations of me in the wild.
    I need a because.
    I need a specific why.

  279. Nonkqubela (2022-09-28) #

    I like the story - I was really getting into it as it’s quite relatable. I was waiting for the final deep insight or AHA moment relating to what each of these ways of running mean and how we can use that insight daily. What is the story a metaphor of?
    Please develop the story a bit further and don’t end it so abruptly- it feels like it ended too soon- it needs to be landed properly before you end with the question.
    My view.
    By the way I still never received the books I ordered from you but I think it’s because of our very inefficient postal service.

  280. Vincenzo Iaciofano (2022-09-28) #

    To me it made me think about my previous years as I approach 61. Had some one helped me too much would I be the same person?
    I often say that to my wife about our children they need to experience finding out what is the best way. If I dig, smooth the way. How will they react when they reach a bumpy trail. Vincenzo (grandfather)

  281. Benedict Steele (2022-09-28) #

    Love the story. The important thing for me is that one should find their own motivators and drivers. Obviously the experience and lessons of others helps, but ultimately it’s down to the individual to discover what spurs them on. Sometimes that motivator will be intrinsic, sometimes it’ll be extrinsic. It might not necessarily be the same motivator every day.

    Thanks for sharing this, it really made me ponder on it this morning.

  282. Raphael (2022-09-28) #

    I’m liking your approach. This seems like the pet story. If we change Run for Business / Projects / Money / Religion / etc, would would it the answer change?
    Or would you follow your internal “first principles”ism?

    Intubation for the process of running, the internal battle to improve myself. The same is for knowledge, business and philosophy. My first principle is to know myself. Should I call it: “myselfism”? :D

  283. nic (2022-09-28) #

    I think all of them are true. And none of them are true.

    Science is a particular lens in which we look at things. It is great at drawing conclusions with what we can measure. But we don't yet posseses an objective yard stick for hapiness or satisfaction or fulfillment (insert whatever you think the meaning of life is here).

    A pot of gold is great motivation when feeling poor because ....survival. Is it also a great motivation when you've already got more gold at home? I'm not sure but assume it depends on future aspirations. If I were 70 and had enough gold until I died. would be happy to just be able to run?

    A tiger also elicits a fear-based survival instinct. Will this result in a feeling of elation or exhaustion? Hot coals... same.

    Sometimes focussing so hard on a metric causes us to lose sight of the reason we started doing something.

    I recently lost 10kg. Looking at the scales every morning I was elated to see them drop. And sad to see them go up.
    I lost muscle 😞 and inches off my waist 🥳 ...and felt terrible in the end. After focussing less on the number on the scales and more on how I felt everything felt better!

    I don't think running faster is why I'd go for a long run everyday. I like the thought of fixing the trail for other runners.

    I hope they're running to gain some benefit and not just to get away from the tiger living in the forest.

  284. Keli'i (2022-09-28) #

    Fear versus courage as a motivator has been something I am moving away from. That’s what doesn’t sit with me here.
    If this works, great, but is there also a cost?

    I really like tigers anyway and would love to run beside one taking in how majestic she is.

  285. Steve DiLauro (2022-09-28) #

    This applies to running. There are right ways and wrong, or I suppose one could injure oneself. But either way that you describe has to do with speed and which thought pattern makes you run faster.
    As with so much in life, it's what's going on between your ears that matters.
    As to which is true? My answer is a question: does it matter? These days truth seems to be driven by emotions, not fact or quantitative analysis.
    So, whatever floats your boat.

  286. Hala (2022-09-28) #

    I enjoyed the metaphorical approach in the story and I agree that perseverance and learning are the only tools for business success. The tiger could be your overheads and tigers, could be the fear of failing in general, financial crashes are not scary as pandemics and products becoming secondary because people are in survival mode for a while… life in general is ever changing we learn to adapt and overcome but every day still we take the wonderful walk in hope for the prize, the dream of that pot of gold. I will never opt out !

  287. Dominik (2022-09-28) #

    One should be weary of universal quantifiers. There is rarely a single best way to do anything. People are different, so whatever gets you going is true for you.

  288. Arun (2022-09-28) #

    Wonderful parable! Had to read it twice to understand the meaning. Some of the comments below are as enlightening as the post.

    This is what I would call a classic blog piece. Like Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea. It will never stop being relevant. And more importantly, make readers take a pause and think more deeply about everything they have been doing all along.

    This shouldn't just be read. It should be meditated and introspected upon. And I will keep returning back to this often!

    I was most impressed by you after your short Ted talk (probably the shortest I've seen) on the differences between US and Japan on how streets are organized. And today you've given me something I will continue to keep pondering over.

    I listened to Mary Oliver's podcast (On Being) recently and she says a poem can distill everything that is about life in a few words and so it doesn't need to be long (like a novel). This post for me is very akin to Mary Oliver's poems. Thanks again for writing this. You are one of the most unique humans I have ever met.

    To close:

    “Every day in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death."

    We are not animals, so we might not have to run!


  289. Nico (2022-09-28) #

    To me, this story illustrates a number of things, but I think the underlying theme is that there are likely many ways and things that motivate each of us. What may work for one, might not work as well for another. One isn’t necessarily better than another, it just is different. To use an old adage, “different strokes for different folks.”

  290. Marcus (2022-09-28) #

    I like the story. I think the story doesn’t need categories such as
    „Truth“, or „experts say“.
    After all, it raises the question of negative vs. Positive Motivation.

  291. Pierre (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    Thanks for your thoughts, a great "thinking-starter" for a meditative reflection on the meaning of life for me.

    Going for a run in the forest feels like a metaphor for taking action in my own life.
    Motivation gets you started. After the 21 days (in my experience it's closer to a couple of months), your brain has adapted and found a new "normal".

    It's time to push for more performance. There are two basic motivation strategies, pleasure and pain. Pleasure, the pot of gold, got you started. Time to see if pain, or at least anticipation of pain in the form of the tiger could do a better job. Often I find anticipation of pain is more powerful than the pain itself.

    Variety is nice too, keeps your brain from sliding into boredom.

    Now running TOWARDS a goal is all good, but what about enjoying the run itself ? It's literally your life we are talking about. Maybe running towards a goal is a poor strategy on the long term. And enjoying the run for its own sake, meeting fellow runners to create friendships is the real prize. Part of the goal of your post maybe ?

    I hate the idea of smoothing out the bumps to make it easier for the other runners. I want obstacles and hardships in my life. Not the kind which will destroy me, but the kind which will help me to grow. I think Nietszche has been right about this for a long time. "Growing is good" is one of my core beliefs.

  292. David Seidel (2022-09-28) #

    Wow. Lots of stuff here.

    All about mind games and what you've nailed here is you need to play whatever mind game works at any given moment. After a while, you may get bored of the same scenario. Just like philosophy: one theory does not fit all...


  293. Haider Al-Mosawi (2022-09-28) #

    Great story. I like to distinguish between true ideas and useful ideas. Sometimes I don't know if an idea is true or not, but I find it very useful. Sometimes I KNOW I just made something up, but it helps me out a lot. It doesn't have to be true, but it can be useful.

    True ideas and useful ideas aren't in conflict. They serve our lives in different ways. In fact, sometimes we need to ignore true ideas because giving them our attention is either useless or harmful.

    We don't have to navigate the realm of ideas with only one criterion to judge ideas by. We can appreciate both the true and the useful. 😃

  294. Pierre (2022-09-28) #

    It felt right to share this poem. It's sad, because it's a way my brain found to cope with trauma. A way to thank you for your post.

    The mind has three masters
    Pain and Pleasure are giants
    Who ruthlessly shape its fate
    The third one is weaker
    A Bard, a Storyteller,
    He resorts to guile and will
    To face the giants blows

    The sensitive soul, fearful of Pain
    Will beg the Bard to build
    Castles, high walls and moats
    With stones of lies and fear
    A shield from Pain’s anger

    The ambitious soul lusts for Pleasure
    And invokes the Storyteller
    To create pleasant dreams
    Full of gold, power and bliss
    And Pleasure a chained servant

    Pleasure is now weak and sick.
    In the twilight of Pain shadow
    Lies, illusions and fears
    Shaped in yesterday’s constructs
    Lay now wrecked and smooth

    And before they harden again
    To withstand the giants’ blows
    The Bard is now free
    To shape and mold this clay.

  295. Sam (2022-09-28) #

    Most of time the gold is like a light shinning from a distance.At that time I prefer to walk or rest.

  296. Steve Potter (2022-09-28) #

    To me, this is about "truth". My personal philosophy is to not ever worry too much about what is The Truth, but do what works, for me, today. I am an engineer who works among scientists who are continually bickering over what is true in whatever they study. (To me, science is to get things done, not a quest for truth.) All truths are changeable so don't get too attached to the Right Way to do anything.

  297. Naomi (2022-09-28) #

    What is true and why are we running. If running for the pot of gold we are in the future. If trying to outrun a tiger we are in the past. Why not enjoy the moment - where we are running, the way we feel when running, the joy of the moment. No one way is ‘true’ but at the end of the run, what is the feeling that lingers?

  298. Yoko (2022-09-28) #

    Am I supposed to run?

  299. Ed Singleton (2022-09-28) #

    I'd be annoyed if someone smoothed out the bumps and filled in the holes. That's the part I like most about running

  300. Iasos (2022-09-28) #

    External Reality is a "blank slate". (no built-in meaning whatsoever)

    It has no built-in MEANING,..... until we PROJECT a "meaning"
    ("belief" / "interpretation") onto that external situation.

    What you PROJECT (as a belief or meaning) totally determines what you end up experiencing.

    If you project the belief "Life is a rat race",
    then that is what you get to experience.

    If you project the belief "Life is a bowl of cherries",
    then that is the delightful reality you get to experience.

    But what is "out there" has no inherent built-in meaning at all.

    The GOD-POWER that each of us has, is the freedom to project ANY belief/meaning/interpretation we want, onto ANY external situation.

    Your BELIEFS resonate with Universal Energies, which then attract events & experiences to you that are resonate with your BELIEFS.

    Personally, speaking for myself only , I like to always project this BELIEF:
    "Everything is working out just WONDERFULLY for me!"

  301. Hala (2022-09-28) #

    I enjoyed the metaphorical approach in the story and I agree that perseverance and learning are the only tools for success. The tiger could be your circumstantial overheads and tigers, could be the fear of failing in general, financial crashes are not scary as pandemics and wars and all as part of the adventure package!
    We grow older, we burn out because life in general is ever changing we learn to adapt and overcome but every day still we take the wonderful walk in hope for the prize, the dream of that pot of gold. I will never opt out!
    Life is what you make it, maybe there are new intelligent ways as people are opting for working smarter not harder, AI and more but the running continues here in this case tiger is our limited time

  302. Marian Crole (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting question you share. My spontaneous answer would be "none of the above" the thing with the gold pot or the tiger is that they are external to the body. External references. And I like moving from the inside. I believe that if I get inside I can feel the forest and I can feel what would be the rhythm of my run that serve me and the forest in the best way. This is my answer to your question. :-)

  303. Natalie (2022-09-28) #

    I ran to train for a half marathon. I ran to lose pregnancy weight. Once I ran with an app that made it sound like zombies were chasing me.

    There wasn’t always a reason.

    What is true for me may not be true for another.

    We are all navigating our own map.

  304. Aathika (2022-09-28) #

    This is interesting!
    I am waiting to hear more.

  305. Gary (2022-09-28) #

    Did the experts determine what a tiger represented for the various runners?

    A person for whom a tiger represented danger would be using fear as a motivator -- perhaps.

    An animal-lover who thought of a tiger as a beautiful animal to admire rather than to fear might be motivated by a fantasy of outrunning a tiger in a friendly race. That would be more a joyful than a fearful run.

    Another person might think of the tiger as a personification of Death. That person might be mindful of the gift of being alive in that moment and, again, might experience the run as something exhilarating rather than fearful.

    As to the "best" way to run -- well, what's the runner's reason for running? To declare any method the best without first answering that question would seem to be a specimen of deficient thinking.

  306. Alla (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you, Derek. Reading this helped me for a moment to stop running from the tiger while imagining a pot of gold and to enjoy the running for itself.

  307. henrik (2022-09-28) #

    How to deal with life? There are many options. True may not be the right word for any specific method. But some may get benefit from shutting out the other options so they can spend their mental energy on something else.

  308. Jing (2022-09-28) #

    I can understand the rational behind this. I run at least 10km everyday, and one half marathon on the weekends. When it is not too cold here in Finland, I also run barefoot or with five-finger shoes. I also try to vary my routes to have different experiences, and sometimes bring a camera with me, especially when traveling, to take pictures when I see something interesting. It feels like that the ways described here are for waking up our inner senses and opening up to new sensations. In addition to that, I also enjoy just listening to my body and let it decide how and at what speed I should run. Running is a lot more that itself, and few people realize this.

  309. Krisztian Hofstadter (2022-09-28) #

    I guess the idea is to go for a run, often.

  310. Stella (2022-09-28) #

    Enjoyable mind-bending read - as most of Derek’s work is. Don’t know what I can write (that hasn’t already been said in comments). I find it amusing that humans have a need to label everything …”Tigerists”. Our primitive drivers still fuel us - our need to belong, be understood and accepted becomes ever clear with these labels and groups. Sad that they cause such segregation and division as well as a sense of belonging and inclusion. I will be trying these techniques out on some runs though so thanks Derek! Interesting to think that the tiger technique would not work if you were to apply it to surfing (or swimming) …if you imagine a shark chasing you it would be enough fear to drive you out of the water that’s for sure!

  311. Lizzie (2022-09-28) #

    I'm curious why he's running in the first place -- and certainly still doing so by the moment he sets off being 'filled with money frustrations at home'.

    For me (and echoing the joy of shovelling the stony ground of life currently being encountered) this raises a different question about the value of imagined outcomes diverting attention from home. Perhaps that's selfish - perhaps the opposite?

  312. Laurence (2022-09-28) #

    My friend Adrian J Walker has written to critically acclaimed books. Stephen King is a fan of Adrian’s work. The end of the world runners club and the sequel The end of the world survivors club. You might enjoy them too…

  313. Nina (2022-09-28) #

    Indeed, it is always so much easier to complete tasks when a deadline is approaching. The Parkinson's law states that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. However, for some time now I have been striving to minimise the number of deadlines that I need to hit. This is definitely much more viable for people living off their own business than for those employed by someone else.

    In all honesty, what I find most fulfilling in life is the "shovel" days - making the path smoother for the future runners, through sharing lessons learnt, mistakes I've made, lifehacks etc.

    Thanks for some great thoughts Derek, I love the variety of approaches.

  314. Marcel (2022-09-28) #

    There's one segment apealing best to me. It is the barefoot one. I live barefoot for almost 2 decades. It tought me a lot ovee all these years. I feel more connected to the world I live in. I could tell many stories.
    Yet all the different motivations are typical for civilized people. I compare civilized people to animals in a zoo. A typical day in life is boring if we don't set goals or tick off points on a to do list. No animal in freedom has thoughts like that. Only a few activities we do remain natural. The most typical is to go to the toilet. We just do this. Nobody ever plans their daily business @the loo. We don't set goals like when or howmany times we do this. We also do not skip this activity for days. Usually we do it when we our body tells us to do it NOW (or it could get us into trouble). Not so with almost all other aspects. Eating for civilized people does not require much effort anymore. We shop what we want to eat and drink. Animals in the Zoo get their food served as well. For some of the animals this makes them depressed and they die as an important part of life is taken away from them. They can't hunt for example as it would be part of a self sufficient life. I heard many times that zoo animals are unable to survive in freedom. I think humans too.

  315. Andre (2022-09-28) #

    If they paid you for every word you cut, you’d be a billionaire!

    “The real test of an idea isn’t whether it’s true, but whether it’s useful”
    –Shane Parrish

  316. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    Tom #13: This story is a theme for discursive meditation, and there is a lot to unpack in it. There are a lot of possible answers to the question, and the follow-up questions you have asked are a great opening to that. Try following up those lines of thought yourself.

  317. Andy R (2022-09-28) #

    I really like this post. It wasn't until the very end that I came to interpret the text as regarding religion, though it could apply to any sort of belief system or groups of people.

  318. Adi (2022-09-28) #

    Read it twice. It shifted from running to being a metaphor for life.

    While rewards are good, negative consequences are a more potent motivation mechanism. The human brain is wired to avoid pain (more than seek reward).

    Dunno if it's a long term strategy though?

    Also, the conclusion to me is that different approaches work for different people. Maybe there minds are wired differently. That's also what makes it possible for multiple versions of one thing to exist (books, courses etc.)

  319. MS (2022-09-28) #

    "True" is a matter of perspective. And it's subjective. But as long as it's true to the person being asked, it's true (to them anyway).

  320. Anders (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting thoughts, both for running and life. In running, I found that a bit of urgency helps with intensity - but focus on staying calm nontheless. In life, we do have a tiger behind us - death. It helps me appreciate that every day matters. Thanks for the article.

  321. Alan Ralph (2022-09-28) #

    I don't run, but I go for walks whenever possible. It helps clear my head, but it also allows me to observe the world around me, hear the sounds of nature and the suburban environment, take in the scents in the air, and notice the changes wrought by time and the labours of humanity. Sometimes I'll pick up litter and shake my head at the thoughtlessness of others. I'll also enjoy chance encounters and interactions with others from my neighbourhood. And occasionally I'll notice something that gives me hope for the world and the future. :)

  322. Tim Teege (2022-09-28) #

    I run every day and have never tried the Tiger approach. It sounds interesting, though I think I prefer to enjoy running for what it is: firing up our hardwired dopamine machine since it’s there to help us survive. No shame in tricking ourselves this way and improving our health as a side effect.

    Not sure if the last question is just rhetorical, but I’m pretty sure there is no answer. Just as the sun and stars can’t be "true" or "false", a way of running can’t be either. Running just is what it is. A beautiful way to use our bodies.

  323. Kevin (2022-09-28) #

    I'm not sure what this is a metaphor for. Maybe for any kind of learning and teaching/leading. In relation to running though, I would say they're all true. There isn't a perfect way to run.

    In the specifics of this story, flattening the path could deprive those who follow of the experience you've had. Running on uneven surfaces can (I believe) be good for joints and balance. If you wanted a flatter path yourself, wouldn't you have just run somewhere else? In addition to the flatter path, why not post instructions on the best way to run? (only kidding)

  324. Robert (2022-09-28) #

    Quitting is OK too.

  325. Matt (2022-09-28) #

    Classic framing :) Steve Pavlina explores frames and their use in motivation quite a bit. Here's a great recent article from him on this: https://stevepavlina.com/blog/2022/03/why-i-love-to-think-in-terms-of-frames/

    With any situation, there is a whole spectrum of frames to choose from. It's largely a matter of using creativity to come up with the most valuable framing for your situation.

    There are common mistakes with frames too. Like mistaking a frame for objective truth. Then you lose flexibility and get fixated on that specific frame which may limit you. You will also see others using alternate frames as "wrong" since they are going against the "truth".

  326. George (2022-09-28) #

    I can see viewing a pot of Gold. But not the tiger chasing me.

  327. Mihai (2022-09-28) #

    I imagine you'd choose to run everyday either because you enjoy it or you want the benefits of running. I wouldn't imagine a pot of gold or a tiger because that's self delusion. There is no tiger and there is no gold pot. Metaphorically, the pot of gold would be your good health and the tiger your poor health. Poor health is a real threat while the tiger is not real. But that wouldn't motivate me either. The only reason I would run would be the joy of it. Being in the flow.

  328. Sylvain (2022-09-28) #

    As you listed tricks I was pretty sure you would end up with one of these two morals:

    1. people are now mad at you for making a clear path, because they needed to live their own adventures and hardships

    2. this looks to me like textbook Hawthorne effect, plus tricks not to get bored, and practice paying off.

    You're no longer "just running": you're making a conscious choice to trick yourself, and try several options. The simple fact that you care, that you're observing, will reinforce that motivation and make things easier.

    The simple fact that you're trying things will remove some of the boredom. So after going full circle and trying the Pot of Gold, then Tiger, you might want to cyclically reframe your mind to the old tricks again, for increased benefits.

    And of course, if you're running every day for long enough to care about mind tricks, you're getting practice in the long run (pun intended).


  329. BRM (2022-09-28) #

    Makes me wonder what you’re running from…

  330. Torrey Nommesen (2022-09-28) #

    Pick the belief that is the most useful.

  331. Paul (2022-09-28) #

    When you look outside and see the lawn needs mowing, do you have to mow the lawn, or do you get to mow the lawn you own?

    Try to build a life where things that surround you bring you joy! I GET to fix the cars, the hot water heater, renovate the house, and mow the lawn.

    It's a great life!

  332. Naveen (2022-09-28) #

    Stick to one strategy long enough to see of it actually works or not, instead.of chasing every shiny new object. While trying several ways to run, the 'runner' was still faced with 'money problems', meaning the quest was not yet complete. Maybe, had they tried the "tiger approach" throughout, there'd have been a different ending.

  333. Jomar (2022-09-28) #

    Reminds me of ‘fight or flight’ scenario. How do we get to the point where we can ‘forest bath’ (A Japanese relaxation technique)?
    Can we take the tiger? And find warmth from the coals?
    Let me know when it’s on Audible, I’ll be on it right away.

  334. Yong Yee (2022-09-28) #

    My question is - can we incorporate them all or just have to do them separately? Each of us has a goal (for our running and other aspects of life). What may be good for me could be poisonous for others. It's always context, context, context. :) I will choose the consistency of running every day over anything else. And that's what got me to stop by and read this article in the first place. A DAILY RUN.

  335. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    Nice article! The older I get, the more I realise you have to find what works for you. I always keep in mind the quote (possibly from Prince?): “Never let anyone tell you how to play your guitar”.

  336. Ricardo (2022-09-28) #

    We create our own reality, there is no right or wrong way to "run". What works for one human being has zero effect for another. Listening blindly about what works for others is limited and reductive. Each has to follow his own path

  337. AP (2022-09-28) #
  338. Lorraine (2022-09-28) #

    I enjoyed your article and perspective. I’ve run 13 marathons and completed a full Ironman so I have been on many long runs yet don’t consider myself to be a runner. I’ve never used any of those visuals. Mostly what I do is fill my run with gratitude. I visualize how grateful I am to be alive. To have the gift of my health. The sun shining on me and filling me with light. Strong legs. Strong arms. Legs that can take me anywhere. I am grateful for friends to run with.
    Being outside, there is so much to observe and feel gratitude.

  339. Anne-Kathrin (2022-09-28) #


  340. Aman (2022-09-28) #

    short and crisp post.
    useful approach.

  341. Aqasa Nu (2022-09-28) #

    Running can help break down barriers. Running can be magical, it's part of the beauty of it. I run approximately 40k per week. I never think about tigers, perhaps in my next race I will. Although Eliud Kipchoge always looks so serene when he runs, I wonder if he's thinking about tigers, perhaps I should ask him.

  342. Lee Davy (2022-09-28) #

    I immediately thought about the inside-out v outside-in game when reading this. The Tiger and the Pot of Gold, and all the other snippets of advice, fads, etc., are behaviours that lean on the notion that that outside of us know best. What if there was no 'best' way to run metaphorically? Instead, we run, trusting that we know how to do it and who to ask for advice or help to supplement our self-love and not as a dysfunction towards it. Much love from Cardiff, South Wales.

  343. Mohammed (2022-09-28) #

    Fear and hope are the two wings of a bird, everything in balance aligns with nature. The gold pot is hope, the tiger is fear. Our society will do so much better if we kept the two going in proper proportions.

  344. Derrick Yanford (2022-09-28) #

    Walking slowly in the forest, stopping and observing the beauty/wonder/awesomeness of nature, engulfing myself with all of my senses at once, sitting and pondering how the forest got this way and where might other forests be, perhaps spending the night, finding a clearing to gaze at the stars all sound like ways I prefer to spend my time in the forest with the understanding that sometimes the fastest way to get anywhere is to go slowly.

  345. Ken Davis (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek from Ken Davis

    Will forward this to a long distance runner whose Chinese token animal is a 🐅 tiger.

    He has just completed in a marathon in Sydney.

    Happiness Always Ken

  346. SonIa (2022-09-28) #

    Good Morning Derek,

    Yes for sure! I would say the latter is true. Run like you're life depends on it.

    Not because a tiger is chasing you!.

    Sometimes it's not enough just to have a goal or aspiration. You might just take your sweet time trying to get there ticking off milestones on your way and only reach a certain point. Focus, drive,motivation and determination.

    What I recognise in this situation is that your motivation must have purpose behind it and not merely that I wanna be rich. What's that driving force? What does reaching that pot of goal really mean to you?

    There is nothing wrong with having a goal in life and nothing wrong with someone taking the timeout to make the journey for you easier.

    Not everyone has the know how and some people want to make that journey in secret, so if someone writes a book to help that 1 person that's looking for advice and support and can't ask anyone around them. I would say that knowledge is a blessing🙌

    You don't have to the read the book but if you do and it helps you, well that is wonderful.

    Just as you Derek are sharing these blogs! No-one has to read them but when people do you may have given someone an answer or clarified something for someone that you weren't aware of.

    Thank you for this read, it's quite thought provoking.

    Have a blessed day.

  347. Alan (2022-09-28) #

    I cannot speak for 'we'. I cannot speak for what is true for others. Perception is diverse for each of us. Metaphors matter to some more than others. But to me, it feels like a fable. A story I might have read to my young children in a different voice.
    Thank you,

  348. Elizabeth Tai (2022-09-28) #

    A big part of me rebels against the idea of chasing that pot of gold. Life should be more than chasing after something, but don't all of us, have a trace of that hunter from prehistoric days?

    Despite my rebellion, I admit I've used that tiger strategy all my life. Fear and anxiety is a whip that I use to keep me going.

    My pot of gold, however, is not riches. Ironically, it's freedom and peace. But to get there I must get riches! Ironic that I use fear to drive myself towards the goal!

  349. Michi (2022-09-28) #

    No, only until the next book comes out with details of hundreds of scientific studies by other experts, showing the opposite is true. But then again, what if that next book cannot be written because the evidence really isn't there?

    Still, I think some things like mental approach to running are just too subjective to be proven either way, and even if there were an iron-clad proven "best" way it might not be best for every individual.

  350. Emeric Damian (2022-09-28) #

    Let the experience be the learning, action the reward.

    Simply put, most people don't know what they want.

    You can diagnose this character with misguided pollywackle...

    In this case, "you think your goal is to run fast, but what you don't recognize, is that you are chasing the feeling of, feeling".

    It's always the case.



  351. Patrick (2022-09-28) #

    It's a common theme in your writing that it is specific and vague at the same time. This aspect makes it very interesting and leaves a lot of room for individual interpretation, while still feeling practical.

    Btw, the first comment was made on 2022-09-27, while the article was written on 2022-09-28. Aligning your timestamps to one timezone will solve the issue.

  352. Bruno (2022-09-28) #

    Every day I try to stop my mind running... meditating for 30 minutes. It's not always a success... But I find it helpful. For,a little time I may even be happy to run nowhere and be nowhere :)

  353. Ernie (2022-09-28) #

    The various reader comments were more interesting than trying to conceive of an "answer" to the concluding question. 🧐

  354. Andrej Uličný (2022-09-28) #

    Absolute and relative truth.

    I think the answer depends on if you're referring to absolute or relative truth.

    The relative truth owes its veracity to various conditions - eye of a beholder, pervading culture, specific angle (the healthiest way to run, the funniest way to run). That's why it's called a relative truth. Because with conditions changing, it changes as well. Relative truth is very useful for navigating everyday life - decide where to run, what do you want out of it, what running shoes to wear, which health articles to read, or based on what conditions to you decide what is the relative truth about running.

    Then you have the absolute truth. That doesn't depend on any conditions for its existence. Because if it did, it couldn't be called absolute :-). The absolute truth is the limitless consciousness that perceives all the experiences we have - our body running through the forest, our thoughts, our feelings, the forest around us and so on.

    These experiences appear and disappear in limitless consciousness just like clouds appear and disappear on the sky. They don't go anywhere nor do they stay.

    Limitless consciousness wasn't born, that's why it cannot die. It's not black, because then it couldn't be purple. It's not salty, because then it couldn't be sweet. It's beyond definition. Trying to define it is like catching the mist in the morning - at one moment you think you have it, in the next moment it disappears.

    I feel that limitless consciousness is what we really are. And there are ways to experience it like meditation. Then if we can rest effortlessly in limitless consciousness, we can happily laugh or argue about any relative truth about running.

  355. Jennifer (2022-09-28) #

    This meant a lot to me. I took it out of the context of running. I interpreted first that there is no one right way in life, that there is no one right way to do things in life, but that different ways work well at different times. Then I interpreted it to mean that we can be seekers, finding our own way, or followers, following the guidance of others and each of these may also be right at different times. Also, I just love running.

  356. Sheryl Garratt (2022-09-28) #

    I've been a professional writer for more than 30 years, and I'm also a coach working with experienced creatives. What I've learned from my clients and colleagues is there's no single truth, no one-size-fits-all formula for motivation. We're all different. And circumstances change. We change. I love variety, for instance, so tools that worked for me once won't necessarily work for me now. All that's really important is that you run. That you do your verbs, the things that make you you.

  357. Em (2022-09-28) #

    "True" doesn't apply.
    "True" for whom?

    This article has several interlaced koans in it.
    I think the question can be better defined.

    Ping me by email if you want to hear more. In Iggy Azalea's words: "bitch has got a lot to say".

  358. Loi (2022-09-28) #

    Which way is true? My question is why are we running? Is the point to run as fast as you can? What about walking? Or skipping? Or crawling? Why in the forest? Answering these questions will give us our own answers that work for us.

  359. Oly (2022-09-28) #

    That's a gem! I also had to read it twice.
    It makes me think of all the coaches that are wanting to sell you the answer to everything. And they pick one thing that works for many, and dress it up fancy. If it's helpful for people great. At the same time it's very often a lot about the packaging. If people spend more money for it they might perceive it as more valuable. Having spend something on it might also create more commitment for wanting something in return. Is it more valuable just because it's more expensive. Maybe. As long as people know openly before getting into Tigerism what it's all about it's super fine.

  360. Mark Gavagan (2022-09-28) #

    I don't think we say that one of these ways to run is true, because they all are.

    Thank you Derek.

  361. Michael Stivala (2022-09-28) #

    Great article.

    What is "true", anyway?

    My motivation dips as the novelty of whatever I'm running towards or from becomes the new "normal".

    I love my research - to find the "best" way to do things, but it's always more powerful when I find my own path.

  362. Adam Metropolis (2022-09-28) #

    The Tiger is very real - it's called Heart Disease.

  363. Anibal Ramos (2022-09-28) #

    Two valid meanings after re reading it. One running itself but then it was about running your own business. After all, is up to you, your gut.
    Thanks Derek.

  364. Kelly (2022-09-28) #

    I like to think the tiger is inside each one of us. And like a tiger, we run, simply because we are hungry.

    Thanks Derek!

  365. Seth (2022-09-28) #

    I find visualisation difficult. My way of running faster or with more purpose or contentment is by trying to best my running peers.

    Sidenote - This has got to be right up there with the best comments section on the internet.

  366. Camellia (2022-09-28) #

    A lovely parable that everyone has their own interpretations at different life stages.
    I feel like I need different motivations, either tiger or gold, to push me to achieve the goal I set up.
    I may share my path with others, but everyone has to find their tiger or gold and walk through their own bumped journey.
    We are here to create different paths and gain satisfaction, which might be the meaning of life for our short time living on this earth.

  367. Rajiv (2022-09-28) #

    So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?

    Yes, we can. And the answer is no.

    Even if one of these ways were true now. Tomorrow there will be a new and better way to run.

    While learning and training has its place and time, after we have acquired the basics its paramount to execute.

    Instead of searching for the best way, or worse, letting other people distract us from what we are trying to achieve, the only true way to run is: to simply run.

    By doing so, we are getting better in running AND in building a robust habit of running consistently.

    It's the only way to get ahead, make ground and explore unknown territories.

    Ironically, this may lead us to what is true for ourselves.

    Thank you, Derek, for bringing this up.

  368. Ewen (2022-09-28) #

    You are not at peace with running until there is no tiger, no pot of gold.
    All the pretence denies the “running mess” of running in the same way that anthropomorphising animals denies their nature.

  369. Robin (2022-09-28) #

    Hey Derek - I'm not a runner but I would imagine the 'tiger' euphemism works...!

  370. Max (2022-09-28) #

    I prefer to walk.

    Walking provides a better view of the forest.

    But some days you have to train to run, in case a tiger is behind you.

  371. Hashir Shafi (2022-09-28) #

    I think there is no one true way to do anything. Different approaches work for different people at different stages of their lives. The key is to be open to new ideas and keep trying them yourself to really find out if they work for you during different phases of your life.

  372. Jayne (2022-09-28) #

    Great insight and story, Derek! Kevin W. comments below pretty much sum it up for me; take in the info, process it then find what’s right for you. I’m enjoying my music business more than ever now. Going along at a comfortable pace. Thanks, as always, for sharing!

  373. Mark Loehrer (2022-09-28) #

    We all have and find our own way of dealing with whatever obstacles we encounter along this path of life. some will follow others, some will make their own path and some like myself will bring a shovel and maybe a even a rake to smooth out the rugged path for ones that may succeed us.

    Thank you Derek for sharing your life in these ways with all of us. I'm always interested in the thoughts of your followers as well.

    Hope to see you on the path with your shovel:)

  374. Juan (2022-09-28) #


  375. Darryl (2022-09-28) #

    I know from experience in meditation that the art of visualization can be very effective in achieving your goals.
    You pull it all together by not forgetting what's behind you but, also what lays ahead and even making your journey harder on your self with hot coals yet, still through your own hard work making it easier for others by fixing the path.
    This is something that I am grateful that you have done for us 🙏.
    Thanks Derek!

  376. Lee (2022-09-28) #

    Hey Derek 😁.This reminds me of your How to live book.
    And I’m currently in EXACTLY this situation 😅. I have spent the last 6 years trying to change my life, hopefully for the better. But what does that really mean or entail? My views on this have shifted greatly over this last 6 years or so. I feel the mist is starting to clear. Your books and ways of living life are always floating about inside of me, merging with other things I learn.
    To chase that pot of gold, or reach it should I say, is definitely not the goal. Although I have to admit I Need to be making money off my work very soon. The walls are really closing in. But I’m just about to launch website and serve my customers and the world in general as I make content to hopefully inspire.
    And using your story. Mixing things up, trying different exotic ways to test out and once learned smooth the path for yourself and others is what we all should be doing.
    The tiger chasing us as long as we aren’t in imminent danger and our thoughts are consumed be fear and survival, I think could be very useful. We don’t laze around wallowing in worry or self pity, waiting to be devoured. But take action and stay ahead of what’s lurking, what’s behind ( in past). This can motivate us to continue on our journey, and I truly believe the byproduct of this will rain down the gold on us, if we so desire it.🤔
    Have a great day buddy!!!🤩

  377. Paul (2022-09-28) #

    Loved this.

    The way I understand this is:

    Every run is a day. The running process are the actions you take to get through the day. You're not always going to feel the same way everyday, so it's important to first understand what motivations can help you perform at your best, then varying those motivations or actions (running barefoot) to optimize for serendipity.

    With consistency in variables and outcomes, it's great to pay if forward and show people how you've been able to consistently perform.

    This is the way to live life and how I personally approach it.

    "Tigerism" for me is a metaphor for the world today; where people take an approach or motivation and believe it's the only way to get through a day or life.

    I try to stay away from this, because it's too rigid and limiting a way to go through life and will not afford me the opportunities for serendipity and data gathering I want and appreciate.

    Thanks for sharing.

  378. Ander (2022-09-28) #

    Why do we always focus on things other than running? I believe we should strive to enjoy the path we are in, and feel happy for what it is, rather than focusing on external stimuli to get to the end of the road faster.

    However, answering the question, I think no form of running is more correct than the other. We all go through life with our own motivations, and is up to each one of us decide what is important and what's not.

  379. Simon Huggins (2022-09-28) #

    I have been thinking a lot about the stories we tell ourselves and share with others recently. If you think about it, this article is all about narrative. None of it is intrinsically true or false. It’s a story. And it’s using story to help motivate an aspect of ourselves that seems most receptive to that ‘carrot or stick’ narrative.

    Story is a strong within us. And within this article.

    Which is what makes it interesting and thought-provoking. Good one, Derek!

  380. james landry (2022-09-28) #

    each person has to find what is true for themselves. we are all special and unique.

  381. Reinder (2022-09-28) #

    Ah, such a relief! When we see many ways that are sensible and valid and 'true' on different occasions, it starts to feel silly to hold onto any of them so tightly.

  382. José M. (2022-09-28) #

    Nobody can say they have the "best way" or the "right answer" to do anything. Everybody is different, even us. We are changing every day. We're not the same person as we were the month, year before.

    So, what's the point for copy/paste the methodology?

    It's ok to listen, but we need to decide, test and learn for ourselves. And this is the difficulty for many of us.

    Why are we running today? Sometimes we can walk or maybe look the path (should we change forest for beach today?) than the running technique. 🌱

  383. Andrew Katasonov (2022-09-28) #

    The thought I immediately had after reading this excellent analogy is that if you constantly need to find ways to stimulate yourself to do something, if you do not have the slightest glimpse of joy doing it - stop. Seems logical, right? And still, so many people (including myself) continue running.

  384. Corey (2022-09-28) #

    Rule: The following is the only truly universal advice.

    Advice: All advice is circumstance dependent, so think for yourself before taking it.

  385. Vivien (2022-09-28) #

    Wow, how interesting! So, are we motivated more by fear than altruism? Sad, if true, but at least we know it now. It’s better for us to be informed, eh? Still, I’m surprised, and a little sad.

    Thanks for allowing me to participate in this conversation.

    Your pal,

  386. Pete Fegredo (2022-09-28) #

    Running in life is not how fast or slow one can run. It is an object of personal satisfaction and contentment to complete the run and not wonder how one did but to be true to one's ownself. That is the pot of gold.No Tigers or hot coals could make me run faster. A goal in life is not always meant to be reached but merely something to aim at. Knowledge on the other hand is not meant to be kept but to be shared. Help your fellow man by being generous. Don't give to receive. This is the run of our lives. Be happy.

  387. KO (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting thought experiment. My initial feelings when reading the beginning were, “why is this guy forcing himself to run?” But I then realized that I do the same thing by visualizing a “next” goal helps me to enjoy running and be more monomaniacally focused.

    I focus on the next turn, the next hill, the next stump and that’s all I focus on and my mind empties.

    The rest of the post reminds me of your post on Imaging tedious steps or one fun step. Thank you for sharing!

  388. Drew (2022-09-28) #

    Favorite part is “ you try it to see how it works and how you feel”. While I do feel that at some point we could experiment ourselves to death… the main learnings from some of my favorite authors such as yourself and Ferris are not the learnings themselves but the experimental methodology to obtain the learnings. That’s the lesson. Try it. Feel it. Then choose.

  389. Miriam (2022-09-28) #

    I wonder what the Kenian runner who beat his own previous record Winning again the Berlin Marathon at an incredible
    Speed, thinks about.

  390. Mike Hamilton (2022-09-28) #

    Just run. Who cares if you're running fast? Who cares if it's the "single best way to run?" Whatever works for you is the right way. Life is about the journey, being true to yourself.

  391. Rob (2022-09-28) #

    I am the tiger

  392. Hasan (2022-09-28) #

    Great post. Thought provoking as always. But I’ve found through personal experience that fear based motivation is only effective in the short term, and it’s not a sustainable way to keep yourself’ running’. Keeping yourself in a prolonged state of fear can lead to increased anxiety, and even potentially make you less productive over time.
    But it’s great to meet a deadline every now and then!

  393. André J. (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you, Derek, for the very nice allegory to optimization.

    Concerning the last question, in my understanding "true" cannot be an answer to a way to run. Ways to run in my perspective can be "effective", "healthy", "pleasant" and many other things, but not true.

    Truth, in its pure form, cannot be known for certain. And therefore a way cannot be "true".

    If the question were interpreted, if the "tigerist" way to run is "the best". I would still say no.

    Science about people cannot find the best way for everyone. We are too different as individuals. It can, however, find good methods to try and provide insights into probabilities.

    So, if science finds the "tigerist" method works best for most, this is something to consider. It is also likely best for a noob to start with the "tigerist" way. However, the "pot of gold" way can work better for some and in some situations.

    For maximum performance, we need to know and try out all ways available and combine them according to our individual insights.

    For good performance, however, it is likely sufficient to stick to the statistical insights of science unless you feel bad in the long run because of it. E.g. I might not choose the tigerist way because I will feel too much fear, thus diminishing my quality of life.

    A good way for a person is always a way that helps that person feel well in the long run.

  394. Antonia (2022-09-28) #

    I love it!

    For me I do find a bit of tiger energy helps me get where I’m going, especially the ‘I’ll prove you wrong kind’ but mostly if I do anything, run, walk or work it’s for the chocolate biscuit/ glass of wine on the other side!

    Also someone did fill in the pot holes and scrap the lumps of the road near my house and I am eternally grateful!


  395. Brady Lanter (2022-09-28) #

    When I read this I quickly realized what motivates me to run the path. I do so for helping others who will later join me. I experiment with all the many ways so I can become the expert who’s able to offer help to everyone else running the path. I try my best to create value. I find happiness when helping others find their happiness.

  396. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    Even in the comments, there are so many different ways of looking at this. Some literal. Some figurative. So I love your post as an art form that inspires or provokes thought that is so individual. And my thoughts are figurative. How the loudest voice in the room can seem like the truth. The bestselling book. The story with the most likes. But that isn’t always the source of truth. Because truth is almost always somewhere between the tiger and the finish line.

  397. Richard (2022-09-28) #

    The disappointing takeaway from this is that a negative motivation (tiger) is stronger than a positive motivation (pot of gold.)

    Whatever turns you on, I guess.

    But then is faster better?

  398. jérémie (2022-09-28) #

    I would say that every human concept is a corruption.
    There is no tiger, there is no gold, there is no concepts - excepting the physical laws

    Which one are you going to handle ?
    Which one are you going to die for ?

  399. Kohan (2022-09-28) #

    A path is a direction, but it is not a direction.

  400. Trevor (2022-09-28) #

    I have no idea. Perhaps none are true or they all are true. Does it even matter? I love the questions behind the question. Are we eating the menu or the meal of life? The downside of all prescriptions/advice is the prescription becomes the focus and we lose sight of the journey and the destination - and debate the prescriptions. As a possibility, nothing has a purpose or point other than itself. The "point" of dancing is to dance, the point of playing is to play and the point of running is to run. If we think the point of running is to get fitter, be faster or even enjoy the run or be present, we will look for a prescription/answer and miss the run. Perhaps there isn't even a runner or a run, but only running. Maybe everything else is simply the bewitchment of intelligence by language.

  401. Mary Alldredge (2022-09-28) #

    Honestly - you used more words than normal. You’ve shared black highlighted words throughout the story - interested to see where you go with these. You’ve never been about money so pot of gold seems outside the box. 💕💐

  402. Marilyn (2022-09-28) #

    Fear can be a motivator
    Ask any Vietnam combat marine
    I was on tour singing with the Prince Brothers in 1969 in SE Asia. We had 18 piece bands backing us.
    We experienced ground fire and saw fighting as we flew over.
    Imagine being drafted and trained to use weapons then dropped off in the jungle to be fired on and unable to leave. You are green and long timers don’t Trust your inexperience. Your new buddies are blown up and dying all around you.
    People are actively trying to kill you day and night.
    Some assholes in DC and flunkies called officers decide where to place you as canon fodder. Bouncing Betties and other land mines, the enemy who cannot be differentiated from friendlies cause a fierce panic. Now that’s motivation. Frozen fear or inaction keeps me from moving these days. Staying in the cave to avoid heat stroke from triple digits or protecting the dog from coyotes snakes or cactus has kept me from running outside. The treadmill is it. No tigers 🐅

  403. Erwin (2022-09-28) #

    Hey Derek! love your thoughts. Been running since the beginning of this year, to get back in shape. I love the idea of hot coals or running barefoot, and exploring a variety of other ways to run. Keep the fun in the run. Not sure about the pot of gold or the tiger. Too much stress for me :-D! I like being in the moment, feeling the rhythm, the pace, the groove, the breathing... listening to the music of the running, and even humming along. Smoothing the path for others, that's beautiful.

  404. Colin Michael (2022-09-28) #

    Why are we running, unless a slow tiger is chasing us?

    Doesn't fear of loss motivate more effectively than the hope of gain?

  405. Jordan (2022-09-28) #

    I suppose we ‘could’ say one way is true but that takes the fun out of it all.

    I no longer run on hot coals so my form decreases.

    I stop feeling free by singing on my runs or swerving like an airplane, since, after all a big ass tiger is chasing me and I’m always on the go and never on anything else.

    Somedays I pretend to be that tiger chasing my prey so I move fast and off the trail and slowly lower to the ground or quietly up a tree.

    Since the experts declared the tiger is the way we lose our appreciation for the path maker because we no longer think of anything else but the tiger.

    Sad. But no time to ponder because the tiger is coming.


  406. Ken Tomasian (2022-09-28) #

    They are all true if they work for you

  407. Carol Iten (2022-09-28) #

    I don't run but I power walk. I guess I would be dead if I pictured a tiger chasing me. So my tiger is in a wheel chair. That works for me!

  408. Tara (2022-09-28) #

    I share the sentiments of Kevin and Devon. Knowing and listening to you ways matters and I think we manage the boredom to trigger creativity by trying different ways. Today, for me, it is through dialoguing with others and less about confirming theory. Having said that…getting to that awe moment involves learning theory in combination with knowing the soul. I love the progression and openness of your article Derek…less interested in being told the 5 great ways to run. Thank you

  409. Jingwen (2022-09-28) #

    It is eye opening for me at first: are there so many people trying out all these techniques to be a faster runner? Are they life experimenter, or simply want to improve their pace regardless of whatever the risk?

    Then I realized I was one of them. I was obsessively trying to figure out the most optimal way to live, trying all the efficient tools, hacking my body to work more, rest less and get rid of "useless" emotions. I thought I was living my fullest, experimenting new stuffs and optimizing my lifestyle - to be a ruthless and efficient robot.
    No, it is a dream. There is no formula to solve one's life puzzle. There is even no meaning to work more and do faster.
    Now I run for the sake of running. Of course, I like to improve my techniques but only for the sake of mastering or improving. I do not care that much about the end result any more: how much faster I can run, how better my physical conditions is getting, etc.
    I do not need to be proved any more, by the result, or my righteousness. I can have my best moment, simply jogging along the forest, feeling the breeze caressing my face.

  410. Hamid Gazi (2022-09-28) #

    Yes I found it correct way for doing work...

  411. Simon (2022-09-28) #

    Fear is the fuel? Or should it be…?

  412. Walid (2022-09-28) #

    I think All of these ways are « true » for the runner at the moment that he’s running. If he believes there’s a tiger after him, his brain behaves that way. And the stress that he feels is real! Also when you believe that you’re running after a pot of gold, your running pattern changes accordingly. Depending on your mood, imagination, you can trick yourself and decide consciously to choose the reality that fits best with yourself. As for me, when I go to run, i just put a timer and run until the alarm clock rings. My purpose and pleasure are in the act of running (the process) and learn to stick with it until the end. When i’m angry or happy it certainly affects my pace of running but ultimately the goal is to run until the end and give my best effort. Having a tiger behind me will kill the fun (and create unnecessary/unhealthy stress, and the pot of gold is too far (at the end)

  413. Kevin (2022-09-28) #

    Kinda disappointed that we humans seem to perform better for sticks vs. carrots, but this has been my experience as well.

  414. Paul (2022-09-28) #

    hey dS--
    I feel a self-help book comin' on. When running from a tiger your mind is in fight or flight mode. Personally I would not want to start my day off with that mindset. Besides there are already too many tigeresque moment that await us---

    b well

  415. Michael Potuck (2022-09-28) #

    Love this! Makes me think about truth being “reality agreement” vs something fixed. Also how truth has changes across time.

    Appreciate this Derek! Looking forward to hearing more about how this is meaningful to you and your deeper thoughts on it soon! :)

  416. Matt (2022-09-28) #

    The notion of there being one best way of doing something, seems to be a bit of a fools gold.

    When I was a young chef i worked my way through several fine dining restaurants.
    It struck me how each head chef I worked for, was thoroughly convinced that their way of performing a task in the kitchen was the best way, and that others who did things differently were fools.

    Later I realised how fortunate I was that I could learn many different approaches, and not be limited to any of them.
    And that the ego and tribalism were hindering learning and discovery.

  417. Tao Runner (2022-09-28) #

    On any given day one way may be more true than another. But that changes day to day and even stride to stride. Being true to yourself changes as you change and the circumstances change.

  418. Arvind (2022-09-28) #

    The right tool is the one that works at that time, in that context.

    Life is full of contradictions. Or narrowing it down to my area of expertise - fitness - the many approaches complement each other and sometimes contradict. But that's because we aren't meant to be using them together or at all times.

    Some days are for rest. Some months, we need to lift heavy. Some months, we need to focus on mobility.

    What's the context? What's the need?
    And then you dip into your tools and pick one, and move forward.

  419. Jerry (2022-09-28) #

    So true there are some many ways to motivate yourself to get down the path, it brings to mind all the ways people can eat, relate to each other, make money, or pretty much anything.

  420. Jason Henkel (2022-09-28) #

    Intrigued. I need some processing time on this one... I can sense some Siver's wisdom is near. Excited for more crumbs.

  421. Samuel Vilz (2022-09-28) #

    Statements like "x is the best way to do y" always imply a value structure (e.g., "running is about speed").
    In asking about a "true way", you're asking about a "universal way", which there isn't. People are different.

  422. Jason Henkel (2022-09-28) #

    "Being well adjusted to a sick society is no sign of health" - Krishnamurti

  423. Lexi (2022-09-28) #

    This sounds like an excercise targeted to people who don’t have enough stress or cortisol in their life. I have three kids ages 15, 11, and 10 and a music career I barely have time to eek out. My life already feels like I’m running from a tiger over hot coals. It’s anxiety inducing and really running on the balls of my feet just gave me ankle aches and bruised tubia plateau. I imagine there is some svelt runner in Vancouver dressed in Lulu that will be able to imagine the cat nipping at her heels.

  424. Bill Hudson (2022-09-28) #

    Time is the tiger and it runs fast. Pete Seeger use to send these post cards with a re- print of the 3 horsemen of apocalypse and he painted himself he front running with his banjo trying to out run them.

  425. Mark Blashkiw (2022-09-28) #

    Great post! Can't wait to use this method down the last stretch up my upcoming 10k. I often do the airplane thing, especially when I'm in the woods! Thanks again.

  426. Brian Pennie (2022-09-28) #

    Fascinating read. I believe (and based on my research) that as human beings we love novelty, and variety works best. So although tigerism is based on research, this will be for those in the middle and we have to find our own path for what works best. I also think context is key. One day it's a carrot and another a stick. Context and individual differences are crucial.

  427. Miguel (2022-09-28) #

    “Tigerists” make me laugh. I love this post because it reflects so many of my thoughts about any belief system (religion, self-help programs, large companies). We tend to validate any belief by how if affects us personally without recognizing that other (and perhaps contradictory) beliefs are equally helpful to other people.

    To me, enlightenment is to recognize we operate on beliefs, but most beliefs are just creations of our mind to make us run better through life.

  428. Olga (2022-09-28) #

    The best way is to just not quit. Like right now while I’m writing this, I’m contemplating not to go out this morning. There is no pot of gold or a tiger, but I’m going to get dressed and go anyway, because I need my body to make some magic substances to get me through today.

  429. Noah Baerman (2022-09-28) #

    Great question. I think it invites (as you're likely suggesting) inquiry into the meaning of the word "true," which is not entirely synonymous with "accurate." As with making art or having relationships or building a life, the "best" way to run can only be measured definitively if a) there is unanimity about the metrics for what represents successful running and b) it can be proven that it is the case for every person, neither of which is likely.

    I was born with a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which until recently (thanks interwebs) was sufficiently little-known and misunderstood that most doctors had insufficient experience to diagnose it, much less treat it. Many folks with EDS have taken on the zebra as their avatar of sorts because med students are taught to look for the more common and usual diagnosis, not the unexpected one - the saying is “WHEN YOU HEAR HOOFBEATS,
    DON’T EXPECT A ZEBRA.” This (like the tigerist philosophy above) can be efficient for reaching the most people, but it sure does a) alienate those whose needs/bodies/experiences are on the fringes and b) create, for everyone else, a false sense of uniformity.

  430. Eric Conn (2022-09-28) #

    For me, fear of failure and the joy of accomplishment are the ultimate tigers

  431. Troy (2022-09-28) #

    There's a ton of different paths to achieve similar results. Everyone has their own story that's unique to them. What works best for you might not work best for others. Just because a bunch of really smart people all agree that tigerism is the best for you, doesn't mean that it's actually the best for YOU. If you felt happiest and healthiest cleaning up the path, or running toward a pot of gold, then do that! There are no "shoulds". Just do what feels truest to you.

  432. Tom W (2022-09-28) #

    Of course the poetic version is richer, partly because the ambiguity allows the reader to project their own interpretation. Here’s mine:
    1. There are a lot of self-proclaimed experts out there, and the “facts” sometimes change or are incompatible. You’ll go crazy trying to gather and follow all advice
    2. People are motivated in different ways, e.g. intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation (positive: gold, negative: tiger), and different hacks work for different people - and that’s OK
    3. It can be good to mix things up a bit sometimes and try out different approaches, but ultimately you need to find your own one that you’re happy with

  433. eassae (2022-09-28) #

    One of my favorite lines from the movie With Honors(1994) is, "Winners forget they're in a race. They just love to run."

  434. LEWIS (2022-09-28) #

    I find personally I perform best at point of impact.....that is what has always worked for me.

  435. Sean (2022-09-28) #

    You choose to believe in what science says and after awhile begin to feel at the end of the run something different. So one day, you decide to walk the trail you have run over the last several years. It looks so different. There are so many intricate spider webs, squirrels running about the ground, trees just off the path that are dead but full of life, and birds singing in the canopy. You see the well traveled path differently today. Tomorrow you will run again but today you enjoy the rest.

  436. Caitlin (2022-09-28) #

    Hmmm... The best way to run is the way that gets you out and enjoying running. The best vacuum is the one that you'll use when you need to vacuum. The best toothbrush is one you'll use twice a day (or more).

    Your reason to run might not be my reason. (Your sport may not even be my sport!) Your vacuum (or need for one) may not match mine. We don't share a toothbrush... (!). I guess truth offers itself in layers and instances. And while truth can be universal, it may not always apply to you or to me.

  437. Robert Sterbal (2022-09-28) #

    I made a sun mosaic of the tiger and posted it here:


  438. Lucas (2022-09-28) #

    I don’t know much about those technics for running. I was a runner 11 years ago, and the reason was to stop smoking. I tried many different ways, like first electric cigarettes, acupuncture or new tablets from NHS, to make some receptors in my brain not want to smoke. Nothing worked, so I went cold turkey, it was hard, and the main thing that kept me going was running. The burn in my lungs was addictive and made me not want to smoke. Running just before the darkness or in the rain was amazing.
    Over six months of running almost every day, I smashed my knees so badly that I could barely walk. Pain and addiction to running were terrible, and after meeting many people with plastic knees or waiting for surgery because running put me off. So now for cardio, I prefer swimming, a rowing machine on the gym or even a stair master.
    That’s just my few cents about running.

  439. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    I think you can say that all of these ways to run can be true.
    All have benefit. Perhaps all of them combined or alternated are the way to go.
    It depends on the individual. We all find our own best way to run.
    But we mustn't forget to stop and rest. Run for the benefit...but not away from the things we must each confront. Run for the roses, for the distant goals, for the strength we gain from it...so that we can meet our challenges and enjoy the rest stops...

  440. Anthony (2022-09-28) #

    Reading your story literally,
    1. you paved the road before running.
    2. your life situation was well-suited to the visual (money and gold)
    3. assuming this isn’t a metaphor, you’d also have to conclude that for most, the primal fear of not getting eaten is probably the most widely applicable.

    Something can be true for the average and false for the individual
    Maybe if you weren’t frustrated with money that day, Tigerism would be more effective

    Empiricism is the only way to know imo

  441. Lucio (2022-09-28) #

    I don't know, i'm not a runner, but fear is a powerfull motivator. Probably love is better.

  442. Wayne (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek, great example of a forcing function used to attain a desired result. Gee, let the Tigerest proponents run how ever they like.

  443. Perry (2022-09-28) #

    Seems to me the only thing true is the forest.

  444. Rime (2022-09-28) #

    💯💯💯 yeesss sounds on point. that tiger for me is the fear of regret, the fear of missing out on the best life possible. the pot of gold is nice to stay focused and inspired but that tiger makes you get up and RUN run 😆

  445. Andy (2022-09-28) #

    I do this every time I run. Only, instead of a pot of gold, I tell myself "There's beer at the end." Haha

    The real message here is;

    Attitude is everything, and Mindset dictates effort.

  446. Kimberly (2022-09-28) #

    In my experience, the best way to do anything is to try different ways and learn from them. There are very few things in life with One True Way to do them, but there's a lot of value in trying different ways and noticing how they work and how they make us feel.

  447. Tadeusz (2022-09-28) #

    This reminds me of one of my favorite ideas by David Deida who said something along these lines:
    10 years ago, I thought I knew what was going on.
    But now I'm 10 years older and I really know what's going on.
    But of course in another 10 years I will feel that what I know now is very immature (what kind of tense one should even use with this last sentence :) )

    Anyway, our mind is to be loved but also not to be taken too seriously.

  448. Tomas (2022-09-28) #

    With a path so beautiful, I think that you should STOP running and pretend that Thich Nhat Hahn was behind you helping you walk.

  449. Wonder (2022-09-28) #

    This will stick me on my morning run today, but even more so as I stand at my desk to work. What motivates me? And is what motivates me real, helpful or to be satisfying if realized? If not, should I be standing at my desk working on what I'm working on?

    (Your short form content is my favorite. I've shared Version Infinity, On the Other Hand, and many of your podcasts with others. Can you bring those back?)

  450. Steven Rappaport (2022-09-28) #

    I watch a LOT of people running. It's a little hobby. I always have wondered why people spend so much time invested into running and literally zero time learning how to run or improving their gait. I guess when we were kids you were just expected to do it and there was no expectation or training on how your body moves functionally. Some people pound, others are on a tiny little stair-stepper, very few lift their knees much. Rather than having tigers run after you, it is fun to see if you can run just for a bit and completely perfectly. It can be a fun challenge even if it's hard to do for very long.

  451. Karsten (2022-09-28) #

    The only thing that is true you wrote in the first sentence: "Every day you go on a long run through the forest." The rest is imagination.

  452. Dasha Pears (2022-09-28) #

    I love the allegory. I think I agree (from personal experience - not running specific) that even though running for a pot of gold should be more pleasant, running away from a tiger is in fact more effective and practical.

  453. Jonathan Cutrell (2022-09-28) #

    In this context, what is “true”?

    Is it the most optimal way to run for the most number of people? If so, optimal based on what specific optimization? Is it the kind of running that will produce speed over a marathon or over a sprint?

    Theoretically, you could say there is an optimal way to run for the highest utility. But, this is a bad substitute question that skips a necessary follow up: “does it matter what is optimal?”

    In most things, having a set of 3-4 options that optimize for different goals is ideal.

    Using another metaphor: is there one true way to eat healthy? Down to every bite, there may theoretically be a perfect meal to optimize, say, longevity. But does it matter? It’s likely that eating “true” is contextual to the person (no surprise there) but also requires adaptive input for what is being optimized for in the first place.

    We shouldn’t shun the practice of optimization. But we have to be careful of accidentally turning it into religious dogma, too.

  454. Sonya (2022-09-28) #

    I’ve sought many answers from others. Books, podcasts, advice,... looking for THE answer. Took me long enough to realise there is no all-in-one answer for everyone. No book can tell me what the perfect way for ME is. Trying a rich variety of ways is part of the growth process. Variety keeps it fun while I seek what works best for me. I can only get inspired by the vast collection of books, podcasts, etc. It’s up to me to adapt this advice to my life in the way that works for me.

    Thanks for the post and making me question this interesting topic.

  455. Raffy (2022-09-28) #

    Love the succinct story and the meaning.

    For me, the important thing is the variety and the approach that works for you. I read the story and wondered if running fast was even the thing that was desired?

    I love running and while I wouldn't mind running faster, I just simply enjoy the run and the variety would make me run more frequently, so I'd rather just do varied things.

    Just like your story of riding a bike as fast as you can vs enjoying the view, I find enjoying the run makes me want to do it more than if I push myself as hard as possible

  456. Dave E. (2022-09-28) #

    That doesn't sound right. Aspirin doesn't work well for me, but I don't say it is "False".

  457. Jackson (2022-09-28) #

    Grow your mental models. I have a couple of startups, and I am a first-year MBA. At each stage, we’re learning a new tactic. As we grow, the eustress of the pursuit can be uncomfortable. But we know its power.

    Keep trying, keep running, and be open to the gurus. They mean well. What was old can be new. After all, you’re on a different part of your path. A different perspective, derived from a multitude of inputs.

    Love the pursuit! Thank you for the exercise, Derek.

  458. Everett C Adams (2022-09-28) #

    At my age, running is in my past. I could run fast for a short distance, might have made the Olympics if the opportunity was there, but not so. Walking is about as fast I can muster these days. I prefer walking through the woods as opposed to walking on the street, wild animals I prefer over some of the animals on two legs that prowl the streets, especially after dark. Walking is one of the best exercises for the body, not too hard on the body and puts you in shape at a pace you set for yourself. Also walking in the woods you get pure fresh air without the fumes of the streets.

  459. Ski (2022-09-28) #


    You may say it is true for many, perhaps even most, but not for all.

    I cannot out run a tiger and wouldn’t bother trying. I would stop and look for a club.


  460. Kenneth (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting. Having been a runner and tried many techniques from others, I always came back to what worked for me: Focus on the rhythm of my steps and breath.

  461. Andersen (2022-09-28) #

    I think each individual might say that (at least) one of these ways to run is true. Is (at least) one of them true for everyone? Doubtful. If one chooses to run, one's own reasons, motivations, and obstacles apply. Even on a treadmill (or in a hamster wheel), each run is not going to be identical.

    Having said that, the next time I run, I might have to put my arms out and imagine running on hot coals, chased by a tiger with a pot of gold in its jaws.

  462. Patrick Dwyer (2022-09-28) #

    I love the story. As I ponder the thesis "imagine ....", whether it's a path through the woods etcetera, the construct is to alter your state of mind from what "is" perceived through your eyes, and other senses. I start my day with the thought "this will be a better day", my motive, easy .... "I want a better day".

    I no longer run. I'm in my sixties, I still walk though, and walk often in the woods. I ponder all that is around me. Often I think about the birds I see, insects that buzz around my face, the dirt beneath my feet. For me, I don't need or want an artificial construct to "trick me into doing something differently". I attempt to "reduce cortisol", not elevate it. I'm wound too tight.

    The reason I don't run, I want to end this life with the same parts I started with, so it's a "maintenance thing". My dad ran at my age, and after 3 hip replacements, he stopped and went swimming and doing the rowing machine. I choose to run the tiller, plant the seedlings, and remove the unfriendly tenacious weeds that invade my garden. At plant maturity, the plant and the devine give me fruit or food for my hard work. Thank you Derek for sharing your kind post.
    NB, the other thing, when I allow my imagination to run wild is to look for funny things. I talk to the birds, the squirrels, even the bugs. Yes it's nuts. I know that. At least the devine can hear me, at least I imagine so.

  463. Luis (2022-09-28) #

    Kudos to the answers and questions above. I’ll echo comments around the question with a twist.

    “Can we say that one of these ways to run is true?”

    What is meant by true? Truth is the adequacy of reason to reality. Should one seek the truth inside, outside or both? Runner, pot, feelings, booster (tiger).

    The story & question is poetic, personal, thought provoking and open to multiple interpretations. It evokes an array of thoughtful and self-expressing answers.

  464. Barry (2022-09-28) #

    Enjoy the forest and forget about everything else.

  465. Maurice Davis (2022-09-28) #

    Had to read it a couple of times, but this is how I perceived it. All of us have a different path or route to our WHY. How we get there will be different, because each will experience different bumps in the road, which will cause us to adjust accordingly. But, how we get there is not as important as reaching the destination. Great reminder!

  466. Glenn Auerbach (2022-09-28) #

    Can totally relate to bringing a shovel to smooth out the bumps and fill holes. We do this at our island cabin trail, and it's an example of how, with a little effort, we can help make the journey that much better for others.

    Our pot of gold: our cabin sauna, warming up to serving temp., awaiting our return. Never more relaxed then after a long sauna session after a run.

  467. Joey P. (2022-09-28) #

    I like to have moderate pace. It allows me to be aware of my surroundings and enjoy open thought. Also, thanks for patching up those holes. 😊

  468. Vlad (2022-09-28) #

    My dad told me - “Donkey goes forward in 2 instances. If something behind is very scary or something ahead is very tasty”
    Whatever it is as long as you keep moving I guess.

  469. Donn (2022-09-28) #

    I don't believe there's a true answer. What is "true" is a complicated question and would require a complex answer. However I do think the answer could be quite simple...it's whatever works for the individual who's running. Personally, a tiger image might make me run faster but not make me enjoy the run more. Is the goal limited to speed? Paying attention to how my body felt while running, perhaps a smile for the happy thought that I'm pleased that all "parts" are working. And maybe forgetting that I am running, moving on automatic and just enjoying being in the moment, taking in the scenery, the breeze, the feel of the day. And to be honest, I'm far more likely to be walking than running, so perhaps my thoughts are a response to a different question.

  470. John C. A. Manley (2022-09-28) #

    As a daily runner for seven years now, the post caught my attention. I agree with Christopher McDougall that human were "Born to Run." And Patrick McKeown's book "Oxygen Advantage" has probably the best instructions on how to breathe and not think while running.

    Running like a tiger is chasing me sounds like a good way to ruin my adrenal glands. Yes, I'd say there are plenty of wrong ways to run. E.g. breathing through the mouth and with the chest is slow suicide — throwing the body into flight and fight mode for extended periods of time (the stress hormones might feel good, but it's like a drug). It's great if you really have a tiger chasing you, but otherwise...

    Breathing with the nose and diaphragm is healing and rejuvenating, improving circulation to the brain and organs for the rest of the day.

    I do like the pot of gold visualizition though. Running (done right) will help us achieve all our other goals in life by increasing blood flow to our brain and internal organs, extending our life and the utility of our body and mind.

  471. Rob (2022-09-28) #

    To keep running, it sounds like the joy in the running, the thing that has kept it fresh in the parable, is the varying up of the form: sometimes towards a pot of gold, sometimes away from a tiger, sometimes running with arms out like an airplane.

    Unless your goal is to be "the best" -- then maybe you do exactly what the data and your professional coaches etc. say -- then your goal is likely simply to be "run a lot and enjoy doing it as much as possible so that you'll be running with joy for many years to come". In that case...keep varying it up! Today feels like a pot of gold day? Go for it! Today feels like a tiger-chasing day? Go for it!

    Related: your article on going slower on your bike, "costing" you a mere couple minutes, but gaining you significant joy in the bike. That's right on.

  472. Quynh Rodriguez (2022-09-28) #

    A negative consequence will have faster effects toward achieving a desired behavior. However, the effect will diminish over time. Some people may benefit from thinking they are being chased by a tiger but at this stage, I am more motivated by reaching that pot of gold without rushing. Paving the road for others is nice, life is better lived when others live it with us in a state of ease. Great post!

  473. Amanda Monaco (2022-09-28) #

    Ooh this is good, Derek, thanks for sharing. It describes so many different types of people and ways of living. Also reminds me of the Haruki Murakami book "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running", a beautiful account of Murakami's relationship to the sport. Have you read it? I think you'd really like it. 😊

  474. Belle Joure (2022-09-28) #

    I think the take away here is nobody really moonwalks anymore. MAKE AMERICA MOONWALK AGAIN.

  475. Shaun (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you for writing and sharing this piece.
    As someone who runs once a week and does not find it inspiring this little story amused and intrigued me. And I may well use some of the methods suggested the next time I am unmotivated, but know I ought to run. Though not so sure about the aeroplane, in some ways it sounds fun but not sure I can take the odd looks from strangers. Sad, but true.
    To answer the question, surely of all these ways to run are true?

  476. Dalton (2022-09-28) #

    In the healthcare world, I also take this a little differently. Chasing the science blindly because it says so instead of trusting n=1 data and experience.

  477. David Nguyen (2022-09-28) #

    lol I like it, very whimsical. It also touched on something I have been struggling with lately. I have been too logical and practical, to the point where I struggle to inject playfulness into my life.

    This is a great reminder that silly things, like imagining a tiger or a pot of gold, makes life more fun.

  478. Daniel (2022-09-28) #

    A goal that does not include thinking of others is not enough motivation. We are created to love and share and that is truly what keeps the bounce in our steps.

  479. Burn G (2022-09-28) #

    TIGERISM! xxxx

  480. Paul Cholmsky (2022-09-28) #

    Nie ma tygrysa. (There is no tiger.)


  481. Karen (2022-09-28) #

    Love your writing Derek, they 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 makes me think.

    I am def one of those that likes to try all the new things… but I’m getting better at discerning what really is best for me and my goals.

    My fave part of the story is when the runner wants to make the path easier for others to come. I really relate to that and hope I’m doing that too, for those who read or listen to my work.

    I’m so glad I’m on your list. ☺️

    Lots of interesting comments, too. What a great community. Glad I’m here.

  482. Carlos (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    As a side comment, I am a regular runner I have to say that this post appealed to me.

    Anyway, yes for sure, fear makes you run. I once used an app that simulates zombies running after me. It not only made me run but gave me a sense of purpose to do it so, given to the intricacies of the story line.

    Now, in a parallel with life as we perceive it, fear is proven to be a major motivator, moving masses sometimes towards the most illogical directions, oblivion even, that perhaps the bear, not the tiger, is just about to get them.

    As a final note, even though fear is a primal, almost inevitable reaction, perhaps the best runners are the ones acting on technique and clarity, along with mental,spiritual and physical fitness.

    The surviving winers will tell.

  483. Carlos (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    As a side comment, I am a regular runner I have to say that this post appealed to me.

    Anyway, yes for sure, fear makes you run. I once used an app that simulates zombies running after me. It not only made me run but gave me a sense of purpose to do it so, given to the intricacies of the story line.

    Now, in a parallel with life as we see it, fear is proven to be a major motivator, moving masses sometimes towards the most illogical directions, oblivion even, that perhaps the bear, not the tiger, is just about to get them.

    As a final note, even though fear is a primal, almost inevitable reaction, perhaps the best runners are the ones acting on technique, along with mental,spiritual and physical fitness.

    The surviving winers will tell.

  484. chris (2022-09-28) #

    There is a common pathway that can lead to an answer for many but never all. The biogenetic individuality of a human makes the tenet of a singular way nonsensical. Time always plays the truth teller on perceived truisms. There is no one way. There is a way that works for me and one that works for you. They could be the same. Or not.


  485. Renato Stefani (2022-09-28) #

    all of them are true, as long as it trully FULFILLS you.

    keep rocking Derek!

  486. Kevin (2022-09-28) #

    All are true and have kept you on the path.

  487. Minchun (2022-09-28) #

    There are many ways for running, and there are also many ways for improving. The thing is what works for someone may not work for others. It’s not about who says so, even the experts. So, as long as the way is workable for you, that is true. But at the same time, we can’t say this is the only way and lose the curiosity to find other possibilities cuz we may addict to specific way when we get used to it.

    Another point of view, this article makes me think it seems all the ways come from outer reasons. Seek something or be chased by something. Why it should be so? Even if it’s from the experts, it is not always true.

  488. Mathieu (2022-09-28) #

    When I run through the forest, I simply enjoy the process from A to Z. My motivation is the whole process, including the + and -.

  489. Otis (2022-09-28) #

    I am on the fence about this. Who knows? No one knows. It’s different for each runner. And for those who choose not to run

  490. Jason (2022-09-28) #

    Depends somewhat on the definition of true. If true equals “statistically the best/fastest” then the tiger could be true (assuming the study is accurate and accounted for all other methods did they test the pot of gold or coals method?).

    But if true equals something less concrete like “joy” or “the feeling it gives you of being young again” then maybe that is a better feeling than being first or fastest.

    Or maybe true doesn’t mean “best” or “good” or “fast” or anything like that at all… it just means that it exists as one of many possibility in the world. In that case all (and many other possibilities that we haven’t explored or even thought of) are true.

  491. Rob H. (2022-09-28) #

    Consider the psychology of this: the Optimist is motivated by grand visions of what is ahead, and is running toward it with vigor, while the Pessimist is looking back at something behind - a negative conjuring - and is running away from it.

  492. Setu (2022-09-28) #

    Insightful, as always, DS!

  493. Lanre J. (2022-09-28) #

    You choose what motivates you. You are in charge of the picture you paint in your mind about what is going on. That picture then pushes you or hold your back. Your choice.

  494. Jen (2022-09-28) #

    Sometimes “running as if a tiger is chasing you” helps resolve unfinished emotional business- traumatic or otherwise. When the run is over, the earliest part of the brain registers “safety.”

  495. Adam Pangelinan (2022-09-28) #

    Each running method is a tool in a toolbox. Life is a calculus, you're trying to follow a curve (eudaimonia) but a tool often only allows you to run straight. It's when you notice you're off course that you switch to a more pertinent tool. Every method is true insofar as it's appropriate to its context.

  496. Sam (2022-09-28) #

    The Tigrist book opened some people’s minds but the human tendency to look for absolute answers is comical as usual.

  497. Shuaib (2022-09-28) #

    Fear and hope are both powerful motivators.

    The appropriate mix of both fear and hope necessary to get the job done varies based on the person AND the situation.

    No one size fits all solutions.

  498. David (2022-09-28) #

    Entertaining little story! And valuable as I’m trying to run longer distances and stuck at 5K so will defiantly try some of these techniques when I’m around 4 or 5k next time!

  499. Marilyn (2022-09-28) #

    The running seems to be based on fear. Also, if one is always running when does one stop and appreciate Now? Slow down, and walk.

  500. Pablo (2022-09-28) #

    Rather than endless optimization, I'd rather choose what limits I'm comfortable to live within. I'm learning to choose "enough".

  501. Jesse (2022-09-28) #

    All ways are "true" in the moment.

  502. Joe Conley (2022-09-28) #

    Nothing that comes from the mind is true.

  503. Gary (2022-09-28) #

    there is no truth - just perception.

  504. Ryan (2022-09-28) #

    What the post helped me realize is that the change in motivation is constant. It may be the pot of gold, the variety, helping others, and/or running from the tiger. At each, we feel and believe this is the “true” way for us. So powerful!

    As you look around, you can see everyone around you rushing based on their own current situational true way.

  505. Larry (2022-09-28) #

    As a long time trail runner I would say this about "variety in trail running".... That every step is a decision - just like life - mostly good and once in awhile not so good and we might fall. No biggie... we get up and keep running.

  506. Wayne (2022-09-28) #

    My initial thought is I would rather run peacefully than in fear.

  507. Lou Wilkinson (2022-09-28) #

    I'm more of the type that runs because it feels good to run.... Imagining a potty of gold or a tiger would probably ruin it

  508. João Marcos (2022-09-28) #

    This one spoke right to me, because in fact I am a runner. But speaking of the metaphor. Why not have both the pot of gold AND the tiger at the same time?

  509. SMiT (2022-09-28) #

    Derek Really Thought Provoking Story....

    Reminds me of Yet Another Anecdote...

    "Every Morning In The African Savana...A Deer & A Lion Wakes Up...Deer's Job To Run For His Life Sp That He Doesn't End Up Being The Lion's Meal... Lion's Job Is To Run Sp That He Doesn't Have To Sleep That Night Hunger... Whether You Are Lion or The Deer...One Thing is Constant...You Have To Run For Yourself."

    " Overall It's The Deer Thay Wins More Often That Not...Since He Is Running For His Life As Opposed To The Lion Who Is Running After Hunger."

    "The WHY Separates The Two."

    "Which One Are You Today."

    Read somewhere "If Ypu Desire Success As Much As Your Breath...You Will Succeed."


  510. Terrance Rebello (2022-09-28) #

    Carrot vs Stick in metaphor. The idea that consensus went for the stick makes me think that the Carrot is the better long term incentive. In any case, what happened to intrinsic pleasure - i.e. running for the pleasure of running not for the joy of the gold or fear of the tiger/ coals?

  511. Constantin (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for this brilliant post!

    While a lot of people like to follow “the book” in order to run in the best way possible, I’m with the other camp of people who prefer to learn, experiment, and eventually figure out the best way for them to run. Not saying one is better, just recognizing there are “followers” and “learners” of any skill, my personal preference being the latter.

    More importantly, the chasing of the pot of gold come with pain. So does the feeling of being chased by a tiger and the pain inflicted by the obstacles. I prefer to enjoy the run, not caring too much about the pot of gold. It’s more fun, more instructive, and more filled with life, instead of struggle.

    When running for real, I run barefoot through a nearby forest. I enjoy every step and I don’t care about my destination, because that’s always home. I once ran a half marathon barefoot just to see if I could do it. I did and I felt good about it. But honestly, the last 5 km started to annoy me, because they were more about reaching those 26km, and less about the running. Others like to run a full marathon, I’ll stick with my usual round of 9km.

  512. M. (2022-09-28) #

    Too much food for thought here to be as brief as I would like.

    So I'll just say I felt like something is missing from this little story – maybe even intentionally so.

    I'll keep it in my mind, though: I am curious to see what turn(s) it will take.

    Thanks Derek :)

  513. Jon K (2022-09-28) #

    For an extended rumination on truth, see my contribution to the volume linked below.

    As a runner, I hear others talk about all of the ways that they enjoy running and feel a little more like an outsider than my physique already makes me in that space. I don’t actually enjoy running, but I do enjoy being unplugged and having the contemplative time to myself.

    I have people look at my Vibram FiveFingers and ask how I can run in them, and they shake their heads when I explain that I can’t run in anything else now. I have worn these on long and short races, on and off road, and anything else feels too bulky.

    My sense of running is that everyone’s motivation is different, and while there may be some commonalities that lead to generalizations like the tiger visualization, there is likely not one truth that would ring true to all runners.


  514. Samuel Abbott (2022-09-28) #

    True to the individual, but maybe more importantly, true to the individual in a given moment or time. Approaches to doing things change but we also change. What worked well or swiftly for me a year ago may not have the same charm or effectiveness that it then did, and the new approach might feel fresh and thereby more enjoyable, or it might truly be more effective. Blanket statements are dangerous, and I think I’m probably in like company with the other readers here in that I’m often searching, seeking, trying to find the best way to do something — whatever the thing is. But when conventional wisdom, or even the esoteric/contrarian wisdom that I gravitate to more often, doesn’t align well with me or my life, I can sometimes feel disillusioned. Adapting and using things I learn to forge my own path and my own process and trusting that if it works for me it’s sufficient, or enough—that’s harder but seems to be where I find the most peace. It’s an inside job, and while learning and experimenting is paramount, at a certain point I have to decide what ACTUALLY works best for me, even if it doesn’t perfectly align with the mentor’s advice or the book’s. Thanks, Derek for the thought exercise.

  515. Louie (2022-09-28) #

    Why run?! In any case, running towards gold is proactive vs running away from danger or avoid pain is reactive. The former has nothing to lose but a lot to gain, the latter gains nothing but risk to lose a lot so why do those Tigerists run?

  516. william cassin (2022-09-28) #

    life has seasons.

  517. Loren (2022-09-28) #

    I have never run for a pot of gold or because a tiger was chasing me. I run for the pleasure of running, the purpose of training to become better, and the desire to keep my dog in shape and enjoy nature with him.

  518. Mario (2022-09-28) #

    There is more than wan way to do it and all of them might be true.

  519. Lisa (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for this little parable Derek. I especially love the part about smoothing out the path and improving it for the next generation of runners coming up behind me. That’s my idea of legacy.

  520. Dick Weissman (2022-09-28) #

    Or,like Kate Bush, you could be running up that hill - no problem.

  521. Roger Knudson (2022-09-28) #

    Good imagery to make running (or any exercise) more fun. Positive thoughts about helping others. Nice.

  522. John A (2022-09-28) #

    In many situations, there is no right(true) or wrong, just what works... Thanks for being you, Derek. You keep us all thinking!

  523. Matthieu (2022-09-28) #

    On devrait se sentir chanceux de pouvoir courir dans la forêt tous les jours !
    Il n'y a pas de "vraies" façons de courir, ou toutes peuvent être déclarées "vraies", du moment que l'on court. Ce qui peut être fait pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas ou plus courir devrait être la seule "vraie" façon d'aborder cette course quotidienne dans la forêt !

    Merci de partager ton travail, Derek !

  524. Ben (2022-09-28) #

    Hmm, interesting thoughts as always Derek. These days I mostly just want to run slowly though... Maybe I'll focus on chasing a tortoise! 😂

  525. Eric (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    Thanks for sharing.

    They're all true if the impact helps us achieve the result we're looking for.

    I used NLP to help me become a more positive man.
    My time in the studio is essential to the start of my days. playing the piano clears the previous dust.

    My wife helps as well, she reminds me of our happiness.



  526. Sanchit (2022-09-28) #

    As we become adults we need a pot of gold or a tiger to run. But imagine a child. Children love to run for no reason. They don't need a reason nor do they care which way is the best. Running is a joy and that's all there is to it.

    The more reasons you *need* to do something and the more you pleasure you want to extract from it - the less you start to enjoy it. Alan watts called it "the Backwards law" I think.

  527. Dustin (2022-09-28) #

    Adrenaline, dopamine and a combination of both result from the scenario in your head. Pick the one that you feel yourself responding to best at the time of the run. Be prepared for them to stop working after your body eventually adapts.

  528. wizzard Foryou (2022-09-28) #

    In The Human Condition, we are always striving to become better than others.
    This is driven by this desire to have more.
    acquisitiveness, rivalry, vanity, and love of power
    There are three ways we can become better or acquire more.
    One you can put people down. This is called Gossip. The Greek Word for Gossip is dia-ablo or The Devil State.
    The next is the Human State where we work hard, study, and save to have more than others. Self-improvement.
    Then we can lift others up. Take care of them. This is the Goddess State.
    As humans, we are in all three states every day. What percent do you want to have in each of these?
    The Devil State is also comedy (Trajety from a different point of view)
    If I were to walk across a lawn and step on a rake and it hits me in the face...you will laugh and I will cry. When the comedian says "For instance take my wife...PLEASE TAKE MY WIFE...we all laugh. Even though he is putting his wife down. Our best friends are able to joke and kid with each other. We need a little Devil State to keep sane. We need to self-improve (though I have never seen this done without the help of others. We need to help others and pick them up (this cannot happen unless you acquire power and there are others in need).

    Why do you feel the need to run? If you enjoy this then you will not need fear or geed push you. There are few benefits from running but many bad results.

    This is the problem with our school system..with the police force (you see the word force), with the military.

  529. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    Every game is a mind game.

  530. Lucas Argate (2022-09-28) #

    Each humans think are a unit in planet. We feel like this becaouse we are trapped in these bodies. When you stop to feel the life, you can feel all the planet in you heart. But when we have a propose or dream (pot of gold) or the death (tiger) running behind us, we run more and more. Some people prefere to think in dream to run (love way) while others prefer to choose a tiger to do the same (pain way). For me both are true.

  531. Artem (2022-09-28) #

    The book declares the best way, but it is crucial to understand what criteria they used to rank the ways to run. They may be right taking into account the limitations and assumptions they used in the research.

    In your example, there is no best way for everybody, as people's motivation, experience, and values differ.

    What makes sense is to try different ways and experiment with yourself if it is possible, because first-hand experience is much different from the opinion without trying.

  532. Jennifer (2022-09-28) #

    What is true is what resonates with you. There is never only one way.

  533. Jay (2022-09-28) #

    you read a lot of self help books, listen to Gurus, try out so many different things and then as you grow older one day you realize that you don't need to read or listen or watch anything more. All the answers are already there inside you. So you start staying with you, just you, not looking outside anymore.

    I wish for all of my friends here to reach this state sooner in their lives.

  534. Ms G (2022-09-28) #

    Haven’t you been trying to teach us to always question our believes? There’s almost always another way. Also I would think this way of running is stressful. I‘m also wondering if you need to use bold letters - most likely yes.

  535. Jeff Alexander (2022-09-28) #

    They're all ways to run. True? I'd venture that aside from the book declaring "the single best way to run.." all the others are true.
    If someone could run only using the palms of their hands, that would be true to.

  536. Bill Rice (2022-09-28) #

    I suppose that would depend entirely on the intrinsic purpose of running, wouldn't it?

    If the intrinsic purpose of running is to be the fastest way for a human to go from point A to B without external assistance, then I would agree the Tigerists are the closest to being true.

    Some might argue that people run to make their bodies stronger and healthier, and maybe running faster is not necessary to accomplish that purpose. I think this is where people get confused in defining truth. That may be an individual's purpose, but not necessarily the *intrinsic* purpose of the thing you are trying to define as true.

    Maybe this is an example of using first principles thinking to discover actual truth, not relative beliefs.

    Great thought prompt.

  537. Grant Livingston (2022-09-28) #

    Look at that photo! Who needs a tiger, a pot of gold or hot coals? The shovel? Maybe. Someone had to build the path the photographer is standing on.

  538. Molly (2022-09-28) #

    I can understand the first 4 paragraphs. I think it is about different methods (desires and fears )to run faster.
    The Fifth paragraph confused me. I think it is about trying new approaches.
    And, I didn't get the sixth paragraph. Maybe it is about helping others to get their goals easily?
    The seventh paragraph is about what you need most is the best motivation. Is it?
    Maybe the eighth paragraph is about for most people, fear is the best motivation.
    The last paragraph is about the one fits you is the best method.
    Is it?

  539. Sam Havelock (2022-09-28) #

    Everything we ever want is on the other side of fear. If a notional tiger compels us to break those barriers, so be it.

  540. Vedran (2022-09-28) #

    This makes me wonder why are we all so depending on ‘perscriptions’ for success? It process ends up always being simple in concept, but hard in remaining consistent in it.

  541. Jim Bob Howard (2022-09-28) #

    Is the daily run true?

  542. Sonia (2022-09-28) #

    If you run like a tiger maybe do you don’t get to enjoy life.
    If you finish while you see a pot of gold you prioritize money and don’t get to enjoy other things.
    Holes and bumps maybe is fun.
    Eyes closed, airplane and different ways- creativity.

    Tigerism is what we are living now, is stress, competition and fast satisfaction.

    Maybe the best way to run is listening to a podcast or music and watching nature.
    At a pace that you can enjoy it.
    At you own pace.
    Everyone should have his own way of running.

  543. Brenda Ammon (2022-09-28) #

    Derek - appreciate you and your writing that inspires a slowing down to reflect.

    The tiger in any form does not get you to the pot of gold. Even making the path better for others is still running with a tiger chasing you. What is the chase? What is it you really want?

    When you are willing to stop running, many aren't, you are open to get curious what stands in the way of the pot of gold. The emptiness nipping at your heels begins to dissipate.

    Then running is intrinsic to beauty and not separate from the pot of gold. Whether there is a pretend tiger or not.

    The truth is most defer to experts or make themselves one and remain part of the tribe of tigirism. They keep running exhausted and sidestep the depth of beauty their whole lives.

    Thank you for the great question and opportunity to share.

  544. Erik (2022-09-28) #

    I’m just glad to have a new thought while running!

  545. Roger Darnell (2022-09-28) #

    Well written and thought provoking, but it sort of seems like "dancing about architecture" to me. If you choose to run, do it for your own reasons - but there are many ways to motivate yourself. I agree that the idea of any "way to run" being true doesn't make sense. Running is a certain type of physical movement - make the motions and you are truly running ... regardless of what's happening in your head. Thanks for sharing this!

  546. Anthony (2022-09-28) #

    This makes me think about the story you told on the James Altchuer podcast where you were talking about your daily bike routine I think in Santa Monica(?) The story always stuck with me because rather than trying to grind and push through something taxing, you could simply just choose to have a great time. The end result is not too different, in terms of time, but the feeling flips!

  547. AWp (2022-09-28) #

    I think if your motivation towards your end goal is not fulfilling enough, then it might be the wrong focus/aim/objective/goal planning.

    Because if a person set a goal/task to be completed and still need to be push by fear to actively move towards completing that desire, then the goal/aim is not a sincere desire. This/that Individual is not being truthful towards themselves and need to go back to the drawing board and figure out exactly what path/journey works for them.

    The key is to have a peace of mind in whatever you do/participate in. My humble 2 cents.

  548. Jeremy (2022-09-28) #

    There is no “true” way to run, of course! Let the tigerists be tigerists if it works for them, and keep trying different methods until one of them works for YOU— until you find it no longer works and you need to switch it up. The forest is big and full of variables like tough terrain and roots to trip you up. As long as you’re enjoying the run, the mental method that gives you that is the “right” one for you :)

  549. Zac (2022-09-28) #

    The shovel part sticks out to me, because it's different from the rest of the story. I think making the path a little flatter and a little safer for the other runners is a noble task.

    Whether we're the fastest runners or the slowest doesn't really matter, what matters is that we're helping others get there too. That's the only true way to run.

  550. Ryan Delaney (2022-09-28) #

    I find this post mostly humorous yet saddening. Humorous because it's a brilliantly playful metaphor pointing to the absurdity of how we live. And saddening because it reflects the near-universal neurosis of perfecting of the self to feel special, to be the hero or our journey, rather than doing something because we're into it knowing there will be no marching band and no trophy.

  551. Jeremy (2022-09-28) #

    Or how about running with your focus being on the very next footstep you’re about to take? And the one after that and so on and so forth? And celebrating each and every footstep as a legitimate accomplishment in pursuit of the finish line of your run?

  552. Raquel aka Sirena Sol (2022-09-28) #

    There is no one true/best way in this scenario. If running toward a pot of gold motivates you more than being chased by a tiger, then stick with that.

    There are some universal truths and laws of the universe, but how we arrive at those truths can vary wildly. For example, the law of attraction is loosely defined as “like attracts like.” That is then broken down a million different ways and the people who learn to make it work for them often have their own individual methods.

  553. Kim B. (2022-09-28) #

    Two key points I took from this:

    1. It's critical to experiment, adapt, and sustain thing that work personally for YOU.

    2. Most people are simply looking for someone else to "give" them the answer and don't want to do the work to learn different options and create something personalized for them that is sustainable.

  554. Chris Lakin (2022-09-28) #

    Personally I prefer not to adopt the extrinsic motivations that others encourage use of.

    Anyways, why is the man fixated on the goal of running through the forest quickly?

  555. Dean (2022-09-28) #

    Good question; it fits with what I have posted on my refrigerator.

    “Remain open to any
    and all possibilities”

  556. Andrew (2022-09-28) #

    Finding the right way is personal. In my case, knowing myself, it's the variety of trying different methods that's enjoyable. The intellectual puzzle of testing and experimentation. Know thyself.

  557. Randy Green (2022-09-28) #

    Like your book, How To Live, there are many different ways to approach the situation; all of them work some of the time for some of the people. And, like your proposals in that book, as we change our values and abilities and experiences, different approaches may become more or less palatable and valuable.

    Each reader can feel free to draw their own meaning from this short article. But, often those conclusions say more about the reader than the subject. When the critics were looking for deep meanings in his book The Old Man and The Sea, Hemingway said, in effect, "Screw that. The old man was an old man. The fish was a fish. The boat and the sea were a boat and the sea."

    Go for a run. Vary it according to your mood and the conditions and your level of fitness. It's that simple.

    Gordon MacQuarrie said to use each day for what it is best suited. For most of us, most days, running is the best and the most valuable way to fill a part of the day.

    When we get older we never regret the time we spent running when we were younger.

  558. James Roloff (2022-09-28) #

    As a Tigrist myself, it's great to see you come around to it Derek!

  559. Wendy (2022-09-28) #

    Great parable. It linked up in my mind to something I’ve been repeating lately when I start to feel anxious. I’ve been reminding myself lately, any system or approach that’s working well… is working well *for now*. What I need is going to shift. What the “same” situation needs next time is going to change. Whatever I’m doing, it’s just a temporary bridge to cross this moment as best I can. That’s all. And sometimes the bridge falls apart halfway across 😂 and then I can just swim! It works out.

  560. Brad (2022-09-28) #

    It feels like you are writing about being motivated by fear versus by desire. The desire to win versus the desire not to lose.

    The conventional wisdom does say that those that motivated not to lose end up completing things more often. You have to wonder though - is that because of their individual traits like more perseverance and grit? Also, I have been that person, the one motivated by the tiger chasing you, but it comes with a price.

    There seems to be a greater mental and emotional tax associated with operating in that fashion at all times. If one does that for long enough and is not careful about decompressing at times; it is almost like you can end up with a PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from the energy and focus that it consumes.

    I like how succinct and well crafted your parable is to this topic and believe it to be very relevant in our current world. Be careful and purposeful about how and what motivates you.

  561. Quotidian Tales (2022-09-28) #

    Its all for the ease, joy and peace in you. Why run if you can climb up to a caged treehouse and dream of your pot of gold. All is true only if its needful and healthy.

  562. nick falcon (2022-09-28) #

    some days the stick is a good motivator, sometimes the carrot

  563. Bob (2022-09-28) #

    As someone in the 4th quarter of life, I have realized that over the course of my life, different things have motivated me. Sometimes money, sometimes love, sometimes the love of the work, and sometimes something else. I've never been one to spend much time thinking about what has passed. To me, moving forward, and improving, was always key. I've had setbacks from time to time, but all have been manageable as long as I looked forward.

  564. Nathan (2022-09-28) #
  565. Sam (2022-09-28) #

    Variety is the spice of life. I am a runner and it's all about mixing it up. As in life, try lots of ways of doing stuff I guess! My favourite run is probably on a trail and running Fartlek which is Swedish for speed play. I sometimes use the same idea outside of training - playing and going with the flow.

  566. Brian (2022-09-28) #

    Hi, Derek-
    Sorry, your closing question doesn't make sense to me.  How are you using 'true' here?  As a stand-in for 'best?'  As a way of implying other ways of running are 'false?'  Something else?

    Also, doesn't the idea that there's a "single best way to run" imply that everyone has the same goal with their running - in the case of the tiger visualization, the goal being speed?  Well wait, aren't there a bunch of people who are more about distance?  Or fat burning?  Or the pleasant runner's buzz they get?   

    Maybe I'm missing something...

  567. Holly (2022-09-28) #

    As long as we are conscious of choices we make, any paths should be true. For example if I decide that tigerism is the way to go and go all the way on that, during the journey, I might not be the happiest person in the world but I would be happier knowing that I'm going with full speed and give everything I got than uncertain lengthy journey. Of course, I do question myself sometimes of having the urgency and stress makes sense when I don't know when I'm going to die? and would I regret my way of living?

    Then, I look at Picasso, or Rodin's work, their life and their choices of fiercely creating work with such urgency and passion, I found it inspiring and I aspire to live like that.

  568. Luis (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you Kevin. I enjoyed reading this very much. Indeed life is change, the rest is opinion.

  569. Bob Manor (2022-09-28) #

    We can say that whatever motivates you is the right way. There is seldom only one right way. Keeping an open and creative mind and helping others along the way is always the best path.

  570. Kathleen Thompson (2022-09-28) #

    What I see here is classic right brain-left brain divergence. The runner takes input from outside and uses her or his imagination to keep running, and sometimes even get faster. The runner understands that running is more than speed. More than exercise. More than health. This is classic use of right brain thinking.
    The experts are left brained. They focus on small details and think that by studying that detail they now understand the whole. And by so doing, they may improve speed. But what about the rest of what running is about? By their analysis, they are missing the big picture.

  571. Michael (2022-09-28) #

    In years past, I might have had some thoughts to share about the external motivation I used to keep me running. But I’m twelve years past the age when most people retire, and I’m still out there on the trail, metaphorically speaking. At this point, it’s all about the sensation of the air hitting the back of my throat, that feeling in my legs of having been released from some captivity of passivity, the intimacy of my feet adjusting to every irregularity of the ground. I’m not running to or from anything, I’m just running to run. Metaphorically speaking.

  572. Jared Rogers (2022-09-28) #

    Urgency is a gift to the imaginative. And perhaps a sometime burden to the same. :)

  573. Irving Rivas (2022-09-28) #

    The meta game of running every day can't be evaluated with the same rules as the game of running a specific day.

    What are your goals? To run, and to run well? You can't run well if you don't run at all.

    So maybe the best pattern of running is achieved with the idea of a tiger behind you -- given that you are already going to run.

    What if you might not run, but sleep in instead? Whatever moves you is a good choice.

  574. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you for sharing this.

  575. AIdan (2022-09-28) #

    I go for a walk everyday. I wear jeans, a v-neck t-shirt and an inexpensive pair of black sneakers. We called them runners when I was a kid. I walk the same three-mile loop. Usually in the same direction. It takes me 45 minutes on average. It's a well maintained wide pathway. It's covered with a fine gravel that sits on a bed of finer sand. By the end of the walk my sneakers and the bottom of my jeans are dust covered. Every now and again during my walk I get a powerful urge to run. When I do I run. The urge to run is often sudden. It's sourced in my body first as a feeling of well-being, of excess energy, exuberance and a sense of wonder. Yes. Amazement and wonder at my ability to run. I revel in these moments. I feel like a locomotive engineer with his elbow hanging out over the sill of his window looking down at the rotation of the coupling rod on the driving wheel of a powerful mechanical horse. I feel the air quickening over my face. I sometimes feel like a prancing pony. Or a Grants Gazelle. Over the course of a half-mile or so the feelings change. I slow down and without thinking about it I'm back to walking and back to my car five minutes early.

  576. Annah (2022-09-28) #

    Beautifully written! Makes me think about running to the end of life and being rewarded with retirement $$ or something. But definitely made me think about how I’ll go about my day today. Thank you Derek!

  577. Xialu Wang (2022-09-28) #

    Always a pleasure to read something simple yet ambiguous and conveys a lot of meaning.

    Running as if a tiger is behind me can't be the best way to run, at least not for me. I wish we didn't always have to run in life. I like walking, with consistency and devotion.

    However, if I think about it, it's funny this year is actually the year of tiger in Chinese zodiac sign. My father was born in the year of tiger. So from the beginning of this year I did start to run away from him as if he was the tiger behind me because I finally cut the contact and made up my mind that I wouldn't let him verbally and emotionally abuse me ever again. I sit and meditate daily but the tiger is still behind me.

    I once hugged a real tiger in a zoo in Thailand. I felt sorry for those tigers, being caged and probably drugged, so when it came to the time for tourists to take photos, I lied down next to a sleepy tiger, and kind of spooned it from behind. In my head I said:"Sorry tiger, today I accidentally supported such business".
    This is the only time I don't have to run from a tiger.

    Anyway, I don't know what I'm on about. Have a lovely day!

  578. Jose (2022-09-28) #

    I thought about leaving a comment with my perspective like many before did.
    However, as someone who is right now running away from a real tiger and not a fictional one can attest that no matter what I learned before about running, I will use every knowledge I gained to outrun the tiger.

    Yes, we could say that every way of running depicted before had trues embedded, but it's also safe to say that each truth it's situational, and one must learn how to adapt in the heat of the moment.

    The hardest part it's always to discern which knowledge could serve me better in specific situations I'm in right now.

    We are so quick to forget that there are multiple truths that sometimes a simple analogy is everything we need to remember. Curious to see where this exploration takes you next.

  579. Barbara Harley (2022-09-28) #

    Whatever works for you.

  580. Steve Hill (2022-09-28) #

    We're all running from or for something. How we do it is up to us. Personally, I'd rather walk.😉

  581. caffeine (2022-09-28) #

    All the ways to run are true as long as you are really running.

    The tigerist way is the best according to the criteria of the experts, as long as it's an honest study.

    Ad break: TIGER energy drink. Will make you run like hell.

    The potofgoldist way is good so long as it works to motivate you, assuming that's the goal.

    Maybe there is another, better way for you. One that fits *you* in particular better. Maybe if you imagined there is a book with the answers to all the big questions at the end you'd feel more motivated. Maybe if you imagined that if you reach the end all wars would end. Maybe you should imagine that if you don't make it something bad will happen. Whatever works for *you*.

    What would you do if there really was a pot of gold at the end? A big heavy pot filled with gold coins or other objects made out of gold? See, that's really a problem.

    What if the tiger was really chasing you? Would you stand a chance? Maybe it would be better to hide or climb a tree?

    What if there were hot coals on the path? How long could you really keep up? Wouldn't it be better to divert?

    Maybe you should not imagine anything. Just run and take in all the sensations. Meditate.

    That's all I got.

    PS Remember that it's still September. That's fun to say because it rhymes.

  582. Frank Tuma (2022-09-28) #

    Yes, when I was young I was a farm boy milking cows and feeding all kinds of animals two times a day with no other help. But I also noticed that wanted to be out side day and night. I Spent most of my time in the woods. In winter I would build a fire and sleep with dog in a sleeping bag.

  583. Richard (2022-09-28) #

    The downnfall of humans always wanting more, always thinking they deserve more, never happy enough with there life. At the mpment the world is once more in a mess, and who's to blame-humans.

  584. Stephane Daoust (2022-09-28) #

    "Runnin' everywhere at such a speed
    'Til they find there's no need (there's no need)"

    John Lennon / Paul Mccartney

  585. Robert (2022-09-28) #

    In this case truth is relative, not to mention the scientific experiment is likely lacking in testing all cases or is biased in how the experiment is performed, and books can always pick and choose studies that agree with their message.

    Also, how many of those "tigerists" tried only the tiger method and not something else (when talking millions isn't this usually the case), so the improvement over their standard is real, but also the only improvement they experienced. Then because they have an "authorative source", and a group (cult) that agrees with them, they're happy and more than willing to keep to the message.

    That being said, each method is likely better than the previous because it adds variation and does two things. One, is that the current method may become stale, and the initial benefits may decline over time (think caffeine where it can take more and more over time to hit the same benefit as the first few cups). Second, is any method may provide improvements to certain parameters, but can also neglect others, and with a change up, something else is improved.

  586. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    "Thought" provoking as usual! Great to read it and the thoughts it elicited.

  587. Brant Huddleston (2022-09-28) #

    Read twice. Sounds like something I would pen while stoned. Next day? Maybe not so much.

  588. Louis Levitt (2022-09-28) #

    better yet, just run as if you are a golden tiger 🐯

  589. Mahdi (2022-09-28) #

    People rarely run to run. The act is always a means, not a lived experience. How many meaningful moments we waste by merely focusing on an objective in the future? Or how often do we miss what's here with us now because we are mentally stuck in what happened yesterday or years ago. Never here, never now. We don't truly live as long as we are stuck onto what's not here. So we run, to reach or escape and never realize what we're doing.

  590. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    At the rate of an expanding universe, truth is ever unfolding. There is only ever “what is true now”, and then we are left to re-examine and feel around again for what it is true. In this way perception matters more than any idea of absolute truth.

    Science is our current best process for filtering all of reality into today’s best guess at truth. But it too is moving. Truths are replaced with new truths. What matters is what works, what gets you out onto the trail, gets your legs moving, heart pounding, breath flowing. What is true is this run, right now.

  591. April (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek, this story doesn’t resonate with my life experience. Well, it does…with the stressed out and depleted me!

    Years ago, you told a story on Tim Ferris’ podcast that I totally resonated with. A wisdom story. I had also had a similar experience while out trail running, so it was super nice to feel that validation with hearing your story. It was a profound teaching on the value of presence and the brutal waste of energy all that pushing and stress is. Your story was about riding your bike along the beach and pushing hard. Venice, maybe? Only to realize all that pushing and stress was an illusion. I like that version of this concept better. :) Thanks for sharing your story and asking for feedback!

  592. Henry Mintzberg (2022-09-28) #

    As someone who has never run, except for a bus, but does love to walk in the forest, can I suggest you stop punishing yourself and get on a bicycle so that you can have exercise that is truly pleasurable.

  593. Mike Busch (2022-09-28) #

    Derek. Like many things, there is no one right way to run. Do what works best for you!

  594. Sean (2022-09-28) #

    They are all true. Everyone’s motivations are different and what motivates you can change throughout your life. This will be especially true depending on what stage of your life you may be in and your goals are at that moment in time.

  595. Pavan (2022-09-28) #

    Clearly running is just a parable for leading life. Tigerists, hot coals, pot of gold and "Clearing the path for others" are all different ways one can lead life at different stages of life. None of them is the best all the time. Depends on each persons current priorities.

  596. Anne Hecker (2022-09-28) #

    So, I think what stood out to me, is that the runner found many way that works for them in a variety of ways. Each was valid. Then, "experts" pick one. But how did they pick one, and for whom did they pick it? I have ADHD and a variety of fun issues that make life... interesting. Often, "expert" advice, opinion, or "fact" does not, in fact, work for me nor is it best practice for me. They often assume a level of neurotypical, able-bodied, averageness to the person they are targeting, that really does NOT work best for all -- it might just work best for the majority of people tested. So it's not best, they just created a test that they can point to where the tiger is best for most of their subjects, perhaps. Doesn't make it best for everyone.

    This also plays into the ways women or people who are left-handed or people who are not white get left behind -- these things often cater to the idea that there is a "normal person" that most people are like. It often serves to leave the rest of us behind.

    Which is why I loved this little story. Really captures what it's like to try many things, seeing what works for you.

  597. Dylan (2022-09-28) #

    Rule #1 — know who to listen to. Listen to people who have what you want, and who have been where you've been. Master this basic.

  598. Philip Ng (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek, interesting metaphor on creating new motivations to living life. Good aspects are it foster innovative thoughts and may simplify confused thinking. But the metaphor may perhaps be narrow in approach for other aspects of human complicated life.

    What motivate us changes frequently, daily, weekly, monthly yearly. Often depending on where we are at the point of time. I personally would advices minimize usage of fear as a motivation factor. Fear (tiger) can takes on a life of its own and gets out of control.

    Trying to help understand life better is a worthy cause but most of us only understand looking backward. In the thick of living life we rarely am able to get a bird eye view of what we are in and what it is all about.

  599. Mike Covert (2022-09-28) #

    There's another way to run, as I recall from a bike ride you told us about.

    One day, heading out on the trail, you imagine there's a secret song playing from deep within the forest, and a color show flashing like no other... So you slow your gate and soften the steps so your ears and eyes can capture the show.

    Suddenly you reach the finish, almost surprisingly. Wow, you think. What a wonder!

    You check your time, and it's only a few minutes slower than your Tigerist best.


    Great stuff, as usual. You works always makes me think.

  600. Joe Grainger (2022-09-28) #

    In my view the goal should be to run for the love of running.

    I spent or wasted years of my life doing things i didn't really enjoy with the goal of gaining the resources to do that which i love.

    Now I am in the position of being able to say "hell yes. Or no."

    So now when I run(which I do) it's only because I enjoy it

  601. Sharon (2022-09-28) #

    I prefer to take a short, slow, leisurely morning stroll, and to take in my surroundings, engaging my senses, raising my consciousness, and practicing presence, mindfulness, and intention. It's a time for me to get grounded, centered, balanced and focused. If I could walk an idyllic forest path like the one pictured in the image on this post, that would be all I needed to accomplish my goals. I've tried sharing my morning walk with people whose idea of a morning walk is long and brisk (to get their heart rate up). That is not my style 😂 That said, I would have no need for pots of gold, hot coals, or tigers 😅

  602. Zoltan (2022-09-28) #

    I guess the parable gets down to finding out what motivates you:
    - accomplishment/greed (pot of gold)
    - fear (tiger)
    - doing things the right way (hot coal)
    - working for others (shovel)
    The „tiger” is probably the closest to real life experiences for most of us. Fear (i.e. a real or perceived external force) is the strongest motivator and it does not leave room for questions like "What is the point?" or "Why am I doing this?" Other than that it really depends on our individual mindsets.

  603. Janssen (2022-09-28) #

    To me, this is a metaphor, and not about running at all, but about finding one's path, whatever that is (to God, self-realization, self-actualization). Whatever helps one down the path is true to them. Different people need different truths at different times. And once one finds their path, they'll I think they'll want to help others find their path as well, not dragging them down it (which can't actually succeed), but to just help remove obstacles.

  604. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    Ha! Sounds familiar. :-) I think the answer is yes. Yes we can. But not ONLY one.

    PS: Line 5 reminds me of: https://waste4change.com/blog/plogging-the-new-swedish-trend-of-running-while-picking-up-trash/


  605. Courtney (2022-09-28) #

    Beautiful trail! All I could think of was how sad it is that we are so distracted by all the cool tricks and strategies. We forget what we were after in the first place. Was it to be faster? And why? In all of that we forget where we are. From biz growth strategies to running faster (remember the chia seed phase) the quick tips, hacks and striving for the sake of striving are wearing us out.

  606. Hai (2022-09-28) #

    Yes, one of the ways is more true for someone.

  607. Eric (2022-09-28) #

    There is no tiger and there is no pot of gold. There will always be a new way, a new best way, a new worst way. Some days you'll run faster and some days you'll run slower. Some days you'll love the run you dreaded and others you hate the run you so looked forward to, and everything in between. Lessons from the new school. Memories from the old school. Truth is often a moving target. Good luck to everyone on tomorrow's run.

  608. David N (2022-09-28) #

    I embrace evidence based social science, but I’m skeptical of any approach to life that is “effort based” — i.e. “you just have to try harder.” I do believe their are some secrets in our genes and our psyches we can let loose with the right combination of moves, maybe the tiger approach kicks in some genetic overdrive, the way ice baths do? But I was hoping the story was going to end with you building a great road for others, learning to walk on it, and then building a bench with others walking and running on it at the pace that suits them.

  609. Pete (2022-09-28) #

    I believe one can only decide truth for oneself. Is this thought true? If your answer is yes, it is true for you. But we can’t know what’s true for anyone else and that’s not our business—it’s their business to understand their thoughts.

  610. John East (2022-09-28) #

    What you are getting at, I think, is whether desire or fear are best motivators.

    That is case and person specific.

    So, generalizing around a study (which study, under which conditions, under what context? With which constraints?) seems to come short to me (at the moment.)

    It is a big idea. Another aspect is the endorphins because of the run, the runner's high, the joy of effort, is unaddressed.

  611. Peter Markush (2022-09-28) #

    The part of this post that screams from the mountain tops directly into my ears is, “The variety is fun.” THAT, to me, is TRUE.

  612. Corbin Supak (2022-09-28) #

    The shovel act stands out and is the focus here. The shovel ’way’ is a deliverable with value, and the rest, the pure running, the daily grind, is more internal, potentially aimless or sef-destructive, and with no evidence (yet) of being actualized. So taking true to mean actual, yes, only one of these is true. Seems to also represent Derek’s own path, pausing his music run to build a tool for running musicians.

  613. Xin Yi (2022-09-28) #

    To directly answer your question: Yes and no because ALL of the ways to run are true. Each of them is true to the person/people who find that it works for them.

    So many questions come to mind, too.

    The person is surprised that thinking about the pot of gold once again makes them run faster... but is it? They paved the way earlier to smooth out bumps and holes on the road. Could that not be the contributing factor?

    Also, what does the "best way to run" mean? What does "best" look like? Does it necessarily mean to increase speed? The best way to run for some does not mean beating the clock. It can mean being able to run without pain; run in ways that they can enjoy the scenery, etc.

    Interestingly, I wonder if others read it and is able to immediately turn it into a metaphor for something in their lives? It's something I do often, and in this case it reminds me of so many parallels when people insist that there is only one truth (often what *they* subscribe to as well).

    Truth is not necessarily singular/mutually exclusive.

  614. Noah (2022-09-28) #

    For some reason this reminds me of the Zen story: A man traveling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild vine and swung himself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat him. Only the vine sustained him.

    Two mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!
    ☺ I always liked that story, too. — Derek

  615. Emile (2022-09-28) #

    Finding the "right" way for me has always been part gaining knowledge, and part experimenting. In that way, I find a balance. Maybe not the best, but I am not looking for the best. Progress as opposed to perfection. As I age, the "right" way changes. And that's OK. So I listen, I read, I watch and then I experiment.

  616. Brian Baldasare (2022-09-28) #

    what are you running to or what are you running away from?
    and running away from things (tiger) gets better time results but maybe not life results

    Goggins , Hanes - run -train to escape but get incredible results

  617. Bruce Gertz (2022-09-28) #

    I like using analogies. So for me it resonates. Motivational ideas and goals are always helpful for moving forward.

  618. David Feder (2022-09-28) #

    The running metaphor for me is about being present, enjoying the run, not the end goal or the self competition. Tigers, hot coals, and gold are all external content.

  619. Stephanie Benedetto (2022-09-28) #

    What if every run in a brand new experience? Tiger, pot of gold, smoothing the path for others. Each one a beautiful, one-of-a-kind moment ready to be experienced, perfect in its emergence.

    What if I show up with this run, the now run which is the only one that exists, as if it's the first time and discover what it's like?

  620. Yvon (2022-09-28) #

    There are many ways to improve your run, both physically (how you feel) and mentally (what is in your mind).I would imagine while running through a beautiful forest like the one pictured, you could get energy from the trees. I always like to have an end-goal in mind and achieving it is your reward!

  621. Lyn (2022-09-28) #

    "So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?"
    Sure. One or the other or another, all true.

  622. James (2022-09-28) #

    So fear vs desire. Or negative vs Positive drivers. Suffering or reward. Do we run better away or toward?
    I'm not sure either of these are best utility?
    Aren't both scarcity motivators?
    I think the question itself needs to be challenged

  623. Crouching Tiger Hidden Gold (2022-09-28) #

    True means something different for me than for someone else, and it really never is just one thing.

  624. Arthur (2022-09-28) #

    I don't know. I will use it on my stationary bike.

  625. Andy Holmes (2022-09-28) #

    Open to all suggestions on how to walk/run/experience the path, but have found I enjoy the path and how I traverse it most when it's my own experience, in that specific moment.

  626. Zulema (2022-09-28) #

    There's no "true" way to run. But trying different approaches will help. It comes down to what motivates you. I prefer walking 😉.

  627. Kevin (2022-09-28) #

    Running should be joyous, not motivated by fear or ambition. I don’t believe one of those ways is the truth.

  628. Carol (2022-09-28) #

    Clearly the lesson here is to use any method or motivation except the tiger. The tiger is imaginary, as is the pot of gold, but you will wear out your adrenaline glands if you stress them for years, and undo all the good your run is doing you. Also, the run through the forest is a metaphor for life itself, and fear, although a common motivation, is also the worst one. Down with imaginary tigers!

  629. Jeff S. (2022-09-28) #

    When mountain biking, I don't pretend to be chased or race towards a pot of gold. Instead, I ride fast enough until I can only think about my breath. If any thoughts can creep into my mind, I know I'm not exerting myself enough.

    At the end of the ride, I'm always amazed that some of my problems seem diminished.

  630. Richard Geller (2022-09-28) #

    Running now.
    Walking now
    My companion regales me
    with tiger tales.

  631. Gabrielle (2022-09-28) #

    Love the story (as a runner too) and all the ways it can be applied, lessons to learn. What it made me think of in the part about trying all different ideas while running to see if you like it, is how sometimes I can get stuck running the same path in the same way (still enjoying it) and not shaking things up. Then remembering when training for a race doing intervals and just different routes to increase distance... and how enjoyable that is. Great metaphor for life as well. Running always has done that for me; lots of life lessons. Great job with this one (and reminds me of your video from awhile back about how sometimes we make things difficult vs. simple, depending on our attitude toward it - using the running metaphor. Love that video!) Great work, as usual, Derek. Always a breath of fresh air.

  632. Harsha (2022-09-28) #

    Not sure if any of the ways to run is true or not, but can say it's not pure. Doing something just for the sake of doing it without an incentive or return is the highest one can aspire to.

  633. Avi Liran (2022-09-28) #

    At the age of 60, I walk and I don't run. I enjoy the forest.

  634. Shan (2022-09-28) #

    Fear and desire Pleasure and pain Seeking meaning Creative expression/
    Different people at different stages of development are motivated in many personal ways. The desire to escape the burdens of their lives The desire for something more different and knew. I stronger spiritual connection. The desire for a deeper stronger spiritual connection. Learning to connect infinity to creativity. A deeper understanding of what this all means.


    Shamans Drum

    She DANCED within a circle
    She DANCES within a DREAM

    she SINGS what's it mean
    What's it all mean

    Fantasy or tragedy
    No shoes on her feet

    Another strange girl
    LIVING on the street

    She danced from side to side
    Water falls pour from her eyes

    The words to her song  Pulled me in

    she played her shamans drum
    SINGING Where do dreams come from

    I knew BUT couldn't say
    I HAD TO walk away

    She stood on the ege of the circle
    Like the edge of the universe

    She looked into my heart
    she sang her holy verse


    Describe God to me
    But don't use words to say

    Show me who God is
    Find another way

    She looked into infinity
    Nothing else you need to know

    The past is all behind you
    Exhale and let it go

    We live in the illusion
    Fear and hypocrisy

    Step into the circle
    Tell me what you see

    The universe is filled stars

    God is JUST infinity

  635. Caleb (2022-09-28) #

    Our fight/flight mechanisms are already so scrambled, I have my doubts about relying on it for motivation. On the other hand, like a lot of kundalini exercises, it probably clears the central channel and tunes the chakras.

  636. Lucie Walker (2022-09-28) #

    I think whatever makes you 'run' is true for you. We're all motivated by different things. Being open to trying other ways and adopting what works is great, if it gets you where you're going. Others will be happy to be 'tigerists' for the sense of belonging. Whatever makes you feel best while you keep running.

  637. Amy (2022-09-28) #

    I wonder—do the different visualizations make the run feel different after? After trying so many, do you stick with one for a while? (Do you choose different methods for different parts of the path?)

    And when shoveling the path, do you share these thoughts and feelings for others too? This part of the post feels the most important, and also interjected without transition or resolution.

    Money, fear, belonging to community, creation and maintenance for others; the last two have been most meaningful for my career, but I couldn’t think of them until I considered the first two.

  638. Galynne (2022-09-28) #

    Hooray for the Tigerists who have found a method that works… but beware of those ‘tigsters’ who demand it’s the only way!
    I embrace any/all the methods that work for someone. I also embrace my ability to pick/choose/decide what works best for me.

  639. Thomas (2022-09-28) #

    Running our business/life or running through the forest requires a little guidance and the confidence to choose your own "true" path. I like the idea of reframing how we look at things to remind us why we do what we do and how we can make improvements when needed. Thanks for the powerful metaphor, Derek.

  640. Will (2022-09-28) #

    If a tiger were chasing me, I'd befriend it and ride its back to the goal.
    The tiger could represent death, drugs, addiction or some other danger.
    How can you befriend death, drugs or addiction?
    Do not fear it. It may surround you, but does have to not consume you.

  641. Ping&Roots (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek, we always looked forward to your emails and your sage guidance. You be the one shoveling those rocks and paving that smooth path.
    My personal philosophy:
    It’s better to under expect than over so expecting a pot of gold at the end of the “run” may be disappointing if one still don’t get it because it could be someone got to that pot of gold first?
    Therefore I tend to live my life everyday enjoying the journey rather than the destination. I make the most of these daily, weekly, monthly and yearly journeys. Little treats, short trips, destination meet-ups, working and enjoying what I do, gifts to love ones, trips with love ones, marveling at God’s little and big creations……

  642. Kayla (2022-09-28) #

    I think just because pretending to run from something works for a lot of people doesn't make it truly the single best way to run for every person. I would much rather run to something than away from something; when I raced, I pretended my Dad was at the finish line. Now, I run to be running. I can't get in a meditative state or process like I can doing anything but trail running, so I'm usually there to enjoy the experience.

  643. Phil (2022-09-28) #

    No belief is true, so most if not all of that is a lie.
    But useful lies nonetheless.
    Whatever works works, of course.
    Variety works. Consistency works. Certainty works.
    All mini-truths within the lie.

  644. JEFF MATHIEU (2022-09-28) #

    All of these ways are true if it works for you.

  645. John Lanza (2022-09-28) #


    I enjoyed this story. It reminds of something a friend told me. "Take all personal advice with a grain of salt."

  646. Aadit Sheth (2022-09-28) #

    Thought-provoking blog post. To answer your question ("So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?"), we must know what the goal is.

    If the goal is to run faster than ever, the truest way to run (according to the scientific study) is to imagine a tiger chasing you.

    If the goal is to be more present than ever in nature, the truest way to run is music-less and steady.

    It depends on what "true" means to you.

  647. Morgan Ames (2022-09-28) #

    I think it wants to be a children's story, Derek. It could use a little clarity, simplification. As for content, one person's fun airplane arms could work better than someone else's scary tiger. What is true is different from what is right. Kindness is a great policy.

  648. Dylan (2022-09-28) #

    Why are you running and What’s your definition of true?

    Epicureans for example emphasized self & self-fulfillment above all else.

    However, as Bob Dylan once sang, “You gotta serve somebody.”

  649. Sue (2022-09-28) #

    Never stop running in life, it is either running to "a pot of gold, or running from "tigers". if i have a choice, I would choose running towards my pot of gold, even thought it is not easy to know what that "gold" mean for me.

  650. Geisa Dutra (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, I would say: Run enjoying your surroundings.
    It’s not all about your final destination.
    Thank you for the reading.

    Geisa Dutra

  651. Christoper (2022-09-28) #

    A couple thoughts...

    First, I think it can be important for us to have something to pursue (the "pull" is you will) and something that motivates from behind (the "push"). I think it's equally important to know what those are and whether they are the right things. The metaphor of the tiger chasing might be about fear. Maybe that's a worthwhile motivator. Maybe not.

    Second, must it always be a run? Surely if a tiger (fear) is chasing you, then yes. But must it be so?

    Finally, while you can certainly enjoy and appreciate the forest and path when running, can you truly absorb and delight in it or is it just rushing by like so much blurry scenery? You're running through a gift from God but are you able to appreciate it and let it wash over you?

    Thank you for sharing this thoughtful piece. It has given me something to think and meditate on, namely, whether *I* and running from a "tiger" of fear or not. Thank you.

  652. Jason (2022-09-28) #

    The end of the article is why I don't watch the news regularly and gather goings ons from those I think have valuable opinions.

    Instead spending time with family and friends and increasing my ability to win the Centenary Olympics is more important, to do more of the above.

    In doing so, envisioning a variety of different things helps, like a smiles on grand children's faces and traveling/being athletic now and in the years to come and bring healthy all helps along with trying to be strong/mobile as a tiger.

    Keep on smiling & helping others do the same! Thanks, Derek

  653. Tiffany Lopez (2022-09-28) #

    They’re all true

  654. David Blake (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for this Derek.
    I think both are "true". Sometimes you need the pot of gold and sometimes you need the tiger. I think that different circumstances and different stages in life tend to require different approaches and incentives. I think this is some of the wisdom behind "How to Live".
    In my experience, what I needed at 20 is not the same as what I needed at 40 - to do the very same task.

  655. Dave in Denver (2022-09-28) #

    Hi, Derek. Always great to read one of your posts.

    I love the accessibility of this. This is so clearly written that I want to share it with my 13 AND 6-year-old. We should always be experimenting with how to do things; if that's running, using Legos, or interacting with friends and family. A tweak here or there can lead to maximum efficiency.

    As a cyclist, I might picture the tiger behind me and a giant plate of pancakes at the end. Thanks, Derek!

  656. Wes Carroll (2022-09-28) #

    One might also consider:

    Why are we putting so much outside meaning on running? We could run for the sake of running. Maybe tigers and gold and shovels are for jungles and banks and gardens.

  657. Tim D (2022-09-28) #

    Finding creative ways to help you execute faster, better, stronger. If my goal is to make 3 million dollars, I'd rather figure out how to close that gap in 3 days, 3 months, or 3 years rather than 30 years. So then I can get the privilege to write parables...lol

  658. Joshua Voydik (2022-09-28) #

    Ha, I routinely "pretend" that I'm running from a Tiger or scary animal.

    Love the double meaning to this post.

  659. Matt Pfleger (2022-09-28) #

    I love the connection between this and the ending of How To Live (I won't spoil it!)

  660. Ted Killian (2022-09-28) #

    All of them are maybe part of (aspects of) the "truth" but but maybe not the whole story. Every 24 hours, each of us passes through a day (a forest?) of our life and perhaps it helps some to imagine a goal - for the weary, peace, a pillow on a bed at the end of the day - for the hungry, food on a plate in the evening - for the needy a paycheck in the pocket at the end of the week.

    Some speed through their daily routines (ruts?) imagining father/mother/boss/God watching for them to mess up, or the grim reaper/tiger nipping at their heels, barely noticing the passing time, or scenery, or the cohort of other travelers. Some are distracted by that scenery, some distracted by the ticking clock, some distracted by those other passengers and their problems and pastimes. Some are so distracted by themselves they cannot see the forest for the trees.

    Cosmically speaking, we are physical beings moving through space and time and all subject to entropy. We are made to be, and to move, and to run through the forest . . . and to think . . . and then to die. We are made for creativity and play too, and we are made for, and have, each other. Also, if there is a benevolent spirit watching over all of this (whether we believe in them or not) we have them as well I suppose . . . maybe. But that's an entirely different discussion.

    We also have the capability of experiencing joy - not meaning happy "ha ha" laughter or amusement, but bliss and fulfillment. I think if we can find a way (or ways) to each run through our "forest" with joy that is the greater "truth" (if we can ever find it). What is fulfillment? What is bliss? Is it the same for all? Or is it individual? Now there are some questions worth asking and answering.

  661. Bill Deiz (2022-09-28) #

    I can no longer run but when I could I did it both for exercise and for pure joy. Going faster and faster didn't matter, it was the feeling of being in the open and the fresh air that mattered.

  662. Daniel (2022-09-28) #

    This is life itself. All the various ways we can live our lives and all the input we receive. It is a great mystery why we are here and how we can best run through the forest. It is a worthy mystery to look into and it may just be a koan with no definitive answer. Lately the idea of multiples have served us well and it seems that all these ways to run through the forest and even those not mentioned are a great way to see the whole picture of the forest the run and the motivation better and better. I liked reading the comments that suggest experiencing the adventure of the forest as we run (truly engaging with life and activating our individual goals) is worth considering. The forest and our motivations and the best way to run are all arising now and will fade away. Thank you for bringing this into awareness!

  663. Oliver (2022-09-28) #

    Adding variety to any practice is the key to keeping it alive.

  664. Adam Johnson (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post! As I get older, it becomes less about the pot of gold, less about the tiger, and more about the blessing of being able to still run and feel good in my body. The pot of gold has lost its appeal, and the tiger was never really all that interested in me anyway. The feeling of bouncing on that soft path, smelling the forest, and experiencing my breath is what keeps me returning to the run.

  665. Bryan (2022-09-28) #

    If you have not already check out “Running with The Mind of Meditation” and “What I think about when I think about running” - Murakami

  666. Laura (2022-09-28) #

    Sounds like a terrifying way to run thru life to get somewhere. At my best I feel pulled (and pushed) by Love! Excited, filled up and on fire to get where I wanna go enjoying each step

  667. Rev Tina Redden (2022-09-28) #

    Is giving yourself a stimulation to keep going. Some people do that with the description that you just described, I've been doing that for decades with the biblical adage of keeping my face set like Flint, running the race. Sometimes even with the adage keep your eyes on the prize.

    When did you on a non-spiritual realm which I never liked to be. When I'm trying to lose weight I'll buy myself a smaller pair of jeans just to have some stimulation to keep going forward. Sort of like your pot of gold

    Never heard the tiger added before; but hey that's a new way to stimulate yourself and if it works use it.

    Thanks for keeping me on your list I really enjoy the conversations

    Rev Tina Redden

  668. Matt R. (2022-09-28) #

    All ways are true, and the one that’s right for you depends on the moment and changes with time and circumstance.

    “Do I contradict myself?
    Very well then I contradict myself,
    (I am large, I contain multitudes.)”

    - Walt Whitman

  669. thomasknoll (2022-09-28) #

    Don't tell me how to run, Derek. :P

  670. Rev Tina Redden (2022-09-28) #


    Its giving yourself a stimulation to keep going.

    Some people do that with the description that you just described, Howeve; I've been doing that for decades with the biblical adage of "keeping my face set like Flint", "running the race". Sometimes even with the adage "keep your eyes on the prize".

    When I'm on a non-spiritual realm, which I never liked to be.

    While I'm trying to lose weight, I'll buy myself a smaller pair of jeans just to have some stimulation to keep going forward. Sort of like your pot of gold.

    Iust say I've never heard the "tiger adage" before; but hey that's a new way to stimulate yourself and if it works use it.

    Thanks for keeping me on your list I really enjoy the conversations. Kind of curious to hear the rest of the ideas that this is giving you.

    Rev Tina Redden

  671. Claudio Lassala (2022-09-28) #

    Why are we running? What are we trying to achieve?

    Are we trying to get somewhere as fast as possible? Why? What are the stakes?

    Or are we trying to get somewhere just to be at a different place, while making sure we enjoy the journey?

    Are we looking for motivators to just make sure we run? Or to make sure we do it effectively?

    Are we in a position to control those motivators?

    Those are the thoughts that come to my mind. :)

  672. Steve Payne (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, I believe there is no one right path for all. And, whether you are running or simply walking, the main thing is to keep going. I am seventy-one years old. I ran when I was young, and now I walk, but I do it every day no matter the weather or how I feel. I discover something new every time I am out. Out is also a key; over in. I believe we are meant to be part of nature and connect with it.

    I simply enjoy being. I believe you do too.

    Best and Peace to you, Steve

  673. Ed (2022-09-28) #

    To be true to myself, I’d rather walk.

  674. Sandra (2022-09-28) #

    Aaah…these ways were good for a laugh. COL. But I’m not trying to get anywhere when I run, nor beat any speed/time records. I like to enjoy the scenery, my companions if present & my body running. To run is enough for me; I need no motivational tricks.

  675. kyrill (2022-09-28) #

    "Eventually you realize you could make this path better for others, so you bring a shovel to smooth out bumps and fill in holes. You imagine future runners being thankful for whoever did this. "
    Tigers do not really help me moving forward towards but help me to avoid what happens to be behind me whatever direction I choose.
    Would it not be better to not run all but to walk and enjoy the forest?

  676. Chaitanya Satsangi (2022-09-28) #

    I think running while thinking that there is a pot of gold is good if you have a long term vision...But to keep you going the role of tiger helps you move fast.

  677. Matthew Lowerre (2022-09-28) #

    - A couple things here
    - 1. I love the illustration here that highlights the importance of running from something AND running toward something. Everyone has a different tiger that they're running from. Personally my dad was an alcoholic, so I don't drink because I'm keenly aware of alcohol's negative effects and want to create a better life for myself. Alcoholism is my tiger, for others it can be a similar addiction to a different vice. Everyone needs a tiger to remind them why they started "running" so they keep that motivation when it gets hard.
    - Moreover, having something to run from isn't enough (in my humble opinion). Eliminating a negative influence on your life is great, but what happens once you've fully cleaned house? Now what? What's going to encourage you to keep that house clean? The "pot of gold" in this case can be the person you aspire to be. Set a lofty goal that makes you a healthy amount of uncomfortable and run toward it every day.
    - 2. I know the above isn't the point of this passage, but it struck a cord with me as it's been on my mind lately. I like how, in very few lines, you highlight our propensity as humans to find "the right answer". This often takes the form of listening to others more than we listen to ourselves. Ask 100 Billionaires what their morning routines are and you'll get 100 different answers. Sure, you see articles about "What these 20 Billionaires all do each morning" , but their reason for doing them is usually different. It's helpful to try a few of the things successful people say work for them, but at the end of the day one must find what works for them.

  678. Olusegun (2022-09-28) #

    Where I come from, bandits are scarier than tigers. In my case, I'll pretend bandits are after me to run faster.

  679. ROGER FISHER (2022-09-28) #

    Every day you go on a long run through the forest. The quieter your footsteps are, the more detail you hear all around. The quieter your mind is, the more you experience this wonderful place.

  680. Paul Adams (2022-09-28) #

    It may be true for any specific individual that needs incentive. Whatever works, works. But, the wind is free. For me it would be ideal if the run were as well. The run could be all encompassing. Doesn't matter the speed but only the process of being 100% in THAT run.

    Con't thanks to you for CD Baby. I've been full time music since 2013

    paul adams

  681. Trenten Clark (2022-09-28) #

    Reads like poetry. I also run and haven't used any of those tactics but am now interested. :)

  682. Gen (2022-09-28) #

    I agree with Joe. And if you enjoy running, run. If you don't enjoy running, play squash, walk the dog or put your feet up and read a book.
    I'm tired of the focus on faster higher etc. That is the thinking that makes a racehorse or sled dog's life hell. Smell the flowers. Sit in the grass.

  683. Carlos Franco (2022-09-28) #

    The tiger might be useful sometimes but no if you really want to enjoy the road. I think a combination of tiger with road enjoyment is how it works for me.

  684. Nicky Shane (2022-09-28) #

    Stay sweet Derek!! Cool observation of running...I always stay relaxed starting from the neck and shoulders down. Check out famous track coach, Bud Winter's book "Relax and Win". 
    I run alone at least 3 times a week or with a friend. It's the reason I have made many decisions like where I live, air quality... I run on grass to preserve my joints wearing my soccer cleats to avoid slipping. Occasionally running full speed keeps my "Child" in place.
    For over 40 years I have run 200 meters x 5-10 times, catch my breath 
    then run again. Starting out at half speed, stop stretch then work up to three quarter speed and if it's a good day, up to full speed, always relaxed. My goal at this time is to try and break the 200 meter Masters Record for 70 year olds. 
    Being Guinness World Records "Fastest Harmonica Player" helps my preparation plus I still play pick-up Soccer and Basketball. In the meantime I'll continue to do my surreal watercolor art and produce my sitcom MuggsandToast.com 

  685. David Hayes (2022-09-28) #

    The first thing I thought was, "You're running in your head." And trying different things in your head is a simple thing to experiment with (not necessarily easy, but simple to try)... so why not?

  686. Johnny (2022-09-28) #

    Listen well to the opinions of others, but in the end you must find what works for you. And always remember that the you today could be entirely different than the you of yesterday.

  687. Ken Guidroz (2022-09-28) #

    No, to your last question. True is the wrong word. It may be true for you, but not for another person. Someone else may run best envisioning gold or coals.

    I once led a marriage course called "His needs her needs" in which they listed a dozen important positive attributes to a marriage. You might ask: what was the most important attribute for a great marriage? None stood out. It all depended on the couple and what they lacked. To the woman whose husband struggled to provide a good living: it was money. To the man getting little sex: it was sex. It was 100% dependent on their particular marriage.

    So, too, I would imagine, with running. What stimulates you may not stimulate me.

  688. kenan dzaferagic (2022-09-28) #

    When I run or walk, I do it for the sake of enjoyment and making myself 1% better then I was the day before. I don't imagine being chased by a tiger or having a pot of gold at the end because for me that would take all the enjoyment out of the activity. For me its about the journey, not how fast I can get there. However, if your goal is to run a marathon in under three hours then visualizing a tiger chasing you might be helpful. I am distracted by the beauty of the nature around me and I like to take it in so I take all the time I need.

  689. Flavio (2022-09-28) #

    "to keep you on the front of your feet"
    I had no idea this is how I should be running.

  690. Ethan (2022-09-28) #

    Hard to imagine there's one "true" way, given how wonderfully diverse humans are. A lot of research shows how we fear loss much more than value gain... but then we can understand loss and gain in so many ways.

    Is being caught by a tiger worse than not snagging the gold? Rationally, sure, but humans are emotional creatures with a homegrown logic assistant.

    My intuition is that, because humans crave variety, a combination of motivators will almost always work better than a monolithic motivator.

    And my personal experience has been to love running for its own sake instead of using some kind of magnet to push or pull me through. The quality of the act itself is the motivation (on my best days)

  691. Michelle (2022-09-28) #

    To me, it’s about personal motivation. We all run with something personal that drives us. And it’s not always the same every day. Just stay motivated and moving.

  692. Charles (2022-09-28) #

    It seems like the significance of the run is that it is your run.
    Your run has no purpose or reason other than what you give it.
    If you decide one way to run is true, then it is true.

    Perhaps the mind-blowing point is that you're running through the woods. Regardless of distance, destination, or quality of experience, it is incredible that there is a you, in woods, running.

  693. Charles (2022-09-28) #

    It seems like the significance of the run is that it is your run.
    Your run has no purpose or reason other than what you give it.
    If you decide one way to run is true, then it is true.

    Perhaps the mind-blowing point is that you're running through the woods. Regardless of distance, destination, or quality of experience, it is incredible that there is a you, in woods, running - nothing else is needed.

  694. Cherie (2022-09-28) #

    None of this matters: the tiger, the hot coals, the pot of gold, the smooth or rough trail, barefoot. None of it. Who cares.

    If you like what you are doing, if there is personal satisfaction defined by your own values, you will do more of it, and get better, regardless of the tiger.

    I am slightly annoyed by this story.

  695. Connor O'Brien (2022-09-28) #

    This is basically religion in a nutshell. Motivation, Reward/Heaven (pot of gold), Evil/Hell (Tiger chasing you) and different theocracies (Tigerists) and their preferred running book (The Bible/Koran etc). But maybe that's just me.

  696. Emz (2022-09-28) #

    Dear Derek,
    I have been anticipating a new deeply-thought article or yours and today receiving an email notice, I was rewarded. It is superb for you to continue writing your concise and thoughtful articles.

    For this one particularly, I am surprised and understanding that "tigerism" which I interpret as a sort of mega-threat of some real-physical (life or death) or real-sociocultural (lost reputation or shunning or even ousting by family etc) nature, is found to be the most effective! It is meshed with our survival instincts perhaps!

    I see this analogy in the universe of procrastination as well. If there is no near, impending serious deadline, one does not perform well, but if there is, like a tiger, the looming threat forces you to put in your all into a task. In a part of the musician world or even generally for any type of skill(sports, chess,writing, youtube etc), there is the concept of the "tiger mom/mentor" pressure. It is of a different sort of threat that is family/rolemodel-related, but it came to mind when I read your article. This is different in that the tiger mom already knows how competitive the world is like, and sets deadlines and fierce goals way before a child or apprentice could have the perception to have understood why. Or maybe they do, and the methods and expectations are just as fierce. Apart from the exploration of whys of putting that pressure, I hope this similarity makes sense to think about?

    For me, I have to admit that tigerism is part of how I can ever do anything lately.I have failed to do many goals because I was too lax. Now I have concentrated on a few and my tigers are the final international exams of such interests. These interests are French, Mandarin and Violin for me. I have tried myself to study freely, but it was always neglected and resulting in poor progress. Now I have optionally and determinedly decided to take the real international exams--the tigers are there and will devour me on the exam date if I fail to study well!--to get myself "running" more intensively!! I believe there is really no other way that I can act better, and it is thus quite profound how they even scientifically proved that!

    Perhaps this isnt the interpretation that it should be, but I am a runner myself, and few times when I thought a madman was following as I went along my track, I was ultra-effective and running completely faster with the adrenaline rush from knowing even an imaginery "tiger" was behind me. All fear of the worst to come kept me dashing through.

    The concept of tigerism is useful definitely. It allows you to perform better each time. Still, one must be mindful of any toxic productivity and most times it can be so individually lonely, as those who might not understand you would criticize the sort of "A-type competitive striving persona". I do wonder if my analyses and interpretation has been considered or I have cleared over a new perspective.

    Also, I am interested in the scientific journal you refer to? If you can send me the title or the link to read it?

    Thanks again for your amazing insights, analogies and stories!!

    Sincerely, Emz

  697. Lucas (2022-09-28) #

    It is interesting to consider being motivated by feat or reward. I wonder if one is healthier than the other? Or if it's not a binary between those two? Maybe someone can be motivated by both? I wonder what social and biological factors influence our tendencies for motivation?

  698. Nancy (2022-09-28) #

    Not sure if any of them are more or less "true" than the others, but ultimately, we use whatever methods are effective at achieving the results we want, don't we? And since what we want can change from moment to moment, so should our methods for achieving it. To that end, I guess you can put me down for the "variety"/"trying things" approach.

  699. Camilo Buitrago (2022-09-28) #

    What do you want to get from the running? Or is running its own reward?

  700. Rajeev (2022-09-28) #

    The important thing is we run. Our internal motivations will change depending on our season of life. Perhaps running faster is not the goal, but to simply be consistent in our pursuits. I pray that one day a Tiger following me will be more interested in where I’m going, thank to be its prey. Maybe the Tiger follows with those who have like-minded vigor.

  701. Andrew K (2022-09-28) #

    No. Science can never tell individuals the right way to run. Science isn't good for that.

    Running should be a sensory, right-brain experience. Preferably involving other people or dogs or both.

    Generally, avoid abstractions like fear and hope (avoid tigers if they are real).

  702. Dawn (2022-09-28) #

    I am always skeptical about any claim that there is a one true way for anything. You make good points about context.

  703. Daniel (2022-09-28) #

    - pleasure and fear - I absolutely love running too. There are two books I can recommend on: "Born to run" by C. Mc Dougall and "Chi-running" by Danny Dreyer. Love, Daniel

  704. Stephen (2022-09-28) #

    Another lovely article. Thanks for sharing. I prefer walking, but I see how these techniques could be helpful motivators, even if they're temporary "hacks". The most beneficial / sustainable idea is clearing the path to encourage others and set the "pay it forward" cycle in motion.

  705. Charles (2022-09-28) #

    I don’t expect lies from you so I think most of your examples were true.

  706. Richard (2022-09-28) #

    Love the metaphor.

    Sounds like the proverbial run could be a workday. Or maybe something slightly longer term. A work week.

    There are different ways to motivate yourself to do the work.

    If a certain way motivates you work harder, prevents you from quitting, and fills you with joy. Great. Get after it.

    Of all the "ways" there might be one that's scientifically the most effective. (On average)

    But that's where the experts can get things wrong. Some models work on paper but don't take the lovely randomness of humans into account. They collapse all these "ways" onto a one dimensional score.

    Tigerism might be most effective way on paper, on average. But that's not relevant for any single human.

    Even if it is the best way for one person, over time that might change as well.

    The scientific book can even be a way for people to convince themselves they have it "right". Which feels good and makes it motivational. Like the placebo effect. Great, if it works, it works.

    But no way is the "true" way in this context. It's more fuzzy and random.

  707. Charles (2022-09-28) #

    I don’t expect lies from you so I think most of your examples were true.
    The Tiger comment would likely only be good for a short while.
    Positive ideas.

  708. Shrikant Sortur (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, lovely parable for the journey of life:

    Making a life or making a living? Breaking down the approaches in the parable:

    a) Pot of gold = Security > Ambition > Greed
    b) Tiger = Fear
    c) Hot coals = Discomfort
    d) Barefoot / eyes closed / airplane / new ways = Passion / Dreams / Fun
    e) Smooth out bumps etc = Service / Legacy

    Money frustrations leading back to pot of gold = Back to making a living.

    While a vast majority of us run through life with “Fear” as a key driver to achieve our true potential, which approach is the best way to the destination?

    1. As with everything in life, there is no one best way that fits everyone. Depends on an individual’s life situation.

    2. While each path will lead to a destination, the “pot of gold” path can take different turns and lead into unintended consequences in life. Money can help provide security, make one mentally free, help sustain other goals and fund “giving” back; it can be a means to an end. However, on the path, if making money becomes the main thing, then it may lead to a darker side of ambition and eventually turns to greed.

    3. No one way to run is true or the best approach. A successful life journey is a long run; it’s a marathon and will involve each one of the approaches at different mile markers in life.


  709. Tyler (2022-09-28) #

    The best way to run is the one that works best for you...in that moment. Community and science can come to conclusions that may help you but the best way to figure it out is to try it for yourself.

  710. Rachel Walker (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek!!
    I love this story, as it is like the journey, in a way, as we find differing ways to apply our day. Not to be bored with life, too afraid to understand, or too passive along the path...for me, to know there is purpose in this 'little jog' though life. Even every day, whether it is with hands to the side or arms wide open, every day is meant to happen. And like you say, you feel like quitting on the path, and so encourage yourself to keep going, and many times all the snags and sticks and boulders that interrupt our path, can cause us to want to quit, but it is sooooooo exciting to go on!! Like a movie in play and we want to see how it ends! And all of these moments, for myself, when I listen to the story and the script that God writes, I can freely run, the race is not to the swift, nor to the battle to the strong...really time and chance..for myself, wanting to read the whole script, experience the story, live it out completely, and not walk away, to finish the race, to love......well, my curios mind just has to watch the movie!

  711. Mark David Ransom (2022-09-28) #

    I am not a runner. But if I am reading the metaphor correctly, the Tiger represents death, which not only pursues us, but also waits at the pot of gold. I am watching my cat pounce on crickets in the back yard. He is more indoor cat than outdoor. The point I think you are trying to make is that the race is always against ourselves.

  712. John J Cousins (2022-09-28) #

    They are all true, and many more besides. I am going to go for my daily run in a bit and I am going to try these. I like the pot of gold and destination focus more than being chased by death.

  713. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    I’m in the middle of reading the book “Sapiens” and it just mentioned how early stages of elevated communication allowed us to avoid predators more effectively. Makes sense that pretending to run from tigers works. Guessing it likely taps into some of our most deeply rooted survival mechanisms.

  714. John M (2022-09-28) #

    Stop running from anything, better yet just stop running. Yoga, meditation will serve one far better and WALK. Take long walks. Enjoy nature, no need to think about a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

  715. Jason Dandeno (2022-09-28) #

    This is very Zen. What is a run? Is it life?
    In any way you choose to think about it, you have a mind and you have a choice.

    Do you run, or not? What do you imagine? Do you imagine at all?

    In my mind, at the end of every discussion is values. What is of value, what is objectively valuable to all, and how do we run in light of these values.

    The rest is window dressing and tiptoeing around the real discussion.

    Sorry for the brevity, trying to get kids to eat dinner!

  716. Zach (2022-09-28) #

    Wow. So much wisdom to unpack in this article. Very timely for me, thank you Derek. I get drawn in by the “Tigerists” SO much of the time in my life and path toward my goals. I second guess myself and feel deep imposter syndrome when I know that detracts from me achieving what I’m after. I don’t think the existence of the “tigerists” should distract me from doing what I know is right for me ever. I think I need to find the things that are right for me by getting small and listening to what truly resonates. Finding my “hell yes’s” and saying no to the tigerists if they don’t resonate true for me in the chapter I’m in. WISDOM my brother. Thank you.

  717. Nick Devenport (2022-09-28) #

    My pot of gold is my son. I will do anything to spend more time with him. However the fear of not being able to spend time with himm is my tiger. They are the same motivator but sperated by reward and risk. Spending time on the anology is in itself going to get me killed by the tiger so I'd argue I'm more affraid of tigers than motivated by gold and no matter what just keep running everyday

  718. Steve V.N. (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    Made me think, as always. So many different ways to run through the forest, even when the goal is always the same, to get to that pot of gold. In business, I think that most people do whatever they saw worked for them when they finally made it (and science has figured out that luck plays a major role in that regardless of how you run), and unfortunately, so many studies have been done that there is more than one way to be successful in business, there are many ways - but most don't shake it up, they don't vary it, because they think that the way the did it when they succeeded, is the only way to do it, even if that way is toxic to themselves and others. Also very unfortunate.

    I am surprised that the Tiger analogy is deemed to be the best, when speed to market is always important, but first mover advantage will only take you so far, and is usually more expensive, then trying out something that is tried and tested, by the ones who did smooth the path, and then making incremental changes and going to market again.

    Always love your writing and thanks for sharing.


  719. CB (2022-09-28) #

    I think I'm not connecting with the basic concept of pursuing a goal (any goal) every day. I enjoy taking each day as it rolls in and enjoying its treasures, if any, as they appear. no tigers, no pots of gold.

    I did like the bit about trail clearing as service, but I also wondered if there was to be a plot twist, that by smoothing the shared way, you deprived others of a beneficial challenge they were relying on to improve their own efforts.

    that said, if I *was* interested in goal'ing, I would test any consensus "this is best" advice against my own experience and trust myself to figure out "best", for *me*.

  720. Paul A (2022-09-28) #

    The message I get from this is as long as you aren't hurting yourself, run however you want!

  721. Jason Shipley (2022-09-28) #

    TRUE running....
    Mmmm.... could it be walking?

  722. Blair (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you for the compelling question: "Can we say that one of these ways is true?"

    Yes, we can "say that one of these ways is true."

    (Because each is true.)

    Lovely, thank you.

  723. Rich B. (2022-09-28) #

    Thank you Derek. Some things that come to mind:

    1. I am reminded of an interview you gave where you discuss a book the was very impactful for you. You gave the book recommendation to a friend, but they didn't get much out of the book.

    2. I suspect the word "the" is very intentional...tigerism has "the" answer...particularly when marketing a book to potential tigerists.

    3. So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true? yes, they are all true run methods. Currently, the possible optimal method likely depends on one understanding the objective of the run. Make the progress to know thyself.

    4. Alice in Wonderland:
    ~Which path do I take?
    ~That all depends on where you are trying to go.

    5. Pink Floyd - Time

  724. James Brown (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting story. More of a parable, really. In answer to your question...yes, I think we can each say that there is a true way to run. But the answer can and will be different from person to person, and from day to day for each person.

    I think the only kind of meaningful, actionable truth is subjective truth, and the only way we determine what is true for us it is by tuning into what resonates within, in that moment.

    Does running with a tiger chasing you resonate today? Then that's true for you today.

    Does the preponderance of "objective opinion," (which is really just the collective subjective), resonate with you causing you to shift to think that running toward the pot of gold is true? Then that's what's true for you.

    The important thing is to acknowledge that there is something within us each that determines where we grant authority. Which means that we are the ultimate authority, even when it seems we are being swayed by those "outside" us.

    Truth is never outside us. It is always within.

  725. Tom Jackson (2022-09-28) #

    The answer is the same to all such questions: Don't Know

  726. Rhan Wilson (2022-09-28) #

    I think that all ways are true. Just as there are many ways to play a cover tune, for instance.

  727. Daniel (2022-09-28) #

    Urgency always seems to create extreme action.

    Question: How do we create extreme action from ourself without the urgency?

  728. Mike (2022-09-28) #

    For some reason I go back to the story you told Tim Ferriss about your daily bike ride. It makes me think maybe none of these ways are necessary, and I should just be thankful that I am able to run, and enjoy the run.

  729. Joe (2022-09-28) #

    I was just thinking about this the other day. There is so much useful advice out there. But the right advice for you is the advice that works for you at this point in time.
    I can't relate to running but I love the message.

  730. Juan (2022-09-28) #

    Thought-provoking post, thanks for sharing. It reminded me of three things:

    1) how the perceived value of something changes once you give it a name (tigerism, e.g.)

    2) how truth is open to interpretation and mostly in the eye of the beholder

    3) how there are many answers to the same problem and the best way to find them is often through your own experiments, but some people value existing frameworks as shortcuts and/or like being told what to do and how to do it

    Thanks again for the thought-provoking parable 🐅

  731. Matt L. (2022-09-28) #

    Playing to win vs. playing not to lose.

    How can one structure life to make "losing" IMPOSSIBLE?

    # Derek - you are doing it with your son and your work. BEAUTIFUL!

    Keep on keepin' on.

  732. Syd (2022-09-28) #

    Oh if I ran like there was a tiger chasing me I would for sure run faster and be more competitive and all that - BUT it would completely defeat the purpose of running for me - centering, grounding, connecting.

    Obviously you've read What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Murakami and if you haven't you're welcome it's a classic beauty.

  733. Steve Mann (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, I have to disagree with that new book that says the best way to run is to pretend a tiger is chasing you. I believe all of those fantasies are the way to go, depending on what your attitude is at the time that you're running. Case in point: If someone is stressed about money situations and it's foremost on their mind, the "pot of gold" scenario is the way to go. In a foot race....the tiger chasing you, and so on....All of those scenarios have legitimate beginnings, in my opinion......I really like that story.

  734. Derek (2022-09-28) #

    Learning from other’s success’ and our own achievements in the pursuit of our goals can be valuable, but over time our motivations may change and having self-awareness will do us well to show us the way.

  735. Mateusz (2022-09-28) #

    Thought-provoking and beautifully written. Many questions came to my mind after reading your work.

    There are many paths and techniques we can take to run successfully. Scientists say that the best way is to imagine a tiger behind your back, however, there is something I appreciate and admire in being contrarian and avoiding the wisdom of the crowd. So I think we should strive for discovering our niche and suited solution while staying open-minded. In some sense, it reminds me of Peter Thiel's approach to searching for Reality-Bending Secrets'. Thanks Derek!

  736. Scott V. (2022-09-28) #

    You lost me at "Every day you go on a long run through the forest."

    Why run through the forest as opposed to a beach, or city? Or running a different path altogether? I think we're focused on the wrong things when debating on "how" we should run and instead focus on running in the right environment that's best suited for us as individuals. Once you figure that out, the rest of the "how" usually falls into place.

  737. Cami (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    What I get from this post is a study of human psychology. What motivates us? Fear (tiger)? Achievement/success/money (pot of gold)? Altruism (shovel and smoothing the path)?

    I'm curious why you perhaps didn't include running motivated by personal delight, such as how clean the forest air smells and how rich it feels to fly through the trees on soft trail. You described the fun of variety (arms like an airplane, barefoot), but what could be the role of sheer pleasure in motivating humans to achieve? How does this fit with your post?

    This concept also resonates with the story you tell about riding your bike so hard along the beach. One day, you decided to relax and enjoy the ride instead of push to the max. In doing so, you noticed the scenery and felt the breeze. And your time was only, what?, two minutes shorter than your max-push time? I think of your story when I'm leaning hard into something and forgetting that easing up is likely to cost little but could add much to the enjoyment of the journey.

    Thank you, as always, for your writing,

  738. Uri (2022-09-28) #

    "So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?"


    I dare to ask - Why is this question even important?

  739. Elisa (2022-09-28) #

    Ah the age old question. Do you run harder when you are running away from something or when you are running toward something?

  740. Bill Klatt (2022-09-28) #

    Fear motivates above all others

  741. Jim Pipkin (2022-09-28) #

    I prefer to walk and enjoy the scenery. Running is hard on my old knees.

  742. Juanma (2022-09-28) #

    It depends on KNOWING EXACTLY what it is you want.

    If what you want is to run as fast as possible, tigerism is truth.

    If what you want is enjoyment, a different thing might be truth.

    There's always a best way. What you really need to clarify is WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT.

  743. Dolores (2022-09-28) #

    For me it’s a commitment to myself, it’s a challenge to myself and
    being true to my word, again to myself. I make a nightly promise that l am going to walk an hour the next day and if l cannot make that commitment to myself who else will. As for the pot of gold, it seems so materialistic, running for something. I want to run for myself, and the idea of a tiger, it’s running from something in fear. I want to run for just me and the promise l made to myself. There is great satisfaction in that. But everyone is different, we each have our own way, that has value.

  744. Dean Calin (2022-09-28) #

    A circle of friends used to reserve a group camp site at Devil's Lake State Park every first weekend in September. In addition to the beautiful view it is one of the only places in the Midwest to do any decent rock climbing. The park has miles of forested trails and in our youthful exuberance we would spontaneously start running just for the joy of it. One of the fellows, after the run extended for a while, quoted Gimli, "I cannot run all the way to Isengard!" After that, I always imagined, when running, that I was on the way to rescue friends and to defeat evil.

  745. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    A different source of motivation is needed for people in different times in their lives. From striving to reach for more, fearing failure, to helping others, it is not right or wrong as it is what drives each individual.

  746. Nathan Vogel (2022-09-28) #

    Its all in the Mind!
    Recalling a New Years Resolution from some years back, I made a resolution to stop using the metaphor of CANING (hitting with a Cane) myself to keep working. So I switched to the CARROT (the orange root plant that is so good for your eyes) aka the incentive method instead of the punishment method...
    Then some years ago I realized the folly of both methods... Chasing a Carrot or Running from the Cane.
    Now my resolution is to use the Frequency method.
    Imagine what you want to occur then shift your frequency to that level and you begin attracting that energy to your life.
    It took a little while but it works!
    Thanks for sharing Derek! <3

  747. Trish (2022-09-28) #

    This is actually important information, and for me, motivating. I am disabled, so running is out of the question, but I believe I can apply these ideas to a lot of things in life. I look forward to exploring where this wisdom will take me.

  748. Desiree (2022-09-28) #

    I'm not a runner, but I walk and skip and have added walking backwards, twirling, etc. I mix it up in hopes of developing stability. You never know when something can trip you up. The pot of gold is to stay mobile.

  749. Michael (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks for sharing. Short and to the point. Lesson I learned from this: What works for everyone doesn't mean it will work for me. It's probably a combination of several things and not just one thing that will help me find success. Trust that what you are working on the lessons you are learning are not that far and sometimes more effective than what's been proven to work for others.

  750. Tristram (2022-09-28) #

    A wise parable about value and the path of many an entrepreneur.

  751. Sue Lopez (2022-09-28) #

    If there is a real tiger chasing you, that is true. If the experts say that pretending that a tiger is chasing you is the "true" way to run, I would say that is illogical -- that if your legs are physically running, whatever the motivation, that is "true." Your story seems to be about motivation. Running toward something, or running away from something. The focus is solitary except for the part about using a shovel to make the path better for others. It seems that helping others would slow a person down in either getting to the gold or outrunning the tiger. Which makes you believe it's not a real tiger, so that motivation is then affected. I'd like to think that the pot of gold is a metaphor rather than financial reward. Perhaps a metaphor for a life well lived. Or you could see the pot of gold as the afterlife, and the running was motivated by that. The story sounds like a spiritual journey to me.

  752. Helen (2022-09-28) #

    Not so much
    It doesn’t make it true
    But it does make it more likely perhaps

  753. Kirby Swatosh (2022-09-28) #

    When running through the woods I sometimes I imagine that I am a indian messenger carrying an important message to the chief of a village either in North or South America.

  754. James Grasty (2022-09-28) #

    I feel that it means that what motivates us all is different, everyone is different. The stick works for some, while the carrot others.

  755. Ian Pain (2022-09-28) #

    My first thought is that the pot of gold is there so you can take your time and pace yourself still thinking you will get it. Being chased by a tiger you might run your fastest to escape being eaten but run out of energy quickly.
    Motivation is a funny thing. I think competition with something be it another person or yourself is the best motivation. Give me a ball to try and score a goal against the other team is motivating for me but running for the sake of it I struggle with. Maybe a substitute pot of gold like a cup of tea and a piece of cake?

  756. Aziz (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,

    Thank you for sharing something that has a lot of meaning to you, I really appreciate it.

    This story, based on my own interpertation talks about life. The main struggle I had was defining the tiger, I am not sure exactly what it is but I settled on fear. The details on what this fear is I do not know, as I cannot imagine a fear that would accelerate our lives to the point that if we stop or slow down, it would consume us. I am looking forward to your enlightening explanation and your thoughts on that.

    I believe that life is a gift, where the contentment that comes with a realized existence is a joy in itself. But being in an active state to perceive this is easier said than done as most of us are fighting inner issues within our selves. We all know that we are temporarily here for a small duration of time but through our own self importance, we tend to assume our lives are never ending. This makes us act towards our own desires and goals (that are at times set by others) assuming they will bring us happiness or that "pot of gold" a the end of the rainbow will make us whole.

    Altruistic people who bring true value who "make the path better for others", are spending their time wisely. In my view, we must also be cognizant that kindness exercised in a forceful manner without wisdom could also be as tyrannical as something that corrupts. The intent is good but if the act is anchored with inconspicuous conditions, where we want to "get something out of it" so to speak, the entire endeavor could end up in doing more harm than good.

    The really true humans in my view, are those who are in service of others without any expectations (e.g. feeling good, receiving thanks, being commemorated or anything our ego consumes) and their actions are known to no human, and are even concealed to themselves. They do it out of pure love towards existence. To illustrate this, a wise man once witnessed the look of achievement and happiness of a man doing charity and asked, "How proud is your tree when it provides you date fruits year after year? Look at the generosity all around you! Get rid of your (egoic) self and give freely like your tree, with no attachments and expectations." I think from all the ways to "run", or live through life, this would be the best course to take. Altruism for the sake of today and tomorrow with no personal return, if we look at it closely, is really our only purpose on this Earth.

    Maybe I am totally off the mark with this whole interpretation but I rewrote it, based on my understanding of the story.

    "Everyday we live life.

    We motivate ourselves to achieve (e.g. money, fame, Olympic medals, etc.) thinking it will bring happiness, as it helps us to not be depressed (or lose meaning in life).

    One day, with a desire to accelerate our lives towards our goals, we decide to add some urgency by including a component of fear (e.g. goal setting, targets, stress, etc.), it works to make us reach goals faster so we keep using this approach.

    People we consider to have lived great lives (usually financially successful people) suggest we try some techniques to keep us motivated on achieving our goals. We try them, and they also improve our results.

    Sometimes to shake things up, we try different techniques, (possibly also ideas from financially successful people). Every time we hear or think of a new way to live, we try to see how it works with us and how it makes us feel. The different avenues of living life seems fun.

    Eventually we realize we could make life better for others, so we do charity, and perhaps build a school for the unfortunate to improve their conditions, assuming they will be thankful to us in the future.

    At one point in our lives, filled with financial frustrations, we decide to have different goals while picturing again that it will bring us happiness (thus repeating the cycle), and we are somehow surprised to find that it makes us again more motivated to live than ever before.

    A new book (authored by a financially successful person) declares that the single best way to live life, after hundreds of scientific experiments by experts, is in fact, to actively be in a state of fear. Millions of readers are happy that this is the answer and support the approach

    So, can we say that one of these ways of living life is true?"

    Thanks for reading, and looking forward to your thoughts.

  757. Paula Benson (2022-09-28) #

    Derek its strange that you sent me this email. I was just thinking how I use to be when I wanted to be a high profile entertainer. I had in mine all the money I wanted to make. Also, I wanted to be as famous as a certain singer who is no longer with us. But I wanted to smile and enjoy entertaining as my favorite artist did, Tina Turner. Well, all that running I did my eyes were barely on my two closet siblings. Sade Abu stated its nice to do what you love and get paid for it. And I believe this is a wonderful thing as long as I keep my priorities in place. Due to Covid-19 I do not make nearly as much money as I did. But I am getting closer to two of my siblings which means a lot. I use my moneys much more wiser now. I had more money when I first started to pursue music but had less. I would miss out on the opportunities to learn more about writing music and perform music to draw people. I am a spiritual person and I love it with my music. I have two neighbors that played music and made oodles of money. All I can do is shake my head. For I should not know them as a neighborhood, literally, for they should be living in a more costly neighborhoods. Why do I say this. For one lives with his brother and the other lives in a small studio. No, I am not putting them down I am saying pursuing gold can lead to poverty. I believe within my heart the music business would have eaten me alive. Even though I knew some of the business being hungry for gold can make one do a lot of foolish things. Yes, I would like to make more money. But to keep a roof over my head, go out to dinner sometimes, buy musical equipment....etc.

    I could say so much more about my thoughts on this subject of running behind the pot of gold. But you did not ask me to write a book. hahahahahaha I will say thank you for this thought. Even you have set a great example that money isn't everything. For as the owner, at one time, of CDBABY you NEVER would consider not helping a person within reason. Money was not your reason for starting that business and your attitude toward us showed it. I know this personally Derek Sivers. Have a wonderful day sir you and your family. Again, thank you for sending me this wonderful thought and caring enough to read it. (smile)

  758. Brian (2022-09-28) #

    Makes total sense. Fight or flight is a fundamental wiring in our DNA for eons. It’s easy to lose focus on the carrot but the sting of the stick is hard to forget.

  759. Jonathan (2022-09-28) #

    Desire and fear. Both have immense potential for motivating both physical and mental movement. It seems to me though that there are two versions of each. Debilitating, irrational fear based in a sense of uncertainty in the self as well as blinding greed based in a sense of selfishness seem to both be ultimately destructive. On the other hand, a sense of healthy self-preservation based in an understanding of one's ultimate worth as well as a sense of desire for goodness based in a healthy view of others' value both seem to me to be ultimately constructive. So my thought is that both the pot of gold and the tiger represent opportunities for finding the destructive or constructive elements within the soul. The external motivation only matters in relation to the internal motivation.

  760. Noury (2022-09-28) #

    Nice metaphor about life in general. I like more specifically the idea improving commons. Let's apply it and fix our world.

  761. Dave F. (2022-09-28) #

    It's a nice, poetic thought to consider if you're fortunate enough to have a nearby forest to conduct running exercises. However, in California, I think it would be prudent to keep aware of hungry mountain lions and bears because running attracts them. The number of running enthusiasts is so low these days that I believe it would be wiser to write a book that addresses more relevant subjects in order to attract a larger audience. That being said, I'm sure there are many people who are not suffering from something on a daily basis and would enjoy reading how-to-run books.

  762. Ernie Hines (2022-09-28) #

    Any of these methods may well work for anyone of us; but,just call call me a tigerist.

  763. Tina Jackson (2022-09-28) #

    To each their own, however I'm not buying it; 'pot of gold' what's the motivator, greed? 'Hot colds'..pain? The only time to run like a tiger is chasing you is when a tiger is chasing you, so fear? I says take that feeling you had as child who couldn't wait to run, that child that burst through the door and out onto the play ground, the child to whom a parent or teacher was always shouting 'slow down.' Run like you love the wind on your face and the feeling of being carefree and invincible.

  764. Jennifer Galardi (2022-09-28) #

    There is only one Truth with a capital T in this story.
    You are running. How you decide to run is up to you. But you cannot deny the fact you are running.

  765. Ellie Sloss (2022-09-28) #

    Very interesting post, Derek!
    I suppose none of these ways of running are true in the sense of reality and actually being present and in the moment. When we are imagining a different reality (hot coals, tigers, pot of gold) in order to run faster and not quit, we may be missing out on the beauty of now. We are missing the wind in our hair, the sound of birds, nature….
    Since we as humans are either trying to escape pain or move toward pleasure, these are practical ways to motivate ourselves through a run, however.

  766. Steve (2022-09-28) #

    Certain ways of experiencing this run will appeal to different people for different reasons, and that is ok. It's even ok if some of the runners believe that they are running in the only true way. However, there is no universal true way to run for everyone.

  767. SoCalGirl (2022-09-28) #


  768. Fiona (2022-09-28) #

    Not true for us Lions.

  769. Biaca de Leon (2022-09-28) #

    None of the above. Run because you like to feel the ground under your feet and the mystery of what's ahead.

  770. Fernando (2022-09-28) #

    Its a very interesting take on how we should live our life at different stages. We want to achieve success and money as fast as possible, we picture the pot of gold and the tiger. We realize that achieving success and money fast isn't that good, but we want to keep it and live a long life, so start picturing coals.
    We start smoothing the bumps because we learn that giving back is a way of feeling better.
    I would conclude that that any way to run is good depending on the outcome the person wants to achieve.
    I personally would disagree with "the book" because achieving goals as fast as possible doesn't bring that happiness and fulfillment.

  771. Juana (2022-09-28) #

    This story is a great illustration of something that happens in almost every area of our daily lives--from the best way to eat to the best way to get a good night's sleep, best way to grow a business, and more. It's okay to try new ideas but the TRUE best method will differ from one person to the next based on our individual preferences. For example, the thought of being chased by a tiger would have me tripping over my own feet. Happy for the tigerists, though.

  772. David DePietro (2022-09-28) #

    Hello Derek,

    Yes, I agree with the tiger chasing method and can see how that would be effective. I never ran with a goal in mind except when running in races or when I was very tired and had a long run back home.
    I started running daily in my 20’s because I thought it would be good discipline in achieving my goals in other things.
    I soon found that I started to fall in love with it.
    I got excited about the distance growing. Time seemed to stop and I realized that it became a meditation, a moving meditation,
    if you can call that meditating.
    Then I fell into the pit of drug addiction. (Another story) When I was ready to pull myself out of that 10 year journey, I began running again as a way to recover.
    Again that love of the act of running took over.
    I did have a mantra I would chant on the days I was tired or was feeling lazy. I would just say “if I can’t do this I will use drugs again”! I would say it over and over like a mantra.
    Eventually I didn’t need that mantra any longer.
    I rarely missed a day in 20 years and got really into competing. I was never at an Elete level but I was pretty good for a regular human. Elete athletes are not “regular humans”!
    Unfortunately I had a motorcycle accident that ended my running. I started cycling.
    It’s not quite as good as running mainly because of having to deal with the equipment and weather conditions. Also, I have to cycle 40 miles to get the same results as running 10 but I do love it now.
    As with any discipline, it’s the consistency and not the intensity that matters. Consistency yields great results and it does “spill over” into all other places in life.

  773. Curtis White (2022-09-28) #

    At the end of this article, it says the “Best” way to run.?

    I find this hard to concur with this as the “Best” way to exercise for everyone is very relative and, in this case, run.

    Take this example of running… Are you running for distance, enjoyment, exercise, stress relief, personal improvement, or what? If you consistently think that a tiger is following you every single run you go on, you will get burned out. Yes, if you are trying to time yourself for a personal best, this is a good way to go. But not for enjoyment. And not to create a habit of running.

    As I run three times a week, I do not like this approach as I know I would get burned out.

    Generalizing this world to the “Best” for everyone is very difficult. In any category as we are all so different.

    Understanding what works well for some people is a huge benefit! For the individual to educate themselves, try the method out, and understand where it fits in their workout routine… This is what the “Best” for the individual is all about. To have tactics within their repertoire and to bring them out as needed.

  774. Nathan (2022-09-28) #

    See the thing is they are all true. But are they true for you at this time? Forget what the experts are saying, forget about being right or wrong. Use what gives you the most utility in the moment. maybe later a new approach will work better but for now use one that works for you...

  775. Tyler (2022-09-28) #

    We know that Fear, more than anything, propels people to success.

    Should it be that way?

    I don't know, but it's been proven true.

  776. Radi (2022-09-28) #

    Beautifully put. The most trendy comment often moves in a contrarian circle trying to one-up the last conversation. Better to pick one and iterate by your own.

  777. Todd (2022-09-28) #

    I really enjoyed and felt a connection with this. I've always been a runner, and had mental images encouraging me whether running track in 100 m high school track meet sprints or trying to improve my distance times.
    I taught this to my wife as well, and we imagined being being chased by wolves! Haha. It works! Nice Derek

  778. Indigo (2022-09-28) #

    Truth is an interesting topic as of late. I am actually not sure what truth is anymore. Is truth Personal? or learned? Is truth what we are told it is by authorities? or is is what the " science" says? and who determines what the science is? So I am unsure what the answer to your question is, except to say that personally, the photo inspires me to say: forget why you are running, stop and check out that fabulous moss and what is in it!

  779. Heather (2022-09-28) #

    I think that the whole thing with running is that you're interacting with the physical world around you. The physical world is always changing, just as the mental world is always changing -- positive entropy and all that. So the way that you run -- or that you approach the run -- must change too.

  780. Samantha (2022-09-28) #

    This is a wonderful post, and it is a reminder that variety is the spice of life!

    People become happy when they find scientific backing for their quirks, assuring them that theirs is the 'right' way to do something. Our minds can conjure up infinite things to run from and towards, and even more reasons to not run (as mine often does). Yet, I find that every time I get out there and do something like running, I have already won the battle against inertia, and being there, fully engulfed in those moments, allow for solitude and peace quite unmatched by anything but stillness.

  781. Josh K (2022-09-28) #

    All of these can be true. I believe we should be aware of our needs and also be open to them changing over time. Our needs will impact our motivation and the evolving perspective.

  782. Abe (2022-09-28) #

    Why not think of it as a beautiful gift that you have the ability to even run? Why not think about it as a way of being joyful? Why not be motivated by that?

  783. Frederick (2022-09-28) #

    Everyone has their own "truth" and way of getting there. I used to plan workouts for my Army unit. So a plan for an infantry unit of very young buff Soldiers is very different from a plan for a reserve unit with older soldiers with numerous aches/pains. The best technique is the one that works for the individual runner's physical ability, personality, body structure etc..There is no one perfect that fits all runners and we have to find the path that best fits us. As long as we "make mission" and meet our goals and do it in an ethical/honest way our chosen technique works we are successful.

  784. Anthony (2022-09-28) #

    I think both ways are true. We run towards pleasure and away from pain. Why not take the time and walk and try to balance the things in your life? Relationships, health, work, family, friends etc.?

  785. Nick Allen (2022-09-28) #

    I've run every day for 1191 days in a row today. Motivations change. Discipline and repetitions is making me faster. :-) I like the smoothing the path bit for other runners, but not too much. We had an amazing path that got boardwalk and timber put all over it. its not the same any more, not as challenging, and now its crowded.

  786. Rod Morgan (2022-09-28) #

    What I love about you, Derek, is you ability to tell a great story! That and... I used to live in Rothesay Bay and have many fond memories of NZ as a child.

    Back to your running... It gave me pause to think of the how which then made me backtrack to the "why". The why of the run would, I think, help to determine the desired outcome or goal and that, in turn, would influence you choice of tiger, hot coals, pot of gold and, yes, the occasional shovel to "pay it back" (or maybe in this case, "pave it down", lol).

    Running... it seems like I have been doing that all of my life and, full disclosure... for what I think the majority of time was for the wrong reason. So much so that several years ago I wrote a song about same aptly named... "Running".

    Apologies in advance but here it is: https://fandalism.com/rmorgan5819/bdvX

    Perhaps pace offers a broader description, encompassing all forms of motion, both physical and emotional. In today's world, it is easy to get swept away and as such, the race begins but no real sense of the why or the goal... maybe just the method.

    Giving pause to make us think, Derek, is a gift that you have and I thank you for sharing that. If I can ever figure out how direct my race to bring me back to New Zealand, I hope I can hunt you down (in a good way) and share a libation and chat with you. Warmest regards always, Rod. Renfrew, Ontario, Canada (a mere 14,376 km away).

  787. Santiago (2022-09-28) #

    It’s interesting how our brains work. We always want there to be one right answer and we look for evidence and facts that can further make the answer we want to be right more right. In fact, there is never one clear answer, but rather a number of options that we can choose from. This might be overwhelming because too many options is paralyzing and confusing. I think it’s a matter of choosing to believe what you want and hope to be true, but not holding on to it too tightly. If we hold on too rigidly we lose the open mind that can help us remain flexible and agile both in the body and mind.

  788. Shawn (2022-09-28) #

    I pity people who have to imagine such things to propel themselves. It’s pure joy to be able to run. It’s a gift we briefly enjoy in luck & good health.

  789. Mike X (2022-09-28) #

    I love it.

    As a non-runner, I read this as an allegory for life, and it's beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing, Derek.

  790. Brian (2022-09-28) #

    Thanks Derek - always appreciate your stories, thoughts, and insights!

  791. Dave Fournet (2022-09-28) #

    The idea of running, or doing anything, "in order to ____" can be useful, IF one wants what's in the blank. I'm chuckling though, at this instrumental approach to something that I've found (though mostly walking these days) refreshing and nourishing. What comes to mind is something I think Mark Twain wrote about golf: "a good walk ruined." So, "true?" Not for this biped. I prefer to run, bike, move, etc. through the woods or wherever with as much awareness, curiosity, and savoring as I can muster, without making any of that a condition for appreciating the wonder of being able to stay upright on two legs in this amazing world in which we somehow evolved.

  792. Dave Fournet (2022-09-28) #

    a daily run

    Every day you go on a long run through the forest.

    You picture a pot of gold at the end. It helps you finish when you feel like quitting.

    One day you pretend there’s a tiger right behind you. It makes you much faster, so you keep using this approach.

    A running expert suggests you try acting like you’re running on hot coals, to keep you on the front of your feet. You try it, and it improves your stamina and energy.

    Sometimes, to shake things up, you try running barefoot, or with your eyes closed, or with your arms out like an airplane. Every time you hear or think of a new way to run, you try it to see how it works and how you feel. The variety is fun.

    Eventually you realize you could make this path better for others, so you bring a shovel to smooth out bumps and fill in holes. You imagine future runners being thankful for whoever did this.

    One day, when filled with money frustrations at home, you run while picturing that pot of gold again, and are surprised to find it now makes you run faster than ever.

    A new book declares that the single best way to run, after hundreds of scientific experiments by the experts, is, in fact, to act as if a tiger is behind you. Millions of readers (they call themselves “tigerists”) are happy that tigerism has the answer.

    So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?

  793. Brian (2022-09-28) #

    First of all, if that's your actual running path above, i'm jealous. Secondly, "true" is subjective no? We all have our own reasons for doing something. A lot of the time we don't have any other reason other than, "it feels good". So, do your thing...thing doers!

  794. Donna (2022-09-28) #

    This is a wonderful and inspiring read. What a fantastic way of thinking to help keep steadfast toward one's goals!

    D Davenport (U2XProductions)

  795. Earl Mangulabnan (2022-09-28) #

    true? they're both true

  796. Renée Corine Arnold (2022-09-28) #

    But what if I want to run WITH the tiger?

  797. Corey (2022-09-28) #

    It was never about the pot of gold. The gold just gives you direciton. It was always about learning how to enjoy the run.

  798. Lester Koshiol (2022-09-28) #

    In a forest, I'd probably walk so I could appreciate the scenery. I don't know if there's a pot of gold at the end, but if there was a tiger chasing me, I'd probably run. I rarely run, but going barefoot or closing my eyes or reaching out my arms would certainly change the way I work or feel. Looking for that pot of gold when I have financial troubles will make me go faster.

  799. john rizzardini (2022-09-28) #

    There are days in my life when I need the tiger behind me to overcome mental obstacles. Most days, I prefer the joy of immersion in the moment to make progress.

  800. Ronald Anthony Stevenson (2022-09-28) #

    I really enjoyed it, made me smile and think. Thanks my Friend for including me.

  801. Anette (2022-09-28) #

    You go running because you like it, you go running because you feel you need it. Are you a professional runner who needs to hone your skills and train better to become an Olympic gold madalist? No you go running because you like it and you need it….STFU. If you were the olympic fasttrack coach….yeah then it might be a good idea to ask those you coach/train what will get them going: pot if gold or tiger. Answer will not be the same always in life…so keep asking….and use both ”right” answers…..

  802. Arman (2022-09-28) #

    Derek, you've done it again! You have made a powerful statement in a simple way.

    You can't copy anyone else and expect to get the exact same outcome.

    We each must discover our own truth.

  803. Ronald Anthony Stevenson (2022-09-28) #

    Ps. BTW, whatever works my friend. We all choose different ways and what's best for them.

  804. Barb DiMarco (2022-09-28) #

    I love this! I swim though, as somehow it resonates with my body well . So I get up and think of my friends who've had strokes and say to myself "Swim, or die" then I jump in the olympic sized pool and start off on my laps. I talk to myself when swimming saying the water loves supporting and holding me up, that there is honor in having time to observe the sky and clouds while backstroking, and that my body is in a love affair with the water. I tell myself my muscles love every second of it. They're hungry for it. I don't worry about sharks chasing me, believing exercise should be rather meditative and fun; never frantic. If it feels good I'll want to do it tomorrow because I enjoy the experience. Next day I tell myself the water is calling for me to come and play... I play fun mind games to get going-which seem to work for this normally lazy person!!

  805. Sally Burns (2022-09-28) #

    Nice. I hadn't thought to draw a metaphor from the way I run. I sometimes do hill sprints. Run up, walk down. Time myself. For the last sprint I pretend one of my kids is about to get run over if I don't get there in time or that a friend's illness will be reversed if I get there in < 45 seconds etc. I know there is obviously no connection, but it motivates me to run faster. So, I guess the parallel is that I like to always improve and am motivated by reaching goals rather than getting eaten by a tiger! When walking in the forest I am always on the lookout for owls. So, the journey is also pleasant.

  806. Robin (2022-09-28) #

    I’m being chased by a turtle it seems. Not sure where.

  807. Barry (2022-09-28) #

    I think there is a distinction between runners and the reason they run. Early on, you may run for performance and time improvement. But as you age and performance declines, you may run for mental/physical health, pleasure, fun, etc. imagining a tiger behind you can increase performance and time but if you are at a different stage in your running career, it could, at least in my mind, it adds stress you don’t need, especially if you’re running for different reasons. All of this assumes you are actually writing about running and not some metaphor for life!

  808. Alistair Reily (2022-09-28) #

    Looks to me like consideration of a personal dilemma between trusting and valuing your own subjective experience vs accepting the externally imposed ‘right’ solution, which is supported by social and ‘expert’ validation.

    (Have you read Persuasion by Robert Cialdini?- looks like some persuasion elements are at play in your dilemma here.)

    I also think that the question at the end does not quite ‘fit’.

    Is it about truth, or about what we should accept as reality? I.e. should we accept that there is such a thing as one way that is objectively better than the others.

    I also think that the answer changes depending on the decision maker rather than the external environment. E.g. if you have put the time in to develop differential insight on something then you can trust your subjective experience (your pot of gold is ‘true’).

    If you have not invested the time and effort to gain insight and some degree of wisdom for yourself then it’s likely to be best to align yourself with those who seem to have some wisdom you lack (become a Tigerist- Tigerism is ‘true’)

    Ultimately the truth is a function of the perceiver’s subjective reality.

  809. kay martin (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,
    I'm not sure what you're asking, but in my universe I think quite a bit about what's true, and what's truth; in other words, universal. So to me those are all true. I wouldn't say they are truth, but to some extent all the little trues make up the universally true, I would say.

    I'm a little worried to hear about money frustrations at home. I hope you're okay. I started watching your Your Music and People video: it's very good, very well done. And also really long, why i haven't finished it. But I will, and I'm glad to have it. Sending you my best—now from Bari.

  810. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    I find the mind games are a distraction from what really matters. You cannot love money and God. I choose to spend my life in service to others while searching for the divine appointments God gives me every day. Looks like a great path to enjoy in innumerable ways.

  811. Carmen (2022-09-28) #

    Wow! You make running so much fun! It’s like you have a different adventure every time you go out.

    It makes sense that you’d run faster if you trigger the fight/flight response. That gives you shots of adrenaline which increases the oxygen levels in your blood and gives you quick energy by converting its glycogen into glucose. Also, if you are in financial trouble and you trick yourself into thinking there’s money at the end of your run- that works because desperation makes people really push themselves even past their limits. (You can’t generalize and say you’d get a higher mark in a test this way as fear causes the brain to shut down.) Don’t know if it’s good for you to trigger the stress response every day though.

    I do get that this story is not just about running, it is metaphorical. Looking at it that way, it strikes me that the goal of running is to run. That has it’s own reward. It releases endorphins which gives you a high, and also makes you healthy and fit. Running faster, running to a certain destination, those are artificial goals. Your body doesn’t need those to get these benefits.

    But would a run be as enjoyable without a given goal? I don’t run, but in the summer I swim 50 lengths of our pool every day. After I’ve finished those laps I just swim for fun. I enjoy that the most. That’s when I can pay attention to the how the water feels against my face and wonder at the beauty of the trees that surround me. I can experiment with different kinds of strokes, and even invent new ones. Not to increase speed, just to see if they will work. I invented one that’s great for my back when it’s sore, and a way to tread water without using my hands. That’s fun. But while I’m doing laps I’m just concentrating on finishing them as quickly as possible. Would I swim half a km a day without a goal? Probably not. Would it matter? Not sure. I do walk for an hour a day and cycle as well. I’d be fit even if I didn’t meet my swimming goal.

    I do think people are per-programmed to love adventure, love exercise and love helping people. I’m thinking challenging yourself also gives you a high, which is why we set goals even if we don’t really have to.

    Running is just putting one leg in front of the other, but if you are thinking about it as an adventure you are going to enjoy it a lot more. Which makes you do it more. Which improves your health. And it IS satisfying to help other along the way. That gives you a huge hit of endorphins, similar to a mild morphine high. So it is with life. Be adventurous, creative, help others, challenge yourself. The destination doesn’t matter, it’s what you do along the way. The joy of running is a great metaphor for that.

  812. Lee Doll (2022-09-28) #

    I am surprised that more people believe the Tiger chasing is a better inducement to run faster.
    I am a firm Believer in the Reward Theory. Running toward a pot of goal is more in line with my personal beliefs.
    Thank you for sharing.
    ~ Lee

  813. Jackson Green (2022-09-28) #

    Hm. Is this metaphorical, literal, or intended for multiple life behavior congruence?
    Derek, I am hoping that, if you haven't already, you could start putting some of your time and great influence into solving the climate crisis. I've just taken a class on the matter and the single greatest thing that we can all do right now is to electrify everything.

  814. Chiemi (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting. The tiger as a way to inspire - maybe on some days - on others, it's aura might be just annoying or a distraction. Personally, I tend to be more in my head than out of it when I run. Isn't it about the journey, whether mental or physical?

  815. Don (2022-09-28) #

    I read it a few times. This one’s just not hitting for me. I got nothing…

    Although it did make me think a lot about you racing down the beach on your bike and later finding the relaxed pace got you there almost as quickly and with more enjoyment. And I remembered the bird pooped on you. That made me smile. :)

  816. Rich (2022-09-28) #

    Well, whatever works for each individual is probably best. My wife and I are definitely getting old with health problems. Still, we walk together every day for a mile, and I either run flat out up the hill or jog part of the way just to get my blood circulation going. We also take the opportunity to wave hello to neighbors and greet their animals. Out neighborhood is a lot like Josephine's beautiful photo in places. For us, the journey is important, rather than the destination. We remove fallen branches and debris from the trail. We often stop to talk to neighbors as well as each other. Even when I used to jog for miles, I never thought speed was very important, so the tiger behind me concept wasn't important nor was the pot of gold. One time when I was jogging in the rain soaking wet, a friend stopped their car to ask me why I was running in the rain. I said that I was going to take a shower when I got home anyway, so it didn't matter if I got wet. What matters is that my health is better if I jog. I think that the more stressful the job, the more important the jog.

  817. Michael Twardowski (2022-09-28) #

    Great to read all the interpretations from other readers. They provoked thoughts I didn't consider while reading.

    But it is fairly straightforward to me. No, one of the ways to run is not the true way to run. Ideas and suggestions are good. But only through trial and error will you find the best way for YOU to motivate yourself.

    Like in the culmination of 'How to Live' (spoiler alert) you are the conductor of your own life.

    - Mike

  818. Robert chalk (2022-09-28) #

    I prefer to walk
    whilst fear is a powerful engine it does not lead to enjoyment of the moment..
    neither does the want or need for more of whatever..
    The image of running eyes closed arms out is like opening to the moment more..and being inspired to help other eyes closed runners is all good for them but what about the extra attentiveness needed to be aware of ground underfoot.
    I used to run as fast as I could (not really thought like that but it was in practice)through a small woods near a sea a small track with very varied terrain and no view of the next bend or idea of which turn I would choose..this was freedom!not exercise..no goal..no fear or drive other than pure enjoyment of the body..
    running barefoot on the beach was another experience I was drawn to for no particular reason but I did hear something about how native indians covers large terrain by running and taking walk breaks..
    I hope this offers something from maybe another viewpoint ..freedom and pure vitality pkus curiosity in movement and form.

  819. Bobby Graham (2022-09-28) #

    I don't believe it's the tiger or the pot of gold we ran for. It's the experience we create as we make a path in our universe.

    Our daily run is driven by our innate nature to experience. To create. To build. To make what we will from our environment, resources, and community.

    The result of the scare is not what I'm after, but what blesses me in the moment of the run, my discipline—character—self-control.

    "The two most important words, that everything great follows from: “character and self-control.” If there is a key to life, it is to “love the discipline you know,” Marcus said, “and let it support you.” Let it tether you to this moment, not to some potential rewards in the far-off future. Let it predicate your success—if you are about the work if you love the discipline you know…you already won. Everything is extra." - Ryan Holiday

  820. Bayberry Lanning Shah (2022-09-28) #

    I love to see how many responses to this one your received.
    I run because no matter how beaten down I feel at the end of a day in front of the computer, I know I'll be revived after I just get out the door and RUN! That's my pot of gold and the tiger is lethargy.

  821. Moy (2022-09-28) #

    Each way of running will be true for someone. Something that works for millions doesn’t work for me. To quote page 114 of your book ‘is this a duck or bunny? No. This is a duck and bunny’.

  822. Bruce Ling (2022-09-28) #

    The running, being a metaphor for any activity, has progress as its sole purpose.

    And so, what is the best self induced "trick" to help oneself progress towards ones goal most quickly?

    I keep Honeybees.

    I find that when I mist sugar water on them to distract them while doing an inspection, each Bee cleans the Bee next to it. No Bee takes care of cleaning itself.

    I see other Bee behavior that is similar as well.

    This indicates to me that there are no personal agendas in the Hive.

    Hivemind works because of selflessness and the agenda of taking care of the members of the Hive.

    As a self employed business owner I began applying these principles to my business life.

    I forced myself to remember the names of my clients families, and any significant information about them, ie. little Suzy's violin lessons, Jon's PhD dissertation, and such. As well, of course, of any business suggestions.

    You guessed it! I began to prosper!!

    Removing ones personal agenda and making it a Community agenda was key.

    Further, I saw how my attention to others, outside of the business scope, made them feel good and included, which in turn made me try harder to be the best version of myself.

    I began giving money away, which caused more to flow towards me.

    Tiger? Approaching Tsunami? Whatever it takes.

    My Tiger was losing my personal agenda.

  823. Doreen Robideaux (2022-09-28) #

    They're all true, each one being true for at least one person at least once. These methods and their success depends on the person, the context, the occasion, etc. It means there's always something new to try and a different result to evaluate. Life is always changing. Isn't it lovely?

  824. Hosna (2022-09-28) #

    I feel like it depends on the person. Some may believe that one of these are true, others may believe none of them are true. And it can change depending on where you are in your life. Personally for me, I try to focus on the journey rather on the destination. There is a great memoir called What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami. And his internal dialogue about what he experiences while running, as someone who has ran many marathons.

  825. Allie Wester (2022-09-28) #

    This is such an interesting concept. But it reminds me of the teachings of Tony Robbins when he talks about the Pleasure/Pain situation. Most people are motivated to avoid pain than experience pleasure. So it seems correct that the most effective way to run is to avoid the tiger!!! Love it Derek!

    Also, FYI, I self-published my very first book, October 20, 2020. Secret Confessions of a Wedding Planner! It's on Amazon. And you are a great inspiration to me! :) Allie

  826. Ludwig Wright (2022-09-28) #

    Great entry.

    Running through woods is for me the best kind of running.
    The fresh air, the soft thuds on the ground, tripping on a branch...

    Whatever the motivation is - if you keep at it and do it again and again, you'll get faster, stronger and it'll get easier.

    The path to success is doing, not overthinking.

  827. Rick (2022-09-28) #

    This feels to me like a story about being antifragile. All the experimenting by the person in the beginning gave them a full array of ways to run. I'm sure the tigerists are right about their method on the average day, but what if it's not an average day? If someone simply the read the book and knew only had one way to run, they would be SOL as soon as the unexpected happened (and it always does).

  828. Subha Pindiproli (2022-09-28) #

    I don't run and I assume there is no tiger behind me. I take my own stride and enjoy the journey. What's at the end is irrelevant whether there is a pot of gold or a swamp.

  829. Nick (2022-09-28) #

    Sometimes I think I have an underdeveloped flight response and an overdeveloped fight response. The thought of having my back to the tiger unnerves me. I want to turn around and confront the tiger. However, if someone else was also running away from the tiger then I would run faster. As the joke goes, you don't have to run faster than the tiger; you only have to run faster than the other person.

  830. Fiona Mulherin (2022-09-28) #

    No we can not say that one of these is true.

  831. Ben Ritter (2022-09-28) #

    Anything that can get you to your goal is beneficial - if it's yourself or an "expert"...if you were to write your point in one sentence what would it be?

  832. Matt Gow (2022-09-28) #

    There is no one true way. Baked into every "ideal" is a set of values and perspective that are arbitrary. Experiment with new ways and re-examine old ones. Listen to the feedback of your own body and mind.

    Do not cling to false certainty of the one way. Embrace the ever changing nature of your present experience.

  833. Parker DeVore (2022-09-28) #

    I like it.

  834. Lauren Osornio (2022-09-28) #

    Well, everyone is different. Some are motivated to run just for the love of it. If you have to imagine a tiger is chasing you, then you need a sense of fear to keep you running. If you imagine a pot of gold, then money is your motivator. If you need variety, then maybe you are easily bored.
    I used to run, but I always disliked it. I did it because I thought it was a healthy thing to do. Today I walk a lot instead of run. I love walking. And I am healthier even though I''m older.

  835. BJ Snowden (2022-09-28) #


  836. PEDRO OKOJIE (2022-09-28) #

    I must say i have only tried the tiger coming behind but its the fear and adrenaline it consumes i dont fance. The closing of the eyes is the most frequent i use while running in private paths. Its an incredible imagination.
    You always amaze me with your thoughts Derek

  837. Michael Colucci (2022-09-28) #

    Awesome stuff, Derek. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Indeed, the best motivation comes from within.

  838. geordie (2022-09-28) #

    I like to think of myself running WITH a tiger, the friendly competition to helps me keep my speed, making me run hard and fast.

  839. Mike G (2022-09-28) #

    What if the goal of running isn't to go faster? Or to have a smooth path?

    When I worked in advertising, we would often come up with 100 ideas (or more) just to end up with one print ad or billboard. I was frustrated, but my boss told me that you have to enjoy the process, since that's (literally) 99% of the job.

    If the finish line is always your goal, you're missing out on a lot.

  840. Kathryn Frederick (2022-09-28) #

    The tiger theory seems the way to speed one up. Barefoot sounds dangerous to me, but I’m a tenderfoot and hot coals would never work for me as I get in the zone pretty quickly. Come to think of it iid forget about the tiger too. I like the knocking down the bumps and filling in the holes for others and that would benefit oneself too. Inspirational Derek. Thanks again!

  841. Robert (2022-09-28) #

    Doing anything out of fear (Tiger) or out of expectation of a future reward (Gold) is ultimately unsustainable. Nothing wrong with variety but enjoying the process/journey i.e. finding your way instead of the "Best" way is the trick.

    Thanks Derek

  842. Mike Koenigs (2022-09-28) #

    I'm 56.
    I've gone through every "phase" in this post.

    A reward.
    Growth and development.

    Everyone one of them is true.

    After surviving cancer, raising a son who's now 20 and away in college.
    I'm an "empty nester."

    I run because I'm alive.
    I don't need a reason or purpose.

    If being is a reason.
    Then being is enough.

  843. Georgios (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek,
    I trust this note finds you well! Reading the below made me feel compelled to reply!

    So apparently “A new book declares that the single best way to run, after hundreds of scientific experiments by the experts, is, in fact, to act as if a tiger is behind you. So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?”

    This is a timely article for my life situation as I am contemplating to complete a Marathon. So, the various motivation techniques you have described are quite a welcoming “breakfast”. First, what is a real gold medal? For some it is to complete a race, for others to finish first. Then again if the best are not participating in the race..is the first place really a “gold medal”? So, for me it is about trying to complete the Marathon distance. At the end of the day, it is all about delivering a “message” in this type of race and that is the only motivation needed.

    To act as if a tiger is behind me…This does not work. Firstly, I understand what you are trying to say…However, a real tiger would get any human running in no time…Secondly, do not ask me why, the first thing that jumped into my mind is the movie “The Life of Pi” with the following quote: „Glancing at a copy of the insurance report, the writer reads that Pi survived his adventure "in the company of an adult Bengal tiger." Life of Pi (film) - Wikipedia

    Whilst there was no real race between the tiger and protagonist of the story (even worse, it was the same person in a boat), instinctively I have visualised a mathematical diametric P running around a circle with a tiger…in a bad dream.
    So basically, that what I want to tell you, independently of the “hundreds of scientific experiments by experts”, that what works best for me to finish a run either faster or just by walking…is to visualize the message to be delivered…either to myself or an invisible ally.

    Keep well!


  844. TC (2022-09-28) #

    No. We can not.

    True for who and compared to what?

  845. Sean Crawford (2022-09-28) #

    Hello Everybody,
    Derek, when I got your e-mail asking for thoughts, I read and rushed to write my thoughts on a big sticky note.

    But then I set my humble thoughts aside after reading so many comments, like reading sweet honey sunbeams onto the forest floor of truth. In fact, reading up from the bottom, I still haven't finished.

    My first meaning? The meaning of your piece is the variable (and various) comments. For days, I could read several per day for fun and profit. By profit, I mean specific facts and stories. By fun, I mean the sweet tone, and good motivations, such a relief in world of bad social media. Yes I know that maybe I am only getting comments on people's good days, not their bad social media days.

    My second meaning? That people's motivations can vary from day to day. You see, the child part of me is still tormented by the question of whether certain dead relatives were good guys or bad guys. My adult part, on my good days, can see that people can "change" according to whether they were stressed that day, were wearing dry socks and so forth. My adult self can try not to see people in binary good/bad terms. (Actually, my binary now is whether people are safe and supportive, or not)

    There is a reason why grandparents with less stress from family and job, maybe in a downsized easier home, can appear to be, and genuinely are, nicer people.

  846. Isabell (2022-09-28) #

    After reading your post several times, I keep returning to perspective-taking, the concept of nuance, and the idea of the "right person in the right place at the right time." What works for us today may not work for us tomorrow. Likewise, what works for me may work for you but not others. So many factors impact our perception, emotions, and decisions, and I'm hesitant to believe in a one-size-fits-all approach (even though I'm a Ph.D. and should always look for "generalizability"). Interesting yet cryptic post. Looking forward to learning more.

  847. Alex (2022-09-28) #

    One day, you wake up and in a fluster. Things don't seem to make sense, you feel grumpy and everyone is demanding things from you.

    Out of habit you tie up your running shoes and hit the well-beaten path. Grumpy and frustrated, you have no desire to think about tigers or pots of gold.

    As you run, you start to feel the rhythm of your footsteps on the soft (but smooth) ground. You begin to notice the crunch and squish of each footstep. You feel your breath flowing smoothly, without rush but with purpose.

    And you keep on running.

  848. Chris (2022-09-28) #

    I was thinking something very similar today.

    The tiger and pot of gold have their uses, but that's not how I would like to run.

    Like Devan, I've stopped reading guru books on "running" (biz, etc.) lately. They are certainly helpful, but work already consumes my mind and I'd rather learn how to live better with what's left.

    The true way to run is to enjoy running, whatever form that takes.

  849. Anthony (2022-09-28) #

    Wow, Tigers and Shovels!
    What we all think about when we run is an interesting thing.
    Shovels to fill in pot holes for others...Holy crap, you are way too nice!

    Here is a top read for you: "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami"

    My thoughts are more about my speed, energy level, the temperature, my solei, how awesome my new shoes feel (yesterday) and yesterday it was humid so I ripped off the shirt, past or future running events (even though I haven't run one since 2013) and that I am aging and wondering if it has affected my speed!

    Fresh from a "trot yesterday...I was contemplating running the "Authentic" Marathon on Nov 12! - Marathon to Athens. The Marathon. And how I could make this happen (I'm only doing a couple short runs/weeks so I'd need a few longer runs in subsequent weeks).
    (I'm 50% Greek also, so, as a matter of Honor, I need to run it at some point!)

    Have you run a marathon, Derek?
    Quite different, interesting longer training runs and different pace to be run at; nutrition; pain; the event is great.

    Meet you at Marathon!

  850. Thomas Anderson (2022-09-28) #

    As it turns out, the only thing at the end of the path was the end of the run.

    It didn't matter what you thought. It didn't matter how fast you went. It didn't matter if you stumbled on rocks or cleared the way for others.

    There was no gold. There was no tiger. There were no hot coals.

    If you're lucky, you enjoyed most of the path while you were running.
    If you're not lucky, you might approach the end of the run with confusion, wondering why you were running at all, asking yourself why you didn't walk when you had the chance to take in the surrounds.

  851. lance R (2022-09-28) #

    It seems to be saying your goals can be different depending on what you are trying to accomplish and where you are in life. Who says finishing is what every runner is after, the pot of gold? Who says speed is most important, the tiger? If it's form you are after than hot coals makes sense. Helping others, using a shovel to smooth the path. I think it's saying you have to set goals for what you need in your own life. It's the reason why the pot of gold helped when you have money problems. So many people read a book by a professional and take it as the perfect way. How does that author know you and what your goal should be. Reading and other people's advice is invaluable but copying it might not be what you need to actually do with that information at that time.

  852. Kelley (2022-09-28) #

    Running feels fantastic, unless you compare it to not running.

  853. Akhil R (2022-09-28) #

    Really like the blog. Was a bit confused by why the use of term "true"? Does it serve the same purpose as right? Or the true way to learn?
    I took it as that.

  854. Jonathan (2022-09-28) #

    Thought provoking!

    "It depends..."

    As a teacher, I often give contradictory advice, depending on where the student is at, whether they have mastered the basics and are ready for the exceptions to the rule, how much they have overcorrected my previous advice, etc.

    Funny that I haven't fully accepted this in my own life (until now). There is no universal best way that is separate from one's exact needs, current skills and idiosyncrasies.

    My take away is to do things that work and accept that they will change over time...and most importantly, don't stress as to whether you have the 'perfect' solution or not.

  855. Marco (2022-09-28) #

    I can only promise I will try!!!

  856. Peggy (2022-09-28) #

    Running with the tiger behind you is running with fear and adrenaline. But running to something ahead of you because you are hungry figuratively speaking, now that's more like a positive motivation. Running alongside the tiger because you both need to reach the pot of gold, now that could be interesting...competition?

  857. lertad (2022-09-28) #

    Perhaps truth is just a moment in time.
    And the truth (faith?) that moves you to where you want, or need, to be is perhaps the only truth that really matters…at that time.

  858. neil (2022-09-28) #

    I don't think that you can say only one of these ways to run is true. The implication could be that then the other ways are false.
    If the question is limited to the time that you are running in a particular way, you could say that the way is true while you are actually running it.
    You could define the act of running physically, without referring to mental state of mental imagery used to keep yourself running. Just run. That could be the ultimate "true" running.
    So then true or truth is a matter of definition.
    If your goal is to run, use whatever mental imagery helps get you running. Or use no imagery at all. Make a decision. Run.

  859. Miro (2022-09-28) #

    I run just because, for the moments of being in running mode. I live at the doorstep of one of the most beautiful national parks in the world, Abel Tasman NZ, so running in there a number of times a week is not about running away or towards, but to savour the running process itself. I cant understand that people wear headphones and distract themselves away from the opportunity to be fully aware, present, breathing & travelling through space with your own body. Great article as always Derek. You're my role model.

  860. Nicola Gordon (2022-09-28) #

    Whatever works- do it. They do say most people are more motivated by fear, but obivously not always...make the pot of gold really big!!!

  861. Brian (2022-09-28) #

    Whichever one works that day

  862. David (2022-09-28) #

    Yes! We certainly can. And just because we say that one is true doesn’t mean the others are false - whatever gets us running!

  863. Keri (2022-09-28) #

    "Every time you hear or think of a new way to run, you try it to see how it works and how you feel. The variety is fun."

    Big exhale


    Thank you.
    Sincerely-- Keri's Brain.

  864. Samantha (2022-09-28) #

    This opened an interesting discussion between my partner and I when I asked him what would make him run faster, running toward or running away from something. We differ in that he’d run faster toward something and I would run faster running away. I feel that when I run toward something I know it’s meant for me and I know I’ll get there when it’s my time :)

  865. Johnathan (2022-09-28) #

    Some great questions to consider in this parable, thanks for the post Derek!

    Why am I running in the first place?
    (as any orthropod will tell you, it's generally bad for your joints...maybe I should try skipping instead)

    Why do I feel compelled to go faster?
    (to finish and get on with the next run?? Maybe I should just slow down and relax)

    Am I truly doing a service to others by making the path smoother?
    (perhaps 'easier' running isn't necessarily 'better' running)

  866. Tracy (2022-09-28) #

    First of all, I’m using ALLL of this.
    Thank you.
    “So, can we say that one of these ways to run is true?”
    What is true?

    I believe I weigh this lovely little story in the light you meant it, when I hold it up to the light of the divisiveness which is sapping our collective creative strength.

    No. It would be silly and counterproductive to insist one style of running were true to the exclusion of all others.

    Each style met the needs of it’s time.

    As do each of the religions. But as a Bahá’í I would inevitably say that, being the core of my world view.

    Lovely story, Derek. I look forward to more. I have some ranting to do about algorithms. I want to see if there’s a place for that here.

  867. Isabella Grandic (2022-09-28) #

    I appreciate this anecdote. Particularly the part about paving a path — it makes me ponder the value of the harder (harder path) compared to the smooth/industrialized. Ie, should we try to make all things better, or preserve the element of adventure? The ways our brains take over?

  868. Terrence Brill (2022-09-28) #

    This is an analogy for life I suppose. You always have to do what is best for you. You can consider the opinions of others, but only you can make the final decision on any given situation.

  869. Todd (2022-09-28) #

    I think of each method as a tool for your tool box. Each can useful depending on your situation.

  870. Andrea Plamondon (2022-09-28) #

    I run to feel the blood course through my veins

    I run to feel the wind in my hair

    I run because it reminds me of days gone by too quickly

    I run and will never stop because I have always run and will always run...

  871. Tim (2022-09-28) #

    None of them are true if unconscious, and all are true when chosen consciously.

  872. Tim (2022-09-28) #

    None of them are true if chosen unconsciously, otherwise, all are.

  873. Andrea Plamondon (2022-09-28) #

    I run to feel the blood course through my veins

    I run to feel the wind in my hair

    I run because it reminds me of days gone by too quickly

    I run and will never stop because I have always run and will always run...

    (my apologies if this was posted twice...)

  874. Farhan (2022-09-28) #

    It reminds me to one of my dreams to be able to exercise regularly.

    "Every time you hear or think of a new way to run, you try it to see how it works and how you feel. The variety is fun" . This reminds me to one of Murphy's Law of Combat "If it’s stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid". Any method you use doesn't really matter as long as it work. Whether one way to do it is true or not is more about efficiency for me.

  875. Liber (2022-09-28) #

    I run just because of it makes me happy, and I know this kind of feeling won't disappear so I believe I will keep running till the end.
    But when I feel exhausted to quit and then I will quit at the moment.

    When it comes to achieve a target, I need the real Pot of Gold at the end. Kid myself won't help me run a step more...😂

  876. Jose (2022-09-28) #

    Interesting. Once, while I still lived back home, a group of friends and I decided to go up the mountain in our city and camp up there for 3 days. Me being the flimsy skinny boy I was, hiking up was an ordeal. However, maybe because of fear of the shame and possibly my friends ending up making fun of me, While climbing I started to visualize my legs like those as a body builder, or I kept saying to myself : “my legs are like those of Hercules” Needless to say I made it to the summit
    Thanks Derek

  877. Tom Rule (2022-09-28) #

    There is absolute Truth, and then there is imagination and motivation, and then there is information which is true until it is proven otherwise (Earth as center of the solar system, for example.).

    All of these scenarios in the story are dealing with what motivates the runner - not with capital-T Truth. Possible a better question at the end is “what works?”.

    Will what works change over time? Possibly, maybe even probably, but maybe not.
    It - as is so often true - depends.

    I think I’m going to throw this little story into my mental bucket and let it ferment for a while - let’s see what develops.

  878. Mela Zeir (2022-09-28) #

    It's about the process and not the goal, each day the challenge is to find the way that inspires you and when you aren't inspired you can call on ways that have helped in the past. The past offers strength when needed and the unknown future invites new perceptions.

  879. tim (2022-09-28) #

    No. Not what 'true' means.

  880. Jeff (2022-09-28) #

    Really like this story because it seems like it'd be up to the person's perception of what's the more stronger motivator. A tiger may be more scary, but if a person believes a pot of gold is more motivating and runs faster accordingly, then who is to say otherwise?

  881. Jim (2022-09-28) #

    I ride a bike. Don’t need tigers, coals or gold. Riding fast feels good so I keep doing it.

  882. Cristian (2022-09-28) #

    Hi Derek. I really like article and concept. It's short and thought provoking.

  883. Ricardo (2022-09-28) #

    Whatever way that makes you take step after step and that keeps you moving in the long run is true enough. Changing the way to run can be part of that. We change with time. So should our way to run. Other people are different from me, so their true way to run could be different from mine.

  884. Lindsey (2022-09-28) #

    Being motivated by a carrot or a stick is extrinsic. Being motivated by curiosity (like trying things out for a while) is intrinsic.

  885. 董宇鹏 Richard (2022-09-28) #

    Sense of urgent could make you survive. But to be successful, one needs sense of mission.

  886. Robert Dick (2022-09-28) #

    There's a truth for each of us -- should we wish to learn it. Even for the tiger, who might be best off by accepting that it will never catch us.

  887. Richard Danjolell (2022-09-28) #

    The fact that someone runs is great. What motivates them gets them there. Humans feel the need to gravitate for identity. Learning that others feel chased by Tigers is reassuring that they can identify. Our goals and motivations change. But alas we must keep running.

  888. Bryon Garrison (2022-09-28) #

    I write songs and musicals the same way. I write songs with someone in mind. I create stories and then write the music for the story. The songs are stronger on their own because they have their own back story. Their own tiger chasing them. My mother, who died this year, always said never be stingy with your creativity. Be the well where others must draw. My mother dying, this year was my tiger. I had to release another album, do another show, something to make her proud of me once more. It was too late... she was already proud of me. There was nothing I could do to keep her alive. I dedicated my tour, my songs but she did not want to hear music. Just a hug, a kiss and my last goodbye in a poem. Now the tiger chasing me is my own death one day. I charge towards it. Putting my music in fixed form for the future as the world falls apart, knowing that you can't take riches to heaven. But where does the song go. Does the song in my heart go with me when i die? Is my mother singing my songs in heaven? We race around recording the fleeting moments of our creativity. Intently trying to capture what lives with us eternally. In these times, I race to stand for real truth knowing that in a world of lies it is always the truth which will be in the end the thing that kills me. The truth that sets all men free if they let it. Men worship themselves grasping on to personal truth, denying their own mortality and cursing God as they try to hold on to ephemeral. The solid rock is the unseen God, the spirit of a song, the poetry of thought and the love of a mother.

  889. Luke S. (2022-09-28) #

    No, we cannot say one of these ways to run are true.

    It depends on the purpose of the runner. Setting a PR, mitochondrial health, clearing the mind, etc.

    Couple things that come to mind: self-experimentation is worthwhile and healthy, incentives matter, critical thinking is paramount, especially when it comes to expert takes.

    Very thought provoking parable, thank you!

  890. Jared (2022-09-28) #

    I love this parable. A good reminder that there are many ways to live life, and get to where you want to be. But individuals are unique, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to life.

  891. Raghav (2022-09-28) #

    So many solutions out there are trying to find a problem :)

  892. Xiaoyu (2022-09-28) #

    Assuming the person is running towards the same goal:

    In the story, it seems that running fast and helping others along the way are important.

    If so, does it matter what motivates the person? Fear, money… As long as the person is still running towards their goal and helping others along the way.

    I don’t know if I am understanding this story. There is no one “right”way to live a life. Is that the core message?

    Or perhaps, there is no message to be delivered here. Just something to ponder.

  893. Steve (2022-09-28) #

    When I was turning 50, I decided to run 5 miles (having recently build up my knees from years fo desk work and little exercise or sleep by a combination of glucosamine and stair climbing).

    Although I trained 2 miles then 3, then 4, what really got me though 5 miles was just agreeing to take that next step.

    Fast, I wish I could consider all the ways to be fast. I’m not there yet. Just trying to take that next step :)

  894. Al Blatter (2022-09-28) #

    To quote the Great Vince Lombardi--who quoted the 1 Corinthians 9:24--before one of his pre-game motivational speeches:

    Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. So, run to win!

  895. David (2022-09-29) #

    Life and Derek throw up questions!
    We are looking for meaning in running and the reasons why, or how it is best done. It may be more practical to ‘give’ meaning. Jesus, the Buddha, David Goggins, me and you have all chosen how and why to run, or not to run, or how best to run.
    When I was young I ran for pure physical joy, for the sport of it, innocent of heart and mind. Now I run a measured race, experience and knowing, more fully aware, trying a maximise my effort/reward, while keeping in mind the start and finish and the beautiful forest, time and the universe.
    I am still trying to run the perfect way, absurd as that sounds.
    The best runners guide will affirm your uniqueness while documenting the many ways of known running. You may follow these or like David Goggins, follow your own path.

  896. Ran Dvir (2022-09-29) #

    I love the first half of the story. Very innocent and full of acceptance, observance and experimenting. I think that for this kind of a run a "true" or "right" way of running might be, in a way, a wrong way, as it instructs.

    Regarding the second half, sometimes it is the bumps and the holes that one draw satisfaction from overcoming so whether or not smoothing the path for others is beneficial to them really depends on the reasons for which one is running. This is also, in my opinion, an answer to the question at the end.

  897. Gregory D. Mangan (2022-09-29) #

    Thanks great
    Will talk soon
    Keep up your good value for

    Gregory D Mangan

  898. Chase D (2022-09-29) #

    No, stop running. Walk. Enjoy life, this moment. Appreciate all that is around you. Nature, and then some, and it’s all one in the same, as above, so below.

    There is nothing at the end. Nothing to get. Nothing to gain. Because life is a dance. The point of dance isn’t to reach the end the fastest but to dance. The point of life is to live.

    This hurrying is the antithesis of living. I tried it before. I was so anxious all the time, as if I was in an ever-tightening Gordian knot.
    I realized not long ago that I was trying to be someone I was not. I had ideas about myself that were wrong. I was convinced they were true; they had to be true. They of course were not. It was all illusion, a sort of distraction from reality as I know it. As I am. Now I just want a simple and good life. No fuss. No aspirations. My goals are few and practical and achievable.

    This is enough for me. Finally I can breathe.

  899. Joel Rubin (2022-09-29) #

    Why must only one way be true?

  900. Laurel (2022-09-29) #

    In this allegory, what is the pot of gold? To me, it’s something that calls an individual life into action—the fruition of a personal journey. The madding crowd will always have popular ideas on what you should do. Damn the tigerests- they’re so distracting from individual unfolding. Hang onto your own creative unfolding—yes we’re all relational—but we’re unique. Cherish it, protect it. I’ve just had a psilocybin journey 10 days ago, and that’s what your story brought up for me.

  901. Jay (2022-09-29) #

    False dichotomy for a start, reward or fear of failure (consequences thereof)

    Perhaps being so immersed in the pure intrinsic pleasure of the activity itself, that origin or destination are no longer important. Just enjoying the timeless 'nowness' of now?

  902. Phemelo (2022-09-29) #

    The 'muscle' being trained here is the imagination, the body is just responding to the feedback. So thank you for the reminder of the boundless stores of energy available in the right thought and belief at the right time.

  903. Ronit Ghosh (2022-09-29) #

    I wonder under what circumstances those scientific studies were conducted, and if they take into account those that have lost the will to live. Maybe a pot of gold might be a better invigorator for them than just living.

    But I also firmly believe that you don't know how precious life is until you're on the doorstep of death. So the tiger can remind you that maybe ain't so bad after all. Intriguing stuff!

  904. Courtney Daniels (2022-09-29) #

    So, there's all kinds of approaches, including one that research says is the best. But even if that one approach is indeed statistically the most effective (and it goes viral!), it won't be the best way for every person, every time, for as long as each person runs daily. Thus, there's not one true way.

  905. Sebastian (2022-09-29) #

    Whichever way you can smile while running.

  906. Jean Claude JC Jones (2022-09-29) #

    Hi Derek, you probably forgot as I believe I told you a few years ago, but I am now a disabled retired musician with fucking MS, I wish I could walk and run.. but unless a miracle I will never be able to.
    Be well always

  907. Njo (2022-09-29) #

    "Eventually you realize you could make this path better for others, so you bring a shovel to smooth out bumps and fill in holes. You imagine future runners being thankful for whoever did this."


  908. Michael (2022-09-29) #

    They are all true. The first worked because it distracted you from yourself and it was novel, and then that idea ran its course, don’ pardon the pun. So you created another game in your mind and that worked because it was a new game, different from the first and so on. The first mind game is getting rick, the second is adventure and courage, strength and the third helping others. They are all a little self-indulgent, you are the hero of your own mid game. After a few new games you can go back to the beginning again, as it feels new gain. It’s the inner conversation and competition with yourself.

    I’ve ran multi-day ultra marathons and these sled mind games are great distractions. Sometimes I’d fantasise about winning, or marching to a beat, or catching up with somebody, or focus on the pain of chaffing or a blister developing. Mind Games…Doing the mind gorilla Mind Games …as John L

  909. Michael (2022-09-29) #

    They are all true. The first worked because it distracted you from yourself and it was novel, and then that idea ran its course, don’ pardon the pun. So you created another game in your mind and that worked because it was a new game, different from the first and so on. The first mind game is getting rick, the second is adventure and courage, strength and the third helping others. They are all a little self-indulgent, you are the hero of your own mid game. After a few new games you can go back to the beginning again, as it feels new gain. It’s the inner conversation and competition with yourself.

    I’ve ran multi-day ultra marathons and these sled mind games are great distractions. Sometimes I’d fantasise about winning, or marching to a beat, or catching up with somebody, or focus on the pain of chaffing or a blister developing. Mind Games…’Doing the mind gorilla, some call it magic, the search for the grail, love is the answer, and you know that for sure’ JL

  910. jim (2022-09-29) #

    I was born on the run!!!!!! dont waste time live today

  911. Aero (2022-09-29) #

    For the same task, people execute it using different motives.

    Some base on fear, some base on greed, some base on fun. There's no right or wrong for all these motives. Just use what works for you.

    The daily run is the most important, which is the ideal outcome; The motives are not important, because they're just imaginative.

  912. Mauro Re Garbagnati (2022-09-29) #

    Some years ago I broke my cross ligaments, so I stopped any kind of running or playing soccer (loved it more than running). Don't like running but I like trekking, it is more relaxing and I can do this ...
    Sometimes I see spirited eyes from running guys, and I think "where is he going to so fast and why?".
    Ideally, I would go out for a relaxing activity, I just run too much for work or family activities!

  913. Lucas A. (2022-09-29) #

    Answering the final question: yes, they're all true.
    Each person chooses what fits best for their life and they decide whether or not it's true or not...along the way of life a lot of things change and we will disagree with our past selves, what matter is the constant movement.

  914. Jeff Pike (2022-09-29) #

    Thank you, Derek, for all you have given us and this article. Your article is very thought-provoking on many levels, and since I am currently involved in a jogging/running fitness program, I found the analogy ironically appropriate. My takeaway is that whatever works best for YOU is the correct way to accomplish the task.

    Best Regards,


  915. Riccardo (2022-09-29) #

    I think all of the approaches are correct and
    the combination of them can give you a boost. However the real basis of motivation, imho, the one which keeps you consistent and thriving for improvements, lies in the questions which you ask yourself before going for a run:

    - is running what i really want to do? Maybe swimming would be better?
    - should I run through the forest or would I be more motivated if I ran on the beach?
    - even if i got caught by the tiger or i would never get to the pot of gold or of i burnt my feet, would I be happy anyways with my decision of going for the run?

  916. Patrick (2022-09-29) #

    Not necessarily. One of them maybe for many people however I am confident there are more truths as to why people run that are not mentioned

    Personally, I run (which is one part of an overall fitness routine) to maintain a certain level of fitness. Closest mentioned reason I could align that to in your post I guess would be the pot of gold as I regard my health and fitness as my most valuable asset.

  917. John Wheaton (2022-09-29) #

    Run simply to run. Any of the ways the runner visualizes to enjoy or motivate, are true, self-created. The only one not true is that touted by the new book, which states a single best way to run.

  918. Max (2022-09-29) #

    Haha, this is the first blog post from Derek that I didn't understand. Do you run every day? Should I run everyday? Is it all a metaphor?
    I never run (except for when I'm late), maybe that's why I don't get it
    And how can a way to do something be true? Can it be anything else than just better or worse at achieving an end? What is the end goal? Or what are they?

  919. Yuan (2022-09-29) #

    There are many ways to read this story. An interesting one for me is through the lens of the Zen saying: "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water". If enlightenment does not change the actions that one must take, what value is there in pursuing enlightenment?

    I think we need to find meaning in life. Sisyphus's real punishment is having all of his illusions stripped away, so he cannot create any meaning for his actions beyond divine punishment. So, we can say any one of those ways of running is true. It might even be the case that we must say at least one of the possible ways of running is true. At the same time, I think we can also change our minds later about the true way of running without any obligation to feel too bad about changing our minds.

  920. Amit (2022-09-29) #

    What is your goal in running? Is it to run faster? Is the goal same every day? This is what I wondered reading this.

    Running achieves a certain state of mind and also a physical goal and you could be seeking different goals on different days.

  921. Josh (2022-09-29) #

    What about the people who like to run for the sake of running? Not toward, not from. Love the practice for what it is.

    Read on running to digest opinions and subtleties, not to drastically alter your unique practice. Read on running because you love the practice and enjoy seeing others' thoughts on the thing you love.

    Thank you for the thoughtful parable, sir. And for writing your unique views on the craft(s) I love. I will continue to read them; for the enjoyment of someone else's views.

  922. Manuel (2022-09-29) #

    As most often, there is no single best way to run. It depends on your current state of mind. The problems you're currently dealing with. Running is a way to escape your mind and at the same time to give your mind space to wander.

    I don't need a tiger or a pot of gold. I don't need to be the fastest. I enjoy running for the sake of running. I enjoy the release of endorphins.

    Keep the system that works for you. No need to be the fastest. There will be most probably always a faster one.

    Enjoy being outside with you.

  923. Antonio Massimini (2022-09-29) #

    I think they are all true, as long as you believe them to be true.

    In the same way the joy you feel when watching a comedy movie is true, and the fear you feel when watching a horror movie is true. :)

  924. Smillew (2022-09-29) #

    Thanks for sending this, Derek. It stroke a chord and reminded me of a question I was asked by one of my teachers some years ago, "who are your heroes?"

  925. Fernando V (2022-09-29) #

    Thanks, Derek. Begs the question of whether one can simply run for the enjoyment of running. Running for the enjoyment may allow you to run at the most sustainable and comfortable pace that keeps you running for long after you've forgotten about the tiger and the pot of gold. You may never run again, so may as well enjoy this outing.

  926. Lisa M (2022-09-29) #

    The path of life - like a trail - you can turn to others to help guide you or you can turn inwards & guide yourself. Each person has their own unique path. Such a great piece - thank you for sharing!

  927. TCHENYA (2022-09-29) #

    Running is not a very comfortable experience sometimes.

    Some days it is all you want to do to make a day better.

    It can be rewarding once you clock it in and finish.

    Best way is to be flexible and change with every run.

    Sometimes you are running away from a tiger.

    Other times you are expecting to reach the gold goal. 

    One day its both Tiger, Gold and hot coal. Balance is key.

  928. Alex Goncalves (2022-09-29) #

    You're an excellent writer, certainly. Is the idea simply that different things work? That one's mileage may vary with a particular strategy? I noticed that your examples were of things that work? What if tigerism doesn't work for you? You seem to be talking about feeling your way through a strategy while also noticing tangible outcomes. What do you do when it doesn't feel good but the results are good. Or it feels good but your stamina is no better? And if there is data that being a tigerist is actually the best way to get faster, do we resist that because we don't like to be told what to do. I want my pot of gold!

    No answers for you. Just questions. Sorry about that.

  929. Maya Solovéy (2022-09-29) #

    And if you’re pushing a stroller with two children in it you’d better run fast cause that tigey is gonna get ya!

  930. Cole Harmonson (2022-09-29) #

    No. This reminds me of the way my first company ran, it was pretty much all memetic and frantic all the time. And through a series of problems, we sold the business (after 11 years of fun) and in that process I found out that there is only one thing that I can know is true and many of my closely held beliefs were seen through. Now, let's just say that things are very different now in my NewCo.

  931. Tomasz (2022-09-29) #

    I understand that this is a draft of a additional chapter to “How to live”. I agree it supplement the book well.

  932. Carmel (2022-09-29) #

    Different approaches work at different times, whatever we’re doing. It’s good to mix things up, and if we have a preferred way, it’s good to come back to that too. When we find it’s getting easier, we perhaps won’t know if it's because of the new techniques we learnt along the way or if it would also have happened if we’d pushed through doing it the original way. Still, probably the most important lesson is that we pushed ourselves to keep on keeping on, and when we do, things will get easier.

  933. Jules (2022-09-29) #

    Its probably best to try and make the path better. its not easy to run with a shovel. If the tiger represents death then you cant outrun it.

  934. Marian Kemp (2022-09-29) #

    What is the point of all those "devices"? I get just out in the forest and walk. I enjoy the trees, the bees and other insects, the fresh air, the rocks -- nature in general. I don't run; I have joint issues and I prefer to observe as I go along, anyway. There is always something interesting to see. Walking is the universal exercise. I am a person with very definite views but I recognize that we're all different in ways large and small. Very few things are black-and-white or absolute. Some very few, like honesty & integrity, are basic but as to most values and skills -- it depends on who you are and what your needs are. The proof of this lack of one-size-fits-all is that we are all different, with differing views and needs. There is no one "right" way to run or walk or cook or clean or write a piece for a newspaper. If Joe runs better pretending a tiger is chasing him, so be it. If Esther runs better pretending her friend, Jane, runs beside her, so be it. For most things (not all) the best way to do things is "It depends". We are all different. Thank you for asking for feedback. P.S.: Having had my say, I read some comments. I am impressed with the quality of thought and of writing. You have a good audience, Derek.

  935. Dustin (2022-09-29) #

    Only if we want to discourage exploration and experimentation. Truth is a uniquely human construct, I think. An assertion of truth doesn't by necessity mean alternatives are false. We definitely can say that one of them if true but in doing so, all we're really saying is that we would like our assertion to become authority. In other words, "trust me". It's a handy shortcut to have in most cases, especially in an evolutionary context, but it can also be blinding to a "local maximum" situation. Personally, I find the presentation of evidence more authentic than an assertion of authority.

  936. George Nostrand (2022-09-29) #

    First of all, I love the image of someone running barefoot with their eyes closed and arms out like an airplane. That one's for me. Not a believer in right on wrong but would like to see myself as someone who also brings a shovel along. I used to tease a friend about his love of running. Running for running's sake seemed like unnecessary torture to me. But during COVID I did develop, if not a love for, an appreciation for running. As for the metaphor, while fear and wealth are common and often effective motivators, I don't think either is healthy. I think wealth can be a part of happiness if it is a result, not a goal, of a project. I also think fear can be a motivator, if the goal is to overcome it - not run from it. To close, the power of the imagination to change the way we see, act and feel about things is pretty amazing. - G

  937. Nitin A Khandkarr (2022-09-29) #

    Gold, hot coal or tiger, one has to be able to maintain a certain pace. You run too fast, the tiger's gonna catch up with you eventually. Run as if there are hot coals beneath your feet, and you don't get to enjoy the run.

    As they say, the journey (running) is as important as the destination (pot of gold).

    Save your strength, to fight (run) for another day. I guess how long you can run is as important as how fast.

    P.S. I received this email barely 32 hours earlier, and am pleasantly surprised
    to see so many comments, and that I'm #937. Your post is quite thought provoking, Derek!

  938. Adam (2022-09-29) #

    I usually feel like I get these fairly quickly, but this one throws me for a loop.

    I can’t tell if true is a poor word to use in the final question, or if it has just the right amount of intentional ambiguity.

    The parable is pretty straightforward itself, “true” is what I had difficulty with.

    Some definitions of true from the Oxford English Dictionary:

    "b. Suitable for a specified or implicit purpose; of the requisite standard or type; proper, appropriate, fitting. Obsolete."

    By this definition, you could argue all runs are true. The implicit purpose is the reason given for the technique (to finish the run, to go faster, to improve your technique)

    "c. In accordance with a standard, pattern, or rule; accurate, exact, correct; (Music ) correct in pitch; exactly in tune."

    By this definition, either no runs are true (ie there’s no pattern), unless the standard is just to complete the run in which case all runs are true.

    "d. Of a bearing, compass reading, direction, etc.: measured or expressed relative to true north rather than magnetic north."

    We don’t know where the runner is going from the story, so we can’t say the direction is “true.”

    "5. Without variation in one or more desired or characteristic traits, esp. in to breed true"

    In this sense the runs aren’t true, but again we don’t know the standard.

    "a. to run true: to move or behave in the correct or intended manner; to lie straight or in the correct position."

    Everything is correct as according to its purpose, but I don’t think we can determine a “correct” manner from the parable.

    Perhaps this is the intended ambiguity, but I don’t think you can determine which method is “true” (which for my purposes I’ll define as a synonym of “correct”), because we don’t know why you’re running.

    If you’re running for fun, or to enjoy the forest… or, day I say it, you’re running autotelic-ally all are true.

    If you’re running to complete the run, the Pot of Gold method is likely your best bet (it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going).

    If you’re running to improve your speed, the tiger method might be true.

    "A new book declares that the single best way to run, after hundreds of scientific experiments by the >experts, is, in fact, to act as if a tiger is behind you. Millions of readers (they call themselves >“tigerists”) are happy that tigerism has the answer."

    This is essentially meaningless (on its own) as best is determined by what you’re trying to accomplish. If you want to enjoy nature during your run, arguably this isn’t the best.

    It’s probably the existential nihilist in me, but what’s “true” in this case would be self-determined.

  939. Dan (2022-09-29) #

    Great post as always. Got me thinking.

    Motivations change, what works at one time in your life might not work as well at another.

    Knowing what you’re “running” for is more impactful than the how.

    When I started freelancing, I did it for location freedom. Once I had location freedom, I kept freelancing for financial freedom. Once I had financial freedom, I did it to help younger designers grow. The race has stayed the same, the reason to run is different.

  940. Sean Crawford (2022-09-29) #

    Another lesson suggested by the running story is:

    If you have a choice between reading an "Psych Yourself Up to Richer Living" book by a guy with two Ph.D's, or in-person motivation from a counsellor with merely a college diploma, take the latter.

    The best advice is always fine tuned to you as an individual.

  941. Elizabeth (2022-09-29) #

    Interesting story. Since the runner found the variety to be fun, variety is the best way for them to run. Be a tigerist, an airplane, or a chaser of gold.

  942. Mark O'Neill (2022-09-29) #

    I'm completely confused by this story.

  943. Matt in the Hat (2022-09-29) #

    Music is what I use: artur rubenstein's Variations on a Theme by Paganini. The last 2 minutes takes me across the finish line. In my imagination, I'm ALWAYS the winner! https://youtu.be/2zSqYDH8hbw

  944. Zina (2022-09-29) #

    I read your article a few times. I will start with what disturbed my reading flow: the bold. I get it, but while reading the lines, I am constantly hunted by the bold at the edge of my vision.

    To the article:
    I wondered a lot about the story leading to your text.
    Is it the stories we tell ourselves to stay motivated? the external advice we listen to, to get better?
    Was it even about getting better or about trying to have fun?

    Why pave a running path? Why suddenly build for others?
    Was it building the path for others that made the run easier for the runner or was it the frustration?

    Maybe none of it all was of importance, except for the runner showing up everyday for a long run.

    but the story the experts tell is an interpretation.

  945. Kyra Gaunt (2022-09-29) #

    I LOVE this so much. I love it too much ("tres beaucoup" was what my Francophone African musician friend used to say as a new immigrant to English). Derek, there's an expression that you epitomize.

    "Complexity is easy to create and hard to follow. Simplicity is hard to follow and easy to create." ~ Kirkland Tibbels, President of InfluentialU

    You, my friend, make things easy to get!

  946. Erica (2022-09-29) #

    Whatever works for you in the moment. Depends on the context. Plenty 'trues'. Important is to find YOUR way.

  947. Ravi (2022-09-29) #

    To find out which one is true, you have to know why your spirit is on earth, in this body.

    Are you here to explore the wilderness and leave a trail better for the next person?

    Or are you here to chase the pot of gold?

    Seems to me, they are all either true or not true.

  948. John C Coe (2022-09-29) #

    Why run at all? Walking is enough. You can gather all the pleasures of being in nature without the urgency of "getting there faster." However, since I did run (even competitively) once, I understand the "high" one receives from the endorphins and the feeling of air flowing past your face (even more so on a bicycle). Even while walking, if someone passes me, I occasionally have the feeling that I should walk faster...but why? What is that competitive engine that spurs us compulsively sometimes? Whereas most times I ask, why does it matter? If it's play, then enjoy! if it's peace of mind, go with the flow! Oh, by the way both the pot of gold and the tiger are your imagination, which has infinite possibilities!

  949. Jake Farren-Price (2022-09-29) #

    My thinking at the minute is that it entirely depends on the person and what they are going through in life at the time. Using the tiger chasing you (a stick), as a way of harnessing fear may work for someone at specific points in their life but for others using the pot of gold idea (a carrot) will work better.

    Knowing when to use what seems like real wisdom.

  950. Laura (2022-09-29) #

    I’m not a runner but I think the tiger idea would be effective. Even a big dog would probably work for me. And it’s a more real possibility. 😏

  951. Malekai (2022-09-29) #

    Interesting. This post didn't resonate with me as strongly as some of your others (ex: Everything is my fault) but thought-provoking nonetheless.

    My take is that the only "true" way to run is to do what makes sense in your context. This could be chasing gold (if you're frustrated about money) or fleeing tigers (if you have problems to run away from).

  952. Nico (2022-09-29) #

    I'd rather walk than run...
    This way I can contemplate such beautiful nature as the one on the photo!

  953. Ethan (2022-09-29) #

    We could.

    Nice story : )

  954. ladyholly (2022-09-29) #

    Thought provoking and I totally agree as I have been Running a long while.

  955. David (2022-09-29) #

    To me, this is about managing risk.

    If managing downside risk is important, try "tigerism" first. It worked for the majority - odds are it will work for you too. Move on to try other strategies if you find "tigerism" doesn't work, or you want to elevate your performance above "tigerism".

    If managing downside risk isn't important, just hit the trail and see what happens. You can figure it out along the way.

    Make sure you share your experience with others to help them along the way.

    I love trail running. There is no stronger feeling of connection between my mind and body when cutting through a narrow switchback trail. It feels like I am reaching deep back into my genetic code.

  956. Ivan (2022-09-29) #

    In my case, it was never either of those two. It is interesting though. When I ran yesterday I tried to imagine what it was like to run as if a pot of gold was waiting for me and then a tiger was chasing me. I must say, the tiger works better. Perhaps I will think about the tiger from now on :) And running like it was hot coals under my feet? Definitely. Although after 4+ hours of running one stops carrying much about that for sure.

  957. Willie Cash (2022-09-29) #

    Is it a story of carrot vs stick, always chasing the next thing, trying to find what is right for you, or something else?

    Regardless, if it makes you think (which it did for me) and you can align it to an area in your life that brings you value (again, it did for me), then I think that is it.

    The "it" that makes you get up and do it again.

    Thank you for sharing Derek!

  958. Joe (2022-09-29) #

    Derek: So true. Thank you for sharing this. I started going for a daily run / walk during the pandemic and have kept it up since. it's changed my life for the better and your thoughts / meditation on it is so true. Cheers

  959. Michael (2022-09-29) #

    All of these ways are true.
    The question is what feels truest to the runner?
    Which way makes you enjoy your runs the most?
    Maybe it is none of the above.
    Maybe it is listening to what you hear in the forest when you run.
    Keep running. Stay curious. Be open.
    And don‘t beat yourself up if you miss a run.
    Just keep coming back to it.
    (I never run by the way, I play the drums)

  960. Scott Wright (2022-09-29) #

    Most of us live our lives perpetually in fight-or-flight mode, consumed with desire to get what we think we want, and fear of losing what we have. When we get to the end of our lives we'll wonder why we spent so much time striving instead of just being happy. I would suggest the better metaphor here would be to stop running and take a break. And then, just walk.

  961. Femi (2022-09-29) #

    Hi Derek,

    Looks to me like this isn’t a post about running at all, or is it?

    Whatever the caemse, there's no single way to do anything. Just the way someone (or a group of people) have agreed/the one that has been found to bring results.

    In the end, you have a right to choose how you 'run'. Isn't that what creativity is about? Finding new ways of doing old things?

    Thanks for sharing.Let me return to my muse

  962. Brad (2022-09-29) #

    Here kitty- kitty - kitty. Like others have said, it depends on who you are, how you respond to outside forces. Running from a tiger seems pointless. Can’t out run one, and the stress of it isn’t healthy, at least for me. We live creative lives. For me anyway, creativity is trashed if I have to keep an eye on a big furry, fearful thing. I’ve written my better songs by writing shorter stints of one-song-a-day, but that is just not letting other things get in the way. If I had to write one-a-day or else cough up $10K for each day I didn’t write one, I’d probably stare at the page like the tiger eyeballing me for lunch, frozen in place.
    I know myself, I perform much better working towards, than running from.

  963. - will (2022-09-29) #

    Charlie Munger likes to say “if you can be working on incentives, you shouldn’t be working on anything else.”
    Positive v. Negative reinforcement. In addition to (maybe even instead of) asking which is more effective we should ask if the outcome is really what we’re looking for.

  964. Oracle (2022-09-29) #

    Every way to run is 'true' to the runner, tho all the ways described focus on The End. This way of 'truth' misses the beauty of the forest and of the steps taken. If we cannot learn to enjoy the prosess we miss the point.

  965. Ivan (2022-09-29) #

    Funny how I expected a post about your daily habit of running. But that would have been just another shared experience on daily runs among thousands.

    This is clearly more interesting.

    To me it resonates with your book How To Live, and your previous post "Your explanations are not true".

    I guess it's also about how we can be naive in believing pretty much anything. I'm now remembering that book I never read titled "Born to Believe". Maybe it explains why most of the time I got reflex to trust others by default.

    Most of the time what people say comes from their sense of truth. They believe in what they say. So they can be persuasive. Especially to people not used to think by themselves, and who didn't read your previous post. :D

    So we can be with ourselves : that's the power of the mind. We quite easily create our own believes. For better or worse. If wise enough we can ditch the believes that aren't serving us (and the people around us), and create believes to help us become the best version of ourselves.

    Another idea : We seem to desperately seek the truth, the one simple solution for each problem. And since we overcomplicate our lives filling them with commitments, never ending to-do-lists of things we don't actually need to do – fired by the fear of missing out – it's a never-ending quest that would remain unfulfilled. This is evermore complicated with the rabbit hole of Internet.

    And about "tigerism" : I guess it relates to the need for humains to belong to a tribe.

    Enfin, I think this quote from Henry de Montherlant can be appropriate here : "Les personnes qui ont une plume élégante écrivent que la vérité est un diamant ; ce qu'on oublie toujours de considérer, c'est sur combien de faces est taillé ce diamant."

  966. Mike (2022-09-29) #

    For me, this little story points out that everyone can have different motivations and those motivations can change with time. It depends on their own mindset and goals. What works best for you may not be what's popular in the mainstream at the moment. There isn't one and only TRUE method.

  967. Claud R - H (2022-09-29) #

    Contrasting points, the competition is within the actual runner. The body and the mind together provide the framework for expression of what can be possible.

  968. Michael Grodsky (2022-09-29) #

    The assumption in the story is that running is an appropriate prescription for the needs of the described individual.

    Another Man’s Treasure
    Nasrudin was walking along the riverbank when he saw a
    goblet floating in the water. Scooping it up, he looked inside,
    and found that it was half-filled with water. On the surface
    shimmered a man’s face.

    “I’m sorry,” he said to his reflection, “I did not realize that
    the goblet was yours,” and he hastily returned it to the river.

    --'The World of Nasrudin' by Idries Shah, ISF Publishing, 2003. (https://idriesshahfoundation.org/books/the-world-of-nasrudin/)

  969. Gaston (2022-09-29) #

    As long as keep showing up, all this way of running are right, is they keep that internal fire of trying to be a better version of yourself in most areas of your life. Keep on running. Thank you Derek for sharing

  970. Timothy B Pepper (2022-09-29) #

    The important thing is that you are running (or whatever that thing is for you). We get bogged down in comparison. We get derailed by trying to be perfect. We don't start because we don't think we know the right way to do something. The hardest thing to do sometimes is to start. You can always change the way you do the thing but first you have to be doing the thing.

  971. Yvette S (2022-09-29) #

    Thought provoking as always.
    For me what comes to mind is:
    Building expertise
    Fear versus goal/want (push or pull)
    Path making & teaching

    For some reason an African proverb comes to mind as well:
    If you want to go fast, go alone
    If you want to go far, go in company.

  972. Francois (2022-09-29) #

    If you feel like quiting, why not quit for a day or seven? Where lies your joy?

  973. Marius D. (2022-09-29) #

    Great post and more than one way to interpret it. You can be a good runner by running towards/away from something, whatever gets you moving.I guess it's the same ritual for going after your goals ,the fear of missing out or the pleasure that achieving something may bring you. Sharing the experience of the pursuit/mistakes made and lessons learned along the way is the giving back part. Thank you,Derek for the great way you use brevity.

  974. Erich (2022-09-29) #

    Rereading this today is a commentary on what it's like interacting with any area of interest. We can because we enjoy the simple fact, which brings an intrinsic value.

    Eventually, the initial meaning begins to fade, so out of curiosity, we look outside ourselves to see how others look at the things we value. They all help to reintroduce us but sometimes let external inputs dilute why things bring us value.

    We outweigh the views of others against our own. In my view, enjoying and filling in a path for future runners seems to have more meaning than being a tigerist.

  975. Andrew R Rogers (2022-09-29) #

    Variety is the spice of life. Find what works for you. Old things can be new again. New things become old. Etcetera etcetera ad finitum.

  976. Christian (2022-09-29) #

    Books, mentors and 'tigers' help us learn new ways/techniques/approaches to achieve our goals. In the end, everyone uses what they've learned to get there.

  977. David Strauss (2022-09-29) #

    Not a runner, but I might start. Think visualization can be used to create success in a lot of areas.

  978. Kelly Hobkirk (2022-09-29) #

    Thank you for the thought-provoking post, Derek.

    I run because I enjoy running. Even as a kid, the sole motivation needed to go faster came from within. If one requires external motivation to run faster, perhaps they needn’t run. Maybe they should be walking.

    Applied to work, this reminds of of the fact that it is rarely a good idea to focus on growth (your pot of gold) as a goal. Such focus makes a business vulnerable, shifting attention away from what you have and shifting it over to what you do not, when most people start businesses for autonomy and security. Where focusing on a chasing tiger manifests false identity issues, focusing on smaller goals found naturally on a company’s perimeter (your clearing the path) is far more likely to yield success.

    Applied to being, I find one stride at a time yields the greatest progress.

  979. Jeronimo (2022-09-29) #

    I hate running. But that doesn't stop me from going out for a run, every once in a while, just to see if I enjoy it a little bit. No luck so far. I'll keep trying.

  980. Jared G (2022-09-29) #

    The tiger that can be spoken of is not the eternal tiger.

  981. CapnChris (2022-09-29) #

    Yes, we can... and it may very well be truly helpful for some. Some people, that may be running/jogging and need some additional help not stopping. Finding a rhythm while running long distance is the key for me. I personally would rather be running toward what I "desire", than running from something I do not. So that would probabaly work better for me. I like riding a bike for exercise these days.
    --walk in peace

  982. David (2022-09-29) #

    A wild horse runs for the sheer joy if running. It’s only domesticated, harnessed beasts who need the encouragement of either carrot or stick.

    I say leave the imaginary tigers and the shovels and even the pots of gold behind, and just run wild, for the sheer joy of it.

  983. Colie Brice (Sea Are Bee) (2022-09-29) #

    Hmm.. I don't know.. I think I prefer to run towards something that inspires me rather than running from something in fear..

  984. Ted (2022-09-29) #

    Hmmm....sounds to me like you are getting to the origins of dogmas, religions, cults, political tribes. Rather than taking an open minded approach with curiosity as it's driving motivation and empirical data to support several approaches, settling on a single, simpler explanation that negates other options.

  985. Tommy (2022-09-29) #

    One of the things that draws me to your work and stories, Derek, is the simplicity and focus that you bring to all that you do.

    I hated running growing up – so much! I almost didn't graduate High School because I couldn't run the mile in under 7:30. When I played soccer with friends, I wanted to play goalie (less running). When we played football, I wanted to play quarterback (less running). When we played baseball..3rd base (not much of anything going on).

    That is, until I discovered ChiRunning over 10 years ago. The methods that its creator, Danny Dreyer, teach take all of the "suck" out of running, and make it simple, efficient, fluid, and natural. For the first time, I started to enjoy running. That was over 10 years ago, and I still run about 10 miles every week.

    In that way, I respectfully disagree with the article. I have no interest in running as if there's a tiger behind me. I prefer to run as if it's the most natural, fluid, and effortless thing a human can do (I also recommend the book "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall for a deeper dive on that perspective).

    Thanks for the great question and reflection on your experience.

    Happy running!

  986. Geoff (2022-09-29) #

    Hmmm - I just adjusted my retirement account to include 35% of my income. Now I do hike or at least walk daily, but this reminded me of my long term goals.

  987. jc (2022-09-29) #

    hey Derek, thanks for your insights here and there.

    I like the way this post makes the reader think rather than you giving out the answer of what you think is actually best.

    it´s great to try out new things and experiment as you learn new tips and tricks. and probably necessary in many ways.

    only by trying out all these things can you realize what works best for you.

    big hugs!


  988. Salman Ansari (2022-09-29) #

    This is a powerful piece! What I see in it, at first, is the message of how the tiger and the gold can push us (a little, just enough, or too hard). But beyond that, I also see that it’s not just about what you do, but why you’re doing it, and that changes everything.

    The same way there are different ways to run that work best for each person, there are different “whys” to run that also work differently for each person. Our differences ensure there is no right or wrong path, but the path you need today. (For we are always changing, and the path that worked today may no longer fit us tomorrow.)

  989. Karen (2022-09-29) #

    Beautiful scenery and place to run.

  990. Cyril (2022-09-29) #

    Interesting - you need self believe so none of this matter

  991. Ayodeji David Ayoola (2022-09-29) #

    This looks more like a poem, deeply metaphorical and enchantingly imaginative. Moreover, the shifting adoption of new ideas by the imagined actor, fosters by the third-person narrative method is immersive and unequivocally enlightening. It tends on one hand to speak literarily about its subject matter running and how to do it better, faster and steadier, but on the other hand, it also uniquely stands as a metaphorical representation of any dream whatsoever as trying to achieve any dream at all is like running. I see the imagined pot of gold as a positive incentive. The tigrish method as a negative incentive, but frightening and quite deadly, with the image of the lion, an animal who could eat one; hence the result: running faster—nobody wants to be eaten especially when one has made sausage one's delicacy. Running on hot coals is also like a negative incentive, creating the experience of a situation one needs to escape from.

    Then Derek mentions a book that gives a verdict on which one works best: tigrism. But before this is mentioned, the writer—Derek—has mentioned how different emotional states actually affect the effectiveness of each method. An example is when he mentions that " when filled with money frustrations at home, you run while picturing that pot of gold again, and are surprised to find it now makes you run faster than ever."

    And the last sentence comes off as a suspense, as one would have thought Derek would tell one the answer. Not at all. What one rather gets is a question, which shows the mind of the writer. I really love this. " Can we say one of these ways is true?" I think no. Maybe all are true, but which one—when one wants to adopt one—varies from person to person, from emotional state to emotional state, but I can change that view at any time, on encountering new evidence that disproves me.

    Communicating complex ideas using deep storytelling techniques and still achieving your goal as a writer is a rare skill, but Derek displays it as if he were born with it. Thus, in one of the favorite words of Seth Godin, Derek is "remarkable."

    Thanks for writing it, Derek.

  992. Rupesh (2022-09-29) #

    Motivation is the factor for everything; it will be different for each run you start, influenced by emotions.

  993. Bob Scoggin Jr. (2022-09-29) #

    True relative to what? Absolute truth is meaningless and meaningful and, therefore, useless (with no problems to solve in the absolute). So what do we mean when we say "is it true?"... the answer lies in what relationships do we wish to explore?

    Every run an ADVENTURE!

  994. Jay (2022-09-29) #

    No. The only truth in running (or in life, for that matter) is being present, here, now—body, mind, spirit. When running, just run.

    We all live in two worlds; one is a reflection of creation, exactly as it is, and the other is our interpretation of creation and our place in it. When we're present, everything is true, when we're not, nothing is true (the closest we can get to truth from there is an approximation of truth.)

    For more on this see the McGregor-Smith translation of _I and Thou_ by Martin Buber. Proverbs 3:5 is the Rosetta Stone.

  995. Brian (2022-09-29) #

    Derek it is in the motion(movement),to first of all throw your hat in the ring and second to have the impetus and know what truly drives your purpose .It also reminds me of a proverb describing the true meaning of life and how we should plant trees whose shade you do not expect to sit.

  996. Yola (2022-09-29) #

    We don't do what we have to or other people told us to , we do what we love to.

  997. David (2022-09-30) #

    I think they are all true. Each method improved something. The "tigerists" don't get the variety, but at least they are running. Perhaps they will eventually find the other methods. All ways of running got people to run.

  998. Anupam Krishnamurthy (2022-09-30) #

    I found the post to be coherent, but for this paragraph:

    "Eventually you realize you could make this path better for others, so you bring a shovel to smooth out bumps and fill in holes. You imagine future runners being thankful for whoever did this."

    I sense potential for trimming it out.

  999. Bheka (2022-09-30) #

    "Only the paranoid survive" I guess is similar to the idea of being chased by a tiger. Limiting the pain of loss is baked into our beings so being a tigerist is very natural to us. That being said, one can't live a successful life without aspiration and hope, the trick is to find balance between these contrasting approaches.

  1000. Joseph (2022-09-30) #

    First person makes it truer...as Dylan said in his Chronicles I, regarding his mythical encounter with Gorgeous George
    "You're making it come alive!"

  1001. Simon Townley (2022-09-30) #

    Of course it isn't true. How are we even defining the word 'true'?

    Personally, I would stroll through the woods. I've never been into running much, and when I do run I listen to a one hour running meditation ("Meditation In The Zone") by Shinzen Young, so it's all about the breathing, the noticing, being there. Not the speed.

    You Americans, you're always rushing around all the time. Or is that only the New Yorkers?

  1002. Jennifer Clark (2022-09-30) #

    I've not read anything on the matter, research or otherwise, but have used the "tiger" chasing me motivation successfully in the past. The thought process goes roughly like this:

    "Am I running as fast as I can? If my life (or someone else's) depended on it, could I run faster?". The answer is usually yes.

    Of course it doesn't have to be a tiger, any sufficiently terrifying and hungry beast will suffice :-)

    A kick boxer once told me he finds it crucial to employ similar motivational techniques when in a match.

  1003. panos (2022-09-30) #

    Excellent article!
    Chapeau Derek!
    Running,cycling, long distance swimming are a few disciplines that rearrange, recalibrate the brain.it’s a type of active meditation.
    monkey mind shuts up and we’re able to relax or enter a different kind of “productive/active thinking”
    Humans are aiming creatures so going for point A to point B is familiar change to our dna.
    I highly recommend Murakami’s book: what I talk about when I talk about running” an avid marathon runner himself gives his own brilliant perspective to the matter!

  1004. Allene Rohrer (2022-09-30) #

    You could say one of the ways to run is true which would not preclude all of the ways to run from being true.

  1005. Robert Meislin (2022-09-30) #

    Great piece and as always thought provoking. Personally, it is the journey and not the finish that propels me. Trying to be in the moment with no external stimuli such as physical reward.

  1006. Spud (2022-09-30) #

    I just want to know where that picture was taken...I'd love to run there, regardless of a tiger or pot of gold. The run is the prize!

  1007. Micha (2022-09-30) #

    Funnily a lot has revolved around running for me in the past 2.5 years, but I'm guessing your article is a metapher.

    Nevertheless, if metapher or not, it depends what you are training to run for. A quick 100 meter sprint, a marathon, an ultra marathon. The ideal running style is different for each distance.

    Anyway, looking forward on what more you'll have to say about running!

  1008. Anthony M. (2022-09-30) #

    Every approach used was the right approach for that particular moment.

  1009. Marcus (2022-09-30) #

    I run. And every time I run, it is a new thing, always changing, never lasting.

    If you run for a reason, the act of running is replaced with another act. For some of its functions there are other words, like fleeing or searching. However, language is largely conforming to a dualistic, even utalitarian world, and hence poorly equiped to deal with reality as is. Some languages make better attempts to deal with this than others, I imagine. To "run-search-riches" would be a clumsy attempt in English. Basically, all this comes back the representative nature of symbols - that the map is never the territory. And maps obscure many obvious things, when taken too seriously.

    Compare to Paul Auster's point, made in The New York Trilogy:

    "Consider a word that refers to a thing- 'umbrella', for example. […] Not only is an umbrella a thing, it is a thing that performs a function. […] What happens when a thing no longer performs its function? […] the umbrella ceases to be an umbrella. It has changed into something else. The word, however, has remained the same. Therefore it can no longer express the thing.”

    To me, this comment is writing. To you, it's reading. Why do we do it? That's what I'm asking myself, right now. Maybe I should have replied with silence (as I often do). Or with a blank post. Or with this:

    still writing

  1010. Phil G. (2022-09-30) #

    What’s true is the simple decision to run or not run.

    “Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill.

  1011. kyle barrios (2022-09-30) #

    thank you Derek for the opportunity to read your thoughts and share my perspective. I got excited when reading the part of making running better for others - with a shover perhaps? Yet you can't really make it better for others bc you don't know if runners prefer these bumps and holes - I know I do as it keeps me alert on the trails and pushing forward. But I do believe in sharing your experiences and hoping that it might turn out to be beneficial for others in similar paths. You never really know-- you just hope.

  1012. David Farner (2022-09-30) #

    They are all running, so they are All True. Personally, I'm a walker...I'm grateful I can still do that. I believe I see some things runners don't. It would be nice to have running as an option. Perhaps tomorrow...

  1013. Tarun (2022-09-30) #

    I think it is relative, there is no one right answer

  1014. saksham (2022-09-30) #

    Framing ‘true’ determines the response… is true … fastest? experiential? energy amplifier or drainer?
    Do let me know what you think Derek

    PS: i re-read the post replacing run with earn / meditate / write. was fun!

  1015. Robbie (2022-09-30) #

    I really like what Devan had to say below. There's so much pressure and stress in the world and when I'm out walking or running, especially in nature, the last thing I want to feel is fear or stress. I think it's about finding a pace that makes us work but doesn't lose the joy.

  1016. Judy Welden (2022-09-30) #

    At my age (+ with breathing issues) I can't even imagine running period; although I do walk fast in the pool 3 times a week and use 10 machines in the gym! Although
    if I could still run, I'd choose to think about a pot of gold at the end of the run. The stress level of trying to outrun a tiger would be much too daunting!

  1017. Mark Dombkins (2022-09-30) #

    Love this Derek. What's true? Perhaps the larger truth is that each of these are true motivators for different people (or the same person at different seasons / contexts of their life). Maybe someone needs the pot of gold approach at work, but need the tiger when it comes to working out at the gym? It reminded me that understanding what inspires anyone to take action must start with empathy for them, who they are, what motivates them and what they want :)

  1018. Pedro A (2022-09-30) #

    In the end, the truest way to run is to run. What goes on in your mind is only for you, and what goes on in other’s minds is for them. Anything added to that is, in some way or another, some clever ego satisfaction mechanism.

    To run, run!

  1019. Chris (2022-09-30) #

    In an actual running race, I go faster if I am trying to stay ahead of another competitor (the tiger) rather than trying to catch the competitor in front (pot of gold).
    This story also applies in every day life, we put in more effort to avoid loosing money we already have, and not enough effort to earn more money.

  1020. Andrzej Rejman (2022-09-30) #

    Interesting issue, but reading this I had a rather unconventional thought. When I was a child I dreamed of wild animals which I was not afraid of, but tried to make contact. I think, I felt a mission to tame wild animals, to tame "wildness". In this case I would turn around and talk to the tiger, maybe he would let me get on his back and together we would achieve our goal faster

  1021. Ben Mikola (2022-09-30) #

    I love it! Your analogies are the best. Can't wait to see what more you have to say about it.

  1022. Yi Peng (2022-09-30) #

    Like your book on how to live, the truth is relative and personal? The discipline to run, to show up is probably the most 'true' :)

  1023. Reuben (2022-09-30) #

    Good food for thought. We are creatures of black and whites and absolutes. These words are a nice change of pace (pun intended).

  1024. Joel Bein (2022-09-30) #

    Powerful post! The capital T Truth is usually (though not always) full of layers, nuances, and seeming contradictions! In my own thinking, I'm sensing more and more the interplay between objective and subjective.

  1025. Kevin (2022-09-30) #

    There is power in necessity. I remember when I started my coaching business 9 years ago It didn’t take long to realize the level of how I was approaching this new adventure did not level up to what it would take to ensure that my family continues to eat and live indoors. I took a leap of faith with no safety net betting on myself and the dream to make a difference in peoples lives and businesses. Let’s just say the sense of urgency was like that of running from a tiger. Truth is, I would not trade that season of running with urgency and purpose for nothing! I believe that all along the way of building my business and growing my family, I have run in almost all the ways you have described. This has conditioned me to embrace the pathway of incompetence, uncertainty and criticism and dude what a ride!! Let’s just say when you envision a pot of good a tiger will appear!!

    Keep doing damage! (The Good Kind)

    Regards, Kev

  1026. Steve (2022-09-30) #

    Tiger. Yes!

  1027. Marc (2022-10-01) #


    In my opinion, that would mean to just concentrate on the running and not push or pull you through. Even if it would be slow or short.

  1028. Stefania B. (2022-10-01) #

    Brilliant as usual, Derek.

    Even if running imagining we have a tiger chasing us makes us run faster (or rather, whatever that means) is this how we want to run?

    What do we run for?
    Why do we run?
    For the joy of running?
    To be the best?
    To prove something to others or to ourselves?

    Personally, the idea of ​​running as if I had a tiger chasing me does not make me happy and I would not use this expedient even in my next half marathons.

  1029. Jakub (2022-10-01) #

    Hi Derek, great post! As I am an avid runner myself, I can re-feel many of those words and strong ideas. Keep running and finding the way to run every day. Thanks for your words. Cheers from Slovakia.

  1030. Tony (2022-10-01) #

    In general, I would say that wanting to reach your best should be done without fear being the driver.

  1031. Steve Pearce (2022-10-01) #

    Thanks Derek, this cool story is analogous and makes me think about my "investing apprenticeship" I started in 2004. I have found so many ways to "do it" and not just with money, it soon became about making time. I found my way to "run" and wrote a book for my kids about all the running lessons. It was true for me and a cool way to spend 18 years and counting...

  1032. David Watson (2022-10-01) #

    I think this is something we all go through every day. A mental plateau, and we need a new stimulus to push ourselves like we did before.
    One of the traits the best in any discipline seem to be able to do, they train, practice, study etc. With the same intensity regardless.

  1033. Eric Cook (2022-10-01) #

    Your cycle of motivation runs truest for me. Pot of gold, variety, optimization, experimentation, compassion and the tiger - whether it be money or mortality. Taking this to careers or pastimes, the cycle fits. If we are tigerists for very long at a time, we will fail and life becomes only the evasion. Conversely, the fix-the-path-for-others lasts as long as the danger is not near - so we may do our best to inspire others in that work while we have to move on.
    Thanks for the thought-story, Derek. The cycle is the variety I crave.

  1034. Robin (2022-10-01) #

    Hey all,

    I answered via email last night and woke up with the Forrest Gump running scene on my mind and posted it on Facebook. This is what I just wrote there: Intuitive action is the expression of self-care and wisdom. Sometimes you just gotta run from self-expression to process the unknown. Until it's time to rest. Last night I read a blog about running. And philosophies around running toward the imaginary pot of gold. Derek asked via his email blast for thoughts... I said, "I'm tired of running. You?" Ultimately the run may be away from the pot of gold but needed to realize that. https://sive.rs/run the pot of gold is the unknown. Which includes most everything.

    I don't know is a lot of freedom. - Byron Katie

    Welcome home to the unknown. xoxo Robin C

  1035. Santo (2022-10-01) #

    Agreed, there is no one true way to run.

    Lots of methods can work, for different people, and even for the same person at different times, and for different purposes.

    But any method will work better when it is infused with some kind of love; either love of the work itself, love of others, love of self, love of *something*.

    Deciding why you are running, and what you love about it, and then bringing love to the activity, is foundational.

  1036. Dawn (2022-10-01) #

    First you have to get your little buns on the path so your imaginary tiger can chase you. How can we grow if we are “only” learning, learning, learning. My challenge is “doing” and being motivated to be “consistent”. I’m really enjoying your 88 days animated book series in your YT channel. I invite the community here to check it out & would love to see more comments. I’m watching from our big people channel Mike&Dawn Ginese Music. Have an awesome week-end!

  1037. Blake Cooper (2022-10-01) #

    Both the Tigerists and the Pot-of-gold-ists might eventually discover Endorphism, the philosophy that running is its own reward. Thus, for them, Tigerism and and Pot-of-gold-ism, while true for them for a limited time, might be rendered obsolete for them. All three philosophies would be true, for certain individuals, at certain times. To start an argument, or worse, a war, over them would be silly.
    Regarding smoothing the path: Runners who crave uneven terrain and who feel that it intrinsically strengthens their lower limbs, feet, and associated joints would probably resent having their trail so modified, whereas folks with more limited mobility might rejoice.

  1038. Charles Rismyhr (2022-10-01) #

    I always say running is my meditation, and really some of my best ideas and inspiration come from a run. Not sure if imagining a tiger behind me will help or hinder that. As a totally unrelated point, my optimum running temp is in the 50s Fahrenheit

  1039. Brian Johnson (2022-10-01) #

    This is a good, thought-provoking story. My takeaway is that we can start out doing something for enjoyment (a daily run through a beautiful, serene forest) but, over time, turn it into an unenjoyable grind. American culture has become much like this. We start out working to make a living and a life... but we end up on a hamster wheel running faster and faster, harder and harder... and we don't know why.

  1040. Jeck Paler (2022-10-01) #

    The motivation to run, is there..but why not enjoy the journey and the scenery or the freedom of running instead.

  1041. Tilo (2022-10-01) #

    Super interesting. First thing that came to mind was I don't think I ever run with the idea of being chased by a tiger. I guess I'm more of a 'pot of gold chasing' kind of person. I was surprised that the tiger approach works for most people. But I've been trying to find the middle ground. Running feeling the run, connecting with my body, enjoying the rush if I can, or just feeling the struggle and living through it. Doing things for sake of it, in the present moment, rather that the prize at the end.

  1042. Jools (2022-10-01) #

    LOVE this Derek. Can't wait to see more with this theme!

  1043. Jonathan (2022-10-01) #

    Perhaps the answer to this question is in your book "Anything you want"?
    The chapter "This is just one of many options" seems to be relevant...

  1044. Sharon (2022-10-01) #

    I read a number of times over & I couldn’t get away from questioning not which way is true or if true but why I’m on a run in the first place & respond to that.

  1045. FRANK DIAS (2022-10-01) #

    The world is consumed with being out of touch with reality and highly self absorbed. There is no tiger, there is no metaverse. Whether you run towards or away doesn't matter, understanding that there is a God who put you here, matters. Following Jesus had led me on the path of peace.

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