San Diego C++ Meetup #42 – September 22 2022

 1 year ago
source link: https://vorbrodt.blog/2022/09/23/san-diego-c-meetup-42-september-22-2022/
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San Diego C++ Meetup #42 – September 22 2022

Yet another fun night in San Diego C++ Meetup (sdcppmu).

Recording can be found in our sdcppmu Youtube channel.

sdcppmu #42

Here is the agenda link:


We had quiz, C++ book which is https://www.amazon.com/Template-Metaprogramming-everything-templates-metaprogramming/dp/1803243457


We also discussed life time extension in the context of C++11 range for loop.

One thing that we discovered during the meeting is MSVC non-conformance with binding RValue to a non const reference. See the twitter discussion here: https://twitter.com/kobi_ca/status/1573155334696628224?s=20&t=2LZMv2JdfxLcbE7piQ76tA

Enjoy the recording!

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