Fortnite Map Quiz: How well do you know the island? - Washington Post

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/interactive/2022/fortnite-map-quiz/
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How well do you know Fortnite island? Drop in here.

Test your Fortnite map knowledge. (Washington Post illustration; Epic Games)

In its five years of existence, Fortnite’s island has been pummeled by meteors, frozen solid, flipped upside down and sucked into a black hole. Like all parts of Epic Game’s battle royale, the island and its inhabitants are constantly changing. It’s all an attempt to keep the destinations in the game feeling fresh and exciting for players to explore.

How well do you know the most recent locations around Fortnite’s map? Test your knowledge with our 10-question quiz below. No cheating.

Images from Epic Games
Question 1 of 10

Name the location.

Question 2 of 10

Name the location.

Question 3 of 10

Name the location.

Question 4 of 10

Name the location.

Question 5 of 10

Name the location.

(Epic Games/Epic Games)
Question 6 of 10

Name the location.

Question 7 of 10

Name the location.

Question 8 of 10

Name the location.

Question 9 of 10

Name the location.

Question 10 of 10

Name the location.

Your score: 0 out of 10

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