Early renders show the Galaxy S23 ditching the camera bump

 1 year ago
source link: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/09/early-renders-show-the-galaxy-s23-ditching-the-camera-bump/
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Still not as good as the Pixel's camera bar —

Early renders show the Galaxy S23 ditching the camera bump

Base model design changes bring the phone more in line with the Ultra model.

Ron Amadeo - 9/28/2022, 4:08 PM

What do you think of the individual camera lenses? Minimal? Generic?
Enlarge / What do you think of the individual camera lenses? Minimal? Generic?

The Galaxy S23 is probably five months away, but we now have some idea of what it will look like. The ever-reliable OnLeaks has a new set of renders for the device. These are usually based on the CAD files released to case and accessory manufacturers, so while some small details like the placement of logos might be off, the major components should be correct.

OnLeaks has a render of the base model S23, and the big news is that it's doing away with the camera bump. The S21 and S22 had a large raised block growing out of the corner, but this S23 render shows only three naked camera lenses popping out of the back. This design change would bring the base model (and presumably "Plus" model) phones in line with the S22 Ultra, which has a similar lens-only camera protrusion. The S22 Ultra's individual camera lenses looked great in person, but like any corner camera setup, the bump makes the phone unstable if it's lying on a flat surface.

The report has the phone at "roughly" 146.3×70.8×7.6 mm with a 6.1-inch display. It should come with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, 120 Hz display, and hopefully an upgrade for the tiny 3700 mAh battery the S22 shipped with this year.

By the way, Onleaks also posted S23 Ultra renders, but that device looks nearly identical to the S22 Ultra, complete with a returning S-Pen. Both of these phones should be out early next year.

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